Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1896)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGOty, JUNE 2*^1890 Highest of *11 in Leavening Power«— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report I Sue PUBLISH P’-D EVERY WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD & SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . U 4th oí July Motow im» SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ona Year ........................................................ Three Months........................................................... 70 HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’s Magazine............... 5,00 gsrald and Harper’s Weekly ............... 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar ... 5.20 Herald and Harper's Young People.. 3.75 Baraid and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.9» aach additional volume after Vol. I 55 eenta: 1« eenta extra »er volume, postage. »»Copies of all the above works can be ex- «•ined at leiaure in the Reading Room. /»-Publishers of periodicals are solicited wsend clubbing rates, a copy of their work for l»r Free Reading Room—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, »nd rev ti sepiea bv advertisement. BURNS, OREGON Under the Management of the BURNS BRASS BAND > $50 00 600-yard dash, Five to Enter, Three to start I Entrance fee 10 per cent of purse. | Under auspices Race Club. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . i ADVERTISING RATES: irici 1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo J 3 mo J 6 mo |_lyr ,'lnch 41.50 12.50 15.00 3 00 4 00 6.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 4.50 6 00 10.00 6 00 9 00 15.00 12.00 Hi 00 ■28.00 *20.00 30 00 40 00 48 no 411.00 415.00 18 00 28 00 12 »3 24 00 40 00 15.00 50 00 32.00 ■20.00 54 00 48.00 ■28.00 80.00 1-20 00 48.00 60.00 110 00 140.00 JOB WORK Of every description executed with neatness end deepen h, at reasonable rates. Pamphlets Qticulars, Posten, Invelopes, Bill Heads, letter Heads, it elements, Carda, Ticxeta, Note Heads, Memoranda, Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. T hs H irald regularly file for re- kald la kept re_ ____ on ____________ ¡reuce.inj- Ari- «ha ■ Geo. I R-Rowsil Kawor,anav Newapape» Ad- wtising Bureau, bureau, to Bgrete at.. New York. PRCESSION Formsat lOo’clock on Second Street and Marches 4 through all the Principle Streets of the Town. i >■ - ' ' Officers and Speakers of the Day, I FLOOD’S FATAL PATH. -» ----------- ■ Baker City, Or., June 16—About av IMU3H cowamutr^ Jl o'clock last night the ]arge reser Paid an «m inent voir at the head of Goodrich cfeek, “The a ■ng«'' that can people to-day 12 miles west of this city, covering tiori of a wrong nation, or the spread of socialism, or the | an area of about 65 acres,and rang- inureáee of corruption among public men. M. E itz G erald 'ini indePtl1 from 30 to 50 feet,broke PRESIDENT OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ISPEAKER.. W. L. M arsden i away and the waters rushed down READER ... ... . W. C. B yrd Goodrich creek,thencp to Pine creek national : MARSHAL President .................................. Grover Cleveland A. J. M c K innon | an(j jnto Powder river valley. ylee-President. . Adlal Stevenson AIDS: Silver Creek, W. C. Cecil, Thos Allen; •scretary of State Richard 8. Olney | About five miles down Pine creek Aseretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Harney, Fred Haines, L. Woldenberg, Jr.; wcceUry of Interior .......................... Hoke Smith | stood a frame farmhouse, inhabited Drewsey, J D. Daly. Al Masterson; Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont iseretary of Navy.............. Hilary A. Herbert Crane Creek, E. A. Stauffer, Chas. Peterson; bv Lloyd R. French and wife and Aecretary of Agriculture. .. J. Bterlirfg Morton Poison Creek, J. P. Zeigler, Peter Clemens; Attorney General ....... Judson Harmon their five children—four daughters Postmaster General ............ Wm. L Wilson Narrows, Chas. Haines, A. A Reine man; and one son. The mad waters 8TATB—OREGON : Lawen, R R. Sitz, M. V. Smith; G. W. McBride. leñatera ...» completely engulfed the unfortu Diamond, C C. Cummins, A. T. Clark ; I J. H.Mitchell. I Binger Hermann < nate family, who were asleep, and Happy Valley, D H. Smyth, James Mahon; •wngregsinen......................... iW. R. Ellis Attorney General Catlow, Thos. Walls, D. L. Shirk; ... C. M. Idleman ' their dead bodies were not recovered •ovarnor ............ Wm P Lord i Silvies, I. Jewett, E. C. Buckley; teeretary of State .U. " li R Kincaid until the dawn of morning. rreMurer r ... Phil. Metscban Wild Horse, D. M. Loggan, J. C. Beatty; fupt. Public Instruction I .............. GM Irwin I For a distance of two miles the Printer r .......... W II Leeds I Alvord, J. 8 Davine, Peter Andrews; » R. 8. Bean. Pueblo, Chas Fields, Wm. Sisson. bodies of the unfortunate family tapreme Judges ................... • > C. Wolverton 1 F. A. Moore were strewn along, and were after . NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. wards picked up by neighboring Si«trtot',?»l'e D M. D. CLirrok» toinr n. A ,orney. ..................... C. W Parrish. farmers, who, hearing a terrific tolntteDP^"U,lve .