Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1896)
i I » J ohn R ohrman , B rewer tured by a liberal use of the fat ly grown in favor and popularity ' fried out of expectant manufactur For sale at 50 cents per bottle by | druggists. • ers. , <lDNÄ8VAlt W.C. AiLninistratri Why should any republican ob- EdU°r . ject to McKinley’s straddle of the p Notice is hereby given to all per financial question when their na sons holding claims against the tional convention is going to do the estate of Victor S. Ottmer. deceased, •to present the same to the under same thing? signed at his place of business in — Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver Senator Cullom i-m’t banking on ified as by law required within six nis resemblance to Lincoln as much months from the date of this notice. Dated at Burns this 11th day of BURNS, as he was before Napol-an McKin December, 1895. ley jumped on him. H. M. H orton . Administrator In his role of manager of an anti boss campaign Mark Hanna has Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your democratic TICKET. -o, COUNTY CLERK. g w. MILLER. poR SHERIFF. JOHN McKINNON. «OR ASSESSOR. JOHN 0- CAWLF1ELD. Senator Hill spoke t tie di moc- racy wh»'n he said: “No matter jpo R tS V RV E Y O K what may be in store for us in the next campaign, come victory or de T A. McKINNON. feat, come sunshine or shadow,> COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, come weal or woe. I will be found I L WOLDENBERG, J r W. C. in RD. poil COMMISSIONER W B. JOHNSON. r working in behalf of whoever may i he the democratic candidate, and in behalf of whatever maybe the democratic platform.” STEPHENS. Hon. Lemuel Eli Quigg did well to hold on to that seat in the house; he is ne longer an editor. FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. is the truthful, startling titles of a book about No-To-Bac, the harm less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotimzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vijjor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee tacure or money j refunded. Book free. Address BURNS, Sterling Remedy Co , New York or Chicago. H. M. Horton, Burns. poR coroner . THUS OREGON Life Away. Become the biggest boss of them all. rVR TREASURER. Í r OF THE FAMOUS Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. OREGON Wines Liquors, and Cigars Good Billiard tables, Pleasant^Card Rooms, «tc., ate. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender I America’s Great Danger | Mixed drinks to please the moat fastidious. I Why don’t the republicans get rid of Teddy Iloost-v« It by nominal AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. M. L. LEWIS. ing him for government of New ,. , . . Said an eminent English scientist recently : CONSTABLE. t ork this year? The danger that confronts tho great Ameri- _________ __________ can people to-day ii not tho possible adop THOS. DODSON. tion of a wrong financial policy for tho Not for what, they have done, but nation, or tho spread of socialism, or tho i aiciva^e if t irruption among public men. tw»*1 for what thev promise to do, are re ill tiu-so n o bad enough, to no sure, but t JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. publican congress asking for re they uro rs nothing c >mpared to tho teiriblo The anti McKinley republican' na' ionai disease—1 had almost said nation I ! election. Crime —of overwork. Tho mad rush f r are giving a good imitation of tin Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridgf wv.i'th is sctiit a killingp ice, und thousands boy ..ho whistles to keep his cour fall by the way cve:y year. There are “tuckers” in politics age up. Y.:u are likely 11 bo eno cf tho violins ’ Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from ■is well as in other lines. Thevari-. 1 low do we know ? L'ecauso it is the excep tion to find a man or woman < f adult age io ous “favorite sons,” for instance. 'perfect health. Nervous Disorders ur*> With every protected trust I spreading with fearful rapidity. Among 11.e Good Wheat I -------------------- ■ •■» » ■ ---------- - It’s now McKimey or bust. . ... symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Coal Speaker Reed and Senator Alli | h 1 ui , i 3 BUj feet, Dizziness Hot Hushes, mm are not half as anxious for an Fluttering Scnsath n, Fai ting, JTeud.che, i » r „ . „„ Hysteria, irritability of the Heart, Ale'an- It should not be difficult for the early adjournment of congress g Memory, Palpitation, lihcu- democratic party t® find a Welling hey were I mutism, Fh i t Baath. Sleeplessness, Ntr- vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, bits, etc ton to kick the saw dust out of that I R ev . ('. A. C aproll , pastor First I! pti. t stifled republican Napoleon. Church. Yellow Spri gs, O., writes as fuliov. : Durring the winter of 1893, F. I “ I haven ed Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va. I for the p st six m nths. I find it acts like McKINNON KING. I’ehaps Quay and l’latt think tin ’ a charm oi the whole nervous system. J | contracted a Revere cold which left liavo not found found itseque' itsequa'in giving immediate immediate 1 ....... not ingiving I ottmu of Mark Hanna's barrel will him with a cough. In speaking of of ! !