Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1895)
HOTEL BURNS WANTED. Ag entfl to sell our choice and har dy Nursery Stock We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only l»y us. We pay —Mchool books at th« drug Btore commission or salary. Write us at •f H. M. Horton. once for terms, and secure choice —School hooka and stationary of territory. aheap for cash, at the Hardware M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, I »toreof C. II. Voegtly. Rochester, N Y.| — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham batlier, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. T. M. i MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie tors use every eff« rt possible to make their guests feel at home Th. table ie at all lime« «PPM »«>■ ««rytbing th. market af. i fords. — X— Hr, l harte» li. J-ansher Walla Walla, Wssk. For Suie Or Trade. —100 acres of fine fruit land in , —Who said you couldn't get a good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene cents? Call at the City Drug Store i Oregon, 1 mile went of Spenser I Butte. Lots at 1100 each Horses and inquire. I I and cattle part pay on each lot. if < has \ oegtly offers a Havana the purchaser so desires. For fur- press grain drill at leu than coat*ther information inquire at this for cash. otf)Ce. I —Builders tools and all kinds of A »I /»i vs-hum I» I «ri» very free. building hardware at the Burns' AN oli » ani » W kll -T mibd K kmkii Y.— Mr* hardware store, nt bottom prices I Win Uf.t'»« < ><H b I ii k in rup - ■ I f ihn hern UBcd for ------ 1 1 mu’ her* for their for cash. ' i l.h lrrtt w bili tertlilus. wltli |»<-rfv< t »net •«. ■ I’ ►■...thè» thè < hll<l. » ! en» t . »lini», alla») •11 l'«li>. i ure» » Irci folli', nini I» I Ile lu-Kl rem» I 11 11 • I «*<h ed» f«»r f'ir IHnrrhr* Itlurrhv. «'ft. . ». I" I» i.le.oant to tu the lite tantt t»»t» . pan of or Ihr Un- World. «uria. -,.h| by . PrUKK R ’• in « \ ’T) . •part I « .'iily llverci.t» » botile Ita. nluri» Invai ài i labi. l'e aure ai d aak f<T »Ir». Wlndiluw’i Hoolhliig Hyrttp. and h-ke no otlivr klnd. —The Saloon, in the new building, Richardson mid Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished ami Its customers is given the I < st brands of liquors mid cigars. OREGON BURNS, Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to he Inflammatoiy Rtieumata Much Treatment Without Aval' Hood’s Sarsaparilla Effects Benefi cial Change In Constitution “C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, M um .: “ Dear Hira: At the ax« of 1° year* 1 ww confined to my bed with intlammatorj rheurnatiatn. I wan treated I - by a local .t1 physician,but relief on, ? ..... -------- >r 12 12 years doctoring the warm weather. Por year»doctoring did me but little good. \Ve read about the great change Hood’» Sarsaparilla could effect in the entire constitution. We concluded to give it a trial and it has its guest when in town. The Roberts Bros E. B. and C. D. R oberts . j • Tinners, Plumbers, <a6 Llectri clans. On the corner next to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon Made a New Young Man of Me. their line done at very reasonable figures and guaram After taking the au content» of three - bot tie» 1 was ante w«.. . ........ All Work ill tle» 1 wait able to walk a little. I have tniUgpd continued to take it ------- and » During have viol not the missed - ,,l naa a day for six month». bad teed . to , be first Class. Hood’s^’” Cures ---- —------ r’JTTT STORE. winter weather nor any time since have I TJT? J if -4- felt any of the symptoms of the return i As/Jk a l Ed N . A ij — Dr Chin* is k *pt pritty busy The universal go.» ! dentistry done of my rheumatic trouble." CHA8. G. F anbkkk , Walla Walla, Washington. by him bus gained for the Dr. a [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] Hood’« Pills are purely vegetable and do lasting reputation. not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 25e. Procrietor. Superfluous hair remove 1 p< r- \. C Worthington 1 mam ntlv, instantaneously, without • ^rfi.DEAI.ER ♦ I Barbsr Shop DKl’GS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES I pain, l»v Electro ('hemical Fluid. —Tonsurial parlor Ed Walton —The Elite Saloon has again , In ____ order _ tn » prove fl’iperinritv. we TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, < hanged hands Confection» , All work in his line i The proprietors will for n» xt *.H) <|.i's • i .| san». 