(^f °- L' ‘'•«eraon. a w.Gowan | p<jOT RACE, 100 yards, free for all, Harney County $10 00 noise at the hour mentioned, sur- u 4. »4 COUNTY—HARNEY t 50 Boys under 12... i .............. 2 50 mieed that nature had been on a t.wy eudge C. P. Rutherford. 44 44 44 ' .'(D).'. . C. E. Kenyon 50 Girls under 12 ...................... 2 50 > rampage. The saddest spectacle Itaaaurer ...JR) .. 1.8. Geer 4« 44 4« torvayor ... D ... .50 Fat Men, 210 lbs 4 ............. T A.McKinnon 2 50 was the sight of the 12 months old Uarllt (R) ........... A. Glttlngi ........(D). .......... 8. W. Miller BICYCLE RACE........................................................... 10 00 baby girl, closely clasped in her tohoo! Superint« it .(R) ..C has . Newe,l ’Wck Inspector .. Geo Tregaskis SACK RACE.................................................................. 2 50 father's arms. ÍD) ( ^•mmiMionert A. B. Marks EGG RACE....................... ............................................. 2 50 A number of farmers living with rR'i R. R. Sits. CATCHING GEEASED PIG ...................................... 2 .50 basset Ü. in range of the. flood sustained S. LAND orrici: CLIMBING GREASED POLE ................................. 2 50' Thomas Jones damages »n the way of washed out ••reiver .. A. A. Cowing WHEELBARROW RACE........................................ 2 50 fences, destroyed grain and crops FOOT RACE, 200 yards, for Indians only................ 2 50 of fruit, etc., and if it can be proved BICYCLE RACE. 200 yards, standing start............. SOCIETIES. 2 .50 that th« owners of the reservoir are TUG OF WAR, between Single and Married Men. 2 50 culpable, they will be confronted >YLV a REBEKAH Degree No.4«. STANDING SINGLE JUMP...................................... ■•♦U.v.ry i.t M We(jn„day 2 50 with a heavy bill for damages. RUNNING SINGLE JUMP......................................... Miss Leia McGee N.G. 2 501 Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec’y. HIGH JUMP ......................................................... 2 50 The farmers who suffered are: Joe Kinnison, Ed Chambers, Wm. * 0. C. w. Burns Lodge, No 47 Sturgill, H Pe-kins, McEwen and ••♦•Severy 2d and 4th Thursdays. Willis. H M Horton, M. W. Programme. J- W Bayer, Ree’d .. COMMITTEES And. JUBGrDS. America’s Gre Ill these are bud enough, to be sure, but they are as nothing compared to the terrible national dis eas e I had almost said nation«.! Crime—of overwork. The mad rush fur wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands fall by the way every year. You are likely to be one of th» victim»' How do we know ? Because it is th» 0X000- tlon to find a man or woman of adult age in perfect health. Nervous Disorder» are spreading with fearful rapidity. Among tire symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Cold Hands and Feet, Diuines«, Hot Flushes, Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, Headnche, Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Rheu matism, Short Breath, Sleeplessness, Ner vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc v. . C. A. C arroll , pastor First Baptist R ev Church, follows: ’ . Yellow T. *’ j Springs, O., writes as fol lows: -------- i „r. “ I have used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine for the past six months. I find it acts like a charm on the whole nervous system. I have not found its equal in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles' little Nerve and Liver Pills only need a trial and they will recom mend themMlves to be the beet pills in the market.” “ For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Prostration, I was unable to work or ",eeP- Tlle firM doTO°f Dr- Restora tive Nervine gave me relief, and one thou sand dollars would not cover the good it lias done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs town, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is un equalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It eon tai ns no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold 4OHN F. «TRATTOSI’« Celebrated U m ? B mí '“•’■■• i » DRU m S7 fife 8. Piccolos and Band Supplies. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON »H. tl ». « 1 ». 11 vTetMuky GENERAL, J C Welcome. Joe Topkej, Julian Byrd, H. E. Thompson. • LIBERTY CARS, Mesda«nes. W Y. King. Tho» Jones, A. A. Cowing^ MUSIC, Mead amen. J.JW. Bigge, W. L Marsden, H. C. Levene. . DECORATION. Messrs..Cal Geer, A. W. Gowan, W. N. Jorgensen JUDGES OF ALL CONTE8T8, I. 8. Geer, Thos. Jone«, A. A. Cowing INVITATION, Member, rf U>« B»m. Hr... B.nd. Fell<"»» Hall, every Saturday W.C. Byrd, N. G. B- D. McIntyre, Secy. " akney p ™- -■»•KL«.“« "fSXX Bums.Canyon Stage Line t. MAIM. The Band Boys will conduct everything in First Class style, and Assure all a GRAND TIME. The Best of Music has been Procured H. A. W illiam », contractor, arrying U. 8. Mail» and Eastern Oregon Expresa Co