Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1895)
i The Durrant Case. for many years been a matter of dispute and th« dividing line be- Aug 17.—On Monday the trial of Theodore Dur rant for the murder of Blanche La mont will enter upon its fifth week. All ot the pa«t week was spent in a vain effort to find a single satisfac tween Farmer Swackhamtner and Farmer Littlejohn's lands depend ent upon the Mate line, has never been located. Both farmers claim the meteor, while a third person claims it by right of discovery. In junctions have been obtained by all I three. Meanwhile scientists have partlv excavated the stone and have endeavored to determine its origin. It is claimed by one that h« has deciphered the cahaEstic symbols with which it is covered. He asserts that a wonderful mes sage is conveyed from an unknown world. A high fence has been erected around the mvsterv, and a guard night and day keeps all cur ions persons at a proper distance. B an F rancisco , tory talesman. As the case progresses the respec tive counsel finds it more difficult to he satisfied with venire..¿en. Anv who seems acceptable to one side apftears objectionable to the other on general principles. Counsel finds H chhv to dispose of objection- al veniremen without peremptory challenge. The defense has 12 of its 20 ¡H remptory challenges left and returns have been made on nearly l<KKI veniremen. Should no progress e made next week the defense will probably renew its mo tion for a change of venue If it can be shown that it is practically iBi|toasib|e to obtain a jury hers the motion will I m * grant’d as the deni-, al at tin* beginning of the trial was only proviirional» M tcor Ownership in Court C«A.SNOW<&CO. Ottposile Patent ONic» Wa»bto<*on. 0 C -JOHN F- o i. Manx's CHA?. Magazie. CURE, The »«ice»’« cf ♦’ • Great Cough Cure is w .bout a parallel in tbe h -tore of medicine. All drurgiats are authorize 1 to»ellitoi> a pos ilive gt .->«*tee. a test that n otherc re can «uccessiully aUn.1. That it miy becom* known, the Propr. b”* an enormou* **' Dense, ir. placing a Sample Dottie tree into . . - . ho nt in the Unit’ i M t!, a and Canada. If *. ou hive a Couch. Sore Throat, or Bron* ch.its, tt’o it, for it will cure you Ii_ jour child has thr Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it pronintlv. and relief is »ure. If you dread that instdio-j» disease Consumption, use it Ask yo’ir Druggist for SHILOH 8 CURE, Price to cts.. 50 CIS. and $1.00. If your Lungs are »ore or Back lame, nse Shiloh’« Porous Plaster. Price M cts. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. I L i US TRATED '* The Simpleton, a new noAel by T homas H arpy , will be begun in the December Number, ls’.O. and continued to November 1S9.‘> Who ever may be oue'» favorite among Et glieh Nov- eli»t», it will be conceded by all critic* that Tno'ia*. hardy stand» foremcat of a master artist itt fiction, and The Siinpletcti* may be expected to arcuse enthu*iatna not inferthr in degree to that w hich has marked Trilby—the tn. st su< << »»ful story of the year. Another 'eadii’K feature will be the Perxonal Reeollec tiona of .loan of Aic. by the Sieur Isil'ta dm < . STS. Her I'age and Secretary, under which guile the m. st popular of living American magazine» will Present ahe storv of the Maid »f ’irleans In the January Nu nber Will appeal a drofu»elv illustratee paper on Char lea ton