Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1895)
□ UR r*!ND w rn > o„r FjP.TH; PRIC: OF UNE. Cur Premiums / FO.i THIS ÏEAB ---- -4------ THIS PA PER -----WITH — 1 CVt.fl limo ! et cur I ,< f About V vvn tinivs cleaner About Two tini'-s cheaper T . j t:i: cs Ii .i.dicr That. Move l'.,!i.h THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! l'HICK SI.»5 l'KK Y. AM. ----- OK If sn’t I e~p it .) a iHZ SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! .... ........ ................. r> I’HICk •<>.<» i 1*1 K YKAH. D ; ’ \ ”.:n ¿i Co., AgtN. Mt) « 1 » . i. a . MERY CT.. B. r b --------+-------- qP-nE HAN FRANCISCO Cl " KKKLy 1ALL I« a liaml-i.iii«* elght- p ig«i pa|M*r. Ii is I* it' d every Thuridin, a»d contatti» ult »I tlm tllipi’rtHlit new. ut the weak, glsunod trotti every <iu <r* ter of the globe, rimiri le up to date of pubi callon. It tur* • • a>>4 i«iii«t Patents Tepright», 1 la’iul , **iu«’a* > "iidu-B d for W.OD-H A high-class illustrated mag izine magazine in the home is no 1 >ngt y ianief’s Magazic a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this IE. U STRATED necessity, THE C08M0P0LITA.N CAVtAI 0,1 HAUL ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving vearly, as it The »¡mpleton. « new n.iAel bv T homa . H abpy , wlE'—— - ---------- - - - ■ does, 1.536 pages of reading hy the 1» 1 ami continued to November IS' i Wh.e with over ever may l>c «'Ue’i favorl'e among Ei Nov- ablest living author*, Hong .trletly confidently. A «1 gag»ril»ooM^ m e’i»’g. it’will be conceded by al cri.i 8 lhat Tiio'ia» haruv »'and» of a m»g vr 1200illuutrtttions by clever artists, leal and •I’ientlflc books sent tree. ~relva arir inti’ll n.and The Siinpletvi.g mai e Patent* taken tbrough Munn A Co. ncei expected to ar. u»e emhr.gian.» not i iferibr in has steppeel into the Lrnech. with »penal noth«- in the f*clenlinc degree to that « hich h*» marked Trilby — the tliu. are brought widely before ibe P'',l."? "T., has in. »1 gu< < i-igfiil »t'-ry of the year. Anoihet a reduction in its price that out co.t to the inventor. Tbi»»plendid naper. tMued weekly, elegantly lllpgtrate«!. baa by far « 'eadii'g feature « ill be the }*« r*.nigl KeeoDee I tart led the li ’ erary world large.t circulation of any »ctentlflc w<".“ J“ ’ 8 liot a <>i Joan of Ate, bi the Sieur i*-Uls 1’3 world. *3 ayear. Sample ci’i.iea »ent fr®J- . i. nd :, Her I’lze anil Secrcarv. uader 1. hieh Building K-tmonjanintbly. fLMa year. SW'« The H erald , ftillv alive to the gu » the in. kt j* j.u’.sr of living Atncri, a'i ! Copies. iH cent*. Kvery number contain* beau mag’line writotg will Pregent ahe Itorv of the tlful plates, in color*, and photograph» of ocw needs of its patrons, has made bon*«’., with plan», enabling builder* U*h"w‘be Maid »f InthcJa nar N'u'i’« r WiU latest designs and secure contracts. Adilress appear a drofiiaelv illugtra'ec paper on ' harles with MUNN A Cu„ Naw Y ohs . 