Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1896)
The South East quarter of the —Salines in all shades at ■ N.’ have been growing deaf, until T got South East quarter [SE] of SE]] —Fresh Groceries at N. Brown’s. so deaf thai people had to speak of Section Twenty [20] and the ♦ —Prof. Chas. Newell is in town. Biown’s. very loud to make me hear. I South West quarter of the South — Mrs. J. D. Daly and h^r moth- caHed Qn Dr Darrin to have him West quarter [SW] of SW]] of —Bill Christian was over from 6 ime er Mrs. Jos. Robertson are visiting examine ,ny ear9 and see if there Section Twenty-one [21] and the wjd S< si , a T MA>' Alvord last Friday. | Mrs. H. E. Thompson. anything done for them. North West quarter of the North ’Vest quarter [NW] of NW]],»f — Miss Ella Whiting is recovering . THi UBG«8T circulation of B orn .—To Mr. and Mrs. Mark ; d j d 8O an d said he could cure Section Twenty eight [28], and the from an attack of grip. “¥SE wspaperin this county . Benson, on April the 27th. a girl. me. He gave me a few of his elec North East quarter of the North —R. J. Baker and family are the • Mother and child doing well. trical treatments. Now I do can East quarter [NE] of NE|] of Sec guests of S. W. Miller and wife. tion Twenty-nine [29], Township —John Jacquemin, populist can didly and with pleasure say that I Thirty three T83] Sojith of Range Local News. — Doug and Robt. Baker Jr. of didate for sheriff, was interviewing can here aB well as ever, which Thirty [30] E. W. M. Silver creek,were in town Thursday. the voters of Drewsey and vicinity makes my wife and self both happy. The South half of the North East —Chairs of all P«*™ and de, ■options at the hardware store of He is also treating me for inflam quarter and the South half of the —Robe De Chambre at N. last week. mation of the eye, which rendered North West quarter [&] of NE1 and ■baS. Voegtly. 1311 Brown’s. —Last Sundey. as Hugh Harris me totally blind in oue eye. The S$ of N W] J of Section Twenty-eight H-Organdies at N. Brown’s. — Miss Leia McGee, who is teach-1 and L. R. Mehaffey were coming inflammation is cured and the sight [28] Township Thirty-three [33] South of Range Thirty [30] E. W. M. ing on Silver creek, came oyer on a • from Emigrant creek, where they ■ —County court this wet k. of the eye is gradually returning, The East half of the South West visit Saturday returning Monday ] had been fishing for several days, I 01 T f. •’ 1 much quarter [E] of SW]] of Section ■ —La Belle Crepon at N. Brora’s. o.^.L.nlv drnnnod 1 * lld «>* 8 e,,eral health 19 —E L Beede, populist candidate Ione ‘be horse» suddenly dropped belter than it has been for years. Twenty seven [27] and the East, I _0. B Dingle, of Diamond, is Mehaffey for county clerk, has been in town I dead. Mr. 7 . thinks his I cheerfully give this statement to half of the North West quarter horse was pulled too hard and per town since last Fridav. the public and in justice to Dr. [E] of NW]] of Section Thirty- four [34] Township Thirty-three -Wilmar Dewitt is up from the , haps broke a blood vessel. 1-arrin recommend him and his [33] South of Range Thirty [30], —We are informed by Joe Gill ■gland ranch. thfit Ed Stauffer and family have! —“Uncle Tom” Lofton, who has treatment to the afflicted public. E. W. M. H _Oliver Farra is suffering with been haying a seige of grip. been looking after lhe stock of J Can be referred to at Baker City. The West half of the North East * W. Dickenson, who died of pneu Rheumatism. J. D. H offstecter . quarter and the Wrst half of the- —Mrs. Thos. Jones and little South East quarter [W^ of NE] monia a few weeks ago, informs us M rs . J. D. H off 8T ettor . —J c. Garrett has been in town daughter, Lelah, accompained Rev. and W] of SE]] of Section Thirty- that W W. Dickenson, a brother of I Liner Saturday. Gibson and family as far as Ontario four [34] Township Thirty-three the deceased, arrived last Saturday Citation Notice. [33] South of Range Thirty (30) Fl -Carrol Cecil is town on busi- where she will visit relatives and | from Woodburn, Oregon, and will E. W. M. |ness before the county court. friends for a time. [take charge of things Mr. Dicken In 1 the County Court of the State The East half of the South East [ —Teams arriving daily with New —Several of the boys were downi8on Was accompanied by h ns broth of Oregon, for the county of Har quarter (E] of SE]) of Section • Thirty-four (34) ana and tne the ooutn South half ilmrty-tour nan from the logging in » ney. ■Goods for N. Brown. loffizinc? camp camo the first of of> I er-in-law, < Mr. Mr Waterbury, \V q tf*rb»n rv whois 1 the matter .f th. Estate of > £S?"