Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1894)
Ths Herall —Just received at Worthington’s —Walt Parker started to the R. ( —Mr. J Jones tells us he lost a Petition for L ícobm . a fu.l line of books, stationary and R. with his wool clip last Monday fine c>w a few days ago with what WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1894 notions. morning. Byron Terrell, Nel he thinks was Black Tongue. To the Honorable County Court —The “Boss” place to get good Parker and O. D Rusk and his L. B and A. W. Culp have of the State of Oregon for the County ^8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF value for your money is at Wor- own team were loaded. fini-hed hauEng winter wood of Harney. ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. thington’s. — Rev. J. S. Anderson, presiding ] Mr. John Jone* our very energet We the undersigned vour petition —Messrs. D. H. Smith an(j elder of thia district a methodist ic rancher ami neighlior Bays Mr. J. ers would most respectfully repr*- Chancey Cummins both of the n»in»*tvr will he in Burns about the Maher's brother ami familv arrived ' sent that we are each and all resi Local News. Diamond country paid us a visit October, probably not until in our valley a few days since. Mr. dents and legal voters of Drewscy precinct in said coun»y and stats —Almost every thing for sale at thia weak. the 6th to hold a quarterly meeting. Maher intends locating in Harney and we usk that a license he Worthington’s. The Rev F. T. Howell our circuit Valley, so we are informed. Judg granted to A I. Johnson A Rro. to —Our fall and winter term of rider will be here about the same ing from the character of Mr. sell and dispose of spirtuous,vinous —Peter French wa* in town two school commenced last Monday. I time or probably earlier days of this week. Maher, hi* brother is of that kind and malt liquors in said Drewsey j H. A. Dillard principal and Mrs. Precinct in less quantities than one —We see in our exchanges that of people who have a hearty wel- I gallon for the period of six month* —J. B. Huntington returned yes-1 Marsden assistant, Wilev Garred, who was a prisoner come among us. terday. from his trip to Salem. i from the 5th dav of Novemher A. — P. L. Shideler, county clerk, I D. 1894. Dated at Dre ’s*-v Ore. in the county jail at Okanogan Vick Ottmer and Charles Zeigler —There will be a dance at is expected home now, every dav. Aug. 25th 1894. A', are about the only ones that have the Caldwell Hall Saturday eve. We are informed that Mrs. Shideler Wash., charged with killing NAMES. NAMES. Spencer, committed suicide on not vet done their threshing . John II Wright H Everton P and their little girl will accompany j Ding. Saturday night the 15th. mat. lie Poison Creek, bn» intend to thresh , ” “ ° Jam«* Small E R Smith —II.A. Williams contractor on him. took a towel about four fret in this week. John S Laveiy M McDonald . . 1 the Burns-Ontario mail route is m George Hulse P F. Stenger left here — J yester- length, got ” on •! a ’ chair tied one end M O Anderson O~- — — Tho« D.ilana Mr Jones enys G W. Relinga has J W Rarton Burns this week day with several car loads of horses to the steel bars 1 uf his cage and B Thompson R Drake ! not moved hi- well tentato Burns —John Wright whose home is for the eastern market*. He in- the other around his net k, and W 11 Harness . Math Wavers report» d near Drewsey, paid u* a pleasant forms us he will go from here di I kicked the chair from under him M F Howard R A Miller rectly to Virginia. thus hanging himself He left the Charles Hughes ... , ' Joe A Howard Visit last Sunday Vartans folks are still puttng up; | )hn Wright Charles T Stewart following letter to his brother —Please do not forgQt —The official count in the con hav on their Fruiter Creek ranche jj G.arhart Al Weatherly ' “ Frank. — Get my pistol from Nows gressional district of Owens and Jorgenson has the heat lot. of spec at Loomis. I am making trouble and Mr Perkins’joining the n. I Geo N Rann W A Robertson ! 