Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1895)
i In spile of all he could 00, the chains and handcuffs resisted his force lot a quarter of an hour, dur- I Fr ira Peuple« Home Journal. ing which time great beads of pres- CHAPTER I. piruiuii rolled down his pallid, BY EMERSON BENNETT. anguished face. | Gravson took up a position where "Hark!'’ gasp.-d the trembling he could safely watch the outlaws, maiden “Oh, Father of Mercies, and remained there through the I hear the robbers coming back! night. Fly, Charles—Uy, while you may!” He knew when the last one w. nt “And leave you darling?” to sleep: but, even th*m, he <lid not “If you cannot save me, save feel safe to make a nearer inspection yourself, for God’s «ake! Or kill Just l>efore daylight he drew me, if you will, and save yourself!” further away, and with the coming “You must come with me, deal (ot light found a small cavitv Lolu. for I cannot live without you!” »■a »ng the rocks, in which he con- He made a desperate wrench at ceiled himself, and fr >m wiiich he the Irons, and they snapped at could still watch the mouth of the last. leave. “Thank God!” came from both 1 He »v- om muw. hut t»ui he nr believed, vriicvru, did jiv not ; know, together. .that the kidnapped girl was a pris , “Come, love!” he said, seizing oner inside, and he determined to her hand. • watch for any chance to ascertain . He dashed out th^ light, and both the truth ¡together hurried from the cave. He hid n > t with h ■■ [ bandit* were returning, and his advMtnHMM : fe he ha - ne- t)1(.ir s„Ulllnng np froni I DARING ACHIEVEMENT. men admired her; and. as ar. ¿J al consequence, all the female J illation envied and strove to imitJ her. Ifshe wore a blue hat. withl white leather, every girl in R-»ad| ville must have the samé thij without regard to age or coniplel tion. If she robed herself in whit J white at once became the prevail ing color. Still, it so turned 0 that, after all their trouble, t Readsviiie girls never succeeded i looking like Violet; she was purel original, with an air and style i her o vn that it was just imposiibl to imitate. Every one admits that she was beautiful vet it wae __ __ __ diflicult matter to determine wha Burns IXÆocLt IVIarKct. — constituted her chief charm A one ti ne, all the feminine critics declared it to be the effect pro It ia first claw in every respect, The proprietor having been rai«e>i duced by a blue watered silk; but m the business knows just how to conduct it Meat at retail and whole just w hen this belief lo gan to be- •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices credited, out sprang Violet in a as low aa you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutt m, Sausag. corn colored moire antique, hxiking elc K A. M atthes , Proprietor fairer than ever before Whether her chief charm consisted in her down the gorge.«*• fair, dimpled face, or deep blue Our lovers took an opposite eyes, looking like half blown for thirst, ar d he felt h- could 4» even course, and breathlessly worked get-me-nots bat htd in dew; or in mure than thi« f »r lhe being he so their way up the acclivity. her curling, crinkling, goldei tress dearly lovrd. LTV OÍ • Soon they hea’d :» low es, or mischievous, rosy mouth; or surprise, followed by tierce word- in her half tender, half taunting I That dav • the bandits re nained j__ ___ lounging about till near i.ightfi "• of.nger. ur and manner, no one could say; and Charles wa« almost in »Lspair “They have discovered your loss, mt it was generally agned upon of g»-t<inc any further knowledge of darling, and may seek to follow «-!’ hat she was quit» a leautv Lolu. when he saw what appealed , said Charles to Lolu. “Now. th-i: Violet was uniformly kind io Iwr to he a ui-s.-enger arrive in haste, we must escape or die! Th ink G >d many suitors, making henj deniils, is the whole story 1 apparently with som* exciting' f>r the night and darkness!” when nece.-sarv. so sw • tlv that the news, which caused nqui k comm • about They hurried up the hill, and rejected ones felt almost as much lion among th“ men, who s >-m then he laid a straight course for favored as the accepted. And •rixed tlteirarin« and burri»d awav. Eagle Pass, which they reached a vhen Guy Hilliard came to taka leaving only one of their number on little after midnight. •harge of the village tch -d. al 'guard When Charles had plac- d Lulu though he was a voting nun <1 iii* Our excited lover sag* t wa'ch- Iti TÌTÌ rtf 12ÍTPC BMre,hxn o<ber yirtxpv >od*—•rvwspoib in tne arms of her overjoved fathei ipprarance and exce l» nt char, etii, 111 p (lviya^v 3. Sour—«m:venaltyv±sc>«ifldged rarest tn the worU. l ed ih* m»uih of th- cav- as long and mo’.h-r, he claimed his reward it was a long while u« t >re the little a» he could see it. ami then ven- MiJe only by cavkCH a CO., Rew Tart. Sc'J by rroern everywhere. “By your solemn promise, Mr villag ; beauty vouchsafed to him tured forth an 1 crept up t > it. Brandon, Lolu is now mine, f ir I he | sign of preference But H* foU'«l this one num, in 1 1 ” alone have restored her to your per.