‘h»•* Æ“r'e5 <8i «' I —There will be a dance at the this week. They are still banking (he nursery business at Woodburn. I In t-- -------- _r — [ William D. Hudspeth, deceased. SW]) of Section Thirty-five (35) ■ Armory on May 22. See ad in logs and do not know, as yet, when Township Thirty-three (33) South —J. C. Garrett received the sad | I Citation. they will drive. of Range Thirty (30) E W. M. ■ next issue. •news of the death of his mother, i I To Charles E. Hudspeth, Mary The South half of the North West — The Shah of Persia was assass-] charity P Garrett, last week' She | 1 E. Hudspeth, James H Hudspeth, | —Mrs. To in Allen and her moth quarter (S] of NW]) and Lot num I er, Mrs. Thornberg. are the guests inated on the afternoon of May 1st.died of a]d age on April 17th, aged Nancy Hudspeth and Lucy Huds- bered Four (4) of Section Two (2) *"’■ The 81 years. Her death was unex- pcth, minor heirs of said William and Lot numbered One (1) of Sec by a revolutionary * fanatic. ■ of Mr. II. Kelley. D. Hudspeth, deceased, and to J. tion Three (3) Township Thirty- I —The Canyon-Bu-ns stage driver ball entered in the region of the, pected by the family ot her daugh- C. Welcome theii Guardian ad four (34) South of Range Thirty | brought in the report that Mrs. I heart. He expired in iwo minutes. ter, with whom she made her home. litem and to Amanda Hudspeth, (30) E. W. M. All situated in —Joe Barnes, Chas. Fry and P Fayettville, Ark. The evening widow of said deceased, and B. F. Harney county and State of Oregon. | Annie Lahay is dead. H. Gray came in with freight for before her demise the old lady ate 1 HudspetL I», William W. Hudspeth, Witness the Hon. Charles P. —L. Woldenberg jr., our popular D a hearty supper and seemed in hert Andrew D. Hudspeth and George Rutherford, Judge of the County our merchants last night. J K | candidate for Treasurer, was in usual heal'h. Being so old and fee M. Hudspeth, heirs of said de Court, of the State of Oregon, for Moore broke down in Cottonwood ceased and to all unknown heirs the county of Harney, with the seal I town since our last issue. canyon and had to go back to Vale ble she was carefully attended, and and heirs interested in the estate: of said court affixed this 30th day j —R. T. Hughet and Alvy Spring for repairs, Joe says the roads at 12 o’clock that ¡night her grand- Greeting. of March, 1896. ier, of th« Narrows, were registered In the name of the State of Ore Attest were not in a first class condition. I daughter went to the room she oc C. E. K enyon , at The Burns the first of the week. cupied to see if she desired any gon you, and each of you, are here- Clerk. I —Rev. W. H. Gibson preached attention and found her resting bv cited and required to appear in —J. F. Mahon is in town. He I his farewell sermon to the people of the County Court of the State of says our next president must be a I Burns last Sunday night, and left 'very well. At 6 o’clock next morn-' Oregon for the county of Harney I ing her daughter went to the room on the 4th day of May, 1896, at 11 I silver man. Jim is surely on the yesterday with his family for his I right side and found her dead Mrs. Garrett o’clock in the forenoon of that day, Huntington, Ore., March 21. 1896. old home in South Carolina. Rev. lived a Christian life, uniting with then and there to show cause why D ear S ir :—We are now starting —Notice the ad. of Mrs. Mina Gibson made many warm friends an order of this Court be not made, I the Baptist church at the age of 18 Walton in this issue. Ladies wish during his stay in our town who authorizing, empowering and licens on the new year. Computations and remaining a devoted member ing C. B. Wickliffe, the Adminis for last year are completed. We ing dresses made should not fail to regret very much to lose him as until her death. trator of said Estate, to sell all the find that our firm sold during 1895 call on her. their pastor. real property of said Estate, situat the enormous amount of 167 car —Judge II. II. Northup, of Port ed in Harney county, State of Ore —New gords rt lhe Johnson store Remarkable Cure by Electricity. gon, at private sale for cash in loads of goods, equal to ten train land, has announced himself as a now imder control of Henry Canaday. ( _______ hand in accordance with the prayer loads—just think 167 cars—For sound money” candidate for con Just as cheap as ever or cheaper. Call t and examine goods h nd get prices, and | M r . EDITOR. For the past two of the petition of said Administra this we thank our patrons,an J prom gress in the Second district. if suited buy. years I have been sorely afflicted tor in this Court filed the 14th day ise the same generous treatment in —There has keen a weekly mail ' with diabetes and kidney trouble. of March, 1896, said real estate be the future. During 1896 we will service established between Dia —Jorgensen has the finest and Most of that time I wou d have to | ing more particularly described as sell closer than