Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1895)
CITATION. —Charley Byrd, who lately re —Geo. Shelley was in town one ceived a patent for a paper and day last week. —L. Weidenberg is in Burns to pasteboard cutter, i-’ receiving In the County Court of the State of — Mrs. F. E. McGee has received Oregon, for the county of Harney. day. manv orders already for machines. In the matter v* of the — Estate of a patent to her pre-emption claim. , 111 Vlio -------------------------- WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1« 18f5 —C. F. McKinney was in town —The Items of the 9th inst., William D. Hudspeth, deceased —Price Withers and family, of, last Monday. ‘ rich ‘ * _ Citation. gives a minute account of the Harney, have returned from the To George M. Hudspeth, Charles quartz ledge in the vicinity of Gold —Newell Hall came into town iA8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF K. Hudspeth, JameB H. Hudspeth, Valley. ANY NEWSPAPER IN this county . , today? * town yester Gulch mining camp, which was Mary E. Hudspeth, Nancy Huds —J. T. Ware was in not’ced in our last issue. This peth and Lucv Hudspeth, minor —A lot of catfish has been plant Religiott8_Serv*ee8, day and bought a lot of fiqe bucks ledge, as we stated last week, was , beirs of said William D. Hudspeth, I • Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of ed in Crooked river at Prineville. from W. I). Huffman. found by Foster and McDonald deceased, and to J. C. Welcome, —Frank Jackson is on crutches, the month 11 a- m. and 8 p. m. their Guardian ad litem and to —John Mahon was in town the We gather from the Items that the Amanda Hudspeth, widow of said Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. m. with a sprained ankle. latter part of last week and had a shaft is 35 feet deep and discloses a deceased, and to B. F. Hudspeth, and 5 p. >n The 2nd Sunday will —The supper for the band bovs well defined vein of porphyry from William W. Hudspeth and An- < be reserved for general work in dance will be at the French Hotel. quartz claim put on record. a foot in width at the top to two drew I) Hudspeth, heirs of said de — Col. Jackson and Major Col other fields. feet wide at the bottom of the shaft ceased, and to all unknown heirs — Henry Canaday will have an R ev . G ibson , * lins of the U. S. Army inspected considerable , and heirs interested in said estate: Pastor. | other supply of cheap goods in a few Troop “A.” O. N. G. of this place bearing free gold, a <--------------- | Gri eting proportion of which is qu’te coarse. days. In the Name of the State of Ore last Saturday. gon, You and each of you are here —Stephen A. Lowell has been ap Local News. —The McGowan and Stenger by cited and required to appear in The Durrant Trial. the County Court of the State of —Sheep Inspector Thurner is in pointed by Gov. Lord to succeed store building has been moved out Judge Fee. on a line with the other buildings town today. Oct. 7. Dr. Gilbert Graham an Oregon, for the County of Harney on the 4th day of November, 1895, — John Worlow and L. Mehaffey on that street. nounced his intention today to go at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that —We saw Peter French ir. town are doing good work on our crossings —Several Harney' residents gave on the stand and testify that Dur dav, then and there to show cause last Monday. and side-walks our town a call since our last issue, rant told him he had no notes of why an order of said court be not —Geo. Hayes is improving his made, authorizing and empowering —J. B. Huntington and Geo W. among whom we noticed Messrs Dr. Cheney’s lecture. residence C. B. Wicklifl’, the administrator of Haves, went to Lawen this evening Brown, Buckland, Morris, Wolden If. was also announced that Dur l said estate, to sell all the real pro —Jim Mahon was in town last on business of a legal nature. berg, Vicars and James. rant would testify in his own be-> perty of said estate, situated in Monday and Tuesday. Harney county, State of Oregon, at —Jorgensen has the finest and half. —The school building is nearing —The town is putting in quite a completion. The foims have been best lot of goods that ever came to Oct. 8. The most important wit- private sale for cash in hand in ac- today was Chas. T. Len- cordance with the prayer of the number of side walks. ordered and will be here in a short Burns; go and see for yourself. nessof . ham, who . testified ... , that ., . , he attempt- .. . -petition of said administrator o in J. . He is also taking Cabinet Photos, —B. J Forbes,of Portland,is reg time. * tins court hied the 7th day of Sep- istered at the French Hotel. —In a letter received from Mrs. at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to ed to pawn a diamond ring Bimilar' lembei.