mid the Carolina», the first of a series of Southern i'apars, Noathern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it w as the seat of em pires The next volumes of HARPer* MAGA ZINE will four illustra'ed artiileson this regin, and three of them w ill depict the present life lhere. fVLlAN R albii will prepare for the M At.AZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phase» of chineie Life anti Mani.era. l’csities the long »lories, toere will begin in the Jaunary Number the tits' Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, by R ichard H akding D avis — the Ionic» work yet attempted by this wri er < oinplete ahoJt »lories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS Ter “"7". r • ’ - ■?» -*• ~'-2 * -X». odÄino» _ __ J' ’ SI M» »<• The NcXanen \Y)7 ” Fuicfi <(• ug 3 I IS wa* *40 N. M-rk. i st. CELESItA I I D TEN C i o. TEN Ci OUR MIND o o 2 V c -v > , > • TE-; ; Ct».» Lasts Loo AS About About About r_”. en tur-e*. .! eve: 1 Set en That, T'A’O T,.o O 0 If vour erv- send i/s l> s n cet a 1 . r C *"• .» iLinily i jus -/ Year: Dy” rüan £ Co. HARPER'S MAGAZINE.............. HA RI’ER S WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR ............. HARPER'S YOl'NG ________ PEOPLE ____ Postage Erte to al] Sub«cril«erj. Vinteti States. Canada, or Mexico. r* « S is h ■ d tt bl » chan -inj rhe «.ppe.,r..nce stove with ILLUSTRATED. WIRE n *0 Caveat», and Trade-Mark» obtained and all Pat ent be».ne » <<iuducte<l for Moderate f ees, Onr Ortte» iy Onnosi'» U S P>t»n' ORic». Hid we r in ».•< nr, patent In lew time than tnoee »mots from Washington. Semi model drawing or photo.. v> Ith de«rri|»- ion W if patent thle or not. free of h irge Uur I e not due u;i i.nt ......... ured A P rnnblat. “ITow to Obtal Fataiita wit* uan>. ■ .futti'.l client» In you* State, county, or l«wu. »ent fr. «- Aiiur«*»«. 1893 SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION 31.IX . . L(M .. 4.(X . 2.(M in th< STOCK BRANDS The volumes of the Magazine begin will the Number.« for June and December o' eac h year. When no time 1« specified, «ul -ciipti. n» will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volume» ot Harper’» Magazine foi three year» bacK. in neat cloth binding w ill be »ent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of per volume. Cloth Case«, for binding .Ml cents each—by mail. po»t-paid. Remittance» should be made bv I’ostofHct Mom v Order, or Draft, to uvoiti chane o loss. Ad’ire»» IIARl'ER A BROTHERS, Nev York. Hap’ Daza I L L I) S T RATED. l HARPER’S PERIODICALS. FREE BRAND COLUMN. F.legent and exchtiive design» for Out door H'ul Inthiur r.iilciiuR, drawn from W orth mod Hora, brand bar ten on left ahoulder; t a-tl* » l«v S an '««. i and < H aiti «.are an l«np.,r aut bar ten on left hip and upper rllp on burn • rtui«. rhe»e appear every week, accompr.u I 'i by IlDIHlil* «»« M< rlplioilH Hlld »IV Hi K Our ear». T. I. McKinnon, Burrs Ore. i ariB l.vt er, b.\ K athaihnk i f . F ukbst , is a Hardin A Rflev, < attle brande i V on ef: » le weekly tra. ». rlpt of the a .at stile» and capri- . .f in tie* 111. de. Ci.det the leap of New York Horae brand T left aide. p. o. Burna.Ort *.> < H.»hlon». p'nlu .)