Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1895)
« SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. I I < « f I ii*s the Simple, Trivia! Inventions ihat Yield Fortini W il f «INCH A E NAMELLEO CALF ♦2.VJ BOYiSCHOOlSHOEl •LADIES* I Philip W. Avirett, Uei>. Because we »re "he’^-gr "’manufacturers of sd^SlTii. in the world, and ju.r.utee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom. whi< n protects you against high pt ices snd the middleman's profits. O“r •*“*! I rouat custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them Bold every- Zhere at tower prices for the value given than any other make Take no •ub»“““5;., dealer cannot supply you, we can. bold by « The success of th'*» Great Cough Cure Is wt.hout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guars »tec. a test that no otherc re can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing s Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough , use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 eta., 50 cts. and »1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug lasers Magazi ILLUSTRATED. I jon?; r. stlatiox LupifUr« and Wholes»)» DwRlar« In all klndmf ' ir . {•>’ ■■ A%,*ANAK>MIH”glViviia.u«< I relief nd is an in L Csinfltr Piles. . itoefil. KM Drttgghtlsor m»i: Sump I f I BMrrw. A.NInra.-*lMkl>ls,’ I MliVüui Wd, Now York City ■ ■ ’ r TEN C* I -w> • I TE’ ! CTo C.A.SLWW&CO Than Stove Polish If your rrocer doesn’t keep it, send us his name with 10c and jet a lar e box and a valuable family household book free. Drae’Jan & Co., Agis., 519 .MONTGOMERY ST., S. F.. CAL. STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Magazine begin witl the Numbers for June and December o' ear It year. When no time is specified, sub scriptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of liaqier’s Magazine fot three yeurs bm’K, in neat cloth binding will lie sent by nmii. post-paid, on receijtt of |3 per volume. Cloth ( ases, for binding 50. cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittance.- should I e made by Vostottici Money Order, or Draft, to avoid ehanc o toss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nev York. <■' / Lasts Seven times longer Looxs ¿even times better About Seven times cleaner About Two tim**s cheaper About i\.o times handier HARPER’S MAGAZINE................ ,.$4.0t HARPER’S WEEKLY .................. . . 4.Of HARPER S BAZAR............................ .. 4.01 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE....... . . 2.Of Pontage Free to all Subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. McMullen Woven Wl.e F nee Cu 11» uuif *‘«SO N. 31 urlili SU. I «Ic^kw. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all rat- out buslne»» conducts’! for Moderate l ees. Our Ottes Is Onnost’e U S Patent Office. in<l we ran secure patent In less time than those smote from Washington 8eud model. drawing or photo., with desertp- lon. We advise, If patentable or not. free of hargc Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A P nnnklet. ‘How to Obtain Patents." with names of actual clients In yoiirr'taie, onuty,or town, sent free Address. Imp »Irr ■ ''.»nd h I ah sii Xaler K «FI k . * *110L I Ml. hi ; . ji ■” SEMI I till r l '■ ill R IM'oKMA OUR mind TEN CTo Per Year: ( ^~Tha responsibility "I i. • . 'lit'HI'S may la' iudged lo 11.« 'a. t t.iu1 ’ ,I. h k is I.el'T l>y ovi-i m iL. 'i-am <♦ I id the leading lawn’,.'«1' tl- * I'lilted Hlalea. u'» ' Lu-— The Simpleton, a new noxel br T homas H a buy , ’Till be begun in the December Number, ISM. and continued to November 1895. Who ever may be cue’s favorite among English Nov elists. it will be conceded by all critics that Tiniva.' harpy stand« foremoat of a master artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be expected to an.use enthusiaina not inferthr in degree to that which has marked Trilby—the most successful story of the year. Another 'eadlvg feature will be the Personal Recollec tiotis of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis i>a CoNTB, Her Psge and Secretary, under which guise the must popular of living American magazine writers will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans. In the January Number Will appear a drofuaelv illustrate« paper on Charles ton arid (he Caroliuat, the first of a series of Southern Papars, Noathern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of em pires. The next volumts of HARPera MAGA ZINE will four illustrated articleson this regin, and three of them will depict the present life »here, ft’Lt an R alph will prepare (or the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phase« of Chinete Life and Manners. Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, by R ichard H arding D avis — the longest work yet attempted by this wri'er. Complete short stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE HARPER’S PER Oi’ICS nrrriAK wln.ft », G-Iters, Banic., A; c « mi nit, Byrmu I J - i.rBÌT ,.50 PGl’LT UriCAL MSRCH5HDI*: :, r, '■ U j is hard work compared with changing the uppe-r^nee ot your stove with I L k USTRATED gists and Dealers. L J’-J ÛÜ WANHIN0T0N, D. ii I SIND FO« CATALOGUE WL'DOUQLAS, BROCKTON, MA5S. a can eave raaaey by »«rebaelag W. L. THE PRESS GLP.I”"> filM F Street, North we »5. CORDOVAN, ^»AVFlItCALF&KWBa I3.W POLICE. 3 S olis . — such as Do J-otlt’s fl1’"1' ami E<e, “feu that I' i p • Haf ty I’in,’’ •’Pigs tu < Io- • i ver," "Air llrako." vh- Almost ■ very one cimro v< . a brig lit Idea at S" m- cm <n w other. Why not put it tn | r t leal usi ? yol k talents mu ini I i this direction ‘1 1 I ma Ho your fortuu . ' ;.y it.» sryp :: it :i « « t l(F*Wrlto for further In’ irmuJou «ml Invilitoli tills pupcr. <‘l »> l»TH«»«»T. i, to the person submitting the miHl meritorious I mvch II ou during tint pn issling month. WE HK< UHK PATKNTS POH INVENTO'»’, sul th" Object of this off- r i< to en- <•<>.I rag«* persons <>’ un I* Ive turn of nt'”'1. A’ • ' • tut’- time we wi it t *» the tact mat :: h <: > < J i IW. L. D ouclas W«* AUAF S3 SH0E-O.TJ«“'"- $100.00 Given Away Rvery Month CHANGING Han’ Baza ' Opposite Patent Office. W..»hlr,qton, 0. C. I L L (J S T RATED. I HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Elegetit and exclurive designs for Out-door aud Indoor Toilettes, drawn front W ohth mod els by S andoz and C h apuin , are an iinporraut ferture- These appear every week, aecotupe.n- led by mi mile descriptions and deiails Our , Parle Letter, by K athabink dk F ohkst , is a weekly transcript of the la’, at stiles and capri ces in the mode. Under the htap of New York , fsBltious, plain deaeripttoiis and full pazticu- . lars are given as o shapes. tat>ri< s, trimming«, and aceeesoaieaof the costumes of well-cressed ’ >t omen, chi Id reus Clothing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Pattern sheet supple- . ment enables readers toentaud inrketheirown gowh The woma.i who tak. s HARPER’S HA Z is is prepared for every occasion in life, ce-1 reimtiiimis or informal, where beaui'ifu. dress ia requisite. ---- ---------- Cur Premiums FOti TUB YEAR. -------- ---------------- —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH------ Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they mnke bo much within n short time am by auoceasful Speculation in drain i Proviaiona and Stock. JRin 00 FORJAGHDOLUR INVESTED CAN BE M DEBT OUR1 Systematic Plan rf Speculation origimited bv un All fiucoeefififul speculators opm*Aieon it regular system It ia a well-known f«ct that there ars thousands of men in nil part» of the I nit«d States who, hjr systematic trailing through Chicago brok-1 er», make large amounts every vear, ranging from a fvw thoueand dollars for the man who invests n hundred or two dollars up to |.r»O,(XX) to' • 100.0OO or more by those who invest a few thousand It is also n fact that those who make the largest profits from coni I psrni\. lv small investments on this plan art» persons who live away from ( hirago ami invest through brokers who thwroughlv understand systematic trading. thir plan does not risk the whole amount ibvested on any trade.hut covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it’ brings a Steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time. \ARIIE FOR (ONXINt’INii PROOFS, also our Manual on •ucc-aaful speculation anil our Daily Market Report, full of money I making pointers. ALL FREK. Our manual explains margin trailing tully. Highest references in regard to our standing and snccrau b*,»r further infortnaticn address THOMAS «St CO Banker» and Rrckers 241-242 Rialto Build!n^ Chicago I I I ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. 124 THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ! PER I ----- HR----- Morning Call! PRICK ■»<> I n H YKAB. HE SAN FRANCISCO MjS WEEKLY CALL jAfO I* a li»nd«>nie eight- page paper. Il le la-ur<l every Thursdav, »<><1 contains all nf toe luiprtant news of the week, gleaned from every qanr- ler of the globe, eompb-te up to date of publ'Mtion. It (Br nlehea ibe latent and most reliable Bilanciai new« and market quotations, a d (iva* special attenti.» to hortlcuL teral and agricultural news, and te In every r*'ioct a first, liaai (atnlly t>at>er, appo.ii..g to the Internet ot every meu.ber ot the h<>u.ehold. ------ ------------- & Hk: MOHMNG CAI.I. t-evar. taevaea Wane) le a Hvo troi oilt <a dally. It le the MOST RFI.I A- HI R. and la rec»Mntwl a« bring the LEADING NEWS- PAPER ,f ths Par I Ac C»a«t. Kithrr nf the aboie t a per- e. will «end no-to id as a pre. ■tin* on rreel: I <>f the fellow, mg subaerlpttaoi prices fur the eon. bi h a I l»t •2 50 «I % a 4-, 1 cattle hrand, IL, on left rib under bit In 'eft car, under elope in right ear . Horaa bread 71 on right «title. R E J. A. William« P, 0. Horae branded Pon right shoulder. catti« P on righthip. R. A. Hendrick«. P.O. Lawen Or Horae brand 36 on left shoulder, also these lot«.