Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1894)
THE BEST AND IS THE SAFES; A h’sh-cH « ’'hjs’rnted niazazne magazine in the ho ne in no longer ffanoer’s IVtagazl' JKJubtfti! Reeds alone. The bent a luxury. It is a necessity, and to are ea*y to get, and cost i.o more. Ask your dealer for meet the demand« created by this î L USTRATKD necessitv, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving vearly, as it ILLUSTRATED. Harper . _ ’» Mag __ nine for 1W3 will pentitine ________ i. does, 1536 pages of reading by the mHiniHiii the uinlvall<*d wlindard of ex de ict Always the be»t Known which has . h r.eteriaetl it from 'he he ,d mitiv ablest living authors, with over everywhere. Ferry’» to«.e«i Among the nstali e fea urea <>f he yea- there Auuual for I«05 tell» you will lie ne .v level» by A Cotati Doyle, Con 1200 illustrations by clever arti«ip, what, how, »nil when to plant » »nee l-'eidmore W x.lson and William It ack bout Free. Get IL Address Short at«>rle» will be t o.trlbtied bv the has stepped into the breech, with D. M. FSRRYÆC0., popular wri ere of the dav, In. hiding Mary E. Det rol-, Mic-i. Wilkins. Ki. h .ad Hardlnv I'avis, .Mar-arel a reduction in its price that has De'a-d. Bra. aer Matthews, and marv otheis. I Tl • I lustrate'i descript v.- pnt.ers wi'l embrace tartled liternrv worb» . ar p lea by JuPar Kab h < n ne v Southern and I Wes ern subjects: by Theodore Child on India: The H erald , fully alive to the • MM by Poti It ey 1 igel w on Russia and 'term any: I “ bv Rb hard llardiog Davis on a L indon Season: needs of its patrons, has made I Colonel T A. Dodge on l-'astcrn Riders; etc. Hion sb , In I Kdwin A. \bbe\*s ilitibtra'loi sof shakeapeare'a special arrangements with this Comedies »ill be continued Literary articles 1 TJE DISABILITY BILL IS A will lie contributed In chart -s Eliot Norton. superb monthly, whereby it wil! Mrs. .lames I'. Field». William Dean Howells. LAW receive .»rders for yearly subscrip Soldi ••s d’«a»’»'d «inee lhe war are Btander Ma thews, and others. tion* to both publications combined Entitled HARPER’S PER O-'iCS I><“ enden> widow« anil Parents new ile for the sum of $3.00. pendent who-e «one desi from the effe1 r« of Per Year arin\ s«rvice are included. If you wish The price of the great illustrated HARPER’« magazine . frl.Oi monthlies in the past has been HARPER'« WEEKLY . . 4.0( HARPER’S BAZAR ............. ........... . .. 4.0» $3 00 and $4 00 a year, and they i HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. .. 2.Of I’oNiMgv Free to all Subscribers in th. were to be found only in the more United Stales. Canada, or Mexico. I pretentious homes. Our offer fur The volumes of the Magazine t^gin witl nishes a help to all families, r.G I PERSONAL AND PReMl'T the Numberx for June ami December o' eac h year. When no time is sj«eitie<l, nut matter how modest their means, ATTENTION GIX'EN To P a T- scription.