( 1895, said real estate being to the one worn by Blanche La- | more particularly described as fol- —Nothing special done hy the I J. S. Kenvon a day or two since, go and see what he has on hand. moot, to Pawnbroker Oppenheim low’s: she reports herself and children in board of equalization last week. E| SEi Sec 19 and NW| SWi —M iss Sallie Hudspeth will have on April 3. But it was a surprise good health,and getting along nice and SWj NW| sec 20, Tp 33 S R —N. Brown is having a large a full line of Millinery goods on when the witness said it was in the 30 E. cellar built in the rear of the Times ly hand about the 20lh of October, afternoon and Oppenheim testified S.| SW| and SWi SE| see 20 and —The Lakeview Examiner has which she will display in the build it was in the forenoon when Dur NWi NE| sec 29, Tp 33 S R 30 E office. —Joe Wooley’s freight team | moved into new quarters. The ing formerly occupied by Mrs. rant made the attempt. W. A. SEi SE{, sec 20 and SWi SW| editor says the ‘ ‘ latch string ” hangs sec 21 and NW| NW|»ec 28 and Matth >s. came in yesterday afternoon loaded | Dukes was also put. on the stand . . , t . NEi NEi sec 29, Tp 33 8 R 30, E. outside ami he is at home to friends for Geer ifc Co. vur i sec 28, Tp —Miss Rose Hembree has left for the defense and Lis testimony* uivfj NEi ., and jqi bi NW4 and strangers. helped Durrani. her duties in the Clerk's office for a ' 33, S R 30 E. —J. R. Hammond, of Paisley, is Oct. 9. Durrant testified in his — If the Baker City Bank would E| SW4 sec 27 and E^ NW J sec short season, to visit Baker City a visitor to our town; he is-regis 34. Tp 33, S R 30 E own behalf today; rustic the north side of the McGowan the cool and and Portland. Iler brother, John, tered at The Burns. Wi Ej sec 34, Tp 33, S R 30 E. <fc Stenger building and paint the accompanied her; he will -email) calm manner in which^the defend —David Millet, of Pine Creek, Ei SE| 34 and 8^ SW4 sec front and north, it would be then in Portland for the time being and ant made his statement had a ten 35 Tp 33, 8 sec R 30 E. was a visitor to our town several a desirable property to rent or pur take a course in the business col dency to make a good impression NWi and Lot 4, sec 2, and days since our last issue. chase. • with the jury. He denied nearly Lot 1, sec 3 Tp 34, S R 30 E. lege. 9 — The marshal fined a man i All situated in Harney county, —You can earn $5 each day “giv —A. W Riley, of Santa Rosa, all ef the allegations and when State of Oregon. named Huston this morning for ing” our absolutely indispensible Cal., largely interested in stock in asked “If he killed or had anything Witness, the Hon. Chas. P. Ruth- driving a wagon over the side walk. household article awav. New plan this county, was in Burns last week to do with the killing of Blanche erfi rd, Judge of the County Court, —The Band boys will give a ball of work, making experience unnec He thinks the Butte City and San Lamonts,” he replied in a calm ot the State of Oregon, for the Coun at the Armory Hall on Friday. essary and success certain for either Francisco R. R. will be built and strong voice that ‘he did not.” ty of Harney, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 24th day of Sep Nov 1st. Lookout for ad. next sex in any section. Sample dozen Oct. 10. Under the ligid cross- pushed through rapidly. tember, A. D. 1895. issue examination of the prosecution a , free. Credit given. Freight, paid. Attest: C E. K enyon , —The temperance meeting held number of answers given by Dur —Notice in this issue the ad. of Address, Melrose M’f’g. Co., 8 Mel Clerk. at the church last Sunday evening rant were considered very conflict Jo* Gill, proprietor of the Red rose Park, Ill. was well attended. Short addresses Front Stable. Joe is an old livery- —Mrs. Jas. Bunvard has returned were delivered by Dr. McPheeters ing with established facts and in criminating. In explaining a clew Petition for Licence. *iuan and und rstands the business. to tb:s place from Rogue River val- and PaBtor Gibson. The recita given him as to the disappearance —Joe Hill, living about 20 miles lev, where she went some time since tions by Eloise Huntington and of Blanche Lamont the explanation ÎÎ: of Harney *■ - *outh ot here, had about sixty tons to her old home. Her husband was such a palpably falsehood that l'""' ° re *°' ’ - Rdith Byrd were yerv good, appro legal voters of , * ' 1\ We the undersigned --- no<i H oi hay des rjytd by fire Monday. has begun an action for a divorce priate, and listened to with marked every one in the court room, who. hereby Me did not learn how the fire oc and she returned to fight for her heard it, laughed aloud. attention by the audience. I I. Johnson Ä Bro. of Drewry, Oregon curred. children. She is accompanied by Oct. 11. After three days ’ ordeal .m 'n.