Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1895)
í icijün IQ*,, /fu NO 6 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JAN. 2 The Herald “As old as the hills” and never excell ed. “Tried and proven ’’ kREGULATOR! ¡8 the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu- jrj lator is the /? Tr0 'IP* o n 1 y Liver Cil'C! and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, .and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all in Liquid, or in Powder !,-» no ukuudry orinodeintoa tea. where lands are exceptionally dif ficult of survey $18.00 for Standard and Meaqder lines $15.00 fur .Township and $1200 for Section 1 lines. This work to be executed between the 1st. day of October and the 1st. dav of March, the per iod of low water. Estimated number of miles 110. World both for $2 25 a vear. Take advantage of this offer and get your own local paper and lhe Twice a-Week World at this special rate. T he H erald . H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. The “Oregon Commercial Co.,” have this day bought the entire BY business of the “Oregon Construc W. C. BYRD & SON. tion Co.” of this place including P ublishers and P roprietors . Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: A good ranch belonging to H. G. Farming Implemente, Warehouse One Year ............. ........................ I Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 I Six Mouths and Real Estate. And assumed all Three Months miles south east of Burns. This debts and liabilities of said “Oregon HERALD CLUB LIST: [ranch has about 100 acres of good Herald and Harper's Magazine... Construction Co.,” and have Incor P ortland , Or., Dec. 25—Govern-1 ' meadow land. Price $800 or will Herald anti Harper’s Weekly .... Herald and Harper’s Bazar................ porated with $50,000. Capital or Pennoyer remembered President trade for sheep. Herald and Harper’s Young People . . stock fully paid in. The officers Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,..2.1)0 Cleveland today by sending him each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent*: B yrd & K ing . are; 10 cent* extra tier volume, postage. the following letter: R. M. S teel , President. £4F-Copies of all the above work* can be ex “Christmas has again visited our.s amined at leisure in the Reading Room. J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. stricken land with its prostrated tfWPublishers of periodical* are solicited G eo . A. S teel , Secy. industries and its idle throng-, *o *en<l clubbing rates, a copy of their work for vur Free Reading Room—We file and bind the Oregon Commercial Co., per J willing but unable to w®rk and un- (SUAIE* ISTHCBZST. latter at close of every half-volume, *"d v»v 11 ¿JBUWfcl FIT FOR A KINO. iopies bv advertisement. H. Aitkin, mgr. | willingly forced to beg or suffer. . CORDOVAN, rSZ.’KH ADDUSOAEO CALF. Yonr panacea—change in the Sher-1 ADVERTISING RATES: 4=3.50 fine C ali LKANC.rai man law and tariff—has been ad BE ACE 1 wk 2 wk $3.59 PCUCE,3 SOLES. 7 ministered, but there is no change P OUR MIND 6i>ro$2.V/C?.K!NGMEN’s I inch 41.50 12.50 ti W* -EXTRA FINE* ^* • 8.00 4.00 in the sad condition of our unfortu 8 3.50 5.00 24.00 40-00 1 52.^17= BOYS'SCIluSLSHOEX compared with h 4.50 6.00 4 52.00 50.00 nate country. After two years •LADIES* 6.00 9.00 54.00 45.00 'Ä col. ■in ’ll : i. ..ppe^r^nce of your 12. WO 11.. 00 SOJO RO 0o Í? 1 ruinous delay and mismanagement, ^■'eesr»0"®0^. •20.00 110.00 140 (X o » with Thu King t.f Ltvrr incs. vou have, thank Heaven, at last I your .¡riim iii» i .< ver itegli- I huve i rKOCXTOH.MASS. JOB WORK ait/f D/1 1 •• i A-Hixciro-iGusly s.iy It Is the Idiscoverd the real trouble although Over Ono MH’Ioa People wear the M i l’V< ■ r medi« ine». 1 eou-ltler It u T t i 1 it-vlf-GEo. \V. J ack - • you have not proposed the proper t *<|L .»«.