0 N Cochran C T Griffin Breckenridge, gives Owens 270 tacles, eve glasseses. gold pens and for von now. don’t think it strange holders and magic pencils, etc., etc. nr hard treatment to you. the wav Vick Otuner as usual availed Win Fredricks George Morgan plurality. I am about to act. it is had enough | him« If or a bargain when he took *"7_^'r,nan D W Clavp.Mil —Eugene Boone. Bob Williams . . F M Gilder Geo Lindenberger —To all su Esc ri lier* of the E O for you folks anyway without seeing our wagon tn exchange for a given w Hamilton R C Blaylock ■nd Mr. Clark all of Silver Creek , H erald and those in arrears, who ’ Die in jail butthev have I....n good John Nash were in town the latter part of last1 wj|] pj,y np an(j renew we wj|| Pfin(j ‘ to me, remember me to all the ’ amount of grain. He tells ushejj^^ Wood _ ¿tell mv tnothtr and sister I expects to start for California about J II Wright Lou C Rradfield th^Scmi Weekly New York World'^;;orrvfor |hem - Eath of - Oef.ber next, to re |^(| \yHPnhurn week - er - I - know the 15th. - _ . W F Moffett E 1. Robbins — Mark M. Boyd of Baker City free for s;x months, Hor reliable | |H)W vo„ wj)| fe.,| hut I can’t help] there until about next March. Ed Morris R B Ware J S Dre wett 'Pel) ‘it Thorp I never forgot his was held up by a masked man and News there is no better --------- paper ( than C. H W John D Daly J A Robertson kiiidinss. G<»o<i bve. relieved of his ready cash, on Sun- the World, WILEY GARPED.” day evening the 16th. —J F Bovle, photographer, is Weekly Weather Report. U. S. Treasurer Morgan has re —J. H. Jordan ha* been in otirj P*INA>. PROOF still here A rare opportunity turned to Washington from n six town for ten or twelve days. He • is presented to all who have not Max weeks tour of the Pacific coast. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, is one of the principals in a cause | a]rpa^v supplied themselves with I Au*. 27 1894. 80 . Wednesday Mr. Morgan was verv favorably im- Notice la hereby xlven that the Lillowhiir- now being tried before Thomas samples of his excellent work. Re 74 Thursday . named aettler hae fllvd luillce of hta Intention •pressed with his trip both from A Friday ... 74 . to innke final p< .»of in support of hia claim, and Jones referee. that Ruhl nr.eif will lie made before the Kealaier member his prices. $3.00 per doz. political and business point. 78 Saturday.. and Receiverat Hnrna.< »reton, on Oct. 14, 1*94 —A county seat war will soon be for eahinets. He guarantees to | ———— via: J amkh A niorron . 73 . Sunday.... Illi. No I WI For the SWK 8WU Hee. 11 and declared in Malhuer county. The please even themost fastidious, 77 . N>, NW>4 and HE'4 NW, 8ec. 14Tp. Ill H R. Monday . . . WAR ON SHEEP. W.U E 83 . • Tuesday contestants are Vale, the present j lie name« the foliowin« wttneaaea to prova h a continuous realilenre upon and cultivation — Dell Dibble was in town last countv seat, and Ontario. I of Raid land, via Joaeph llolelx a. W, F. MofTel* —Get one of I. 8. Geer <fc Co’s, of Van orevon. t'harlea Anderaoti, and II. Saturday night. He had just re Colorado Cattle Men Butcher( premium purchase ticket*. This I Thompson, of Burna orenon. —The Hon. Levi Parsons Morten Two Large Flocks. THOMAS JONES. Reaialer. turned from a prospecting tour on firm agrees to give the holder of was nominated for Gov. at the R— A warded the mountains adjacent to our plac« We learn from the Daily States "Uch tickets a fine life size Crayon publican State Convention Set Highest onors—World's Fair. and is verv enthusiastic over his man of the particulars <>f the Portrait absolutely free of any I 18th., assembled at Saratoga, N Y. find or finds, and savs he will as •»¡ a L- slaughter of sheep on the mesa mar | charge, by purchasing $20 worth) —The Chinese have met w »1 tonish the natives one these davs Parachute by cattlemen. There i Gieir store. It another crushing defeat at »'e in the, near future. We only hope were al»out 20 cattle men. all wear •'"not necessary that the whole I hands of the Japs. At Ping Yang , his words miv be made true, and ing masks. They drove 2200sheep | amount should be purchased at one Corea, the Chinese loss was over ; that he has struck “it” rich. belonging to C. B. Brown into a * time, hut anv amount from Scents 17,000 killed. —Mr. Cal Geer returned home correl and killed theinwith guns, to $20 as explained upon the tick —At Galesburg the 19th., Alix last Sunday. Mr Geer