-, in shape of triangle, cattle branded sama *.. E. Grott’ burns Or. vies R.a« Dickenson Ilorae hrand anvil efi »title. >itt,e branded bar;R on left hip. ». Ijiwei. ’.re. I ob P J. P Db kenson cattle brand J Pconnectedon eft hip. Horae brand anvil on left stifle. P. <’ Igiwen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: mark light crop off each ear. slip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bunyard.Burns Ora. Geo Williams, horses and mules branded rounding w, on right «title. P, O Riiey Ois. illtstrated . Horae brand'i" on right etlfie. James Ron«. ARPERJ* Weekly la a pictorial biatorv of P O Burns Ore me time«. It prveenta every Important ever t Horae brand har-m on left shoulder: Ptomptljr, aceuratelv. and exhausti’elv In il , and descriptive text of the htgneat brand bar-m on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O Narrow s Ore. The manner in which, during ISM. it has Horae brand on left shoulder 8 Ml«e Lasts treated th« Chi «ago Railn ad Strikes and the < hlnojapanese W ar, and the ai..ount of light JJ WM able to throw on Korea the Instant atten Stanclift. Burna Ore. tion was illteeteo to that little-know n county, 1 Horae brand ~ oil left ehoulder and same os examples of Ita almost tainiidless rusoun es. Julian Ralph, the distinguished writer aud correspondent, has been seut to the seat of war. muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Buras and there joined by v p. Weldon, now for Ore. many years resident iu Japan, who has been 8, Lampshire and Son cattle brand Q etraasad to cooperate with Mr. Ralph in 8eud on II « RPvR’a WKKKLY exrlnalve infortna connected. Ear mark swallow fork In right ear lion aud Illustration underbit in left P, O. Burna Ore. harpers periodicals Horses and Cattl« branded J P on left shoul der some branded JP connected «ary *• Price, Burna Ote Per Year HARPER’S BAZAR ............ harper *» magazine .. HA RPR K’S weekly ... harper » YOUNG _____ _ PEOBI.a ....... ...................... 4.0» « «r 4 « i * la th« Unites’ The vo.umee M the Hasar be«ia with the fira’ namber for Jan.ary of ew. h When „ wtih"lh/s«e'!L‘',n*’' Will begix Zf .. m J? S’wb»r ’■•'■Tvai U theUra. of „cel»« te! .li ? p . P J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side Horse brand — on left shoulder. cattle diamond on left hip: horaee CV on lei shoulder. Charles H Voegtlsy, Burn« Oregon W Hau’s . P.otage Free to all subeeribera states Canada, or Mexico." W3EKIY :*U Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left aide Horae brand"? left aide. r. o. Burna,Oregon Horace branded )-( on left «title. Cattle brand, ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burna I'oatage Free to all subscribers in the States. Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will leg *h® Hr«t Number for January of ea When no time is mentioned, rubecript begin with the Number curret tat tl ceipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper’s Weekly f yeara back, in neat cloth binding, will by mail Poet tge paid, or bv expri ss. fr penso (provided the freight does not ex per volume) for 17.00 a volume. • loth Cases for each Volume, snita binding will be sent by mail jk » i - paid eelpt of |I. ' Remittances should be made by Poe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Addrese HARPER A BROTHERS. Ne / iH£ SAN FRANCIS 0 Horae brand barten on left «honlder; Cattls barten on left hip and upper clip on both ear«. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Riley f’r. year : I HARPER WEEKLY . HARPER’S M XGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR..................... HARPER’S YOUNG PFGPLE l’MICK «1.MJ rr.BYa.JLM. FREE BRAND COLUMN. BEATTY'S PIANOS! for cat al. «rue Kxwayor Washington. New Jersey Daniel F. . Sooad tnlawe, of Harpe*« Basar tor three *,n F* Xî,*r"*• ,rw °» expense IperaMod the freight do«e no» exreed one dol : r r • toi .»., om I I I • I h *. 'T*- "***’ volume, .«liable for Hod •• •>» "rw «w D™n’ ,o »rot! r has re ot lose _______ Hkirt» a aaoTHRna ,vgy.y *’* ** »-yr -■»« *« J*??. S*. Î-IT“*«s» CKANDGLSNS . t. as rs»d beri» Dselera n sF MUI CAL NLRCHf i 5»»» t .•« W • a Ke W * •• ’