Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1894)
Th? Herall I __ Please do net forget, that NOTICE—TIMBER CULTURE 5-1 — L Durkheimer will pay the highest Cash price for your County Jorgenson has the best lot of fj»ec- U. S. Lami Office,; WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER II 18M Warrants taeles, eve glasses, gold ns and Burns, t)r<gon, November 14, 18 4.) holders and magic pencils, ttc„ el«*. G. W. Young is putting an Complaint having I een entered | ■AB THE LARGE8T CIRCULATION OF other coat of paint on the court John Day Hour at C. H. Vmgtlv’s' at this Ûtlice by George Gilbert ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. house. for sale at tG 00 a barrel, cash ■ gait st , Lewis tor failure io comply with law a« Io Tin I » ’ Cul —We are glad to publish the re This offer holds good tor the next! ture E’drv No. 15b9 dated March port from Dr. Marsden, that Mrs thirty days. 17. 1885. upon the SWj Si i ti n 13. j Local News. C IL VoKuri.Y, Chas? Lillard is improving. ! Towns hip 1*8 S. Range 28 E . iti J For Chop Feed. Grain and Flour Agent. Grunt • i'.. Co intv. < Oregon, with a view i —Several parties are in town to go to the North Meat Market. Io the cancellation of said n tr\ ; —To all subscribers of the E O contestant alleging that said John day, residents of Silver Creek. L oyd C ulp , A lYlf FT <Y t liXA tw n «> AL ....J H erald and those in arrears, who |,3|4 wboily H»>andmo<l I -aid Proprietor. au" nRfhetn are Mr. and Mrs. Doqg Baker, Judge Shields. W. H. Hogan ! J will p.ty up and renew, we will ser.d entry, and has fail» <’ to compie —Mrs. Isaac Foster is in town ¡the Semi We»klv New York World with the Timb.r Cultur» la« io i»«y and Rob Williams. I free for sLx months. For reliable , partirt.lnr with r. gard »h.-n tn. thia week. , . ... . «Thesapi partus ¡it»' beret" sum A nother sale ok bonds —$50,- —The county assessors state News there is no better pap. r than „„„„.q,,. .,pp,,!ir ,,t lhis Office on OOOJKK) worth of bonds are to lw ' convention will meet at Salem Dec.1 the World. g'jtid dnv of December 1894. at sold immediately, issued on th«- LosT-Some time since Ro* ert 10 »»'clock a m . to resp.nd and fur 10th. Bame basis as the bonds issued last n ni«h t»'st monv conc»rnu g said —Samuel Kenyon and William Feb. Five per cent sold on a three Drinkwater, on th.- road from Burns all , fai|ure> to his home in Harney, lost from I Wilson both of Drewsey, are in per cent basis. T homas J ones . Register i the wagon a shotgun If the party 1 town to day. —On tl:e 14th of this month the who found the gun will return it to, — Rev. C P. Bailey pastor of rhe train robbers made another raid on ' I Mr. Drink water or leave it at. the 1 I Baptist Church at Prineville is in the Missouri, Kansas ami Texas | H erald office a liueral reward will p-INAi. PROOF our town this week holding a series R. R being unable to m tku en | be paid by Mr Drink water LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. of meetings. trance to the express car, they went J Oct. -.5 1SIM. —The law providing that a brand through the passengers. s. curing j — J F. Rovle, photographer, is Nott« eia hereby given that the f.illowlnx qh still here. A rare opp<»rtunity natn-*-! »eitler hap fll,,«l nod' e of hia iiileiiHoii shall not be evidence of ownership $265 ami eight gold watches, 1 io make rt-al 1> o..fli. aupporl of ha claim. au«1 11) h aatil proof w 1'1 l e ma-ie before i he Regia er unless recorded, went into effect, the same dav near Mo-iett M,,.1 if presented to all who have »mt amt Ke< e x er at l>nri a Oregon. >>1» I w. *. lSIM alri-adv supplied themselves with V «: HAIU.KH I'. VOK..TLV two masked men held up the train) the 1st of this month. v, I ilil. In Vorihv l'1-. «'M1, ,V Lo a : Ä t . r,, ; , |; . •: I' and robbed the Wells Fargo h>(.al j namples of his excellent work, Re- nn'iie-I Iv f»»”••»1» « Itiier») » «o pr. V) —Mr. Gage, a resident of the safe of $215 and three sealed pack- . niember his prices. $3.00 per doz. h He a • on1 ir li. Ur»e.i'le < >• il|>--i> mi'i ii 'U vh ìo o< a«i • iióo . » iz smi h. 1 . I . - i- »■ " R Willamette Valiev and father in ages containing jewelry. ! for cabinets. H»- g uh ran tees to Gia on ' W «Hiraali of Burna < 'r>-g l'in . x: X« I. iN !