-- will begin wish the Number cur to keep in touch with the greatest nt time of receipt of order. | EN IS, CA V EATS. TR AI >E rent Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine fot minds of the world, as The Cosmo* three years bacg, in neat do h binding will MAi> KS, etc. sent by, post-paid, on receipt of $3 politiin has today the strongest NO EEE UNLE S PATENT be ¡.er volume. Clotli Cases, for binding Sft regular staff of any existing period* IS SECURED. CORRESPOND cents ea«-h--by mail, post-paid. Send orders to Kemiii.niRes should be made by Postotlice ical ENCE SOLICITED. Money iroer, or Draft, to avoid chunc o' T he H erald , loss. STODDART & CO., Bums Ore. Addre- HARPER Ä BROTHERS, Nev 1894 INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. C Journals FERRY’S t.,h TH; ÌRIS. OF l HL Our Premiums FO.t TUB YEAR --- -+----- —THIS PAPER— ------ WITH------ fuero aro »’agio retail chto store. In our I..r rlti -f v !:l '1 roll 2, pairs c* ilioca a day, inui-in u ml pod oí $ 1.1),0J0 a you/. V. 0»i II «. ioch I o b :t v o »i II a great many pa n, tl'.o clear profit, o -.r l.uli. s', n-.ixsc»’ and children./ shoe» Is r.t I t a c ni» a pair, and en o ir mens’and bo; 1’ rlu 1 > c nt* a pair. V.’e eliall c»tab!I: h »hoe »tor • I . sell of tho fifty lar-est citic»of tlio U. 8., Btal > limy »ell only 3o0 pair» rt »hoc» a day they wot « i-n ♦ ■-00 a year. Wo »Iiould b« a' le to pay • .//dividend of f;5.8'.a»harr,oroycr50|>erc*i ¡1 year on thn Inv Htme* t. WoR'lll’iostock at C n i’harr. *i he price mu. t lnc% * «b*y I © much nmi I’isnC TaR’ ar-. 2.'o r o< k h.x®ever been ro !J i ¡ jas la n C i price, v h Li I » pr.r value. Bl c rnM-aMcM.;1..! *. Inco-pora*' <!. t I £1,000,0 X.’ehaveo-. r’. > G »c’..::- Jer»tar.<l the number b kierracin : Fume of tho principal stock- ► »Idcrc are: T S. v.'a- • 2. : . Y.t I. J. Potter, Brrt« » ; JL A. I’, rd. Jr..< J. 1LC1J •* W. Kava au¿»». LuJe Hock. Ark.: I. Il IL; h. Chicago: J. T. Turner. Phlla.: IL Harding, N. Y.j E. J Payne, Bat»'* frr- •», Mieh. 1 F. F. llultette. Arcade V. Write for a prospectus containing the names or •ur stockholders, etc., or »end rn order for »tod., sre’o Ing coiMedi check, ca*h or mnvry »>rdfr. Orders taken for one or more shares. Trice, $l i B ehare. THE S N FRANCISCO Weedy Call ' PKIC». •«.».. PKK V A*. ----- <•«----- fl' SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! PBlf f. •«.<> PATEN Pi K VKA1». -------- mH--------- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL 1« a iiatui'otH«' eitfht- ptigH paper. Il 1« i«»ue4 every Thttrsd»', •• d contniun all "f the liup rtxnt news of rite weak, RlautMFi from every qu .r- ter ol the globe, conipb-te l>|> to date of tmbl cation, It fur- uiahea tlie late-t and tno-d reliable fin .ivial new, .out market quotation», a d ¿i ve-* •peril. 1 attenti n to iiortlcii!