Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1895)
The Sunday Schools of Burns _ Julius Durkheimer left here t —We received a letter from Dr. have arranged for a basket picnic ' Gwynne, a Presbyterian minister, that this morning for Portland. for Aug. 17 to which all Sunday i he would likely le I ere August 4th, —Miss Ella Bwain of Lawen, has Scnools in Harney Countv are in I Sunday, but since we have been notified organized ! by him he cannot be heie <*n that day. been employed to teach a school vited; aid not only schools but all friends of Sunday I He staited from Salem for The Dalles, near Drewsey. School work. The programme will Prineville ami this place, but his con — We see in the Harney Items consist in addresses on S. S. work , IAKOES t circulation of i veyance broke down forty or fifty miles and music to be followed by a that P. E. Engel and family have Ui the IN TH1« COUNTY. _ I when on the route and be was compelled basket dinner, all of which will be à XY 1- to return for repairs or another vehicle moved to Weiser published later. It will be the lltli.oi probably the 18th. Religions Services. _ Rev. Devenport preacher and Let every man, woman and child „Jis...« Sundays of Aug. before he can get here He who loves Sunday School work try will be accompanied by another minis dentist, from Idaho, is in the Lawen 10Dtb H“- m. and 8 p. m. to be present. Come with full neighborhood, doing dental work ter the m* baskets and warm hearts and we Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. m. and preaching. will assnre you a good time. The 2nd Sunday will —C. A. Jones is again under the W. H. G ibson . J^Jerved for general work in —A party of surveyors camped care oi Dr. Marsden for hemorr here last night, They are survey- other fields. hoids. ing Uncle Sams public domain and Judge Cliffords Decision in tlie R ev . G ibson , Injunction Case. Pastor. —T. D. Harris, we understand on their way to Idaho. has located at Caldwell Idaho, arid ANOTHER'FiRFAT HARNEY. In t e circuit court of Oregon, lor the has sent for his family to join him county of Harney. In vacation after Local Neyvs. Nearly all the business portion of the May, 1895, term at that place. Harney, was destroyed by tire last Sat Chas. II Vopgtly a- <i * —Latest stvle of ladies hats at —Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Will urday night. We understand, but can Geo. W. Young 1 Iff** eastern prices Duikheiuier. iams, who have been ’n Burns for not vouch for itscoilectness, that this VS. School Dirt. ____ No 1. in Harney several days, left here this morn fire was the work of an incendiary. L. county. Or, and Peter F. Stenger, -Mr.Tnpker has the tower complet- ing for their home in Canyon City. Woldenberg’s store was burnt, together H E Thom >son a"d John W. Say jhe fera«- e,| for a wiii>l mill. —J. Durkheimer returned from Port land last Ba'orday. -Judge Rutherford was in town last Fridav and Saturday. -B R Wiliell had a mess of green itring beans, of hi" own one day last week. -J.T Ware, of the Narrows is in bed with an attack of pneumonia Dr. Marsden is waiting on him. with the contents, an empty s loon building. Price Withers’d.y goods store, and his saloon all its contents, ami the livery stable belonging to Snodgrass Woldenberg’s loss is estimated at $7,750, insurance $45>X) Price W ithers’ lo-s —-The injunction on the school $4500, insurance $3000 and ttie li ve» y house building has been dissolved stable was worth about $1000 Total and we presume the school board loss 813,850. Insurance $7.500. —Mrs Fitzgerald has opened a restaurant in the Locher builing, in the rooms formerly occupied for the same purpose by Mrs Buckland. will begin work o_ the house im mediately. Van Items. — E. O. H erald being a misno- —Messrs Richardson, James, Cope July 23, 1895. land, Morris and Vickers of H o ney H>d I nn r, f»r < ur paper, probal ly we had A petition ha*< been circulated pinyins vicinity have been m town in the ia-*t | better change it, and call it Harney for the Van office to tie re-eslHblit*h*-d seek. News or Harney Indicator, or some and naming Mis. Jane (’lark for P. M. —The saw-mill of McKinney nii'1 thing of that sort. An epidemic of soie throat prevails Sparrow, has stopped sawing for the here. —Ben and John Jordan were ar season But th« plainer is still run- A letter received lately by F Bliss rested on Beaver Creek, Crook oing. from hi« brother-in-law Be t Smith, who —The Grant County News publishes County by Peter Stenger and Ike has been traveling in northern Califor that portions of this county aie getting Winters and brought back here ar nia and Jackson and Josephine coutiea sodry the wickets aie digging wells on riving last Saturday. They are Ore., save a pool man is much better the deceit, anil carrying Ihe sand to the now having their preliminary px off in Harney or Grant counties than surface in tobacco pouches. there. Mr. Bliss th nks instead of mov amination. ing hither, as was his intention, he will —It br,a been decided it) Alnhaina —I. Jewett came into town yes profit by the advice Hnd remain here. that if u bachelor puts his