BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. OCTOBER 16 1895, Silver Lake Ore. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh I Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report that contain Mercury, Sept. 26, 1895. E d . H erald : Having lately re­ PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY turned from a trip to the desert and as mercury will surely destroy the BY I Fossil Lake. I call the desert the I I sense of rmell and completely de­ W. C. BYRD & SON. • P ublishers and P roprietors . great "sahara” ot Oregon. This range the whole system when S' en* "i I desert and lake has become famous tering it through the mucous sur­ ■ to the scientific world, because of faces. Such articles should nevi r SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: ABSOLUTELY PURE | fossil remains of prehistoric animals be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the Three Month................... ■ ■............. ............ | that have been found which long HERALD CLUB LIST: The damage they will do is ten fold to I since have become extinct —John 8weitzer,carpenter,under­ —Get one of I. S. Geer Cede- aertld aud Harper's Magazine... 5.201 character and variety of these ar.i the good you can possibly derive taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ premium purchase tickets. This Jerald and Harper’s Weekly .... icrahl Mid and Harper ...................... 5.20 j , , e , Jerald Harper's s xhuwi Bazar.......... iron. them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, qi^dand Harper’s Young People . 3.75 | mats were great, and many of them shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of 4vrsldai.il Alden's Mauifold Cyclopedia,. 2.P0 i . . 1 claaae,! Mv manufactured by F. J. Cheney . <)0 6.00 I •* the feet jpgT“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. 50.00 32.0 4..V) 0.00 10.00 29.00 I “ ranch has aboi>t 100 acres of good Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 4.-'. 00 9.00 15.00 •>. 00 54.00 photographed the first opportunity. per bottle. Wool. 6.CO SO. 00 1'20.00 12.1» 16.00 23.00 43.00 meadow land. Price $800 or will cures colds, croup and whooping 20.00 30.00 40.00 00.00 110.00 140.00 We found and brought, t “ home'quite , .) trade for sheep. cough. It is pleasant, safe and re­ a lot of fossils and among them the Mv little boy, when two years of1 ,, „ .i ... - , ., , B yrd & K ing . liable. For sale by all druggists. JOB WORK bones of a beast that must have age, was taken very ill with bloody ' If every description executed with neatness been of singular make and looks. llux. I was advised to use Cham- . «id despatch, at reasonable rates. Posters, Circulars, Pamphlets The bonos are short, verv crooked, berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ Snvelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, I katements, Note Heads, Cards, Ticxets, twisting and hooked,the locomotion rhoea Remedy, and luckilv pro­ Kemoraniia, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. I carefully America’s Great Danger of the animal must have been a cured part of a bottle Tag H erald is kept regularly on file for-re- ’«reuce, in the Geo. 1‘. Rowell Newspaper Ad- zigzag movement or shuffle. read the directions and gave it ac- TlrUtiug Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. E isthf . best . FIT FOR A KING. These fossil beds were named by I coriiinglv. He was very low, bht AN ENGL/SH COMMENTARY. CORDOVAN*, Prof E. D. Cape, the “Iquine beds i slowly and surely he began to im­ FRCNCH AEMAMCLLEO CALF. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY i of Oregon” because the horse ex­ prove, gradually recovered and is Baid an eminent English scientist recently; 4’3.50 F ine C alf &K anoaroii “ The (lunger that confronts the great Ameri­ $3.ep POLICE,3 soles . 