H- « I I A Coimniltee Of One. A *aint little cry, as though for mercy, sounded from a corner of tIn- eommitt.'e room. ‘ I'leas.i don’t semi me ,” cried .omehody. "I hate to interview « From The Family story l’ape.. 'Í* its« •¿¡«fl A A CHAI* 1ER 1. ‘ Ladies,’’ haid Mrs. Coltimi», ris iiig I., f r ■ i he w ek I v eotdelel.ee ot t "• "Hi’j'pv i 'he id s Slult. r,” "at > u ’ In.-t me me t t ng ng it was moved, c. eon I. d and .arri. d, I hat ever* ..I her ehatilx' in li e c,tv having had a rummer onting. thev wcie Illi I poji.iing the tinger <'f n t.rn at <hiir.lv f.r imt having had Ï) I 1 j £ r : es t al.-'ot J* '■ i whole p'ric l<> Cl Mill !»•• t F I n. WuiTE, Masz—r rf Waiti’s Celebntrd Comedy Co. ~ premium Band ..ad Cn ueatra. DR. MILES’ NERVINE thousands as aVurt^curc for all augcring from these causes. JAMZS K W.U IB. 8 If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DY3- 1EPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE If you ar« BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LoER COMPLAINT................................. T/KE If yc-r CdMPLFXION IS SALLOW, of you SvFrtf! DlSThLSS AFTER EATING, TA K For OrFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOC- D-nS OF THE STOMACn, . . . Sold on a FoaltJve Guaranie.. Dn. NIILZS’PI LL j .50 CoiLSi C :♦ e » r |PAM$ TABUL l S tai. <• i he place <>/ : A C^VPLETE wi r.. i - i I ml . chizst t>- /n»- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I sun.e.i : I "This being onr conclusion, even . ft' rt has I . en made to give the ‘ll.ippv < h“tuh-’ >.n Olltilig this w. ek. 1 my-elf have interviewed Captimi Copper, ami almost on mv i.eiid. <t knee« b“guu I him to <>p» n his heart to our interesting charitv. At last, after manv refusal«, he Inis ) I i io-» d to give us t wo trips on hi li i .t < ii Th'ir-'i•• v, if we will start at tive in the morning, stopping at anv place on the liver we may 1' , I r-| - til > g w tien he Slows t he w histb- or ring> t h»’ hell of (he h H »- ’ Hi' Ta' t be ili <<-k N o w. «.......... I V people. ’ "You have Seen appointed, Miss Fre.lrica,” said Mrs. Coinmh, -evere 1» . "Here is the Ilian’s husiness card. Take it, my dear, and make haste.” Out of the c»rner. pale, nervous and anxious as one ¡leading a for lorn hope, calne s slender little ladv in a very prettv costume. Win. to >k lhecard ami looked at it with a • igh. "1 do hate to be on committees, especially of one.” she said. "late is full of nupleaseiit things.' Iceland Mrs. Dolumh. "We must f ne them, e.-pecia’ly when we have enrolled ourselves amongst, those who work for the poor.’’ With these words the door closed behind Miss Anderson, ami Mis, Columb was rapping thetable again I W ’th he’ "l.v d in »r<ier to pro< ph <1 with business. i Meanwhile Fredri<-a Anidra >n hurried on In r « hv and. thank« to rapid transit, was not long in re n h- ’ ng W 111 S' reef ()tice there, she glanced at the card again ami rea.i "John Smith. 1 p !<*. in N.>w .Inhii Smith is uni a pr-ciih: r te> \ w i he i iwin r « if t Im ’ I*i ii .‘ ,’ a ml mutm th.High I’ Ims belonged Io n-k Ills p rm's-lo'. ' 1 1 HC-C III ' I»• <<ti m./>iv distil.giii«h> <1 m» ii. but if, hi- gtuli i I k I I •• time heilig su ... < <.n.. wh’eh •■l.'Hi s nitiih’ Fred- slio’t. I called a -j> eia! mcet¡iit> A <1 •-(>' ‘ htm,' tit I jf .1 :tpn - i- t •’ Vj.w F'. Irt<- , i. .... i,. <• < <1 with Imr own A'l'h rs< m i :i h ; |.|,f |<> m i I -i r mm >• -t, , UH i' <>t . to s RIP£[JS TABULES RIPAIS TABULES • *ii î» »• .. d i-a II ii pin' M ’■ » I I ‘ ’ h I >f N (I. --- ' V;| I I f p (.»»^ Mi I * l -H> uro Copyrtghfe. Str. i-t . i’ini «Mu y 11? - »1 ri Ader i . i <or Ripans Tcb'ules Rcju^*e the System ar.d Preserve the I'ealth. 8 o Í. ■ Not very eh.ei'ahle of the char w hist., I» <1 somebody M r-. ( ’olnnd. no t. Iv put dp n long h.itidl. <1 eye-glues, etti red al the speaker ill silence, and re hav. tn appoint a <’ommitto BDPABS TABULES RÍPAUS TABULES TAKE i Dr. TZ'.lrr IT tTirtil C Ell:r-t, Ir You vlli rcmcmlicr the condition I wn- ’ • five yen-s ur ■. when 1 v.us utllii ted with R comniniv. I Uou of‘diseu-c-. mill lio UK'l t there «a.- «1 hei » ran *■- 1 lrl'<> “,l Lindaol medicines.uiol seores ».f eminent puvsh u ». Jly nerve- were prostrated, I nrofiucine diEZHie s. r eart tr ublc 1 f 'I >Ul the ills mat mate U e misei’ble. I commenced to taka anti in three month 1 1 rrnt.eTj.v e.j.r- ln mv travels each ,eai,Mheu 11 e the t!