aim around the waist of a woman, it is a marriage terday afternoon after Dr. Marsden I Having has conieneed.cropa generally proposal, consequently if not consuni- to go to Silvies Valley to attend to light, though there are some exceptions. mettd establishes giounds for a damage the breken leg of Mr. Canadv. who There I as been consideiable trouble suit. was thrown from a mower in the over school Htfairs in the W olf creek —Pete save there was a “little old Fog morning resulting in a broken leg. district, and at a meeting held the 28<h . cabin in the lane’’ but Al declares it is of June it was decided to move the —Alma Davis a short time ago. school house as near the center of ttie nol so, he says “there was nothing be hind which they conid ti ke shelter ex found in the mountains north of district a-* possible, instead ot dividing cept a wire fence and the posts are small • Harney an old flint lock rifle gun the school as some of them wished. The •nd so m the wire ” bearing the date of 1823. And of Sth. of J illy was the dav named for meet —Harrv Thom(*son accompanied bv course the general supposition is it ing to move the building ami a number Mrs Ai Gillings went over to Drewsey of the patrons and two directors met but lj»t Friday. Hairy went after his fam- belonged to some one of the Blue could not agree on the new location, "y »1*** had been over there for some Bucket notoriety. consequently the building was not "me visiting friends. He returned —Prof J. T. Hevard, Robert moved. Mr Dan Cochran has been bringing Ing family, on Saturday. Mrs to teach the term of the school for Warren and John Merrill, archae hired (ri'tiuga remained over there. this year. ologists of Chicago, who have spent the last three months in Mexico in the wild regions of Cheapas, have discovered two ancient cities, situ ated in the midst of a forest of , hardwood, northwest of the town of Coteapra. The two cities are about eight leagues apart,and must •“Tur fire t Harney Inst Saturday '"*”’1» another warning tone of the in their populous days, contained ’’"wiecoo.lition ,,f ,„lr tow.R If a fire 2,000,000 inhabitants. -A little child of Mr. and Mrs. A W Hubert, who reside in the Narrows ne gbborhoorl, had an arm dislocated by tiling into a ditch at the Warm Springs, a” Jhiirtdav. The family were camp «'•'■er over night on their way home a fishing excursion to Emigrant Creek. er. school director of ssid district, and Horace A Dillard, School Clerk of said district, and 1. S Geer, County Treasurer, of Har ney county, Oregon, Defts. Now on this dav this cans” coming on to be heard before me, M. D. Clifford, judge of the court above named, at chambers, at Canyon City, Oregon, upon defts. motion to vacate and dissolve the temporary injunction issued in said cause, the plffs appearing by C. A. Sweek their attv., and the defts appear ing by T. wi[liams, Hicks & Biggs and J B. Huntington their attvs., and after hearing the arguments of counsel and being fully advised in the premises and it appealing that the Baid temporary- in junction should be vacated and dis solved. It is therefore considered ordered, adjudged and decreed that said tempor ary injunction he and the same is here by dissolved and held for naught. Dated at chambers at Canyon City, Or egon, this 27th day of July, 1895 ’ M orton D C lifford , Circuit Judge. The crickets have visited some of the r inches on Calamity, and hav * done considerable damage especially to gar dens. Vanity. Contract For Telephone Poles. The contract has been let for furnishing the telephone poles for the Vale—Ontario line. Mr. Hon. of the firm of Hon & Grant, was awarded the contract at $324, or 90c. per pole. There are to be 360 polesand Mr. Hon contracts to peel them and set them in the ground readp for the wire at the price above named. The men staited for the timber to begin getting out the pole6 yester day morning. The time is short now till we will lie enabled to converse with the people at the railroad at a moment’s notice.—Malhuer Gazette. Mart in the Red Front Livery J stable. L .7.7’ ; —Bob Jordan was arrested in building in Dint block 1 n , * k «u au f »u * P ’he want 1 *ny ___ » facilities i-• . to sub. . Baker Countv by the Sheriff of that <* the Want of proper ««nt of or nr sub- •in« i I ih flamer, flhtn**** would not .. _ . . county. Sheriff Sittings receiving the whole The l1"* Bed lied Front *he French notice of his arrest left here last o * Ntnrdevants residence, Sunday noon and will arrive here 'he a. alo>>n, the White Front Livery in a day or two with his prisoner. ***’ and if the wind should lie favor- ‘•'••llUie wocleu buildings on I be These boys, six of tSem, are broth ers and charged with changing of the street. brands and marks on cattle also conion With Mr. otienbrrg. the heavir.t loner in the butchering cattle not their own, on aMoaiT’He «aynhe 1 the range. ‘ »tied tn hi. own fir„ I —Our town authorities met yea» terday and determined co get*an en ta h ' re’ candle er lamp lighted gine and make immediate arrange •t’hMr I M Wu,ter> in company ments for protection from the *ava- aftrrn. * *or,’e c»me to Burns that ges <#fire. We sincerely hope this —To all subscribers of the E. O. *“ h*T* wl,en ,h« flr* good intention of the city council H erald ar.d those in arrears, who •• wsr. . it ’’ WoWenh«nr st the time will be carried out and that the I will pay up and renew, we will send * bt’m was pretty blur, tai^UI •b'ok*n op- He *>P*-t" citizens will aid in every way possi the Semi Weekly New York World •wewo^*'" ,rnrne<1‘*’«ly. but no ble and throw no obstacles in the free for a’x months. For reliable •‘“be.