«». rlptiot » a i«l full p.uHcu- . at» are given as o shapes, tahri. ». triminingi. a id ace. ale, ,.f the coatuin» • of w ell «Teased ' .1. C. Folev, cattle brand ■= on rignt ai le women, i hitdrera i 1«. hltig re»etve» practical Horae brand - on left shoulder. attetili..: i torti tglttly Pattern-aheet btipple- I «■ it el Hille» readeiH toeut and mrketheiruwn i .town Hie woma.. whotak s HAKPEK'8 BA »'» ’tie brand. ” ri. rii 11« <’er I i' in z ’ « Is pr< cared for evert occaaioti In life ee "■■■«- om.... II., i... on «... te .e*. , . In ... ___ ear __ . Home brand r. moi t. ) « . r informal, w h« e beautiful «ire»« !eit c"r* 11 !,ler »’»I* rleht 1« I««! csl e 71 on right » ttle. B E J. .*.. ole. R A. “ William» P. o uor Premiums FO » THI YEAR THIS PAPER— ----- WITH — THE S N FRANCIS 0 Reliirnitig pro«pcrity will make many rich, but rmwh**r<* Ihev tnnke r.i much wilhm a »fiori turn as by mit-crsefiil Speculation in ! ì'tiio i l’rov isiona nnd Rtnck 00 FOHEtbHDOdlVNVESTEOCtNBfJII EEBY OUS I n P'NJ. Sysiematic Phn if SpiC'ilation origitrite.I bv ti« All *m-?<*< ««fui »peculator* «.per itrnn a regular «\ »’em If 1« n well known fact that there are thousand* of mon in all parts of II I- I fiite.l Slitte« wlio. bv Hvetcmalie trailing through Chicago brok er* make large Htn<>unt« ewrv voar. ranging from n f«»w thotienml dollar« f>r ilo* in e. w fo. invest* a hundred or two <| dl*r« up to f.WOOO to /Im)(MM) or nr>re by tho«* who inve-t ;t few thouaand It i* alis,i a fo t that (ho«>. who tnnke the larg<<»t profit* from com |tnr;tii\t Iv «mail investment« on thia plan arc •«*r«on« wh » live awav from ( hi. ago m«d mve«t through broker* who thwroughly und r*tand ■ vatrinatic trading Onr plan doe* not ri«k the whole amount iuvealcd on anv Iradt .but cover« Is.lh »idea, • « tfint whether the market ri«e« « r fall* it bring« a *tcadv profit that pile* upcnortn«vu*|v in a short tune WRITE FOR CONVINCINE PROOFS n|«o our M iiiiih I on •ti< «»fui »p-ctilan >n and our Duly Market Rep irt. full <»f nmnrjr making iMsmter* ALI. FREF Our manual cm pl.iitts innrgin trading ftlilv lllgL. »t ref» r»•».. , « in regard to our Mantling ami «ucce*« For further infortitati» n athlre«« TH0M t^. CH Rnnk**rh "' id brokers <7 • 241-242 Riulto Bj Iding Oh'cngo. ELKHART CARRIAGE i d HARNESS MFG. CO $21.50 .1 M... Md Vto«toMMM»Vla»M l .m. •>»*«• ’**•• »«* *• Arc. ». rM» * • • I J AV ■ I «»..«».(. < » IM to « . », ; H a; ■ » ki ** »• »*4 •»» '*•♦**> A«*V Wh* IWk to«A |4|. I » » M- «’♦•« v «ir «m« «« all t«Mk ”4 IM WN3LKBALE PRICKS »• '■■»<'«. »»Oto »4*. U« ■■ » • •• V »1 <• .’**<» M ft.MHI W»|. a«. r , . -nW I«s«4ir. ., ■»a»»»fc:ii . » -t^i-.w Top 0».a *• • »4». I’ >M1 • »• • »VJ. MARNtSS $24 Kilin Or PER Wee dy Cali ! CICK » •« »-I H » Mornin? Cali! > » . I*, h » k.Ai* ------- -H-------- “P-Hl (I ' «AN EKANCIMO KI.Y - ALL I a id.’.in«* I* a right- pasr paper. Il I» is-u d every Tbur««ia<,s d ona> lina all of tie Hup riant nr», ot ihr week, a • ned from every qu .r- ter ot the globe. mmhp I. le np to dale of pubi catl'.n II fur. ■MtsS the late-t and mot reliable fillin'-)«! it»« i .nd Keiuiltan. C» »h..n d he ma-te by Po» "r,"‘r r • DI » hance of Adurena HAKPKR * BR o THEK à Se , market«, a <J * '»■ • prciat attenti n In hot IciiL turni u»l asric«ltura| new«, , Horae branded P on rizht ah-oilder. ca-t’e P ni right bp R. A. ilendrii ka. I’ o I aneti or Ilorae h nud ;W> on le't »h«>ii''er. a s « Ihre» a tn »’ ape ..f triangle. < a*tie branded »a «» ■ K. Gran . urna Or. • 'M»» It • !> Kennon Horn.- ’ anvil <>' f »title - e brande i ba: K on left hip f I awe Ore. ' P Di k.