• V Of every description executed with neatness ■ Ò W. L. $3 & *4 Stees rU«*HU*la WlUSllili^lUU. and despatch, at reasonable rates. ' remedy. As you now concede, the All o"rc?.oc3cro cqtx“y ctory Circulars, Poster«, Pamphlets A* v" • rt’.Y i-A<KAon-xa Envelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, They civo Cio beet valuafer C-or-orev. country needs more money, but it •nj> in rr I «■-*, wrapper. Statements, Note Head«, Cards, Tickets. i They equel custom rhocs In style and tit. OVE Memoranda, Invitation*. wearing qualities are unsurpersed. Dodgers, Etc. does not want the worthless stuff’ Their Tho prices era Uniterm,—stamped cn sole. r« fit ti ft-j s-tvc-l over other tnr!:cs. T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re you proffer. It needs gold and Firn II your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by ference, iu the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau. 1U Spruce st.. New York. silver money with wh'ah to pay J Coxey May Be President debts, and it does not 4-' am bank ,asts Seven rii ics longer rags with which it cannot pay d> bts OFFICIAL DIRECTORY You ,eo.<s Seven times better Than S t . L ouis , Dee. 27.—Coxey ar i Sixty years ago I he Democratic Can Get ..bout Seven times cleaner Stove | rived to-day. He said he is not. a party had a president who defied ’ Ferry's Seeds at your doalers^^ national : botlt Two tim^s cheaper Polish hh fresb and fertile as though President ......... ......... Grover Cleveland I candidate for president on the pop the bunks in the interest <>f the peo- f von got them direct from Ferry's w Vice-President. ........... Adlai Stevenson A. Lo ut Tv.o handier ' Seed Farms. 8 Secretary of State Walter Q. Greahmn ulist ticket, but intimated he would 1 pie. lias it now <t ,-rt.jdent who iecreiar.v of Treasury . ..... . John G. Carlisle 'accept should it be tendered ® O O Secretary of interior . ... linke Smith defies the people in the interests of Secretary of War . Daniel S. Lamont Many members <»f the party me of Secretary of Navy ............. ........ .. ........... Hilary .................. A. Herbert f Gt r i;ro;er doesn’t keep it the banks? All the traditions ofthe Secretary of Agriculture. J. sterling Morton the opinion that he is certain to be i me Known mid planted every- M Attorney General Kicharu B, Olney 2nd us h/> n . :.c with ioc anc party which elected you are for gold L where, and are always the Postmaster General . Wilsou 8 Bissell nominated.—The Sun. 8 best. Ferry’s Seed Auuual _’C a,e > and a valuable ahd silver money against bank cur for 1N05 tell* ail about . STATE—OREGON: them, — Free. .¿niiv book tree. 8«u»to« | J. H.Mi'M renjy. Do you aspire to furnish an | D. M. Ferry A Co. Women Boycott Breckinridge. Detroit.Mloh. (Binger Hermanti .example of treason to the cause en-, trongreasmen ........ . ... «IV. K. Ellis m & Co., Agís., Attorney General I trusted to your care which will lie. R. E. < hamberlaiii. Sovern.or ............... ... D. Sylvester l'ennovei M emi ms. Dec. 27.—The woman's 1 without any paiellel, except one, in | 519 MONTGOMERY ST., 8. F„ CAL. Secretary of state R Gen. W. McBridt Treasurer R Phil. Metschan. council of the Nineteenth Centurv the annals of American history? Jupt. Public instruction R J. B. McElroy Itate Printer ................ K........... Frank Bake) Chib, embracing a membership oi Your party in both houses favors' 1 K. 8. Dean. J Wm. I*. Lord 4000 women of this city, todav pass «upreme Judge* 1 restoration of silver as standard ’ F. A. Moore ed a resolution to boycott Breckin money; yie people, actually puffer SiXTH JDDICIAL HI8TRICT: □ tstrict Ju-Ige.................. D . . M. D. C liffom » ! ridge when he sppears here to lee ing from existing prostration of •' ......... ... . ....... Jam« s A. Fee. Dls’rict Attorney .......................... J. I., llnild ture uext week.—The Sun. business favor it; and will you not Ioint.