has been ) knives and clubs. J. F. Miller’s 1 et*. beat the world’* record of trotters. ' absent nearly six months having | herd, numbering about 2000 were ( i Thv fastest heat ever trotted by any })Pen called, last spiing, to his old driven over the cliffs and all killtd trotter on the face of the globe was ■ home, in the Valley, by his father ( ■ j p. ’i sheep wrre not I u. Hurlburt nurioust's The secretary of the Elkh"-t • trotted by Alix on the date men whois now getting old and an in ' tnola^ted, but the butchers jxisted a and Harness Mix. Co, «>■ i.i>-i>. tioned. Time, one mile, in 2:O3j. I valid. He informs us that his notice that these would have been informs us that th< ir cr.c- - wilt .or ISM than ever. Me wi.-hr reader not punthaM- —Three of the four Salvadorian father is getting very feeble, but he carved likewise but for lack of time 'inr lie lino <>i MOST PERFECT MADE. refugee*, were released by Judge was almost compelled to leave him When the sheepmen returned not a A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. Morrow. Genl. Ezeta, Genl. Bala on account of his duties here at cattleman was in sight. A sheepj , herder who was shot will recover. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. nce and Captain Major Bustamente, home requiring his presence are the ones released. The fourth —At Lexington Ken., on the 21st. • Col Clenfuego* will be *ent back to Poison Creek San Salvador to answer for crime* of this month, Desha Breckinridge,! son of congressman Breckinridge charged against him. Mr. Grey frotn Crane Creek in- attempted to stab J. D- Livingston — Receiver A. A Cowing, 11. E. but was prevented by Livingston I forms us that Billy Wilson on his Thompson. Dr, McPheeters, Chas. . with A MePheeters. Chas. Johnson. Dr. grasping the blade of the dirk in1 way home from the R. R. Cates. Eli Johnson, Lennie Walton his hand cutting the third finger of | heavy load of freight, broke down] and Fred Roe, are all, we hope, the right hand to the bone Breck • near Clover Creek, which resulted enjoying themselves hugely hunt in ridge on the same afternoon in in very unfavorable surroundings to ing and fishing in the Stein moun suited Judge Kinkeud, on the Billy and his fa only, especially Mrs. tain country. street, calling him a liar and offer Wilson who was aiilicted with —Word has been received here ing to fight him in any way or at1 rheumatism, snd probably just that Chas. F. Pctts, the man who anv place or time. The trouble,then needed more hospitable at- shot and killed Walipi on Trout Creek the 2nd. inst., is now in the grew out of the primary election., tention than was available hands of Deputy Sheriff Dodson and Great excitement prevail* there Mis* Jennie McPheeters is visit G. W Haye* Deputy Dis. Atty «nd and it is thought the trouble is not ing st Lloyd Culp’s this week. on the way to this place. They left ended. A letter from I.inn County Iowa, Winnemuc ea on tbe 21*t. inst. News of Sept. 19th ., From Corau states that that County underwent —Among the visitor* in Burns the hottest drye*t summer the last week were D. Weill, a residant. of Paris whoee father, we under-1 A terrific naval engagement oc present year since 1842. Tba same •tand, is one of tbe principal owners corred on tbe 19th of thia month complaint is also made of Decatur of the Road Ce. lands, accompanied between the and Jape — Chinese — • in County Iowa One man writes h®| •••■« class mv.vij in* pr Il •* is first in every respect, respect. The proprietor having been raised by Adjt. Genl. Mitchell and Major which the Chinese were defeat* on|v g of |iay from jjq ;n the business knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retell and whole- Jackam of tbe U. 8. A. The partv with a loss of five ships. The Jape o f mea <]ow and tbe question with] sale prices r " You can buy by the quarter, les* or more, and at prices hft here last Sunday mowing for a< is what will we do with our as low a* you would have to pay the Stein Mountain country where lost three _ . ranchers -------- J Beef,Pork,Mutton,Sausage they will spend some days hunting Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder stockT ’etc. K. A. M att »*, Proprie' • nd fishing. I » CREAM BAKING POWHI I