1»* , proprietor. A full line of School Rooks ami School Supplies. are now Caldwell and Smih. I ho J bottle mid t< 'tiinonials ir» e, on re guaranteed to be first class. Call Nuts ami fruits. I uilding Iris undergone a complete ceipt of nineteen cents to pay uni see him. Bathes nt all hours ffTMnil orders promptly filled. r< novation, this being done l>y the, age. Electro Chemical t'o., 25 East J a ni es Ed waids present proprietors. The bar fix 1 tth St. New York. tures. poo! table, pictures etc from Real Estate. Life ami Fire insur Sometime ago I «'..'troubled with the ('a It I w e 11 saloon hate been CollectioWH a Specialty. an attack of rbeunintisiu. I used I ance. moved to the Elite. Give them a Ch itnl t rluiu’s Pain Balm ami was (|( 1(S(( - - - - - ORKOON call Then.... nt change ov th. ' ^»ves Burns daily at 6:30 p M. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours completely cured. I have b I iicb mlvi-ed many of my friends ami Fare One way $6.00. Round trip $11.00. customers to try the remedy ami to New York Wt.klv World in A Woman Who H ill Work ing two papersa wet k in phice of <>m W \NTI D in every countv to in- 1 speak highly of it. Simon Golda is meeting with great favor Through freight 3Jct8. a pound. troduce the Cvlcbrntcil ‘ il l gvia" ■ bäum, S hi Luis Key, Cal. For The peopl? appreciate the change Twit days notice at any P. O. on the route ami cover« 1 c i.uhes wii Waists for all ngrs. This waist sale by 11. M Horton ami are taking advantage of it. K< t p ii.f trim tl of what is going |be furnish *d for passangers. H. A. Williams. Prop ¡star supercedes the corset, ami has re- ____ _ reived the unanimous approval of on in the world ami particularly in physicians of America, f ì tto out . TONSOP.IAL PARLOR, your own country. Congnss is * fit free. Any energetic woman can now in session. Every movement I* hop make from 116 to » >0 weekly. JOHN ROBINSON «ill be of the greatest interest. , Semi for circulars mid terms Reep abreast of the times by read HYGEI \ M’F’G CO . 37s St . N< w F\ ryth ng in mv line guaranteed ing the TWICE-A-WF.EK' to l»e done satisfactorily. York. WORLD—two papers a week—104 Manu acturer ' pa|wrs a tear for only II (Ml. Tinware <Sc Sb -»v iron Good Arrnngt-im tits have been made Schools Attention. by which we can furnish this pa|>er ALSO DEALERS TN » uybiuiMri <v surgeon. and the 1« i.—a-\\ t ek New York Notice is hereby given that I nin paint World >th tT ta\< ar. Take HABD- imw p~epiire<l to < xchange the f..I A graduate of the Iowa State advantag«- of this ofter ami get lowing Books which have been t’niv«r«ity and College of Phyai- OIL v. ur own It .al paper and the WARE adapted tur the foil iwing sixyeara , m* ami Surge«»''». l’wiee a 'A i t k World at this flfiecial Ex Price Oilier at n Sideree in Burn». GL ASS rate. T hk H kr . md . SUPERIOR Maxwells first Bisik in Engl »I» > 25I •• Introductory Eng Gram :to door STOVES “ Advanced “ ’* “ of) S. SIZEMORE, N.Y.,Mr.J. & WIN Petermans Civil Government .4* ATTORN*V, A Scriveu, a prominent manufact- j Our<a>N A C WohTIIINUToN lit KN*. urtr i V v Y kt tv, purchased UANGEHS Marriage paper free containing containing advertisements fro in latlit-H ami gentlemen who wish to cornspond Semi for sample copy to Bow Knot, fipoknne, Wash Ladies advertisements inx rted free Barns Ontario Stage Line 1. 5. GEER & to. ? «tati*» Lau«I Nu'luv*». »mil K»i«u luAtter promptly a He tided k>. Real l>r. 1‘rkc'sCream linking Pendei AwahWuod Me^U* MkJwml«« > au Xa* Irer. aK 1st Readers at 2Acla «* 2nd. 40 a* •• 55 *• 3d. •• so •A 4th. i* Il (At •• 5th Monteiths Elementary Geography fi.H-t» M oil trit h» Comprehensive Geography ♦ I 25 Clarks N ormai Grammar NVh Sills Grammar •Acta A I all ether •< h ud bowk* in proporti >n and aller thia date I will sell school te.'ks at the aR> ve prices fur ra*h and for cash only Orders !•» n all promptly attente,! to Dal« I thia 1st day of March liM C. II. VoMun t SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. % I« •*4. DOWS a Ktltle of Chaml-erlain’s Cough TINWARE. GRANU’ Remedy. Such good result« were AMMUNITION A fishing . e > tail'd • : ■ u*e that he sent ^ARE, l ROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS. FAH back to the druggist from whom he 1 HERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOOD* (all and see cur Holiday goods. hail obtained it for two more hot . * tie* of the same temedv. When you have a cough <»r cold give this preparation a tri d ami like Mr Scriveu you will want it when Again 1 I in ne«d of such a medicine It is H M HORTON. Proprietor a rvimniv of great worth and merit. > 80 cent hottie« for tale by H M ' Horton. ' MFDh inks . CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINE^ BUtsTMirK« j. v MMR, 1 ulnNERA. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMF? Hl FA Nt \ TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGAR« ETC. C««V«« Cwt. Hieks & Biggs ATTORNEY AT-LAW. ineg & Liquors for Medical Purposes Offices at Csnyon Citv and Bums. .«^rwcription. accurately compounded. First C’.a<-. Der.ul Work Don«.