• -. : l'a a . «■ law of Attv. Sweek, is here on a I please even themost fastidious. visit. M arried —At th.- residence of County Court Proceeding«. a £ >5 t&A £ CREAM BAKING POWER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant» 40 YEARS THB STANDARD H» Fr Nah* Or Trade. —100 acres of tine fruit land in 10 ncr>- lots 5 mil< s south of E» gem» Oregon, 1 mile west of Sjamser Rutte. Lots nt $4*0 each Horses mid cuttle part pav on each hit. if the purchaser so desires. For fur ther information inquire nt thia office — (Jet one of I. S. Geer dr Co’a. premium purchase tickets Thin ■irm ->gri i'i to give the holder of -neh tickets a fine life size Crayon Portrait absolutely free of any charge, hv purchasing $20 worth •>f goods for cash at their store. It is not necessary that the whole •n-'imt should be purchased at one iim- hut nm amount from Scents t<> $20 as exnlained upon the tick- •ta _______ — We see in the Prineville Re I Tho«. Dodmn of this place on Sun ; EXTEB SHOR CO., lnc*p. Capital. |l,000,<N». ’.50 SHOE IN THE WORLD. view that Attv. M. R. Biggs I andj'Bty morning nt 10 o clock, Richard) Judge mid Commissioners pr» ■H- i EST “4 » dollar uim I 1« <1 dollar tamed." Thld.adlea* Solid French Dongola KI-1 But i.t ylace<> I'" Miller and E«tella A. Garrett. e||t wife arrived «af- ly at that t ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U N., on receipt of Ca»h. Money Order, Friday leaving here the Mond j both uf 1'ilverCreek this count V, Viewers on change of road, asked or 1‘oatal Note for 81.50. Equate every way the boota wete uiiited in holy bond« of n Ht- for by J. L Sitz, Chas. Johnson. preceding. »old In all retail aiorva for 82.IW. W" make thia boot ninony bv W. C Byrd J. P. I m- Fri-I Otl-y and .LO H-nd lick a. ouraetvea, therefore we guar —Members of the A. 0. U. W antee the Jit, ttvle awl irear, mediately after being married the Surveyor T. A. McKinnon and if any ouo fa not anliatlod No 93 lx ar in mind t hat it is es wo will rt fund tho money h ippv collpie left for the home of S: , i - i 1 II- a -- « -smelila lor the (ears or »end nnot her pair Opera sentia! to have a full attendance oi 1 Toe or Common Svnae. the bride's parents. As th» v left 1SR1 mid 1092. the ciiui t' » ieik <«r widths C, D, E. Sc EK. the 4th. Thursday evening of this sizes 1 to 8 unit hn.f t».wn a showet of rice and old slip d , r , lo i^tio a w urt-t.t uoa Semi your »tee; f.r ina- month. Tho secretary of the Elkhart ( airing® ll Hl you p. rs were tired after them fro.u O.I'H 1 a le I'. ■ I,. fl h 1 ■ llluat rated | an t Harness Mfg. Co., el uiuhui't, 1ml.. informs ua that tUelr prices will be lower Cata — Prof. Wetzel) (if Portland was file Upper polell < f the Ilt HAlD .or 1894 than ever. He wishes u-to ask ( «■uri Hfausc. 'I'lie coiirl cot - logue our readers not to purcha;0 anythin» :n in our town a day or two of tie < thee. The H erald joins with FRKX sitli-r» d it would take 4>1 io com the lino (H carriages, wngo'.is. bi ••.tic or present week. He visited th» their mane friend« in wishing the harness they have .> ih . -: « nt tn exier hoe plele 1 lie uildlc g a - |> r I’OnU-fl -lanii« to p»y postage-on tn»ir t • pti.'s Spettai Irrmi to ZMuZ*-«. Bchool and gave the pupils quite an happy couple a long life replete i Htului-'ic. x\ i ad' tn I' ' ef line and reserveit thaï mnomit Ot’ I lie 1 I piipc.r t.i l'i iii 'I i H m i' ills »u, ; t interesting talk. with happiness an<l prosperity. priée agreed upnti. I t'ounty Assessor Samuel Mille! Little Tod. the four year oid W as nlloweil 'r 1(10 tu i-Cnr his ex 4 box of Prof. Newell fell while play pen.