361 BuokowaT. ton and he ' groliuai, the first of a gerief of special arrange^.^nts Southern Paper». jg'iperb monthly, whereby ’ it N.athern Afrii g 1» at»rgetinz more n’lenti > ' 1 gf any other lime gin« e it » a* 1 he gear .,1 em-i receive oidcrs for yearlv subscrid pirea. The next voiumtg of'iARPe g M A'lA ZI n E will four ilhigfra ed a- i 'egon ’higro’«i -. 1 tions to both publications combined and three of them u ill dep < l 1 h • present 1 fe THE DISABILITY BILL IS A There. i ' LI an K 1,1’H wiil )>*”pa-e for lhe i | M AGAZI NE a geriv» uf eight s ->rlrs. ii< pi’’i ”’ for the sum of ,3.00. LAW. . tvpi< al phag.-g of 1 liineie Life a.I Mn er* The price of the great illustrated Sohlicru disabled flince the war are 1 fegidett the Io igg’orlca. toere v II! liegi 1 In the , Jauiiary Number the firs' Chapter < f A Three Entitled been I’art NoveleBo. by Kl' iia RI i II u>' i-.u Divia— monthlies in the past’ has ihpendeiit l>«’].endciit willows widows and ami Parent* Parents now de the long«gt work - et a’teiupte«l b» thia wrl er thev a«i<i r3 00 and $4 00 a year, I endent whose mhih died from the 1 tfecra of < . Hip e.e khoj' RtolieB b P pillar v. i’erg Wil army R-rvice are included. If you wish '■onliuue to I e a fea.ure of the M AG AZ - N K were to be found only in the more HA KI’ ER’S PER (B'li’S pretentious homes. Our other fur I nishes a help to all families, r.o Per Year: matter how modest their means, HAKI’ElfS M \G AZINE fl.o< HAR PE K’S WEEKLY to keep in touch with the greatest II Altl'ER’S RAZAK LH K now» 1IA Ki'ER's YOl'N ’ G PEOPLE 2.Í» minds of the world, as The Cosmo- Every where. Postage Free to nil Si!l.-«rilers in th« j politan has today the strongest Sol«! Everywhere. I"nited fttates, Canada, or Mexi« <>. Grown Everywhere. regular staff of any existing period- The vol,tines of the Ma^itziiie Send orders to j ieiil. the Nuntlers for Jm.e and Decunlier < T he H erald I‘ene ti i car. When no tino i- <i e> ti.r.i, oil scrii'Ui'tii ii ill begin he Sumin r ear A«k Voiir dealer f .r tliein Bums Ore Errry’« "toe«l Anntinl far I MIA. rent nt time o' receipt ot order. > F»ensions, ftRRYS &ED Invaluable to nil planteniaii I lover. Of El"«' Vegetulile* and Beautiful Flower*. Write tor It—Free. 11. M. FEURA A y u , Retrait. Ml.b EFEES. i * Im < uturt without PRESS CLAIMS CO., • WCDOT RDURN, Botind'Volumes ol llarper’twMagnzii.e fo ’ ihiet y<‘a‘r> bai K, in neat cm h binding 'viu lie sent by imiii. posl-iadd, nil ri ceipt o! per volume, citith Ca.'es, lor binding cents each - bv mail, po>l-paid. Remittal i ts idiotild Le made by Po'.toftii'. Money order, or Draft, to a void chanc o loss. Address HARPER A I’.li'.'TH EKS. Net Yvri;. stock brands . Mau g bit Attorney, W ASIIIKUTOS. D. C. HARPER ’S PERIODICALS ta rianagrd by * eonit'.'iatlon of i lirtiM'«lisi n.-wapatwr. In II«« i I. -a pur| . Mt o' yrolrrt- . .otl’H-n ajaluat unwrupulou. .1 Ati'Sta, su4 M b pa¡.<r •ft, til III « obi lira f.