Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1895)
w E. H. THOMPSON, WANTED. Business Locals. DEALER IN Agent« to «ell our choice and har dy Nursery Slock. We have many new sjxcial varieties, l>oth in fruit» and ornamental» to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay —School book« at the drug atore commiHsion or »alary. Write ub at •f i I. M. Horton . once for terms, and secure choice —School books and stationary ! of territory. .M ay B rothers . Nurserymen, cheap for cash, at the Hardware Rochester, N store of C. H. Voegtly. Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutlery FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS Grain. Flour. Feed and Country Produce. BAKER CITY, OREGON — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. For Sale Or Trade. —100 acre« of fine fruit land 10 acre lota 5 miles south of Eugene — Who said you couldn’t get a Oregon, 1 mile weat of Spenser good flavored cigar in town for five But^ Lots *400 each Horee« Ix>ts at at *400 each cents? Call at the City Drug Store gnd caltle part pay un MC|, |ot jf and inquire. i purchaser so desires. For fur* ther information impure at thi« —Chas Voegtly offer« a Havana otpJct, I pre«» grain drill at le»s than cost ___ _ for cash. I A M»rv»l.iu« l>l««<.very Fr»» — Builder« tools and all kinds of t j DUIHllng hAnlwan* a ai am ou> sso wblv T mibd RsaBov.-Mr«. ’ Wlndilow’tMoothingMyrup h»« t>een used for at trio Burns over flfty years by inillioHH ofmothert for thelf hardware «tore, al bottom prices for cash. —The Raloon, in th« new botri building, Richardson and Stephens proprietors, ia nicely furnished and Its cuatomwrM is given the best brnnda of liquors and cigars. children while teething, with |M*rfect sii<-< esa. It Booth the child. «of ml the corns, alls's al! pain, cures wind colic, and la the best reins edr for IHarrheoea. la pleasant to the taste Hold by Pr iKXlsis in every part of the world. Twenty tlver-eiifs a bottle Its value Is Invala lable. Be sure ami ask for Mrs Wlrulslow'a Mouthing Syrup, and take no other kind. ___ Catarrh Hu troubled me for 11 years. I have taken bottles cured. of Hood'« Sarsaparilla and am four perfectly I think Hood’s 1 BURNS, ■OM HOTEL BURNS. HRFrnv VKIM j UV “ - g—- —-- Sarsaparilla haa no equal, and believe that many who are tn poor health and have become discouraged, would be restored to good health If they would only give MR. T. M. & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors Hood’s Sarsaparilla This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie afalr trial." W m . J. B kmsch , Astoria,Ore. tors use every eflk rt possible to make their guests feel at home Hood’s Wils The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- — TOHSORIAL PARLOR, |ford'- ROBINSON A WALTON ( Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be | it« guest when in town. P roprietors , PIONEER DRUG STORE. — Dr Cate ia kept pretty buay Everything in their line guaranteed to he done satisfactorily. The universal good dentistry done —Subscribe for the Portland I by him has gainer) for the Dr. a [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] Weekly Sun only *1 a vear. This lasting reputation paper should be encouraged, for the Proprietor A . C Worthington ............... ..................................... James Edwards, Superfluous hair removed per- simple reason it is truthful and t BALER I'i--»- « ' inanentlv instantaneously, without l>ew«y. DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES. PAINTS, PERFUMES Real Estate, l ife and Fire in»ur 1 pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. — I<ee Caldwell*« Saloon now In order to prove superiority, we ance. Collection» a Specialty. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, running on a cash basis ia well |>Ht- A full line of School Book» and School Supplies. Confection« _ ■ - - - OREGON will for next ( i ' i » send sample Hl HSR ronised and the proprietor finds , an<1 UMimoniB11. free, on ro- •Nut» and fruits. the cash system to f»e good for him-1 of nlneteen wn(t u pav |xlBt | f^“Mail order» promptly filled. self. also, his customers He is Electro Chemical Co., 25 East GEO. S. SIZEMORE, thankful for part and preaent pal-1 Nih gt >w York ATTORNKY, B urns , ............................. O rrgon ronage and courteously solicit» hi» (’<i|l«f.HU»s. I Lifinrsii. and Kral frivnda to continue their patronage Sometime «gu I was troubled with iiiaiter a»ten«l«^l to. an attack of rheumatism. I