-es to the State Assessor'a Coll ing with ot her child re n last Sunday Ventien mid broke his right arm above the wrist. fhe boy who was dispatch Poison Creek. «■»‘•' • .i* .»’xM • a.«? • u«wt£ «t -iJ Hl to overtake l)r. Marsden who had only a few minutes bofore pass Vic Ottmer haiii't y» t started to ed through town on his wav from California Drewsey to Burns, failed to nvertake [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] J S. Bowen is having his the doc tor The wounded arm was I A C Worthington attended to by the childs parents house painted to L-ivd Cuip Proprietor. mid friends who had gathered in to G. W. Shaw has gone to John • -^.DEALER IS--»- « lend their assistance on the occasion. Day with a load of wheat to have ! DREGS. ROOKS. ST A HON ARY, DYES. PAI NTS, PERFUMES — Harney Items. ground into Hour. TOILET ARTICLES. AND NOTIONS. A full Ii ' School Bo..k« and School Supplies, Confections Everything is quiet, peaces hie Matters Of Finance Nut« ivid ft io and prosperous in our m lghborhood • I I l * -iff ' M nil <it>' • jconipth fill« d. Chas. Zeigler returned from S an F rancisco , Oct., 29—Steps are being taken to divide the im Drewsey a few days since leaving mense Miller and Lux estate. hie load which he took over, to be groin d into Hour. He will have to —The H erald received this Three commissioners, J. C Franks. make another trip fur his Hour. niorning. a complimentary Press John T. Porter and W. M. New hull, Pass to the Portland Universal Ex have been appointed to make tt.e lhecapacitr of the mill we are in position and a cordial invitation to division. The land to be ividid 1 forni» d is only 20 barrels a day. A. W and Johnnie Culp be present. The Exposition opens consists of 15 pieces in San Fran cisco, 5 in San Mateo comity, 4 in baulii g hay t om tin G. W. Young the 1st dav of Dec. 1894 and closes Santa Clara, 5 in San Benito I ranche to th» ir leime place. January 15th 1895. county, the peach tree ranch in , The bunch grasa has made a Hugh Harris is notv a perm» Monterey county, the Freuen place growth «>f m-oul 2 inches in the last iient resident of our town. His in San Luis Obispo county, 13 two weeks. mother is well pleased with this pieces in Merced, Madera and Fres country so we are informed bv ,• „ a ranch in Kings Hugh, and h is no objections to, county, 2 in Kern county and 15 piNAL PROOF making it her future home. lots in Bakersfield. The tracts are Major Brockenbrough, special to l»e divided into two equal parts LAND OFFICE AT BUMNH, ORLOON land otbee agent is now in this MB to the quantity, value and qual Nu» If, MM. la hi-r-b) . , a- i . .1 . i... II...-. I Nutice N-flceia h. r-l>j <iv«u a«v«u ibat 'bat tho tho L>llu>«h.^ f.illuxhi« c 'tmty. He came in several days By Ali lamia bought by itenr» Inaili». aveller h«a ftie«i'» ui me iuieuiiui. i I ■ afra lu uf bia» lauu ai.'i •■nee, and sjient one day with Reg : Miller since the death of Charles Iliai aal# Mwul will I« NMOe uvi-.rv Kogiatar I d i.aMvi.rr al ituri>8oa be« ■>». istesand Receiverat this office. Lux are formal’y accepted ar • »1M itkM u Vaaiaa. . It i- first c I hsh inwery respect. The proprietor having been raised Oll. »V. I. r Ike NEJa hj, NW. ID went from here to Diamond partnership lands. This is the Sc- . 4, I p. .» » U «I A. x *H®v or that vicinity, last Friday definite move that has liven made Ile i.a.uta I be !•> Iwwlug w «lin eava tupfinve in th.-> knows just how to conduct it. Meal at retail and whole hi« <' dsiuvii «;« upvu a«i.| c-uii|>«lt,,ii sale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices «a.a lai.««, via x !.. A im «, i aatcr I. pwl <>n some business# connected with, in the courts to divide the great oi .er, i r el »4euie:«e, wl Huiu« Urt^ua. Uweu as low as you would have to pay ranchers Beef, Pork,Mutton, Saosags .-IHi>»leue< ker, el nari.e> uit poi,. bit office. . property. THUM AS JoNlji. Reittotaur. el' ’ K A. M atthbb , Proprietor. I 6 D S Last Notice. ÎF.J m STORE