H- « I I A Coimniltee Of One. A *aint little cry, as though for mercy, sounded from a corner of tIn- eommitt.'e room. ‘ I'leas.i don’t semi me ,” cried .omehody. "I hate to interview « From The Family story l’ape.. 'Í* its« •¿¡«fl A A CHAI* 1ER 1. ‘ Ladies,’’ haid Mrs. Coltimi», ris iiig I., f r ■ i he w ek I v eotdelel.ee ot t "• "Hi’j'pv i 'he id s Slult. r,” "at > u ’ In.-t me me t t ng ng it was moved, c. eon I. d and .arri. d, I hat ever* ..I her ehatilx' in li e c,tv having had a rummer onting. thev wcie Illi I poji.iing the tinger <'f n t.rn at Cl Mill !»•• t F I n. WuiTE, Masz—r rf Waiti’s Celebntrd Comedy Co. ~ premium Band ..ad Cn ueatra. DR. MILES’ NERVINE thousands as aVurt^curc for all augcring from these causes. JAMZS K W.U IB. 8 If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DY3- 1EPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE If you ar« BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LoER COMPLAINT................................. T/KE If yc-r CdMPLFXION IS SALLOW, of you SvFrtf! DlSThLSS AFTER EATING, TA K For OrFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOC- D-nS OF THE STOMACn, . . . Sold on a FoaltJve Guaranie.. Dn. NIILZS’PI LL j .50 CoiLSi C :♦ e » r |PAM$ TABUL l S tai. <• i he place <>/ : A C^VPLETE wi r.. i - i I ml . chizst t>- /n»- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I sun.e.i : I "This being onr conclusion, even . ft' rt has I . en made to give the ‘ll.ippv < h“tuh-’ >.n Olltilig this w. ek. 1 my-elf have interviewed Captimi Copper, ami almost on mv i.eiid. p» n his heart to our interesting charitv. At last, after manv refusal«, he Inis ) I i io-» d to give us t wo trips on hi­ li i .t < ii Th'ir-'i•• v, if we will start at tive in the morning, stopping at anv place on the liver we may 1' , I r-| - til > g w tien he Slows t he w histb- or ring> t h»’ hell of (he h H »- ’ Hi' Ta' t be ili <<-k N o w. «.......... I V people. ’ "You have Seen appointed, Miss Fre.lrica,” said Mrs. Coinmh, -evere 1» . "Here is the Ilian’s husiness card. Take it, my dear, and make haste.” Out of the c»rner. pale, nervous and anxious as one ¡leading a for­ lorn hope, calne s slender little ladv in a very prettv costume. Win. to >k lhecard ami looked at it with a • igh. "1 do hate to be on committees, especially of one.” she said. "late is full of nupleaseiit things.' Iceland Mrs. Dolumh. "We must f ne them, e.-pecia’ly when we have enrolled ourselves amongst, those who work for the poor.’’ With these words the door closed behind Miss Anderson, ami Mis, Columb was rapping thetable again I W ’th he’ "l.v d in »rn hurried on In r « hv and. thank« to rapid transit, was not long in re n h- ’ ng W 111 S' reef ()tice there, she glanced at the card again ami rea.i "John Smith. 1 p !<*. in N.>w .Inhii Smith is uni a pr-ciih: r te> \ w i he i iwin r « if t Im ’ I*i ii .‘ ,’ a ml mutm th.High I’ Ims belonged Io n-k Ills p rm's-lo'. ' 1 1 HC-C III ' I»• <iv distil.giii«h> <1 m» ii. but if, hi- gtuli i I k I I •• time heilig su ... < <.n.. wh’eh •■l.'Hi s nitiih’ Fred- slio’t. I called a -j> eia! mcet¡iit> A <1 •-(>' ‘ htm,' tit I jf .1 :tpn - i- t •’ Vj.w F'. Irt<- , i. .... i,. <• < <1 with Imr own A'l'h rs< m i :i h ; |.