*r til reaponal. ...Uhlu. tlui l’r* »<;i*Uu*Cuuuamy < ^’S » I IS MJ»* * '.TrM. »... > l.l Muck« I t»< Elegei t and i .xclualie dealgi H lor <>ut-d.»'i and la,loor Folletu a, uraivti 1'10111 W okth tuo i >■'« in s.isin z ami i turns, are au Impor an. crlute 11” s,-ap| . ar ci ery week, a- < ou pe.” iedlç miaute m aetipiiei a ai d demi g oj l'arm l.etlei. b. KiTlI.vttNK .0: FnKE.»r, is , ai i ki.i ira a, r p: ot the In • s > il. s a d < upr. ■ « » in tile im.«le, l'nder the m aji .11 .«eiv Vo k t-'urhl.ii.g. p alt« dig r pliai s a ut full pajil ti- am are suca tu o allupi g, m uli g, triitiaiiiuo. a .1 «ri est s e«of the i osiii.iits ,i| wel « usted ” ou « a. i hbur«” g < 1..' hing re< cives ¡.rai’ti« ai allei timi \ lotit,ighll, l'attern alK ei supp’e nient eiiHi’lt» n ail« m .uut mut nu ke the,r on Itowli I lie .1. aim, V. ho mk s II \ lil’l R S B \ Z I - in pH’i art’ll for « 1 eri nei a«i ni i > life, < e leni.nil. 1.« . r 1 f irmal, where 'vuii.iia driva ig iiqt.'gi e. ri:n TOVR WTURB < raun«. 4" 1. »r »♦«, ■|AR ER WEEKLY il A R !*Ki: M ,\iiAZI N E H \ K l’riR> UAZ \ K.................................. il \ R IT'.li -. Y' !t'5'< ¡ Ì’E » Ci. i< J. c. F cäh ’ p hrnijilo’i ri^m gbit. lortc »rand -onici nhou «let. ‘‘n”’v hrm<1 11.. »»r. h fi rO under l»lî in •'?îe<r. u • n pc in ri -h‘ c-r Hnrtie hriu 1 i «.ii ri », n ine. R K j . ttiillniiiB P. <’• U’at <»r ■.rail.’*.- ■’■•I j ;«m 1«-’, "I*. t’a”le bra’.1. <■( nt, '• hip. Marini. Bi. ■■ ird. P'l Buri f Ill'le rBu ‘ -'ll -i” le f i r • ter. uhi .eg II. V >ei II. ». I rand fifi on left ahouMer, *'»•> »h'e« I- ► Tn *hn|ie.4 triangle. >*sttle hra idmi eaiae E. E. <;.-..ut Burna <>r. '' imi !<. an I»!< k,.. mi ILnse 1 rsiiB a"'l! »I •‘f » i >■ attte bian.-ed bar R ot> teil hip. ’ >. Lauen Ore. W Hatfs . I 1. LT STR A T E I). turn it. hw H * 1 i I % *t. pm, ii tant ih «<‘i<ibup, *»r \Vbnw i;»* **♦«*41 f » •»*»! Rrliw f !• •tlF* W J< tbit ici ¡Vnrtlfll h»f hw .-u., »0«, •aan« itj»i *»«*». IM®* M cM. * BC-»! 1 NEW HOME SF. wi . m , ( HINE CO., 72.’» Market St., Paictic Han Erancirn'o, Cal. lk|iurtuuiii. tvf aalB V/ •' m JW *L.«.ias» M«J ..«Jsa, gstiiat»^ tatsna^OT «ait C mimisim C Vil f. mimi aautiitMuti ( uum Í u * CVveai*. and T k* ubiatead. uwiall Fat sui hs <•« euasdu. i»l b * ■««>»« » I ws. Owt Oh.e >• Ope«.»» U • R-tee' M.-e. tad •• o.wr.,1. pates.1 ta tese ttaw tluw iboae vnwir fr a, U ashing t.Wl hewn « *M. Stew .ag » pk»««., a Itk de. ytp- »■a Vs aditw*. If pa»«i.tat*« <e iw«, ft«« .4 has«» Uwr »«• wet u«w till MteM i* 11 r w r ed. A ».••IM II « io Obtain l s«enla ’ w tth a aa w i 4«<«uai .«a»«*«* laywwrfHakab nssaaly.«« Ut. »vat t»*« AkMrwea. C.A.SNOWACO. UM* . V, «-•«•. *» I *«<4 >-* », *.*« tv o Sr «• _ X. i .. 1 » -**<* .—»a— & + bus 4 » I « « • • «■ w • ■ 4 .#■• •***-' « - * K. i<i •** ••4*'ïsr» tn*T S"if «ar t* »» 4» wilt i*«ti a lemil H A RPFk's Weeki' iga pictorial h a’.irv Fkln- ■ to t«li «hai Ihr line* In ron» lie time.. It p-igstit« ever« Important , - .... f—«.... weit band i’<ti. »t». Itw bl* «« hi . if uoiluug mor«. pr »f.