- tural end agrieultnrnl new», ami ih tn eviv reject a tire - yiass family t »per, Hpp- . g tutile lllleivHI of every 111 ■ . i.«-t nt th.- h u-seloild. DEXTER 8H0E CO., WORK FOR 0$ , tew .lay«, and you will be rtarlleil at the uro pected luccer« that will reward vour efforts. V, si.itlvUy have tile be»i buriuexs to oiler uu aget.t that can be found 011 the lace of this eurtu W'15.1b/ profit oil k»«0 00 vioi*. 11 ot Loci 1.. h .< i-• being easily mid honorably t.uii.e b\ uud paid .. bmi lreds of men, women, bo. s, and girls in c employ. You *.ni make money faster id wotk t us'hail coil Imre anv idea of. The>s is easv to learn, 11 > I in rue;loin so idmpii ami plai . that all »'icec. il from fn start Tims" win. t„ hoid ->f t II- buahiess reap the advantage 1 . arises from t ie aontid reputation of one of •' old*-«', mn«t «-•c-cs-fid. "n-l l-irpe-t ¡-ublirhlng imtises tn America, s.... . for yonrot'-c pro: that the hti«lne»a so rt-itdll and ' nn.’-mmelv • i> ' All beginners siiccae 1 t rnndl’. am more tlimi reallae flie’r greate-t ex|.ec-ntloi>x. ihose v ■ o n-v ft find exactly aa we n 11. Then ispl' »' ,' of room for ti few more woraers. x" v nr- them to iH-gi'i at Ofti-e. It von art r. .m i-m nlio-ed, but have n i> » -e ‘o i..x them to nii'otn’axe •or t'li' is Vpur grand m. .ill nartloulani bv return ..a,.' At TStHF /• CO' •’<>* v ' 613 & 610 7< h Jtroot, .11. X7. (< >ppo V» A I . 1 York. .ent Ottiif.j • »N. i » < ■V Hat’s I I « FENCING --+ t ------- >1; A I S«i < ’ (. r.v mn isauaa a emkj is a live <»• trn» <> »t diillv. it ih the MOS I' RKLI • - BLK Hull 1» 'eeugltlZv brill ’ th- LEADING NEW PAPER • ! toe Pa -ilie C . t. Either o' t' eab-ve a will xetul tio-tb nl .»• minii. <m r»-cei t of I.'1- Ld iug »ntiscrlp'it. 1 pri'-e» I t RnSIT AHO PCULTR1 NETTING. lltstrate d . Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged stand ing tira' nbioiig illustrated weekly periodic ah in Aifieri' a. It occ upiean p a« e between thaï «•f the hurried daily paper aioi thaï of the lest Mine m.i ithh lnitgazi e. ft mchi- eg b ih Hera ur • and news, und presentR wi h rqna b re f an i fe icii» the rea. e.euia »if < inrern liiah/i <> «lie imagina i»e liienua tt. i m On Hce.fint of hg ver «emplete aeries of Hit s- tiatif’ 8 of I4te 'A or«' •r" ' ’ k K HIT • .vil! i»e II.»t ,.ij. , nine t.» he bea . .nine to ne p » p tuiion. hut a h < its ch Ml. v »•■ n> e» e i t n'general »• b i’ . - ■ et »«•■ r' j e\e i teres ¡ e fully 1» «18 rM vu ¡n j M p,,u,( p Ila (•.•n mí»•««► eii.g ir./in he es wri ers • /in í .he « n«l ar ir r in .bis e,.ii. . , . t< b ’»ill f-. f-.d.iif tie ... I« ______ t x< ei i era1 nie. ne vr , •»' 1 H’ua1 raH oí a. all »»•her H .f I N I f- Rt I' RHANI) • JOHN W e. O. B oa EOLOi. -t: CHiLOHTN A'«■», t w S,- ’’>-a n<| Anfforr inly tn fka r.yiiiMr Army, r IM-vl'-nr- of innli'i »ar < t . irlr »-Me»'«, mow antulert Old:. • iferliltv TtuniMn/u entitled t. >m.l for new l,wa. e.e caargu tor a fklll auc> 8 T R A T E 1) . dollar hi r.:a<‘c !