BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. OCTOBER 16 1895, Silver Lake Ore. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh I Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report that contain Mercury, Sept. 26, 1895. E d . H erald : Having lately re PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY turned from a trip to the desert and as mercury will surely destroy the BY I Fossil Lake. I call the desert the I I sense of rmell and completely de W. C. BYRD & SON. • P ublishers and P roprietors . great "sahara” ot Oregon. This range the whole system when S' en* "i I desert and lake has become famous tering it through the mucous sur ■ to the scientific world, because of faces. Such articles should nevi r SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: ABSOLUTELY PURE | fossil remains of prehistoric animals be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the Three Month................... ■ ■............. ............ | that have been found which long HERALD CLUB LIST: The damage they will do is ten fold to I since have become extinct —John 8weitzer,carpenter,under —Get one of I. S. Geer Cede- aertld aud Harper's Magazine... 5.201 character and variety of these ar.i the good you can possibly derive taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. This Jerald and Harper’s Weekly .... icrahl Mid and Harper ...................... 5.20 j , , e , Jerald Harper's s xhuwi Bazar.......... iron. them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, qi^dand Harper’s Young People . 3.75 | mats were great, and many of them shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of 4vrsldai.il Alden's Mauifold Cyclopedia,. 2.P0 i . . 1 claaae,! Mv manufactured by F. J. Cheney <t each adtiitiotial volume after V ol. I no cents, i nave not vet uteii CiabStu. l»iy Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at such tickets a line life size Crayon 10 cents extra ver volume, postage. helper on this last trip was J. W. Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mer- prices to suit the hard times. Cof Portrait absolutely’ free of any fgr-i . pies of all the above works call be ex- Rinehart. We found some new cury, and is taken int rnally act- fins made to orde”. Will take pro charge, by purchasing $20 worth mined at leisure in the Reading Room. and very interesting fossils, one the ing directly upon the blood and mu duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It qpTublbhcn of periodicals are aolieited In «(¿n.ielubbiugratea, a copy of theirwork for | foot ot an equine not larger than a cous surfaces of the system, is not necessary that the whole ca-d:. lurFreeRcHdiUkRoin-We file andI bind the '...... , ..... ........... . «. . . . buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure »tter a’ close of every half-volume, end n«v V| sma 1 shetland pony, the coffin joint, amount should be purchased at one iopi«» bv advertisement. | denoted the foot to have been quite you get the genuine. It is taken time, but any amount from 5 emits vertical. Another is a part of a idternabv and is made in Toledo, ADVERTISING RATES: A good ranch belonging to H. G. to $20 as explained upon the tick <rui ' 1 wk 1 2 wk J1 no j 3 mo 1 6 mo 1 i yr foot, it seemed to have been well J Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ets. '|3 ')0 »11.00 115.00 tiinonials free. Luch »I. j O »2. SO |S. 00 sustained by a strong joint and 12.(0 2S.00 6.50 IS.00 1.00 3 UO miles south east of Burns. This J " 24.00 40 00 deep groves, I shall have 3.00 15.00 <>. <)0 6.00 I •* the feet jpgT“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. 50.00 32.0 4..V) 0.00 10.00 29.00 I “ ranch has aboi>t 100 acres of good Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 4.-'. 00 9.00 15.00 •>. 00 54.00 photographed the first opportunity. per bottle. Wool. 6.CO SO. 00 1'20.00 12.1» 16.00 23.00 43.00 meadow land. Price $800 or will cures colds, croup and whooping 20.00 30.00 40.00 00.00 110.00 140.00 We found and brought, t “ home'quite , .) trade for sheep. cough. It is pleasant, safe and re a lot of fossils and among them the Mv little boy, when two years of1 ,, „ .i ... - , ., , B yrd & K ing . liable. For sale by all druggists. JOB WORK bones of a beast that must have age, was taken very ill with bloody ' If every description executed with neatness been of singular make and looks. llux. I was advised to use Cham- . «id despatch, at reasonable rates. Posters, Circulars, Pamphlets The bonos are short, verv crooked, berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar Snvelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, I katements, Note Heads, Cards, Ticxets, twisting and hooked,the locomotion rhoea Remedy, and luckilv pro Kemoraniia, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. I carefully America’s Great Danger of the animal must have been a cured part of a bottle Tag H erald is kept regularly on file for-re- ’«reuce, in the Geo. 1‘. Rowell Newspaper Ad- zigzag movement or shuffle. read the directions and gave it ac- TlrUtiug Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. E isthf . best . FIT FOR A KING. These fossil beds were named by I coriiinglv. He was very low, bht AN ENGL/SH COMMENTARY. CORDOVAN*, Prof E. D. Cape, the “Iquine beds i slowly and surely he began to im FRCNCH AEMAMCLLEO CALF. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY i of Oregon” because the horse ex prove, gradually recovered and is Baid an eminent English scientist recently; 4’3.50 F ine C alf &K anoaroii “ The (lunger that confronts the great Ameri $3.ep POLICE,3 soles . 1 now as stout and strong as ever. celled all other animals, ii^ number national : can people to-duy is not the possible adop <95t»5?. V/Or.KlfiGM£i/- frwMeat ...............................Grover Cleveland and of twe varieties, one very’ large) I feel sure it saved his life, I nev- tion of a wrong financial policy for the **■ -EXTRA FINE- ’’S. fies-l ruideiit. ........... Adlai Stevenson I nation, or tho spread of socialism, or the kereuryof state Walter Q. Gresham and clumsy, the other medium or! er can praise the remedy half its ♦2.**l7®B0YS’SCH0ilLSH0tt increase of corruption nniong public men. ’«cretary .»( Treasury .......... John G Carlisle •X-yVDIES« WcrvUrv of Interior .................... Hoke smith less, and from the organization of worth. I am sorry every one in \U Uieso are bad enough, to oe sure, but wratary of War . Daniel S. Lamont they ure ns nothing compared to the terrible weretary of Navy ........ Hilarv A. Herbert the small one, it must have pos- the world does’’not know how good national disease—1 had almost said nation i ♦«•Wary of Agriculture. J. sterling Morton SEND FOR CATALOGUE Uturney General . .. RichardS, Olnev sessed great speed. The desert in it is, a.s I do.—Mrs Lina S. Hinton Crimo —of overwork. The mad rush f i W-L.-DOUGL./va. "oatuiMter General .. Wilson 8 Bissell FROCKTON,J<ASS. i wealth is set at a killing pace, and tlioiisands its uninhabitable position is inonot- ^’r!»hamsville, Marion Co., Florida. fall by the way every year. Over One Million People wear the STATE—OREGON: 1 J. N. Dolph |onous, but it possesses an attraction For sale by all druggists. scut’ora You are likely to bo one of tho viciim3 1 W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes J. H.Mitchell. All otft* shoes nro eqtuttty ccilsfactory (Binger Hermann , and charm for the true lover of 1 low do we know? Eecauso it is the excep • •ngressmen.................. They give the beet value for tbe money. (W. R. Ellis 1 have two littie grand children tion io find a man or woman of adult ago in litomey General In these solitudes no riv- They equal custom shoes in style and Of. . <\ M, Hileman .nature •overuor who are teething this hot summer perfect health. Nervous Disorders iuc Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. Wm P Lord ’«■wary of state The prices aro uniform,-—stamped on sole. with fearful rapidity. Among the . H R Kincaid |trs or streams of any nature How. weather neasnrer r and are troubled with ! i spreading 8*'VC(1 over other mrkes. Phil. Mctschan symptoms, are — Backache, Biliousness, Co.d Instruction i but at long intervals a spring greets if your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ............ G M Irwin bowel complaint. 1 e give them ■■ Jlandir OHM ♦Ute Printer - ” wv, AZHZ.IIIVH-, and 1 Feet, Dizziness X1OI, Hot 1 I 1UKIICS, lushes, R W 11 Loeds I i Fluttering Sensation, x Faieting, Head, ciic, clip, "Dealors everywhere uKumg, jieuu. Wanted, agent to ) R. S. Bean. the weary traveler gushing forth, Chamberlain S Colic, Cholera and i■•■a '»*«»« Judges • J Wm. P. Lord but it runs only a 1 Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan take exclusive rale for this vicinity . Write Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like ’ ” ’ short distance ’ F. A. Moore choly, Failirg Memory, Palpitation, llhtu- at once. a charm. I earnestly recommend sixth Jt’DICIAL district : and loses itself in the sands of matism, 8h< rt Breath. Sleeplessness, ner Bitriet JnJge.......... it for children with bowel troubles. vous iiyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, <te ,D M. D. C liffo \ i > the desert. James A. Fee. Mkriet AUomev I was myself taken with a severe R ev . A. C arroll , pastor First IFpii t L. R ui<i «»tkepiweatatlve (R) .0. L. J. N. Comegys and wife, Mrs. Bun attack of bloody llnx, with cramps Church. Yellow Spri. gs, (writes as fol lev : Patterson. '^»Menator .......... (R) A. W.Cowan ( “ I have u-ed Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine yard and daughter, Miss Hattie,ac- ------------- and pains in my stomach,one-third for the pust six months. I find it acts like a , CoVNTY—HARNEY: cotupained by Mr. 1 Rinehart left a. bottle of this remedy cured me. Jonntjr a charm on the whole nervous system. J € C. P. Rutherford. -•«» ...