|»t,v. •< < ihm th . •ml rxhdua'i' <»h i.i fl Th« »b»<« dagm-n *im.»t «rxvlatn* ll-elf TL« ’.atraiL.ii and <*<’M rip'iic text <>f ti.e I ign, •: leugih of th« l.lNg OS I.IFK Indka-. • pti’l«. a or» er. a,-« to wh i « 11 I,«« Facb 1 Ro . ; ar Ihe inanrer in whi-h. «*»x«1 g 1«”!. ft hi* gj'». «<•« ilu -y ». .»• V«. I nia>k«*l LINK UF >r. a'< d tliv chi ae.. Kall« , au Strik* a a d «he RK\U .1 i iv* »«win i»«.’ ; d.a» LINK OF < hitoi Jaimneee War. and Ihe ai. na: n.hl FoKl l NK fa«”* ri. I • B” h combinad mean I- » *a ahie l.. thn.w «n Korea thel in ’al* •nc*v«« la i •; bnt y«« r*u«t l e*i> np nilb mod«m <b>n waa dUevtv« tu that ii '’vk ”>«n r.iu tv ld*a* toma i A 1 *t i gu.l p.. nty of ih<*« la arv exanip •■* ot ita a in »t bou .ft»» un eg’ ¡Kni -a. 1 • Fan if M, , «*> al 1 •• :nr y p««- n a'i Ra »h Ihe dl* neu ixul«h, lie i rrftcr *u«l •eni ih,| r»e»y m. n », of Ihr family 1* ente». v..r>r»p.«n«leiit. h*a In*' . »eilt t«> ihe ». « uf war I •'”*.’ Ii • » , » i .. • |i, on« A CLK iH andthvrwjulael.ii < ¡i w.-’.l .i, ,,.,a ,ay LI n K OK IIK\i: r tm < *■ • timdvnwaa a •ir.ighi na 1 «rar* . .-»I .'am tu Japan, uh-, h». bren Ll'b i >F FATK. p - .’*1 lif«; Ihr nriv *r if e **;«-l i*,v..|kti . v f b My Ralph ii. Nmd I .1 LINK OF HE Al rii nlKHP R-iA -bb, A •par* VM dncier«’ bl ». m > will U»e head* blnto U* mi Bud i|!n» in Lb* ” MM** N > t v magMiu« BubM*h*a »0 «**»• • e *io i. r .1 t ..■*,« tin I. A . will b* •ahwci lo «oram*« , ' 1 irh »pirli* or «• »iiood- HARPER’S 1'1 RIOIHCALS •ne. it •■« l»«r» IV« i.lllpLR OF AKxlS««U ma’ked krv«> np « r »p 11» b< having l»«n <wvwi*s M*,’** ■<» I*n4 II- . J ’-.ribl’f Io II f.< :«♦, vow » • . . P-r Year •f «veal »*.««. to«m.» i’,» i * rb premian, pkfi-r«, ‘«tow I'm a D i-y e' ohh’li w aimeai a mal bato and »«1« I tu 1 -i« al oil p»ln’ ng whirb 11 iRl’KR’a R t X 4R « <s tool A*M »«4 yon wit bar a *«r»*>w Itot .annul ii iKVr R s m k . kzixe 4 •t *twa e| by «ay la in« wo lu fi t it* ba*u Ifni H IKl'FKM WR* Kl V 4 « 41«««*' .ma anl r«b >1 autlw. Cat w”l I*! HtHraas Tot ....... .......... —„ n N«i PK«H*. 1 a _ C» pntoei «• »<1 th« «,"«• af I'« A»y. a«d »U Ito IN« •««• free »«» all SSt« rltwr» |n the Unit«« I* 14 *’»nl It«“., of tate»»*« ab-M I to too»«-«.'d keo 4.« fa«« ritte.» lot«re»i'ng rm.*'ng Rates I'ar.a la. ur Meile,». mailer town c»»»» -«d g«r. to» Ibc »todr fam y ; *“ ,h< * ?•*’ *«*• with the It™ ami «tow IV»««*1 I» ■ -t a la*bs>n a >ea*la«. , to ftoA *a par • an« > < A* L a d F>W gol o «h It. bn uber foe January <«f ew h «ear. When ■.« tola «ri ama. ali U m pait re- yo wí-b to «v» ing Ito yon» and m any • t* y.« «h-«*e S*ml '» ywar mb. r r |«i.<a al «> o». .« y f'• atd roo « II I «> lad r d,., «s ef H*n« • Barar tor thr«. »«•I’» g» 1 »*« (M W M» A ' Ittv* • d» poto i.*«'21nr.‘iU*fc «II he sent bv t • W Jr*-» •• 11 , «f, * P* •*? B'if <•» M • apre. a. free of ex nei •_ Ne« Ln It . m *■• a*mei IO W ’ »i*»d th. M Uh- do«« a e «Í r^| •y« ■.