>o , . ..cs ci physical wrecks, sufli riog from ncryou.-i pics- _ _ _ trillion, tukiup p 1 e.»crpilot.s irom "J 1 '< <’•’ physii iuns who'avenoknowl- *1 turn* ‘ 1 their case, »uni ■•nose death Is certain, I leel like »-otuii 10 them un< saving, •■ ce ’D r Miec-' NcnviNtssooccys-o." tnvprofession, k r»Q, w ¡»a where tncro ctesoumnysu M lTercrs from over?ork.inen tai PJ0*1™- non u d nervous exhaustion, brought < n hr tno character of the business engaged in, 1 would Disease commonly comes on wi symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S DILL. • u tori' vitnouî Pol.! 1; • Prr'ctSts or sent bvmail on rfreipt of price liv.. v' > conts. Packu (4 in___ ), f. ‘ Tor Free Sai <pice niMrc«s i ckt. _ C~< tn r ami repot t - to • it «!j h 11mn iing <t 1 f , lo- , ofb > ' fl ■ fvir.rl |.i|r. n’s two who l.:o| bp. l| ’ - • - : o | To B M’ly’t of 1 (. 1)1 r ! , I'lUTIM El’. CO., 1»N, 4 J • ... U.C. i hy a combination of urntnil di w » i >»» j >» r< in the < -K r> .r’ ose of proteos» < ».-M ’pirnst unu rupulous . vats, ami ea< h paper . ro -••hvsforthe responsi. ..... «»A 4..C »‘.C * <ÌU'“Uu Have »old tn coaaumere Tor Pl year:, «vlr.tf them tacftdcr.kr'a profit. Wo uro tlio Pldc tuud I^urccat nr’.nufacturers in Amer ica selling Vehicles and Harness thia way—ship with privilero to exarnlrm before any morcy Is p .1. \ iro pay frclrbt both vaysif not satisirc- t v. Warrant fnr2 year'. V. by pay una rcntTO t y ; t ' order for ye.- i ‘ 'r'.t ' yovr own order. J »'-in'tfrue. Wo taLc r.U risk of damage in shipping. h Ô75 WHOLESALE PRICES. Cririnar Warrona, CCi to SCO. Guaranteed t c uo*rii >. C’ , SC..* to Cl vO '. :e as 'ell for to ' . Top Lu 537.CO, as r-.'O a., .-old f »rUM'S. PhtC’tO tjCICO. Fn*wn V.1 riiPcV/orrn I, juiTcy. DIMÜ i Imrnc red 1 r«-»i v”'» fi i > J h «- vi «a.»: up,or« ELJCHAE • ■ pnr-oii »■ spimi - .-< • i nMI * '• ( O » .'1 4 * a *~’l* pf t’ . Great Cn”<fh Cure ft I w vHO»it a • ’• * os./of medicine. A11 drHtnrists r. ■ 1 <» s-iI it on a pu■» ilive ZUM : 3 • - e •< > (.there re cau . it m iv become known, ^lic • enormous ex- prtn^H. .ire p'uci • • Bottle Free into evevy homo in t. Unhnd States :*n<l Canada. If yon 1 .r e •x f Snre Throot. or Bron- chit s. k v. it, for it will core you. If your child has tbeCrnup. or WhomdngCotigh. use it oronint.lv , and r< lief is sure. If you dread tb it insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts...Wets, and Si. 00. If your Lung« are .sore or B irk lame, n«e Shi’nh’s Pnront Plaster. Price ’31 eta. For sale by all Drug- giata aud Dealers. r;n. I' ohvwv SHILOH'S GOrl SU MPTION r t. , TO? UUL'gJ*. LV'jj A AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1895 The Best Reference Book Printed. A Volume of over 500 pages w It Treats 1,400 topics Endorsed by STATESMEN, EDUCATORS and STUDENTS everywhere. Si Has Reached Such a State of Per- Jpj fection That it is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis- z I tics and Events Brought Down i to January First, 1305. ?• HE 1895 volume is a whole library in itself. One can hardly think of a question it cannot answer. It tells all about party platforms, election sta tistics, the new tariff, religions of the earth, population everywhere, state and government statistics, occupations of Al men, foreign matters, literature, science and education. It is . . . T n F' ' T« . ‘ —ri r <73 - -n m CA MANMOO3 R' ;i<‘< <1 1t» < tirr a. i um ». -Ml ”‘ ■ i ’ .\'a * and•* - . i li *fi. ¡An. ys-iUi •»! to IntT. rn n»hr** : K V • ; X • Ki. 1I\J te i • , •-< -!.»■•♦. 0 0 • i«’ t » I :v i. n i 1 •.nt a’.i • • • V I f ‘■»Id T V • bi«l:r .’I*»* f ry y I .«> « ... ..MtH‘< i:i A.n-ri-i. * |Arnvr*«‘!’f.f P hut the !»•» n tulli ancP \1! N'trlnver« ^n»'»,er 1 . th •’!• , nu<t i>or cna’twt < Tbo <• H».,; . xactJv »u» ?< •» fH» m. '!'(»-•. »■ ♦’ ri for a iciv inore workers. nn»j w t» tu : » ‘•euri’» it once. If you arc alr< a«b ♦•<!, but h:iv<* i few «narr- moments, and i • e The».» »•> .L-n ar/o •*, thf»i w»Tte a? « I’ H i- • -mr ¿ « i p-»rtaaity J, b». » rr* " -nrficiiUr* by return mail. A.Wree% TUTE A < <> • Box x«>. 400, Anguata« AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid b mail, 25 CENTS Address THE WORLD, New York City.