•:• • y ami honorably, without capl t.H n .fiuix >«»nr ■ptii'o hour». Any inni M . i .ir! l amio the work li: ih . i ■ .'.perieiice. Taikin:; :ii •liiiiur like It for nioiu i P iïci etl iieforv Our worker i i r No time w »led i i hiev'f. We t<nell you n viiecfifl from the Hr • I ml <• a tri I H iibout i X •rat P Vf'u utart yon, IbnnM1' tli« H» òod to curry on the Lit / :ATTAe/\fA!7NT5r ’ :TWt:flMEST> AX30DWQRK’ s T wiqg ' Ä [W MÔW coioiwfcw l .mCAOO, M UNIOM SQUARE. N. C. f to I 111 — . .U** "" “ <11- COSTON. Ml». MASK ATLANTA CA. ir ..ww«a FOR SALE DY HoM i oib »' < Nl r h 15 f 1 72A Maikf I' mic H c • 1 I Ì I -< Erm A C Thn secretary of inc Elkh'rt < ar-H«® an,» Harnoaa Nfc C®, of btauart, imi . ufortn* u-v that their« w ill be lower or than ever, lie wi.»hes us to aek our readers not t» purchaM anything In tlinlrmot currtac a. wagin', bicycles tiff h «reexb until th-y have s, nt 4 eenta in I > — I, fx.f «f.. ¡j ty« p--re i • • • .<■.«, r obi »'lie i S c«»HiU’t»^ ■ for v-ii. ra . • e 'S »i»'»M)ÿi» . U ». * Our I n wv ' «teure pareil .. in 1ère'im*- t mote ti u W ssi» int'u in. ph*'*«» •' cl. •:r-*w»tiy ■'“•mi » «r.taldo ?’.v’ c II ir. . ' dot ai *Î; gw Ui » ul«< i-i • >■ .• r ». , V'M'Y' I ’ 3. • ’ «les rf ' i 'tü.i'. vBeiits l v U, te ut •m • ' Î ‘t i. J K*. i Î-» ■ f cl ». ix SJ St ï - » w M s e ------------- 'V®poidj PiU-nt Citte», w».' », rbwhle KLET Nh vK SE UF mean t«d< ru I ■ :.« m * in y iM* r h and pimrnniee y 'I.ire if you but follow m |>l 'in l istr'lellonx. ~ Ib»*i(k*r» i i.i m-il of re uly n»«»n y. mu know all about the b * payuu .i. s i» «r tli * ptihli *, .««»lui ih y?»u • ioni wc wlll »unii you il doc. gìviiu: y«Hi all Ih« pnrtieidars« l ltVE & CO., Box 400, •Vjsuata. Maine « C'fN. l'ramt Mr’CTon <•... ti.' ct ; i’a’t’c oh |rft hip and upunr "Tip on both T. X. Mc'Kinn«*»». Bur-.« 're. Hardin <y Ri’ev, cattie bra idei Von lef» *» le Horse brand T leftside, p ■». Burna.'>r» k«»n .1. ('. Folev. cattle brand = on Hgnt aide. Horse brand — on let Rh.ii’der. .1. A WilMnnis ratti« brand, II.. on left rif> horse brnad 71 on right atifle. P. O. Riley Or, Hornei branded )■( on left sHfle. Cattle brand, rd )-(»»n left hip. Marion Bnnvard, PO Burns. Cattle diamond on ’eft hip: hornea CV un lat shoulder. charleen. Voegti* v. H'imcOraaiia Horse’ rended Poll rl«h* shoulder. '»'«'• P on riwht hip. R. A. Hen<1ri< ks. P.O. Iiwen Or. PER MONTH Y our O wn L ocality i : « h«r • . H NG • * i Po il.• ce i«» all gu r • ♦TH i n rht In ■'»RtlR. a, t»r ' e o. Th ■ Util R OÍ tie rte.-k y >ili beici u 11 e \ll I »«•• Lir ,.f each w n« It ' u»» ie ih nein o ie I, ,tl .scrip: ¡ o i begin 'lb Hie Number -urre i h ' ti in • i cl| : »»nier. I»' '• ••¡tiincfe of Hu,ber’n We« kl for \eaih »a k. in net«» lu h binding, will h»* bv ail P. Hjage i ai i, t»r I»» express, free » pens« 'iirovi<l<‘ he treitfh- does itul exeee per lume or $7. h volume. • h hho : .r each Volume, sudai»)« I m . | = U WI bn « j t: wi h Rt i f,v mail p. s.