Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1896)
¿i J WEDNESDAY AFK1I. .2 W 6 noria»:-»»<>>« stockmen . » I í Jam« Rouse,of the firm of Rouse * Dobbins, came from thdr Soak, river camp last week and swore oi t awarriUtbr the arrest of Jaime Dobbin« and N. Bogan, charging them with p »is mog about •_’•> head ofsbeep. From the deputy win visited the ^>ne of = he trou de. th Chieftain learned: List week oti c rs o’ As tin county, Wash . emne to the R >us< ¿-Dob1 ins .-h <-p camp, arresting j Dobbins. Robert Utz. Bud PrfB-l 'I etttand Charles Downing, the last j three imned I »it g in 'he employ vflbdi.M & blobbing, and took them | bet-ire Juti-e Bogan, of Asotin iourlv, unre they wire exam.ned | upon tli£ charge of assault wj>h a . i]angcrims wrap >n, which te-u.’e 1 J. Dobbins and Robert Utz beiny held to in W r the cha ge, with Lol d- p'acril at $500 each f >r the'r apparai ce !>♦ fere the sup rior , rt■ f A. tin county, which met Monday. 1’re? co t and Downing wire held nf witnesses, with bonds placed at ? 100 each. Nene of the panics iei'gable to give bail, they are in j til at Asotin City. Dobbins I and B‘ gan claim they were shot a' I v.h lending the range near th sheep camp referred to by the I parties named. .Rouse admits ' shooting toward- the parties to call | * I their att nticn ah'n he failed to make them hear l y calling. The I parties in jail will ie nttes arr witnesses in the pr. sedition of the case against Dob >ins ai.d Bogai. for the poito ling The warrants ot arrest will be withheld until tin other ca«es are disposed of at Asotin Considerable e ling is expressed . by stockmen of both sidos. The disputed range is about 75 milts I from Enterprise, along the Ortgon and Washington line, in an exceed ingly rough country. SHILOH’S GOHSUMPTION CURE "MILLINERY STORE I i I $100.00 Given Away » Every Month ) ) The enccese of thio Great Cough Cure fa without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no otherc re can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at ail enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If youi child has the Croup, or Whoopi ng Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread 1 that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price lOcts., 50eta. and »1.00. If your Lunge are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. □ Mis» S allie H udspeth , Proprietress. — — Rare Selection of Millinery Goods- to the person »ubmtttlng the most meritorious invention during the preceding month. W K S E' U R E FAT EN T8 FOlt INVENTORS, and the object of this offer is to en courage persons <>: uu invent ive turn of mini. At the same time we wish to Impress the fact that :: « ~ i It’s the Simple, Irivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes V • ur . The Proprietress is her«, to .lay »nd <le«re. to Piea.e Patron, in Style, Quality of-Good« and Prices. On Corner North ot Meat Market.. ■ h LOOK! —such rs Uo long’s Hook ta autl Eve. that Hump. ii Q Scientiûo American Agency for • S.ifi ty Pin." "Pigs 1U Clo-(4 ver.” "Air Brake.” e'v ci Almost i very one conceives 0 a bright idea at s imo time or 0 other. Why not put it in pr.te- ¿y tical use? YOUR talent»may ó lio in ihi» direction. May < i make your fortune. " by not i i try? :: 8 « « - C AND [y Write for further information mid ’ ) lueutiou this paper. THE PRESS CLAIMS GO.« Philip W. Avirctt, Oeu. Mgr., jf 618 F Street, Northwest, Iy“Thc responsibility ot i..r .«otipany may be judged l>y tl.e ’ tltat its tv ► lock is bebí byovei ..i,t tlioiisaryl <1 ll.e leading ne*n»i'on II- the (lilted States. For ___________________ Information and „> free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., S61 B roadway , N eav ew Y ork . Oldest bureau for securing patents In America Every patent taken out out,byjus by us is brought befej» before the public by a notice given free of charge hi th» • J ^uiwicau rst ... ...»____ fTieiifific Largest circulation of any sdentlflo par-r In the world, ipiendidly illustrate,!. No tatellirent man should be without it weekly, s.i.ttot year; fl.W six months. Address, MUNN & CO, P ueushkrs . SGI Broadway, New York City. | R WASHINGTON, D. C. CAVEATS. TRACS MARKS. OESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. _ ,» 1 P.Lln<r Powder »_ Dr. Price’s Cream Baking cowuer u/orU'. P«ir Highest Medal and Diploma. World s Fair nignesz mean«, -.. m i Johnson’s Cash Store IS THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. Located first block East of Church. • W. H. C anaday , Manager. THS NAM 3 OTE NEXT ______________ _________________________________________ _ YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BU8lNE88f^*»l-». * / If you are in a position. To do Busiu ss Let Peoule Know it- WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. 0 NOVEMBER 4th 1896 THE WILLAMETTE RIVER. Subscribe (or the The Willamette river fleet ol Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men steam- rs is no longer bin Lied bv whose votes turned the scale at the la6t election are satisfied with the low water,as the steady rains of the resuits under the administration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. past few d ivs have giv»n them an exce lent boating stage far up th« river. In Portland therein n > dan gT of its reaching the docks at presen’, lut the muddy st tarn ’he leading Republican family newspaper of The runs seawaid with i a greitly in-' publish all the political news of the day, interesting « ert as« <1 i urrt nt. and I stea mers at . citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover the w h,rv <s iie with guards level I ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none In *,‘l" . , V ’,rj I-1 1 »peaking of in the country, rnai ket reports which are recognized authority, fascinaL me situation up the river, yesttr ---- short *—* “ stories, * “ * — ' * ? in each * number, ... - ’ humorous1 yester i ir.g complete the cream of - the dai s Stat. ?nian sats: papera, papers, foreign «nd and noinratic, domestic, with their best comic pictures?fashion pictures, fashion The river has risen quite rapidlv • P,ates a,,<1 «la»»or»te descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and during the few days past, owing to ' of household interest. Ths “New York Weekly 'be heavy rains that have prevailed ! / . J” 8n *Lth a c,rculaUon lar^r than that • ■ ,ndl have prevailed nf an, other weekly publication in th- country issued from the office of Everybody Headt a.m g the upper portien of th«- a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending torive v ‘i' v. Yesterday nt 4 p is the *l greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women TffS //EnAf/f). Adterfite ¿ti it. Jt trill pay. r-g>ter at the ORA N. dock was ar.d young people of the household. w, t at the 17 5 mark, and the indi- .nd ÍHE HERAH?£RACT '• ">i.«Plendid journal < -it. ns were that the stream would higher during the night. The New York Weekly Tribune EAST OREGON HERALD wX^i'nT w O $ ONLY TWO $ d CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. PAY UP YOUR 'MT SC RII’TION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. THE HERALD DOES the best job PBNTO AT LOWEST RATES. 81 B8< SIPTION8 MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address or call at HERALD OFFICE W"B" TOP W a !’TGOOD JOB FEINTING DON« COMn.,«--------------------------- __ E’ ’ ON8ÜLT THE HKRAI.D r->K I £>