« «»-4 • Mkr-' « ae® P * e^nuM. *•' WvHilK a ■Ì f®*^**»* tw In** F K* í* J*’ *» jw eahM»e,eah*Ms f.„ Mb4 >»•» Ugelli N» «„b, mall , . . rT<e,>,"J , loNu ** Mvn I tor two i. Y-« «oí xr « F J Kemlttane«« »,oal I I« ma te bv r.«t'iir' a *•-»«. t*ai «y * iti r* m k-W »/ «,««l, kl|A, W «”< Ad»»»'’*’* °* rfc*Bee sf 1«» eoa \ KM * -era W r'-♦-«»» ___ H lltl’FK A BKuTHKRs T A» o«« • < *r» ••Sawae’« are e»<< loeoi v anv re, ,i|»M or •«•( BiapKK bhuTrt b • ’iorKt* '.r» :' *e 1 P»»n ri ’h* uh u'der. « attle f •u rUht hip. H. A. He-.iiii .F, P.O. I noe» ->r IS IN VOCÌI OU N HAND. ’ ' ■ ■ ■ .. .i r<nnih c«i I' “Il a p* .1 ‘«-I tn U»« hlalorv of incelivi] li limnin’. ' < i en « ty**- Ht** . ¡H • ‘ - 11)1*1!, > mhwe <• ««<« BMWw-r .lr TUal II m <y t”-.,««n« •»'»** »-< j |hv *•» Hl •»! •i iiiuoug ex f* , •*«» .1 ile F»re inlu • ■ > <l* »*»« ’ lirai. I barten on 'eft atiouuler; Fa'! « '■arte, oh left hip and upper clip mi boti nia. T. A. MeKliitimi, Burna il.e. Har 'iti A Rllev, ca't'e brande 1 Voti eft s’ le lome *' ,eft at le. e o. Buras trig in year : l'oK’nze Fi”” to -ili g ì . ri mj-g .» rii • iJ i ’-t.t. ». i »’<*. i, ,,» \|ex «i. Ftir Voluir » of the We’klv will ie-| thi- ti i et Nu u ■ er f. r .n«iar » ■ W II”» Ilo t .1.«. I» iiie.di .’ied. *11 ■« •’||. I I h uìu wil‘1 ¡he Num i -r curre i i < i i ei|ii uf .ir li r. i>.niiKi \ .¡’n , , * ,d II ». per*» W • - g ’ ; «> .e*r» l>* k. li, i «mi , |, tu i nu,, , b) mull l’..»t .gè paid, >.r b« expre«*, u ve peli».- (provided i he fret di' doe» ... exe p«’r v,.lume f..r <7 ixi a v.d'imu. ' I..1I1 « g*e* f.»r eaeh V.» mne • 1 * . « l’indlug H 1.1 “V M-nt -n mil p “ibi ceipt of II. Keinlltaii,«, .hou,! be made hr I*.» Mon.-« order or Prati,lu avoid chain e ..f . IddrvM H ARPER ,v BIC I ru KK« \*e I SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION FREE BRAND COLI MN. ks “ J. I' liti k ” a n r atti» brand J I* nonne. feil n ' ft hip ¡torre brand ai.viìon :eft slitte P. D LaWetl Ore. t at’le ' rapii fleur< 7on eltber hip; mark ll-ht etop .ili m* h ear. s ip in en"h ear, and «a l •ti le* jn... liurae bra” 1 figure Z «iti • i1 ber ili» J. H. Bunyard.Hur»* lire •»eo Wil'latas, h imi« and miR«-» ttrgr.'ril nmuuitn w, o» tight atltie. P. U l i vy » Home brandy «in right 1 Me. Ja-n.Mi R «ne« • l’ti Ruma ore II..r«.. brand bar-m a* left ahonldir; Car » braoo l«r iu on left hip sud ri* a. la'herlt» Marshall PO h'amtwaore. Horse brand on left *h. older 8 MiaaL*‘,r* ’an« lift. Hirns Or«. un 1st! shnuk’.er and a*111* • n <> ’’ U» le of richt hind leg Pbll SmitU Bw-n* Ore • * Horae I rau-1 S, Lampehlie and Sou cattle bra d conn» ■ r.-.l, Far mark »wallow f”rk In right e*r underbit In laic P, O. Burna Ore. Hora, a an l Cattle bran led J P on left aho«i> der • cue bunded JP connected. Mary J- Price. Buras Oie BEATTY'S PIANOS'S vahara* *Es«ai<tr Washington. Me« Jersey BEATTY’SORGA *