Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1896)
Is Your BRICK MASON, FEASTER Business Locals. d ^ent.x^z?Sice.„dh.r.l Blood ER and VENEERING. Pure ■ dy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits | and ornamentals to offer, which are —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham controlled only by us. We pay | barber, desires a part of your pat commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice ronage, at the new barber shop. I of territory. —Who said you couldn’t get a M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, good flavored cigar in town for five Rochester, N Y. cents? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. M If it 1«, you will be strong, vigorous, full of life and ambition; you will havea good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood is pure! How many people are suffering dally from the consequences of impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and # B D McINTYRE, Burns, Oregon. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustie much more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very war * • Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifles, vltalixaa winter and cool aud pleasant in summer. ni ln That Tired Feeling. and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is Parties conversant with the Veneering process ana and want ___ the mvmviuv medicine for you. iv» jvu. . .— not ------- .— ■ ~ ......... ...................... ~ It will give you pure, rich, red blood nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr Moi / a —Build >ra to^ls ands of all kind —100 acres of fine fruit land in and ,— ..... ad strong — nerve*. .... . before finishing with rimii». ‘ CU4?f« building hardware at the Burns It will overcome that tired feeling, before finishing with rustic. 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene hardware store, at bottom prices create an appetite, p've refreshing sleep Oregon, 1 mile west of 8penser and make you strong. for cash. I For Sale Or Trade. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses —The Saloon, in the new hotel and cattle part pay on each lot if building. Richardson and Stephens ’ the purchaser so desires. For fur proprietors, is nicely furnished and ( 1 ---- ’ information inquire at this its customers is given the beBt'( office. brundu of liquors and cigars. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Hood’s Pills S. K. COLLINS, i.mll, c.tlüni. î^. I TONSORIAL PAULOR, ROBINSON h .*«< HEMVIMK a. Celebrated Russian Gut Violin Strings WALTON I . Bathes at all hours. OREGON. s,..a io, y|| 8|3 8|5 817 E 9th St’ Rtw ¥ORK for Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo WAI 1 MAAt This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- torR use every eff< rt possible to make their guests feel at home GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , ............................. O regon . Collectons, Land business, anil- Rea) Estate matter promptly attended to. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af fords. I ERR a T HICKS, C amtom C ity . J. W BIGGS, B urns . • Hicks & Biggs I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I t Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. Offices at Canyon City and Burns | PIONEER DRUG X' »" ni< d t . t to rust Send Ivi < j STORE. «11, «13, «15, «17 E. Vth St., N. V. r-nybiciHfi durge^n. 1--------------------------------------- JOHN _ F. STRATTC’ CELEBRATID / - I-VMsrUrtoÍBnd Wh desi! D ».■•*»!« e!l a U < <•. *"■ • m □ • •>»..' , flan’-' a.. » n i» v¡ y»;r cians and Surgeons. ( fhce at residence in Burns. r » Ati* v! • ‘ li b I I I NEW YORK WORLD. jonx r. RTHATTOX tion to tiud a man or woman < f adult ago tn KKW Ton«. l-< i ..t lo-aith. Nervous Disorders •|>n«ding with fearful rapid'uy. Among ti e mrniplonra, are— lla. ka. he, ’hliouatie»», ( <> <i ilniHl« and Feel, IHuiue«*, llot Huaiiew, aal WTol«^» P m I ov <• »II lt»4> -f Fluttering Sensation. Fainting, Head die, MUCTCAL MERCHANDISE, IlyMeria, Irritability of the Heart Mi lan VtoNn«. Cult»»». Banjo«, Arcord-on». Pvn»wll, elioly, Failiig Memory, Palpitation, ltluu- k«*4eL.^ I ». rtc. , ni.«ti»ni, Ml It liieatll, MeephaMiewa, Ncr- Vona l'VR|»e|»ia, Neiual IWlulilv, Fit«, tic Rrv. t . A. F ahhoix , i»a»tor Firat itapii-t Clmn li. Yellow Spring«, < write«at folio».»: •• I liavouoed I'r Milo»' lh-wtorativa Nervine • •nd Dlrrclor Brehnrr» the popular composer <4 Music at H«rr’g <a’a t'hvatrv, for tho |»<»t aii month«. 1 find it acta like any ■ a rlinrm on the whole norvona ayatem. 1 N»w York. March !sL 18«. h«ve not found itaequal in giving immediate Messrs JJinr Stratton rolief. l»r Mile»' little Nerve ami l.iver I War airs —I havugtvuo y..ur Ru«.lan Gut l*ill»on!y nee»l a trial ami they will recom Violin string» a thorough trial, «nd am pleas mend themaelvea to be tl.e lieat pills in the ed t<> stats that they are the b -«t tuned and market.'* moat durable »trlng» I bar»ever U« .1 " For five vear» I have etifli rvd front Ner Yours reap.. U.VK L-.UtAM vous l'i.»tr«tion, 1 was unablo to work or I •Irep The Aral do«.-of Dr. Miles’ Restara- tlvr NervlMgoe me relief, ami one th u •and dolhre «.wild not wver I - e go- <1 it ha* Carl Thorbahn Mu»; al Di.acto- done »e -JOHN M1NCHKR, Y.