“*1 ,ban spirituous li- —The decision of the commis < norH „ |,.8M q„antltje8 one J,, —Jas. M. Dewitt and R C An- her sister, Miss Worlow. They are Durrant was permitted to leave the at their place of business at Dre wsey 8«rine, both of Hcrse Shoe Betid, the guests of their brother John sioner of the General Land Office i,‘r ....... .,h« • period - of si »it..«« stand today. There — six month» on lands ii which the Wagon Road Idaho, have been in Burns several Worlow. of November, 1895, to nothing new developed in today» May 5th, 1896. Company, the state of Oregon. E We understand they are —Mrs. Donnie Gradon and little B. Hanley, Joe Wooley, Vic Dtt examination. The witness was | NA MBS. NAMEHÎ trPng to buy out our butcher. daughter, Vernie, left here last J D Duly confused on some points and es W J Notith L ater —The above bought the Sunday via. Canyon, to join her mer, Charles Nelson and Chas. Geo Morgan Jacob Lots pecially when reference was made Dewitt are interested, has been re N E Duncan *hop today. Geo Hulse husband W. R. Gradon at Oregon versed bv the Secretary of the In the murder of Minnie williams. I .las A Hitting« Ranu Hughson M arried —At the residence of Citv. We wish them success and Oct. 12. Durrant was inter H J W Wood aid terior. I' Mssterson F M Gibier th»». Anderson, in this place, last happiness in their new home. The viewed today. He complains bit James Binali Clint Hale —“Good morning, John, I’m go terly of a female reporter whom he R Drake •Ionday evening, the 14th, Walter family have many friends here who J C Blaylock U CaP8 »nd Edith C. Krause. The regret the necessity of the move on ing to place Charley on that pros claims misrepresented him because J M M F McMullin Lou C Bradfield Howard •’ oe A Howard tr r4l ng parties aro regjjentg of the part of Mr. Gradon. The kind pect over the ridge that has been he refused to talk to her on the sub- W F Moffet K A Miller — — C T . Grilli '.'nun n abandoned. No one, I guess, 'he Creek, this county. Jacob Wright ject of the murder of Miss Lamont Bartle' est wishes of their friends follow Merlin McMullin. claims it.” “Yes, I claim it.” ‘Ah He decl.™ hi. coo,„e.8 „ lhe « AH....- —Mart Brenton was in attend them. O F Right indeed! Then it is not necessary, ’ H W-ight result of his faith in God’ ’s justice 1 Webdel1 ee at court in Canyon last week, J R Dre wet t —We called at the jail Monday Charley, to go any further.” Chas, and Ilin . ..bright and his innocence „r.L. of the charge of J ’ W court business was pro- and had a talk with the prisoners, E L Robbins Miller thought he would watch John’s murder. very lively, and Grant had Charley £ Stewart the Jordan boys. They expressed maneuvers a little, so hid himself. ! » * KobJ;, "I of prisoners for various themselves as being glad that cir In a short while John started with waili"g the slow but stern cuit court was fast approaching, so long strides towards the claim Chas, priNAL PROOF fTIKAL PROOF process of the law. that their cases would be decided. wanted. He and his friend, Jack, land offce at nr-^ue at Bl XNS, OREGON, warm spring siwashes are Bob Jordan, who was out on bail, also started very hurredlv by cir . v i rtnb*r o,tnox ng it tropical for the U. 8. and whose bailees got frightened cuitous route for the claim they ' n.n>ed m?tIerrhM flfed’JLlh£, ,o1 ,ow 1"« ofTLTJ’0* i1“” fa,L hear now felt sure John was making for, n.mert J«>e?iîw ,’»!* for fear he would not make his ap and A to make Anal proof in hl* intention as luck would have it got there ReeH ver Y' 8. ll„d offl’l* “Pon the ' * 'bon» predicating 7>ri"‘on I Inrt' Ù“1'1 will be mïde °> P|",in pearance at court, and went after before him and posted the n< cea- Hd, No 151, for the *>ki/ u wi , Hum« ■ n‘ . « with ?,n o ST k 1*" U M- '■••‘•I Office « ’ T 1» s, aD,| 2 A ^4 N«c. 24- IW», vf« J a w ./ p ’O r ‘ Cold lliv. * Snow- HiyU him, finding him in Idaho, says he •arv notice; John came up panting M. He ,he name« the following w ’ i X’J®8 R 31 t®- “ Yea? ” said he “ Yes! ” said Jack ' hie eotiiftmoua reaiiien, -*1,2*’**"**'• ,o prove wrote hie bondsmen his whereabouts of Mid land, 'll FrSS X?ni:"‘' cu'"»«’ioi his ron*|,niiouaPri»Mle*Ji1i " to prove Chas. Chas, calls his claim Oregon. W«lteiCr«,aaHt.»i.”'2!*,n’- of Burna but they never received his letter. and •f MWiw Ore«n •8‘*phen Wo°'". -»• L- CroSC “The Lucky Race.” âhc frratd. —The weather is fine. THOMAS JOKES, Regl«t«r Burn«, Oregon d J®hn '*«»«•11, all of THOMAS JONM,ReB1.t„