(D).. ,.C. E. Kenyon hereon the 24th. for their home in Within twenty-four hours I was have uot found itseqtial in giving immediate • ttiurer ___ r R) I. S. Geer I out of bed and doing my house relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver k __ * ^«ril JLAfeüIl.l . D .. T A. McKinnon Harney Valley. They spent a Pills only need a trial ami they will recom work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- mend themselves to be the best pills in the WCAVtAI 6,1 KAUt MARK s ^F (R) .A. Gittings .(D)... 8. W. Miller month here v;siting friend« and aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn, COPYRIGHTS.^ For Sïo”1"" (K) ■ C has j market. ” . Newe.l JLOBTA.!M 4 PATENT» Fora H. Turner relatives, their absence makes US sale by H. M. Horton. “ For five years I have suffered from Ner KsSniw ani? H.n opinion, write to ’■’■iMionsra ID) f A. B. Marks fell lonesome. MA-» who haTe hn<I nearly fifty years’ von. vous Prostration, I was tinal.le unable to work or f *>,er,,’n if ,R1 i cc>n the patent business. Communica R. R. Sira. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- Frank Smith and Miss Lucy Ü. R. LAND < live Nervine gave me relief, and one th-n ffiandinSiI"?' u 80 “ c*talogue of median, office : »Wister sand dollars would not cover the good it h I.as l,as icai and scientific books sent free. I «and Ueeiver Thomas Jones Bonister, both of Paisley we-e mar- ® taken through Munn A Cn rnmiva done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs- tEu« ■ a . A.cowi^ , rie<] on the 24th in8t 1 »'ro'hlT.6lnJ.hfi ,*rl,’ntlfi«’ American, and I friVL>n Ml»’« Rp>al» I DOUGLAS • ?KTENT,y S" A Great Blessing My wife snd I have found in Hood’s SOCIETIES. Sarsaparilla, 8 Ac had rheumatism very . J1' ' R ebe RAH Degree No. «3. severely, with ♦very 1st atid 3^ Wednesday. . ar.lr'.c3 and le^s Lucy Rusk, N.G. bidly swollen, and __ M h Dewi*. Rec. Sec'y. I hardly able to get Lj up aad down 1 ’ * '’uru* I*odw’ K<> « Blairs without »»«TMandsthThuradaya. j) help. Many other H M Horton, M. W. J/ remedies failed, — J W ’’•yer, Rac'd • Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your rtrat Hood’s f’arsa- «*ÄU "OXOR’-’re.No. a 1 Life Away. . porllla entirely *• ‘"I «h Monday. i curod her. It was is the truthful, startling title of a '— •'♦•yer C or H. k " only ahortly after l>ook about No-To-Bac, the harm t that I v. an taken jwith the name ’ r*'Iowi Halt .very Saturday. less. guaranteed tobacco habit cure i that braces up nicotinized I nerven, , ; complaint, a.Toct- ____ . ¿- C. Wooly M. G. '• 5^a B y rd, Svr y. 1 .-j Ky HmLs end eliminates the nicotine poison, • ost mo «e «*. . g . a . a. makes weak men gain i stiength. b!-s, so I just tried the same toedlclae —-- J. vigor »nd manhood. You run no with ths same result. t»y wife and chll- dren take Hood’s f’arsaparil'a whenever »«iiiTttZd. AU Co»-*ds physical or financial r' e ii ui risk, lira, as an No-To- *x Vr” I <I“ they feel the reed of a medicine and it im Bar is sold by druggists every where mediately makes t.iem feel tetter. town, Olpo. Mrs. Conley an aged lady died , two days since. She had kept her ¡bed for five years. She was in her 83rd. year when she died. ^^ i ’ i ’ ------ •" Restorative Nervine is un equalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists, or Dr. Mites Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind ’ n t ait ?J?tUh2”i«W <1P. r beXfLrf'the public with- out coRt to the inventor. Thl» r nip nd id nnnn* nrgest’clrii'ikHP‘'an,e'3rlllu",ra,(‘'>- baa by l£r tha wt.iid art 1^, I* J anT ■cientlflc work In tha W ar- Sample conies sent free. ->plesd-2 ? hlT ' V 50 a year- «Intle CODi________________ _ «.TCI is tini! plates, in color», and Utest^miLnJ*^*' •nabl,nt^n|lders Io show tK MUN m X A?n,L"i‘Surve *»»*'•«•. Address MUNN * CO, N ew Y ork , 3«1 TTME RTTtATTOW B and I rstrhshyt ’•» VtXT l’UE-11 B hoadwat . *Sje 'a3up)S •rm««« *~o -.o|ura •- maim . •‘“^«Krtadauy,. »«eeat Saadav under a guarantee to cure or money I refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, New York or Chicago. j H. M. Horton, Burns. i ■ Hood’s Sarsaparilla Eaves me doctor's hilla. I am an engineer i •nd well known in this localitv,” w’ "W yatt , White Dead Hili, Indian Ter. > -SlI!p.. -alQN¥H3M3!A| TVOISniM i& wiivi , Eurns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor -yingu.8 Mail.aodEa.ternOregon Expresg Co,g City, and I^diat. intermediato