-oug» Slau.tard Tbvatrv otC»»tr . town, Ohio. Cklengu. Uta Awn I. U. ISP» Dr. Miles* Restorative Nervlae i» un M m * h John F Atmtt n l*aar Sir» —I am |.l««,«-i t-> K j able to wpialled in rvaiNU Nervoua I>iw«w» It alate I hat I can bl«hty rrr. rrn . I v ur Rae Son(alna no opt«tea (>r dangerous drug«. Sold «*••> Gut Siring, f r ¿unUltty ■ a I »«•■ »-. M a j»oeiuve guarantee bv all dmggtsta, or l>r Mile» N«dM-al Co-. Elkhart, lod. Tour veder» f..r tb»m abvu.J La tr«u.rn. •»« Tours truly. CARL Tflor.r.^3r T1IE rTRATTX»^ B a VDI k STHI MEAT [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] i I A grnduate of the Iowa State A £ Worthington University and College of Physi-1 N _^ascj- ; 0 * BAN.’uJ You are likely tj be one cf the victim« I 1 low do we know T Daoauae it ia tho excep GUITARS, HOTEL BURNS — a MR T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors John F. Stratton, JOHI^ F. 61 TAT1ON, Imptrttr, UaxnrnetHii’ <in<l W holt tale Pralfr' crtnutATfo Burns, Oregon. - ------------------------------------------------------------- — Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. BURNS, CyZ Biiminfl amStiel Strings JOHN F. 8TRA . TON'S — All Work Guaranteed. JOHN F. STRATTON’S celebrated Sitiil an eminent Engliah •cienliat recently i ** 1 lie tl.mger tiinl eonfrotit» th«great Altieri- cun p(»*plu tu-ilny b nut tho puM-iblu adop tion of a wrong tinanciul policy for the nation, or tho apreiul of social ¡am, or tlio ln< rcaao of corruption among public men. All tlicM nto l>u<l enough, to be aure, but liter ar«» as nothing compart'd to tho terrible nu'tomd diaaaae—I had aliuovt said nation I crlmo <>f overwork. The mad rtialt 1 r wi dth ia art nt a killing pace, mid thoiiMiid» fall l>y the way every yeur. — P roprietors , WANTED in every county to in troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Hygeia”] Waists for all ages. This waist JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated supercedes the corset, and han re I ceived the unanimous approval of Band Instruments ALSO phyrieiana of America. $3.00 out I DRUMS,FIFES, tit free. Any energetic woman can Piccolosand Band Supplies. make from $15 to $50 weekly. Send for JOHN F. 8TRATTON, Catelogue. 81 1.81 3. 8 I 5. 81 7 E 9th St.. N.Y Send for circulars and terms. HYGEIA M’F’G 00., 378 St, New York. JOHN F. STRATTON’S AM ENGLISH COMMENTARY. — Price of all Tableware from 75 cents to $1.25 per dozen I ffW Leave orders at the store of I. S. Geei tfe Co. all pain, cure» wind colic, and is the beat reme edy for Diarrhoea. 1» pleasant to the taste Hold by DriiKglaia in every part of the world. Twenty-five cent» a bottle, ft» value i« invali table. Be »nre and ark for Mr» Windilow'» Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. C.t.lo,u.. America’s Great Danger SILVER PLATING. 1 The Finest in the World. Every String Warranted. Who Will Work t Prominently in the public eye today. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy A -Marvel.»ua IHaeovery Free The universal good dentistry done ' AM OLD AND W k LL-T k ISD R k MRDT.— Mr» Wtndali.w’a Southing Syrup has been uaed for by him has gained for the Dr. •j l over fifty year» bjr millions ofnmther» for theh children while teethliiK. withperfect »uc< «••». lasting reputation. - It soothe» the child, sofivn» the fumi, alla>« — Ix-e Caldwell’s Saloon now running on a cash basis is well pat ronized and the proprietor finds the cash system to lie good for him self, also, his customers He is thankful for past and present pat ronage and courteously solicits his friends to continue their patronage. I Proprietor. « ^afcDEAI.ER IN, DKUGS( ROOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. ' ......................- . . _ . _ . A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection! Nuts and fruits. <WMail orders promptly filled. - The Twice-a week Edition of the New Yo.k World has l>een convert ed into the Thrice-a-week It fur nishes 3 papers of-6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. | This gives 156 paper a year for One ' Uavee Bur,,e dail* at 6:30 p M- Burns Ontario Stage Arrivea at Ontario in 42 hour* Dollar and every paper has 6 pages [ Fare One way 17.50. Round trip $15.00. eight columns wide or 48 columns in all. The Thrice-a-week World Through freight 3jcts. a pound. is not only much larger than any Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil weekly or semi-weeklv newspaper, but it furnishes the news with be furnished for passangers. H. A. Williams. Proprietor. * i | i • < much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines I all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive anecial features of a weekly. .»de Arrangements have bee. H M. HORTON by which we can furniah th'» per Proprietor and the Thrice-a-Week N - fork Take World both for $2 25 a vear. advantage of thia offer a I get e^EvDBALSRS » your own locel paper and the DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES i Thrice a-Week World at this special' rate. T he H krai . d . STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Fine "Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes JOHN r »YnATTON MUSICAL MERCMANOmi. «11. SIS. <>13. MT East VU. SU. N'«w Yuck. Aljarn»». ^W^Preecriptiona accurately compounded Firat Claaa Dental Work D om .