« v -rance ami pat cnee, as they act of starting a fire. I ■•»»it down over arms ” generally »io, succeeded st last; •ou.e Mi -is. and h* i—-pt up ><ebind 1 • ’■•here did you get the ransom md. in due course of time, one him and dealt him a stun- ing blow ! my son. to be in advance of Hiram tender, moonlit eve. under a Loney- | Then. 1» fore lhe f-How c> uld re S.o kwt-ll. who to night set otf with suckle iirtmr, in th-* old squiies Toev«ry i»er*on nd- . cov»r. ' • w hipped out a str >• ig c >rd j his gold to redeem her?” garden, the vouug min his uhli itn LAin.1. •”<u*«be.»».»□• <» which be carn-d • th b in. and “Mv own strong arm did it ” was e.iii-e in true l<.v»-r-hke fashion, and J him S' one yearly subscription to The H kkai . u togetlker with ten c*nta extra foth gagred and 1- the proud ’¿ply. “I we; t al me t< >vas tr insported into the tbirw Ir« rely. we will semi fr»e a i -pv of The \\ rbl Almanac for !* '’• " i g'i» c- ; ■ ■ the lion’s den an 1 s -t tier free ■i»aven of I llsS by b> ing sec p«rtl Thu d ■-•*. be cauti iU'lv enter- d may l«e urde-vd at this office fur 2-S cent» ♦ She owes her r»-s»-ue to nrinlv de The old >»|uire m id • n • objections the cave a few feet, listened in th- votion and not t»» piltry g II! 1" ” nd, aft ra proper I i|»se of time. i d«-ep darkneaa. and th-*n boldly W hen wa« m.i I i-’e i ;i • voting couple .ver united ami»! Ip'o«ouneed the name: tv the astonish'd fathe-. he e.u « .•ewinh-r’iig prof'.si’rti >»f la *»«n»l “Loll Brand m*“ ■ raced Charles • ray son. d < 1 .r <i i hite tluw» rs; and ’he po<»r. love i “Oh «b-se vwtee i : that?” wa» he was worthv of his duughter, and lorn swaiii? uf Readsviiie were left ’ • tre • 'S - p. • 'hat «4A l«ed that he should alway s b ’ prou^ «’• io enns >ie themselves as th v comd the heart of her I »ver to beat tu call him son. Evervl»»»Iv was surprise»! to see a> ituoa*!« When the new« of the young what a loving. ex»‘ini»lare wile ’ M t * 1. i—Char •*» G’.o sin’s « »» •* w r» v * «* «w 4 « • w man s daring achievement spread Vi »let made. She had been •<» g ’» «. w t M K T W * k lwuu —and God l* praiæd I h«Vr found through the village, the citizens is a girl. s«t full of mischief. »> ‘ • too’” a gave him an ovation and crowned The C«“t Rrferercr B i F •?. petted and flattered, that some nt ‘Oh. G«1 he pr a '-rd* ‘ was h-r him for a hero. A Volume of o»..r 5 0 .4 tfie R -adsville wise-acres shix k g»‘pin< reepmar It Trenti 1,400 t Hiram Stockwell deposited his vbeir heads and hinted that Guy Hecou'd rej «-* b»r y. «. butrh- gold on Eagle Peak, where the Hilliard might repent his bargain, Endorsed by STATESMEN. •<r«ck a tn itch a»i io* nd her. bandits took it. and then told him. but. on the contrary, he rejoiced ■ ith e» on be* wrieta and EDUCATORS and with m »eking la ighter and jeers, over it anew every day. regarding < h«ired t » a ”wk ; tl nogh ah» c»‘ol » STUDENTS everywhere. that tne girl was free. it as the best transaction of hi» Mand up. walk a i»w Hep« and hr ! So I * l.*t hi< ncmev and his life. Hat R*aeh*a Such a State of Fer- d< wo upc»n ar*«,* Mraw ran’, unllk- toctton That it ia a VerttaMo rid and a large number laughed TO BK CONT1NI El»- a d- g m b'« krei el t ncielapeOia of Facta. Statta* ver th* affair when they danced T»*« he **rw. k a»<b»r match t>ca and Cronta bs*r> at the gty weddmg of the true to January Firat. I 996. ar-d f«t,d a-el I an <h*r loven». lamp by which b- eaw lh»t the’ HE liyt volume m a w bout horary THS KM» csv* ran Car back tn gVom. ami ta itaelL Oac caa han£y th..»« of a <^a*MK>a it caaaot anrae*. h wfr WM atrrwed *Hh *kio«. wrap s.« all atxMit psrtv pUtton»«, eiartaoa *ta> < - rme- »« »nJ many mirk« <»t ¡ «lì H ILLI ARDS SKELETON. tiMan, the ae* tanC relxpoM of th* plunder e anh. popwlaoea evarrw her*. * at* aaJ I« »t be l«»t na» tiuw in en*>M<ly I |\trrvn<»t Katwttcs «xvapatMt of z-* be fr*rrJ ibr »rafits might rv atea. k>mp atattm, iMvratwr*, turn •« a»y and tà*« n aad adecado«. It ia . . . b-aiad her* hr* wwn Lb- won d ta an on!v d «ugh »»enberd whatever might brevm« Pretty, h ghK of he’ hr rana* U» M»e 4 «Tumpl.sf rd aini T-ry «prigh’ly On a ra Jr I watch, be fertanat.)» • *th«|. rvigvxi supreme in diecwwrvj a hammer am* a pa.r oí **»•*•' • ’ PRICE. pm | uk U- niad. . 25 CENTS «hr p^WMM pleasant lit«K Bipgwra and CaUhir>£ up thee* hr *'*•«'» to«» -Sen> |^r fatbrr Add rev* THE WORLD, Nww Yd C ?»e te l i and eeg»riv «et v> qn**« . f f*«hi.>n a« w»l| a> • *k V* free her ut hearts AH th* ARA AHP HAMA« SOPA r 4 i AMERICA S STANDARD YEAR BOOK »