used ERR a THK KH J. w HIC.GH,a HCBM«. . » Chambrrluin’s Pain Balm ami was ClNYOM ( ITT. A Woman Wlnr Will Work completely cured. I have since ' Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« Hicks & Biggs WANTED in every county to in »nlvjsed many of mv friends and attorney - at - law , troduce th«’ Celebrated “llygria” customer» tn try the remedy and to Fare One way «6.00. Round trip *11.00. ’ Waists ror all age*. Thia waist r i teak highly of it Simon Guida Office«.at Canyon Citv and Burns •uperccdcs the core» t, and baa re baum, San Lui» Key, Cl. Vor Through freight 3|cts. a pound. NEW YORK WORLD. reived the unanimous approval of sale by II. M Horton, Two dava notice at anv P. O on the route and cover©I coich n «¡1 The Twice a week Edition of th» pliyriciana of America *3 00 out* H. A. William*. Propriel»»* New Yo.k World has f»en convert <>e furnished for passanger«. th free. Any energetic woman can ed into the Thrice a week It fu - make from *15 to *50 weekly. - y» «I n-p'OTV’* '» ni»he» 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, Semi for circulars and terms. or eighteen pages every week, nt1 HYGEIA M’F’U CO . 37* St, New i- iiy»iciaii <v surgeon. the ohi price of One Dollar a year. ’ York. A graduate of the Iowa State This gives 156 paper a year for One University and College of l‘hy«i- Ihillar and every pa|K*r has 6 page»- I ciana and Surgeon«. Schools Attention. right columns wide or 4S c »lumns M uhi acturer Office at residvi reaidei re in Burna. in all. The Thrice-a-werk World oï ia not only much larger than any Notice ia hereby given that I ain ALSO DEALERS IN weekly or semi weekly newspaper now prepared to exchange the fob Carl Thorbihn Musical Dtrecio*. but it furnish«* the nee a with lowing Book a which have l»ceii Standard Tbeatr« Orchestra pain HARD- CMaagu. Illa Aori’.. II. iW much greater frequency ami adapted for the foil »wing aixyeara Msssr. J. hn f «trnlVn Pear Mrs —I am ,.!««.«■ i !•» be «bl« t.» promptness In fact it combines oil Ex Price stat« ihat I c<» b*«bly rt«-. irr . • I v u» Kus- WA&E Maxwell« first Book in English 2.'» Mai <.ut Nri'<- I r>«t .bi'lty i i> I !<■> e. all the crisp, frosh qualities of a Yuwr vrxlsrs ( r tbvui »bvu.d trcu.aJ GLASS “ Introductory Eng Gram. 30 daily with the attractive special “ Advanced “ “ ” features of a weekly. .35 Vowralrviy. CARL THORB a RN doors Arrangements have l»een made Peterman« Civil Government 4N bTOVEa by which we can furnish this paper ' A. C. WoatniMuroM. J «• airtniiOH'V & WIN and the Thrice a-Week New York caiaaa.. Worldboth for *2 25 a year. Take hangers ► DOWS let Readeraal 25cta advantage of thia ofier and get •• 2nd 40 •• TINWARE. GRAN1T your own local p*per and the AMMUNITION A FISHING ¿¿NDOUN9 3d. &5 •« Thrice a-We, k World at this apecial W a RE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR .-f •*'■• WWI mw W PrtMv H »B •• NO «• 4th MuaicAL McncH/wr at, rate Tur H irai n. MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS •« 5th *1 tu •a i_.i.b,.u.t::.v.i L a -. h ’ ji . . n -» vy e t all and roe cur Holiday goods. While at P^kakill. N Y., Mr J Monteith« ElementarV Geography A Scriven. a prominent manufact '. 65c ta Monteiths Cumprehenaiv« »3M e. STr'TTOW lirrrof \rw Y'.wk Citv. pu'chased ‘ Geography *1 25 Clark« Normal cr rru > T D a hottie of Chamberlain’s Cough ! Sill« Grammar , «v*-4 F Grammar Nflc Remedy. Such good results were • »«chool Uoeka U Ahi JOS, 6.5c ta And all o H M NORTON, Proprietor • - *' te«a*« rv ka f , obtained from it« u«e that he sent in proportion and , «l thia datr I Ckt WI~W • IM “ . back to the druggist from whom he » MMB a»<M W*i. a*. *»♦ <1 -, will sei! achool booka ,b* •)*»*• m .rarim- : had obtained it f«»r two more hot ! « — n»‘ «»‘ n^ . prirea for cash and fo. ca«h only. tie« of the ».«nt« reniedv. When , Order* hv mall promptly attented DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. , you hav« a cough or cold give thi« lo Dafcrd thia 1«t dar of March STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES preparation atrial and like Mr .•UH? IMM Scrive,, you will want it whenagtin A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TORACCO, CIGARS ETC. C II Votovi V i in t»«ed of «neh a medicine It i« a route,! v of great Wv»rth and merit Fine Wines A Liqucrs for Medical Purpose* SO cent bottle« for «ale by H M Prvecriplione accurately compounded. vnwt. Horton. Firat Claaa Dental Work Don« • Burns Ontario Stage Din l Î. GEER i [0. Tinware & Sret^ iron C r *