^H,vf' ,Dr’ ' ^ AV i| le ea " ’ little . .tlc Nt rve and Liver l her j be reached by the time the conven . * . . I Pills ’liIs only need a tnai trial and arat thev they will recoin- recotn- ’ BURNS how he cured it he saye: "I used mend themselves to be tl.e best pills in the tion meets and that they can then several kinds of cough syrup but get a few job |ot3 of delegates at Shop opposite the Brewery “ For five years I have suffered from Ner- found no relief until I bought a hot-; vous I was unable to work oi ---- p (lbtration, ‘ '........ -i • argain pi ices. tie of Chamberlain's Cough R< medy sl< < p. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. Satisfacti n tive N»rvlnegi-e m • relief, and one th u which relieved me almost instantly «tn <1 dollars would nofcov« r t: e go< d it I as guaraiteed. Give us a call. Republicans who charge tael.] and in a short time brought about done me.”— JOHN MINCHER, Youngs ether with treachery should be a complete cure.” When troubled town, < >li io. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervtae is un- g'ven every assiMince towards with a cough or cold use this remeily I squalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It proving the charge. and you will not find it necessary 1 contains no opiates ur dangerous di tigs. Rohl I on a positive guarantee by all druggists, or t o tty uveral kinds before jou get Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind? Czar Reed must lie beginning to I relief, It has been in the market Awn tT.S. ZwHMt of IMtHn, I entertain <1 «ubts of whether he c n . for over twenty years and constant- | A Prof. W. H. Peeke, who even retain his held on hi* Cungres ! makes a spcciulty • < Epilepsy, hag vzithout eiotial district. doubt treated and cur- ; JUSTICE—BURNS DISTRICT. puhm S rLOutt & S aw mill BLACKSMITH . & WAGON SHOP. If the Quay Platt-Reul coml ine chii run down all the cabinet prom- i-i-s made they can easily make a big break in the McKinley ranks. fl>e value of the democratic pie I wdential nomination increases with i McKinley> chances for getting the ’■»'publican nomination. A hen Senator Tillman declared i b' to be the loss of the South ’ « oliria democrats he took the br-t step—a long one—towards the 1 of hi* influence w ith democrats. | ■ •>” queerest thing of the day is ’•i' i.iabil'ty of some people to tell 1 •’ d ¡f-renew bet wet n imputaren-! i^asiaiui and a sentiment manufac- - Fils ed more cases than any i | living Physician ; hfa I success ig nsicnishlng. We have heard of case r OS ye of 80 so years ’ standing —cured by him. Ho publishes« valuablo work on this dis ease, which he sends ^with a tie of bls absolute cure, free to any ^sufferers who jnav send their P o’, and Exprès .dries’ The sure«*«« of th. Or»«v Con;h Cure Is nîr^grV n wwirww1CiiWj?hln!t “ cure lo address w'.nont a parallel in tne hi.tory of medicine. PwL W. B. PEZU, y. J»., 4 Cedar Et., M«w York All dru<R’.«V. are »utnorized to »ell iton • pos • i itive guar.t.<, a test RM no other« re can *v.<e«sfn!!.l ••»»d. That it in ly become known, the Pr. r riet«rs, at an enormoan ex pense, are piacOig a Sample Bottle Free into every home in tne United States and Canada. ELY’S PIN EOLA BALSAM is * aure Remedy aathma. it It ------------- If yon have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron for rough«, cold», sore throat and for •oo’hea, quickly chit is, uss it, for it w’’l core you. If youi •bates the cough, child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use renders expect It promptly, and relief Is sure. If you dread oration easy. that instilions Conrumption. use it Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Consumptives Price 10 eta.. IW eta. an.lH.00. If your Lungs will Invariably derive I are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh's Porous benefit from ita use. | Piaster. Price nets. For sale by all Drug- Many who suppose th« ir carnato be con. ! fliU and Dealers. sumption are only •nffering from • chronic cold or deep ; ^X“ASA<l>W yv. v. -.t 9 seated Cough, often | SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION ClIFPr I ELRR*RTCARRIWEai111 harness mfg . co 5*4 . Ëva^iKÏK^ïï: •60 fo order for WHOLESALE PRICES F* C’i*rTh >35. Phaetons UT y S^ AaOood Aa AoU for fi IK low a« 3^5. HARNESS. No. 41. Wagon. >40« pay port a«., if« *" •*“!*• *o Æ»» • At !• > ache,' ^0®'unit. c ,.| Croame. ‘’nimUMirv «» h L j ps '’ æç .... — W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. ERVE SEE05'WEAl <€ U ®T'g------------------------------ , KLY BROTHERS, 64 Warren St, m No. 130. Road Wagon. No. 1. Farm Harness. COUGHS and COLDS I Urrh ™ _____ ... them the deuteri’ pmjtti. Wa ara the Oldrat CUSE. tA ters far KI m . lADritegiM«ornK>ii. Fi,io< ■ Wfrw. A«Mrr«<“A» WIL» ■Mia, New Vow UUr fis* HavekeU nMamwvrM.M Years, HavaBeM T«C TuCMUMMnrarM Year*. Iff th^vn ror^ou.rumc.o.e, ‘’«Ickly. perenne Uy .11 ‘ K“-T svstsnni ' "*:r’ •i by nnle iimp. i.;rv- » . and n.ttn.