-paid, on re i e» r • < I ■' $1. * ’ Re • iitanieR should be made bv Post Offic» M r . ”••! ft. hi h Void ehaiiee uf I ohr . K ¿ HR >r»( ERS, Ne / Vori And th. P p . P JD • 1 IK aa«F >*tf N. Market SC., CblenSw. WEEKLY A '.VE Th« McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co AND .hl. • ; oll V, » ihcals couibiuai i.'tt: flT1 SEND FOR r'llKTHUR LW0BXAXIOJ PC STOCK BRANDS. ,’i itii I*At es, •1-». u.-m those di -•vip- t e of red with ■ •■v.or HARPER'S PERIODICALS 18 » Ut«T- A CLEAR - a rtmight lif««: flic rwe -»• If . . 4 I DE < F HI’ \I TII wil the i « ViHi doc: i lies so r tMRviizh e p n >rvs ' ».it I .»¡»iv cirri» . Yon will -i -ri a to i I ■ r ie»4 toox'r» ■ j I J" h i ’’-4 <»r drsixmd- vc.u li ve me < Ilìb E OF v F I *s "di marked, keep up r-y f »• .no '.v ‘«nvif g |»en orcRt’t I Ma? »a »♦« to rv »»I. . JB e». > liL'i g I». i: f»>r 1r9i r«'n will r ce v • s j î krv • •. v cf c* < xq»;i tv v«»rk* • ' Art of jr it v.-iltie. be.* ■* - f t*••» • • • rb i r militi» plv’i *e. I7x*2 tuches. *■ I c •> D .i\v !” viiicl. i»* ainioai « »val baby, und eqn 11<» i’ic <» iì >’ al « Il p: in»Ing obìcb *o«i *i3»0:au l you ui I b «v : i • ^«.. i.» tl; tcannot •<* cqu.v'ed l»v auy in ihe vo bl f, r it>* ben»’ iful A i Uiit -..s àn t n «tvr. tl n n»il ke p e >r ; .• i ¿I * ’s» c f r* ° <b»y. a* d rJI the . .» « X,. ,.f p ti-n-'t ab. the lai* a ’ ’ d '«iti** i h.»n hoM. he* ■ -h’n • InierrMlrg reading I matter, boi • srr*v.*p 'ti.l ra . for i:»r. whole’iy ; •t'» i- t •i n fashion n airarine, ■ vi »vi»! e De i fe t, n d r> a <rrt w tth it, It* fashion p»T a h free of co-*t, all U«e pat:* m y n wi h to us«1 «’n»Ing zo \«»ii ch ©*r >< nd ùi (he year, and lu r.y r> y ci), nr«’ von n HI yonr sub* r’p*’on st • V ■>'. A <i.*r#R I; r nub« f ‘y sr* ‘ o' *r ' v * •¡j r. W. Jenni'•?•• Jv nmr»-t. F» East I4lh St., N. w York, if i.»n m unacqii:.intrd wi’h the Mara.’lnr. ae- »1 ”n n •!*€< i»n, , « opr. A »:*.rj*eOn l> R'NOLR rii'ar- h«»n**« v ; a I. i ’ t *» Till \ N’ '’ E ter»T«.> tr |.r » F IP I»’ Vi<b »X Ô’ Till MB »rrrmgwlll; IOM. SATINI» IMVHION. r a on •n .• fmnM». T * *’Ot XT <»? JWITEI* l-<‘«nkrfì» Sinbir an ; ths* nt < XT! I’N, prmb !»• r ; tl.«*M’N, I ¥•• of-nlcrf’^r ; M 'I N c n R?c; M<>ON. imagina I t n* • V”IXU’<. ’nve of n'*-»« 're : snò MKI.’CVUY. *r ’ • ».■ ’ •' ;•» •• ’ c'Mt a Ihirpc r’s I 1 azur I h a J journal ...... for t he home m í * m ! i-'fi-rniH ¡ . > f. mm ions í.ii.a wi It i»i.oR be' ’ mich ............ h regard t< ! the Hnhi..i r . ami it»* »»urn»«»-, ur il* R»ra io» r I Praia • vsj ^ i h . hii <1 pattern-sheet supp'ementt arc* i di«pei'Hihir h like to t he home dregs «nakei ami thr ]»r.»f« psi t n modiste. No expense i» Rpitr io • akr i R nrtiHlir Httrartive ess of the iii Jn a: order, itn .hi stories.amusi igrom ruies. und though fin crmiyr Rii’isfv all taateR. H l ’S' hr page in fam. its hr a -udgrt of nil and humor. In i>R week ' issues evervthiu? ii im- u ('•• whb e is f i 'erest io women The » *rri»t 8 tor !