ever, and no honest mond and Mule P. 0 in Anderson best lot of goods that ever came to' get up from three ti five times dur-; ! follows- The East half of the South East competitors will be allowed to do valley Burns; go and see for yourself, ing the night to my v bladder. •'quarter ... . relieve . (E] SE]) of Section Nine- more f»r you than ourselves. We —Prof. Brooks was registered at He is also taking Cabinet Photos, • I had great pain in my back at teen (19) and the North West quar- are here for your business, we must »he French House Sunday. The at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to ' times. I put myself under Dr. ter of the 8outh West quarter and have it, if honest count, weight,and Darrin's treatment by electricity , So“/*1 West quarter of the professor began teaching at the go and see what he has on hand. I and to my (rmt jo'y1 NoJr‘S^e“i?ir.,?r J?W1 •« Swi treatment and Lew prices will do and medicines Narrows last Monday. The Weekly Oregonian and T hej r . t and SW] of NW]) of Section Twen- it. Call or write ua. —A. 0 \\ orthington has pur-1 H ' erald for only two dollars a year. and happiness I am so far restored |ty (20(, Township Thirtythree (33) Respt., "_• -___ or _________________ _j se to to health that I can sleep all all night ~r of ” Range ™. - - (30) ■— E. — — J health that I can sleep night “ — South Thirty W. ' “ “ Red Front” saloon pro- Subscribe renew at once and chawd * the O. C. Co. cure your county paper and the without getting up, and I can walk If. t*dy, and will move his stock of Th« South half of the South a time and feel like a new drugs, notions, etc. into that build most newsy weekly published in m‘J®8 West quarter, and South West quar- ________ Every intelligent read-1 ^e'"K I reside in John Day City, this state Summons. ing shortly. te> of the South East quarter (84 er cannot help but see the ad van- ^r’’ w^ere I have lived for the of S\V] and 8W] of 8E]) of Sec —The parties who “borrow past 32 years. In the Circuit Court of the State of tage of getting two papers for the tion Twenty (20), and the North 'd" a frw articles from the house of Oiegon.for the county ot Harney, N ate F isk . West quarter of the North EaBt e. Duikbeiiner Plff. ) Aostin Austin Goodman at the warm price of one. We hope our sub quarter (NW] of NE]) of Section vs. I scribers will see the point and give springs bad better return them if Twenty-nine (29), Township Tbir- William Skinner and I NEW DEPARTURE—One of the ty-three [33] South of Range Thir Emma Skinner Deft’e J us a call. they wish to avoid trouble. Drs. Darrin to Visit Burns. ty [30]. E. W. M. To William Skinner, one of the above named defendant«: J- McKinnon and W. —Indian war veterans and wid- ----------- *• J. McKinnon and C. In the name of the State of Oregon democratic candidates for owe of deceased veterans who de- ’ Through the urgent request of you ar« hereby required io appear and lhe of sheriff and school sir: the passage of the bill granting ( many Burns people, one of the Drs. answer the complaint tiled against you I hA® *,b?ve «‘ion ou or before ’"Pt ' ^’^ctivelv, left here for an them pensions, which is now before' Darrin, hae been prevailed on to! the first day of the next regular teim of ’•‘eeuoneering tour of the eastern congress, can send their address, visit Burns, fo- a few weeks com ! e"‘*Ued Court ,u w“ = Monday of the county last Sunday. company and regiment, character mencing May 22d remaining until I° a WB nl ‘he plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the . 7".H * Horton and I. 8. Geer of service, name of Company, and June 13, stopping at the Burns sum of $1466.60 .nd interest re last Ihursday, by private regimental officers to Waters A hotel. Jrom August 13th, 1892, al 8 per cent Th« card below should be con-1 3288 41"T’o? .and *he iurther o! ®“n’ey*nce. for Huntington. These Gowen, who will forward same to S'tl “h< ‘"‘«rest thereon from the ot «men are on their way to As Capt. T. A. Wood, Portland, Ore vincing proof of Dr. Darrin’s skill. | 29th day of November, 1891, at 8 per you plant, get cent per annum, and for coita and die- gon, free of charge. This is of in Mr. Hoffotelter is a man well know! ’ * atten,i ‘he I O. O. F. Grand Fern's S m 4 A mm I bnraements °I “’is action. for 1AM, Contains more prao Mr *’M delegates from this lodge. terest to all who served in any In in these parts, being a noted mill Thw summons is published by order H°n Morton D. Clifford, Judge *f dian war between the years of 1848 right and bridge builder: ’ fam>ly accompanied and 1859, and should be attended 23?lH»8 Ve en“t,ed lCo,lrt- made Msrch March 18, 1896—Mr. Editor__ to at once. • Dear Sir: For over nine years I W ats as A G owaw , Attorneys for plaintiff. She I I ■1 I H * * A TJ n an. A V* a av am 1 y-J PLANTING z-J yx