1 now as stout and strong as ever. celled all other animals, ii^ number national : can people to-duy is not the possible adop­ <95t»5?. V/Or.KlfiGM£i/- frwMeat ...............................Grover Cleveland and of twe varieties, one very’ large) I feel sure it saved his life, I nev- tion of a wrong financial policy for the **■ -EXTRA FINE- ’’S. fies-l ruideiit. ........... Adlai Stevenson I nation, or tho spread of socialism, or the kereuryof state Walter Q. Gresham and clumsy, the other medium or! er can praise the remedy half its ♦2.**l7®B0YS’SCH0ilLSH0tt increase of corruption nniong public men. ’«cretary .»( Treasury .......... John G Carlisle •X-yVDIES« WcrvUrv of Interior .................... Hoke smith less, and from the organization of worth. I am sorry every one in \U Uieso are bad enough, to oe sure, but wratary of War . Daniel S. Lamont they ure ns nothing compared to the terrible weretary of Navy ........ Hilarv A. Herbert the small one, it must have pos- the world does’’not know how good national disease—1 had almost said nation i ♦«•Wary of Agriculture. J. sterling Morton SEND FOR CATALOGUE Uturney General . .. RichardS, Olnev sessed great speed. The desert in it is, a.s I do.—Mrs Lina S. Hinton Crimo —of overwork. The mad rush f i W-L.-DOUGL./va. "oatuiMter General .. Wilson 8 Bissell FROCKTON,J the desert. James A. Fee. Mkriet AUomev I was myself taken with a severe R ev . A. C arroll , pastor First IFpii t L. R ui,er,,’n if ,R1 i cc>n the patent business. Communica­ R. R. Sira. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- Frank Smith and Miss Lucy Ü. R. LAND < live Nervine gave me relief, and one th-n ffiandinSiI"?' u 80 “ c*talogue of median, office : »Wister sand dollars would not cover the good it h I.as l,as icai and scientific books sent free. I «and Ueeiver Thomas Jones Bonister, both of Paisley we-e mar- ® taken through Munn A Cn rnmiva done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs- tEu« ■ a . A.cowi^ , rie<] on the 24th in8t 1 »'ro'hlT.6lnJ.hfi ,*rl,’ntlfi«’ American, and I friVL>n Ml»’« Rp>al» I DOUGLAS • ?KTENT,y S" A Great Blessing My wife snd I have found in Hood’s SOCIETIES. Sarsaparilla, 8 Ac had rheumatism very . J1' ' R ebe RAH Degree No. «3. severely, with ♦very 1st atid 3^ Wednesday. . ar.lr'.c3 and le^s Lucy Rusk, N.G. bidly swollen, and __ M h Dewi*. Rec. Sec'y. I hardly able to get Lj up aad down 1 ’ * '’uru* I*odw’ K<> « Blairs without »»«TMandsthThuradaya. j) help. Many other H M Horton, M. W. J/ remedies failed, — J W ’’•yer, Rac'd • Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your rtrat Hood’s f’arsa- «*ÄU "OXOR’-’re.No. a 1 Life Away. . porllla entirely *• ‘"I «h Monday. i curod her. It was is the truthful, startling title of a '— •'♦•yer C or H. k " only ahortly after l>ook about No-To-Bac, the harm­ t that I v. an taken jwith the name ’ r*'Iowi Halt .very Saturday. less. guaranteed tobacco habit cure i that braces up nicotinized I nerven, , ; complaint, a.Toct- ____ . ¿- C. Wooly M. G. '• 5^a B y rd, Svr y. 1 .-j Ky HmLs end eliminates the nicotine poison, • ost mo «e «*. . g . a . a. makes weak men gain i stiength. b!-s, so I just tried the same toedlclae —-- J. vigor »nd manhood. You run no with ths same result. t»y wife and chll- dren take Hood’s f’arsaparil'a whenever »«iiiTttZd. AU Co»-*ds physical or financial r' e ii ui risk, lira, as an No-To- *x Vr” I - baa by l£r tha wt.iid art 1^, I* J anT ■cientlflc work In tha W ar- Sample conies sent free. ->plesd-2 ? hlT ' V 50 a year- «Intle CODi________________ _ «.TCI is tini! plates, in color», and Utest^miLnJ*^*' •nabl,nt^n|lders Io show tK MUN m X A?n,L"i‘Surve *»»*'•«•. Address MUNN * CO, N ew Y ork , 3«1 TTME RTTtATTOW B and I rstrhshyt ’•» VtXT l’UE-11 B hoadwat . *Sje 'a3up)S •rm««« *~o -.o|ura •- maim . •‘“^«Krtadauy,. »«eeat Saadav under a guarantee to cure or money I refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, New York or Chicago. j H. M. Horton, Burns. i ■ Hood’s Sarsaparilla Eaves me doctor's hilla. I am an engineer i •nd well known in this localitv,” w’ "W yatt , White Dead Hili, Indian Ter. > -SlI!p.. -alQN¥H3M3!A| TVOISniM i& wiivi , Eurns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor -yingu.8 Mail.aodEa.ternOregon Expresg Co,g City, and I^diat. intermediato