-on ' ' k. ** wi’h him, it way as has be ent he case to some ex News there is no better paper than “V »tone or brick . tent heretofore. the World. r~------ V.WWB ^’’7,’” •*» __By Jorgensen you can get the French Transfer Designs and Var nish at the Chicago price. Any one who buys $1 00 worth of materials, instruction given free Summons. In the Justice Court for Burns dis trict, State of Oregon, C< unty of Harney. H enry W illiams , Plff. ) vs. > J ohn A lexander , Deft. ) To John Alexander, the above named defendant: In the name of the sta'e of Ore gon: You are hereby required to be and appear before the under signed. a Justice of the Peace for the d:strict aforsaid, at the office of such justice, in such district, on the 29th day of August. 1895, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said dav, io answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. And you will take notice that if you fail so to appear and answer or otherwise plead to plaintiff’s com plaint for want thereof plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $65 and costs and disburse ments of this action. W.C B yrd , Justice of the Peace. You will also take notice that the service of this summons upon you by publication iB made by order of W. C. Byrd, the justice of the peace of the above entitled court, in the E ast O regon H erald for six con secutive weeks, weekly, seven inser tions, and that said order is dated the 23d day of July, 1895. G eo . W. H ayes . Atty, for plff. JTINAL PROOF Proposals Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the ofiice of the county clerk of Harney county, Ore., for the keeping of the count/ poor of this county, begin ning Sf-pt 7, 1885, and ending Sept 7, 1896, said bids to be opened by the court Sept. 4, 1895, at 10 o’clock a m, of said day, the court reserv ing the right to reject any "fend all bids. C. E. K enyon . County Clerk. OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. July SO, 189S. Notice is her* by given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim.and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Burns Oregon, on September? 1895. viz- E vma E, B ohi .« y , widow of O. D. Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Boslev. deceased. Liite Away. tin I’d No. for Ihe SE'i SWU and Lot» 5, 6 and 12. Sec 7. Tp 24 S R 32 E He names the to. lowing witnesses toprove is the truthful, startling title of a his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Barnes, Homer B. book about No-To-Bac, the harm Mace, Benton Embree and Joseph Hill, all of less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure Bums, Oregon. that braces up nicotinized nerves, THOMAS JONE8, Register. LAND In the vicinity of Boquet, West moreland Co, Pa., almost any one can tell you how to cure a lame back or stiff neck. They dampen a piece of flannel with Chamber lains Pain Balm and bind it on the affected parts and in one or two days the trouble has disappeared. This same treatment will promptly cure a pain in the side or chest. Mr. E. M. Frye, a prominent mer chant of Boquet, speaks very high ly of Pain Balm, and his recom mendations have had much to do with making it popular there. For sale by all druggists. eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength’, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address bter,ing Remedy Co, New York or Chicago. H. M. Horton, Burns. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of rmell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should nev»r 1 have two littie grand children be used except on prescriptions who are teething this hot summer from reputable physicians, as the weather and are troubled with damage they will do is ten fold to bowel complaint. I give them the good you can possibly derive Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like manufactured by F. J. Cheney & a charm. I earnestly recommend Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mer it for children with bowel troubles. cury, and is taken int, act I was myself taken with a severe ing directly upon the blood and mu attack of bloody flux, with cramps cous surfaces of the system. In and pains in my stomach,one-third i buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure of a.bottle ot this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours I was vou get the genuine. It ¡8 taken |idternaliy and is made in Toledo, out <3f bed and doing my houae Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon timonials free. aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn. For I Sold by Druggists, price 75c. sale by H. M. Horton. per bottle