-Kepresentativo .. (lt) .O. L. Patter*.ill toint-Senator................. (R)............... A. W.Cowuu 1 stand with them in overturning the COUNTY—II ARSKY : monometallic policy of the British We are in receipt of an Invita bounty j J<lge.............................. C. P. Rutherford. ■Slerk .................... ; ........(D).......... P. r. L. i*, Bhideler ouiuvivr ■ monied oligarchy which is fast de- I. S. — Geer tion for Propo-als to Execute Treasurer ........................... (R) ____ .. Purveyor .................................... T. . A. McKinnon a K’ading our fa5r country to the con Burns-Canyon Stage Line A. Government Surveys, furnished by Ineriti.................................. (R) ... .8. W. Miller kssessor ......... dition of a subjugated province and School Superintendent ..iR) .C has . Newe 1 John C Arnold, Surveyor General. our hitherto free people to a condi U >ck inspector ... It J. Ivers Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co's Express. H>) I A. it. Marks The following is a part of it: CommiBiiomri tion of financial serfdom. ,!V ( K. R. Sit*. For the execution nf the survey “Always lemenibering the unem Stages Loave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points. HAJtNEY U. 8. LAND office : of the lands situated between the J. B. Huntington, Agent, ployed multitudes all over our broad Fare $5. Register .................................. . ...Thom«* Jone* Receiver ................ ....A. A. Cowing meander lines of Lake Malheur, in Burns Oregon. land, I prav thit God may give yon 1 ¡Township 25 South Ranges 32-32^ light and strength to do right.”— SOCIETIES. and 33 E 26 South Ranges 31 32 The Sun. 8YLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. and 33 E and 27 South Ranges 30 Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. and 32 E W M as originally sur- Alice E. King, N.G. E May Worthington. Rec. Seo’y. lve\ed and established and the pres The recent ch'ange made by the ent shore line of said Lake. Pro New York Weekly World in issu A. O. 0. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 , posals for this work are requested ing two pa persa week in p^ce of one Meets every 2d and 4th Thnredats. W. R. «radon, M. W. tin two forms; first at a per diem is meeting with great favor J. W Bayer, Rec'd l compensation, the same to include The peopl? appreciate the change BHRNO n IA HONOR l odge. No. 8 the pav of the Deputy, and all ex and are taking advantage of it. Meet* every 2d and 4th Monday. Mr« A E Young Cor H. penses of himself and his assistants. Keep informed of what is going i W. W. Johnson Proprietor. * Second, at mileage rates, not to ex ■on in the world and particularly in HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. I Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday, ceed those allowed bv the Appro [yourown country. Congress is( 1:30 p in. f. S. Geer, N. G. W. C. Hyrd,Secy. I priation Act of August 18t.h. 1894, now in session. Every ' movement ____ r namely, $9 U0 for Standard and will be of the greatest interest. Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. H arney post no . o. a . r . i Meetsevery l*t «nd 3d Wednesday of each Meander lines; $7.00 for township Keep abreast of the times by read aontb. at Odd Fellows’ Hal). Alt Comrad* I For ing the TWICE-A-WEEK le good standing invited. The Best Brands New Billiard Table I and $5.00 f<>r Section lines. lands heavily timbered, mountain- WORLD—two papers a week—104 wn..- • ( Pleasant Club Rnnm U. S. MAILS. ous or covered with dense under papers a y ear for only $1 (X). ■ ÜRN*—VÀLB : Arrangements have been made growth $13 00 for Standard and 4 rrivesaud depsrtsdall j, 'Meander lines; $11.00 for Town- by which we can furnish this paper S?t E16 1VRW«—CANYON CITY : arriYMasd 'Depart, daily’, e«re»t Pend.y : fcbjp an<i ^7 00 for Section lines, or and the Twice-a Week New York W. W. Johnson. i PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Than W. L. D ouglas Pills 44 4« *v EN Í ftafc 3EEDS1 SS % ««X • /