Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1895)
I VOL. VIII Or ’ j O BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 25 1895, ’ a Digest ofLuutl and Mining De serving eye of the landlady detected something that caused her sympa cisions. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report thies to go out for Hansen. She Furnished by W. I> H arlan , Land called the officer aside and a short, and Mining Attorney, Wash consultation ensued. The officer1 w. c. BYRD & SON. ington, D. C. retired from the room, but in about* P ublishers and P roprietors . fifteen minutes returned with a phy- ' A gricultural . sician. The medical man and Han SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ABSOLUTELY PURE Sale of improvements is evidence sen were left alone in the room for One Y «ar ................................................... W-W lit Months ........................................ -,........ of abandonment. about five minutes, when informa Three Months......................... 70 Charge of abandonment should HERALD CLUB LIST: tion was imparted to the officer that —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s- —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under »■raid and Harper’s Magazine.............. 5,00 be specific. Hansen was no more nor less than premium purchase tickets. This iierald and Harper’s Weekly ................ 5.20 taker and cabinet-maker. His work An alien can acquire no right to a woman who at that time ”'as Herald and Harper’s Bazar........... 5.20 shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of iieraldand Harper’s Young People... 3.75 ierald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 public land before declaration of quite ill. Of Course there was noth such tickets a fine life size Crayon each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents*. intention to become a citizen, and ing left for the officer to do but de Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at Portrait absolutely free of any 10 eeuts extra tier volume, postage. prices to suit the hard times. Cof flF-Coples of all the above works can be ex . his subsequent qualification will part, and he left the mysterous per charge, by purchasing $20 worth ■mined st leisure in the Reading Room. not relate back to the exclusien of son in chaige of the landlady and fins made to ordtf. Will take pro | of goods for cash at their store. It duce partlv for work and balance in '-¡¡y-I’ublUliers of periodicals are solicited an intervening adverse right. the doctor. To them she made is not necessary that the whole »■«nd clubbing rates, a copy of their work for jur Free Reading Room—We file and bind the Th“ execution of a power of at a complete confession, but in com . ca-di. amount should be purchased at one *tter at close of every half-volume, end r«v it wpies by advertisement. torney to sell does not constitute I pliance with her earnest request timo, but any amount from 5 cents I alienation of title. 'they refuse to divulge her name. to $20 as explained upon the tick ADVERTISING RATES: ! They will only sav that she left her IF ACK 1 wk 1 2 wk 11 mo j 3 mo j 6 mo 1 1 yr ____ Having permanently located in ets. DESERT. ' f-5.00 00 '»11.00 »15.00 ¡home in Chicago about two years Burns, will teach music on Piano, J .neh 11. ¡10 $2.50 Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy 18.00 28.00 6.50 iz m 3.ÜÜ 4.00 1 Tn the absence of an adverse ago. She had some trouble with 40 ••(« 21 00 8.00 15.0" S. 50 5.00 J Organ, Violin and Guitar, Music cures colds, croup and whooping 5u j U ¡«*..00 4.50 »..DO 10.00 29.01« 1 1.8. JO 54 «M‘ claim, an entry made in good faith her parents there that caused *.« 00 15.00 28.00 her furnished., for balls and parties, cough. It is pleasant, safe and re I eoi. 6.00 .50.01) 120. OJ Ç 12.00 28.00 48.0*1 20.00 HU. 00 40 00 60.00 110.00 140. Ov will not be canceled although it In to suddenly decamp. Being very terms to suit the times. I liable. For sale by all druggists. cludes non irrigable land. masculine in appearance she don E. A. Schererr JOB WORK ned male attire and has been suc Of every description executed with neatness COAL. cessful in carrying outthe deception. J ■nd despatch, at reasonable rates. QMAF ISTHEBEST. lircnlari, Poster», VllUCa FIT FOR A KING. Pamphlets Proof as to character of coal land From Chicego she went to San A good ranch belonging to H. G. tnvelopea, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, . CORDOVAN, Francisco and succede^Ku securing «»tementi, Note Heads, Cards, Ticxets, must «how the actual production FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 K «inorando. luvitatiuns. Dodgers, Ete. work as a clerk in a dry goods store. miles south east of Burns. This 4’3.50 fl HE C alf & K angaroo , T hs H erald is kept regularly on file for re of mineral. ♦3.V POLICE, 3 SOLES. ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- She remained there until a few Proof that adjoining iands have »•rtiiing Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. ranch has aboiX 100 acres of good 1 weeks ago when she came to Port meadow land. Price $800 or will produced coal will not answer. I land Shtywas not able to obtain «2.^17’BOYS’SCHOatSHOEX OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I trade for sheep. ■LADIES* 'employment here and became very MILL SITE. B yrd < fc K ing . , * much discouracad. She had an* national : Mill-site location must be in ad e | nbunced her determination of going freiident ............................... Grover Cleveland yue-Preiidtnt.................... ... Adlal BtSVenaon same as mineral claim. BROCKTON, MAM. jecretsry of State ............. Walter Q. Gresham to Seattle, but the expose makes | Over One Million People wear the wretary of Treitsury ....... John G. t arliple Non mineral character of land wcretarv of Interior........................ Hoke Smith this impossible now W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes 5«er«t»ry of War . Daniel S. Lamont claimed as a mill site must be All our shoes are equally catisfactory i«cretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert To the landlady who talked kind lerretary of Agriculture....... J. Sterling Morton shown. They give the best value for the money. attorney General ................. Richard 8, Olney They equal custom «hoes in style and fit. ly to her, she has agreed to com • wtrnaater General .......... Wilaon S Bissell Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. I The prices are uniform,—stamped on aole. municate with her folks in Chicago I STATE—OREGON ! From $■ to $3 B-*.vcd over other makes. MINERAL. c AVEAISJRADL MAKKS3T J. N. Dolph If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ieuron and if they are willing, she will re- * J. H.Mitchell. ! I (Binger COPYRIGHTS.^ Failure to comply with 1 ocal reg- ^ urn | ier home and endeavor to Hermann t “Dealora everywhere Wanted, agent to CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT » For» wngrrsgmen.................... (W. R. Ellis prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to take exclusive tmle for this vicinity. Write Attorney Getier«! fv>rget th e past. She is but 22 years . C. M, Idleman . uiations is matter fm protest or ad MUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty yean* at once. •overuor Wm P Lord verse suit. experience In the patent business. Communica ( of age and while • Jwretiry of State . , her features might | tions strictly confidential. A Ilundbook of In ......... HR Kincaid jverse suit. rremurer R forma* ion concerning Pa tenia and bow to ob R .......... Phil. Metsehan them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan iupt. Public luitruction A hearing may be ordered to be coi sidered coarse, she has an ' tain —................... GM Irwin I ical and scientific books sent free. ’Ute Printer Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive R " H 1-ae,ls 1 determine whether there has been air of refinement about her that I special notice In the Scientific American, and ) R. S. Bean. Spreme Judges thus are brought widely before the public with ................. z Wm. P. Lord due compliance with law, though ¡8 quitft noticable.-Sundav i? cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Wei- i out ' F. A. Moore Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the the charge is not made until after ,coine SIXTH JUDICIAL district : largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. »¡«rid Judge ................. D M.D.CLirrok» entry. Building Kdltlon, monthly, «2.50 a year. Single 8tauiM .. James A. Fee. copies, *83 cents. Every number contains beau * •* T/ 1$ tiful nlat.s. In Sbolors. and photographs of new i PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY 44 4« A -.1)0 W. L. DouefeAS » m 3 r COVHTY—harnky : Houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN £ CO„ NBW Y ork , 301 BROADWAY, PRACTICED A DECEPTION. <Jdge C. P. Rutherford. ' ' treuurer.............. ........ (D).. . .C. E. Kenyon 1. 8. Geer ’«rvevor . T A.McKinnon ’hriff. ... ......... .__ir ........ (R)... ... A. Gittings . . .8. W. Miller .C has . Newe«l ”<*k Inspector ... H. Turner It was a peculiar case to ^»mluion.r. (D) > A.B. Marks ,K' ( R. R. Sits. the attention of an officer was A Young Woman Masquerading in Male Attire. I $100.00 riven Away cry Month Slaughter on the Congo. ' Leave tn the person submittins the * »st nioritoriuu « invention •.luring the prvoedinrf month. WE 8 Ri UllH PATH! NTS i’O.l INVENTORS, sill tho o .Ject of this otD i* I*» to eu- c<>Ui*i«iroper.-on*» <> nu I .ent- Ivo turn of linn1. At th«* tinio we wish tn L»,?rea.i the tact tunc st i: .: L ondon , Sept. 19.—Private letters Doubtftil Seeds alone. The beet which have been received herefrom are easy to get, and coat no it’s the Simple, which the Congo Free State sav that more. Aak your dealer for c called affairs there are in a condition verg ivial Inventions v* »• land orricg; one evening r.ot long since. The ing upon anarchy. Encounterns a hat Yield Fortunes Ah°A “owing , result was a perssn giving the name between Belgian forces and natives, *— S'ich rS Do I n-i^*« Ifr.'il: » g Always the beat. Known mnl Eye, **heo that Hun p. ' ---- of Charles H. Hansen was taken which have been reported in oflicial ■'Safety Pin,” •*pl..s |U clo ■ everywhere. Ferry’s Iked SOCIETIES. > f Annual For lHVil Vella you ver.” ••Ah* Brake.” »it«* » into cuetody. but before the matter dispatches as resulting in Belgian what, how, and when to plant. Altnowt • very <»no eoncof-.v » , ? , 1 A REREKAH Degree No. 48. Sent Free. Get it. Address «¿J a bright irtt-a at mxne tnn * <>»■ . , reached a point where incarceration victories, are said to have been other. Why not put it In . » "trj Mt and 3d Wednes-iav. D. M. FERRY A CO., ¿rdlf tloul use? Yoi'R talent, nmv . Detroit, Mich. was necessary, developcinents were in fact serious reverses. Lucy Rusk, N.G. .*»>. lie In this direction. I. M y , ’ __ M L Lewis, Rec. Sec’y. >nake your fortuno. W brought out which were of a nature ' It is reported that two English- * hy not ,;A tr>? :: :: :: :: .. t interesting if not startlin. for further infortnuUou on«l / Lion nini m’n travelling in the Congo Free «•et... ’ * Bnrn* k*1««’ No « ' tuetiliou Lilis paper, 4 ■f »O Maud4thThursday,. The attention of the officer wnn State have beeen murdered ai.d A ) H M HÓrton, M. W. 1# ft :THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. ■— J Bayer, Rec'd called to the Btrange actions of eaten by the natives. fi TIIB STRATTON <♦ Philip W. Avlrctt, Get». Mgr., Hanson who was living in a lodging ii A Bfcleain expedition under Lieu- I 618 F Street, Northwest, "^»vm'd1'' rf0*0* No. 8 B and I nstruments house on Yamhill street. r The ~' [ tenant Franquir was attacked by »od «th Monday. WASHINGTON, D. C. ! WiUdmoar WRXT PKE8IDEMT ■ Mf». Sam C or H land lady stated that he was tnisbe- .natives <n February 11th The 1 i he reapon«lt>ll|ty of *f,i> ««>rut*nny ”*• "”*• •« ’orrn n.w H.^. ,„r u>ay I m » fudged by ti„ t that it« t. tor I svt | having himself in the house,but she **** •• <•> 1lle«trat«4 « ita)w M »lock la held by uvei tbounan i « ’’ ° ° r* soldiers hastily formed themselves »•f the leading nv»»|Vi.«i» n, I JOHN F STRATTON w’BaH.^m^satnrtUy,!feared to aproach him. She inti- into a bi llow square upon which I mt«Mi State». "--------------------------- * ' Byrl.Secy'. 1 - • ■ WEW 10UL _" c. Byrd, secy, mated that there was something the natives rushed with «uch over-' ÎT ”°- .4», «• O- B. g . A. a . a. wrong and begged that an investi- whelming force that the Belgians gaiion be made. The officer went! were put to route within 10 minutes. HUI. All Coartili to the house and placed Ilansen un Shortly afterward it became known Burns-Canyon Stage Line der arrest, »rdtring him at the time according to the correspondent H|. MAÎL8. I to prepare himself for a trip to the luded to. that a native chief named H. A, W illiams , contractor. •••tfdejxrtadally. jail. Hansen begged pitifully to be Ndoruma had massacred Captain ' .trying U. 8. Mail. ,„d EMtOTn Oregon Ejpre„ c<(,g »pared but the officer was obdurate. crrr : Hansen and the whole of bis escort. Stages Leave Burn» daily for Canyon Citv and j - axee>t Bandwy It waa just at this time that tbeob- numbering GO people. | Fare $5. J *ty’and ‘«^rmediaU poin.t. Stóss-*" ..''S" ■? I K •’s, ■> Y