|,f |<> m i I -i r mm >• -t, , UH i' <>t . to s RIP£[JS TABULES RIPAIS TABULES • *ii î» »• .. d i-a II ii pin' M ’■ » I I ‘ ’ h I >f N (I. --- ' V;| I I f p (.»»^ Mi I * l -H> uro Copyrtghfe. Str. i-t . i’ini «Mu y 11? - »1 ri­ Ader i . i “,l Lindaol medicines.uiol seores ».f eminent puvsh u ». Jly nerve- were prostrated, I nrofiucine diEZHie s. r eart tr ublc 1 f 'I >Ul the ills mat mate U e misei’ble. I commenced to taka anti in three month 1 1 rrnt.eTj.v e.j.r- ln mv travels each ,eai,Mheu 11 e the t!>o , . ..cs ci physical wrecks, sufli riog from ncryou.-i pics- _ _ _ trillion, tukiup p 1 e.»crpilot.s irom "J 1 '< <’•’ physii iuns who'avenoknowl- *1 turn* ‘ 1 their case, »uni ■•nose death Is certain, I leel like »-otuii 10 them un< saving, •■ ce ’D r Miec-' NcnviNtssooccys-o." tnvprofession, k r»Q, w ¡»a where tncro ctesoumnysu M lTercrs from over?ork.inen tai PJ0*1™- non u d nervous exhaustion, brought < n hr tno character of the business engaged in, 1 would Disease commonly comes on wi symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S DILL. • u tori' vitnouî Pol.! 1; • Prr'ctSts or sent bvmail on rfreipt of price liv.. v' > conts. Packu (4 in___ ), f. ‘ Tor Free Sai ' fl ■ fvir.rl |.i|r. n’s two who l.:o| bp. l| ’ - • - : o | To B M’ly’t of 1 (. 1)1 r ! , I'lUTIM El’. CO., 1»N, 4 J • ... U.C. i hy a combination of urntnil di w » i >»» j >» r< in the < -K r> .r’ ose of proteos» < ».-M ’pirnst unu rupulous . vats, ami ea< h paper . ro -••hvsforthe responsi. ..... «»A 4..C »‘.C * <ÌU'“Uu Have »old tn coaaumere Tor Pl year:, «vlr.tf them tacftdcr.kr'a profit. Wo uro tlio Pldc tuud I^urccat nr’.nufacturers in Amer­ ica selling Vehicles and Harness thia way—ship with privilero to exarnlrm before any morcy Is p .1. \ iro pay frclrbt both vaysif not satisirc- t v. Warrant fnr2 year'. V. by pay una rcntTO t y ; t ' order for ye.- i ‘ 'r'.t ' yovr own order. J »'-in'tfrue. Wo taLc r.U risk of damage in shipping. h Ô75 WHOLESALE PRICES. Cririnar Warrona, CCi to SCO. Guaranteed t c uo*rii >. C’ , SC..* to Cl vO '. :e as 'ell for to ' . Top Lu 537.CO, as r-.'O a., .-old f »rUM'S. PhtC’tO tjCICO. Fn*wn V.1 riiPcV/orrn I, juiTcy. DIMÜ i Imrnc red 1 r«-»i v”'» fi i > J h «- vi «a.»: up,or« ELJCHAE • ■ pnr-oii »■ spimi - .-< • i nMI * '• ( O » .'1 4 * a *~’l* pf t’ . Great Cn” (.there re cau . it m iv become known, ^lic • enormous ex- prtn^H. .ire p'uci • • Bottle Free into evevy homo in t. Unhnd States :*n « ... ..MtH‘< i:i A.n-ri-i. * |Arnvr*«‘!’f.f P hut the !»•» n tulli ancP \1! N'trlnver« ^n»'»,er 1 . th •’!• , nuor cna’twt < Tbo <• H».,; . xactJv »u» ?< •» fH» m. '!'(»-•. »■ ♦’ ri for a iciv inore workers. nn»j w t» tu : » ‘•euri’» it once. If you arc alr< a«b ♦• .L-n ar/o •*, thf»i w»Tte a? « I’ H i- • -mr ¿ « i p-»rtaaity J, b». » rr* " -nrficiiUr* by return mail. A.Wree% TUTE A < <> • Box x«>. 400, Anguata« AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid b mail, 25 CENTS Address THE WORLD, New York City.