- am < attie I rand I l‘ connected < t> ef. hip Horse brand a- vii on 'eft »title P. <’ « v«!i Ore Cattle brand figure 7«>n eitherhlp: mark light >*r«.p off ea< h ear »lipin each ear. and watt • •ii left Jaw. H.trae brand figtireTon either hip J. H. Bun*ard.Burna Ore. Gen Williams,»e« and nittle» br»r«'ed snti.llni *» . ..n tight »’Ifle. P.O Ri ay Ote W Hat’s . Horae ' rand p on right a’tfle. I LLTSTRATE D. Jame« Beu». I P o Burt.» t >re l •' hi», .rv of Home brand 1 ar m on left »b.rnlder; Ca’ltta , P’’*’ ’■•‘■r* l:n|s.rtaut eve. » ' brand har m on left hip nud rilte. Catherine . J.« > '""d '•«hauatl eb In il Marshall P O Narrows Ore. • > <!nrri*iiv» teai ut thè hignest 1 *•'" n’S’” cr tn which. »luting 1«'H, It ha» '-»'« d the ( hl «go Kailr. ad sink* » and thè' atei I» In evrty reai oct a fir»1, ■aw faietly ia.»r, ap|r-..i « II. the li.trtr», ot rlrry lu . ' ri t n.» a’, et., thfow.m K.ora tn • i »*ant a’fe.i Uon w«adl»»»»v«l to that little known county. Horae brand on left ahoulder S Mia»« stanrllft. Burnt Ore. Hora<* brand ~ on left ahoulder and »ante • I Uw b uMOiohi. «Ilan Ra nh. the dia.ingulshtd ------- »4--------- Ht MaillM mi (- XI I «-»»■a b»r»i « w aata> I» a ll.e r ten ■> t ■ dall« It <» e e Mos I Rgf | ,. Ill E « d to ier*<’>*(^ I .. la»-U> id ». * j. L» li. *d w aguM. EKLY im r >. ♦2 80 is «Jiu*w; m XS t Jix Hör»«*» an 1’ atti» brandet J P .«a lef’ ah ’Uj ■ ler » «me b -n ed JP connected Marr J. Price, livrea Ole "" •l,h’X‘N2X‘*r‘XUt’?’T W .wfcr -r«rr»n. mto.ha-rt rwertr ’’«*«••) volume» nf H.-re . '< * ’ W 1 • ’ey » ' filiJk. Y1?-'***- ,TT* **r*n»s *, imi tn» rr’i<b’ d.»» » w •«.•-d on* 4.»t r • r-^-e I • h *•* ’ K »wet r Dr«» ®k.N^saa—HU .»•» I «I p connected. Earn ark »wallow fork tn right ea’ un«!erbit In left. P.O Burn» lire. HARrFR-w R\lyg 4 HARI-VK« MknktlNF 4 * Il IRPFR » WggKI.Y 4 A H iRFFR-a VocNi. PKopi.« 1 ’ * •’•«r Free |u »u*«rrn«r» in the Vnite. Ratos ’ ara ia. nr Mexico. ,p. ij I S. I«mt«htie and Son cattle bran I . Per Year oi<m • » k > ! Pbil Smith Rn-n» ■•«» DAILY C’ L’. I • for HARPER’S PERIODICALS t it»» Pa-ifi» C**. m tl«e at> »• ap»r «. t-ustle of right hind le*. Ore. writer «u.i • ->d iber» Joined m « Weldou. now ■-a«.« «ear».,wf. tlu Japan.who h.» ' -•;« 1 -oc "taute »| h \|t H,|..h ( r. v""— th* LKAl’iNU NhtVv Uk.kl.K. MANHOOD RESTORET! f »»•> W « » aw« » „ • 4tw«i« * « •« - ' Cattle diamond on lef' hip horse»''Von ’e- shoulder. Charles H. Voegt • v. Hur: » ore*.» Il \ 1.1'1 K - M \ g \ z i X t Il l RI’ER'S BAZA L HARREI."»; YoI’NG l'i- IRLE l'.xiage Free to all » t’ scrlber» In th • s'at. » t »Dada, or Mex < <> The Volume» of thè Aeekly w 11 beg hy nrht \iniiin-r fo<- Jni>uarx of t a w nen no lime jR menti.»ne <!. m L m riiv i’’-uin wiih 'He Numbur rurr» 1.1 ut ti t eipl of or«lt-r, Kouud Vu u t.e» of l!»r|>er'» U c-kl\ f «eai» ba k. I . mat < |. h binditt*. wìtl by inali I’. «t *e I«bl.. r by expre»», fr !•' "»'., prove ed he '•« |eht doe» n .tei twryolum,., f rg7 l|0 t »..lume. 1 lolll • a*e» i.,r ea< h Volume »Ulta < "i'i.t!>f ì'i"1 u * 1 ,y *“* »al'‘ A>(. •ti m llor»«» br.i <t»d t ,>n left »'ifle. Cattle brand e<I )■( on left hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Burt * Il \R?ER WEEKI V ll. SAN FRANCIS 0 rai< I year : ”t »«*»*»*O.* nreeip o< ••r-rotn,, -hanr» *f kM ■“ r«««* »T, * • •« • *R*vye «’a w • »k<1. w «tri *1 Hl«m * RUT Ult IL.» *w— BEAHYS PIANOS^ fot r«t»l.aavor l.antri F Beat«