>.»» wdl be wri »en bv Walter Besam a <• ‘ dna t. all t’lirs inr Terhune tlerrick wil furnish a p> at 11< al R«*rivs. rmiilr* ■•\tthc T» diet ” oiMie l< in.'. </ ive Thorne il’er. ami «,a «täte U heeler r*iJ be frequent rohiiibu The work of uo >«n in the c’olumb an Expo sbioii mi . In» full lepreae --------- iteti * J - with ’**- mim '•* in hr r Pioi.a T. i'. W. HiagitiKou in "Womet a d Men," will please a < uiilvaied amliein e. . .• ... kV RASAR Miss lt,M Dlrkenaon llore- brand anvil left »'itle ''stile branded bar R >>n left hip. O. Lawen Ore. di F J. P Di< kenann rattle brand .1 P connecl-.'rt t to- left hip Hone brand anvil on left atifle P. <► lawen Ore. Catt’e brand figure 7on either hip: mark light crop off ea. h ear, at» <n eu-h ear, and watt on le«t jaw. If ,rae brand figure 7 on ep her hip. J. II. Bunvard.Buri.s Ore. • :<••• Willlama, hors-» and moler b-andet rouiitli ig w,on right atifle. P. o. Rite ote. Hoise brandy on right stifle. pO James Rousxe nr ih i »re Harar brand bar-m on left shoulder; Patti* hr«”»- bar-m on ’eft bip and riba, Catherine Marahall PO Narrow■<)rr. Horse brand on left ahoulder Per Ù ear II \RPK k ? Horae brand on left shoulder, a’ao three dotain shapeof triangle, rattle branded same« K. E. Grout Burna Or. a MI.a Laura •«n<’’fift. T urn« Ore. .............. 4.ÍW 4 Oc if ARI’KK'S WKI'.KI.Y t U» If .Kfiilt’a V' >; S<; ...................... putii*. ....... 2 Ot P. a ate Free to all an a> ri taira In the t’ni’e, .■UM Canana, or Mexii u. H AI.BI-.K'.- Jiu.izixi ou left ab<»ulder and aame on o ««•tiarle of right hind lev. Phil Smith Burna Ore. Horae brand H, l.ampshite ani Son rattle brand Q rennet ted. Ear m»tk awa'low fork in right at under.>it m left. P, U. Burna Ore, The vo nmea <>' the aairlexia with he tin«’ m ox r for .'minar li tat. «then 11« la time ia nien I, r iliecripli .n will Is-efi wi h lie Ne tuber current at theiinieof receipt of < r.Ier o'ttt I «<>lu < a o. r, e ► Bata. I.. t,re« >ea I neat cloth Lindins. '• ili I h - r.! bv u ai V a ma .' p 1<I‘ or by ex pre a <re. expenae (jr « i.’e.l 'h.-'reiyb <loea n -t ei.eed one d«>l lu i • r v..littna) or 17 a vo n*”r • R’slozne Fx-wavor ' • “ < !o h oaaea f ea< h vo'nn e,aul'al>le for Mnd f«»r Wa*-h iigi«»n. New Jersey, leg will be aentl.y man poapa.-i i n r. celo ..f |1 « ach I eint lancea abolii I le mi '» hv l'.,toffice M, n. y Order . r Drap, io aro <1 < hanee of lo. a A'ltea« HAUSER « BkoTHKIU VW_Newapapcr. are 1...» to op, am one nor I > II of the above a . • •'•emeuie siihowt thj iBpreaa trdea af H AKI'KK HKvTHtKo. BEATTY’S PIANOS Usuici F. Beat, BEÄTTY’SORGANSl f r ogee Adreme Hun • Datile! Washington New Jertey. *R»RS A I .u<d is ?r < «ref. .-Jf!».. tb"4 ¿r'ln- i * • » V- r. uMltf r