Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1894)
BURNS PIONEER r Business Locals I H untington Oreg , March 1. *94. D ear S ih :—We again call on vot. ■ soliciting your I'Usineas for 1894 st able . livery Our Warehouse will have the s i me attention as formerlv, all business eotruste<i to u«. will be carefidlv —School hooka at the drug store ! I*Hiked after. Ship vour goods in of H. M. Horton. our care. —School book» and stationary I We continue the jobbing in Gro cheap for cash, at the Hardware ceries. etc., ami will lie pleased to, •tore of C. H. Voegtlv. quote you prices at any time. HARRIS & BEDELL Prop, We buv our gisat« dir-ct ami | will be pleased to divide Margins pat with you. thus giving vou g«n»ds as I — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham bather, desires a part of your ronage, at the new bariier shop. chea *.or cheaper, than they can be j — Who .«aid you couldn’t get a placed here from Portland. X>. N. L. Sal.'cr Ymir correspondence solicited. A well known good flaio ed cigar in town for five j ^otoTrnp’acr r.' 1 lerocd. Cc!.. ' “ily £-.ej a:.;l bofy trerj covered tents? Call at the Citv Drug Store Respectfully, O. C. Co, J. 11 wXt r: J blotches wMchc'.s^jurod r.'.aa::«! Aitkin. Bud inquire eJ Eu.h rXTcr’.ai. C2 i . t rr.c*'!c!r.c3 f.."cd to • The Proprietor’s are well prepared tn a?c<vn Charges very reasonab’e. ’ '*e fc’'»"’custemi Job \\ agon in connection. help my case, but alter Ukln~ four Jottlcs cl — Dr. Cate is kept pretty hit/ , ‘.’ñc’s l-cod’s 1st Readers at The universal good dentistry done* I am cnllre'y fra* from rny blotches and am • A 40 l>v him has gained for the Dr. a 2nd. perfectly well.'»________ KOOP’O • A 55 • • 3<l. Hood'S P21S a” purely v<s taalJ iuU lasting reputation 00 ¡4th. 80 I« carep* ¿u. 35c. I.-/ a box. — Builders to >ls and all kinds of 00 $1 (M 0« , 5th. • • building hardware at the Burns, xfon’ei'h’ Elementar? Geography li I rd ware store, at bottom prices . b tetr. Moribiths Comprehensive x-iiy^iuian a surgeon. I for casi.. i Geograph? $1.25 Clarks Normal I A graduate ol the Iowa State — Mrs. Racine always sets the|Gn|(..... .. I Sills Grammar. I" st of tallies. everything m a i I i y- Ami all other s<dm<d books, Univ* rsity and College of Physi I plentiful Iler rooms are unex- , cians and Surgeoog. I reptimui'de. and everv one of her m proportion ami after this date I | Otlice at res.d'-i ce in Burns. patrons kmiwi she spares no pains will sell sch<M»l hook« at the ii I miv » I ( i ECH“ SIZ E M O R E. to aeeimiiiiodafe and please. prices for cash and for cash onlv | Carcaparilin BLACKSMITH SHOP. I c r\ 't J McKinnon ? Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. Au experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. AT'IOKNEY. He solicits a share patronage of his frends. — I’m* Saloon, in th* new hotel Orders hy mail promptly attented 1 Bl HNS........................................ OK EGUN to Dated this 1st day <>f March | Citlirc.ions, t.*intl lai -lies«, miti Keu building. Richardson and Stephens Ksiate timber promptlv a.ieiitie*! t*». I 1894 i pro|>ri-tors, is nicelv furnished C. 11. VoKOTI.Y. ¡1« customers is given the brands ot liquors and cigars Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder —Tonsorial parlo» E*t Waltof World's Fair Highest Award. — I'h R-d Front Saloon. now proprietor. All wmk V» I G.’wwei’N. «li nn ig on under ttm m inagement I »mirant* rd to be tirsi Hass.* c»ii I <>i i'* **i,l pi piieior. L ••• Caldwell. • nd see him. In* triemi« will fimi inni th** same | I »* ar Sir: 11 untiiigton has ad | vanuige« f*r shipping and Hile id <•** ,rte*.ii» i,.... 111 > 11 < •* 1. 11111 g gentle Arri ves at Ontario in 42 hours •eaves Burns daily at 6:30 p M. w**o|, in* uth» poi*.t nt Io r punit in h astern Jan es Edwards, lii.-iii, <li*i>*-o-ing tin* i.est i'rand.« **l | Barber Shop Bums - Ontario Stage Being th* I Oregon tuia, uamel» : f I Round trip $11.00. Fare One wa v $6.0<) termino* «if divistoli*, thè p n.t t<> Beai li-tute. Life ami Fire insur — liu :»•• i Wei k V Paper in ' whlcli all Tu.« * ce made east <n Collections a Specialtv. u t e i in>* ••• ti*»s— tdliHo ilia < ) 11V .fl 50 per year. I I west *»■ > ii mi. Thr'»n?h Freight 3 lets. a pound. OKEfloN I « » ton ami < a*t a« do all p > iit» * ast Rt'KNS. A odr-'-s wil T vn davo nnt*e« at nor P G. n*i t he rn’t’e and (’f'v w1 1 c » » i Calti We il ami lo »ver .t. » Portland I he B kk ; I H. A. William«. Proprietor. *1**1 S <ii Fraiteisco than the point » S ¡. r i mento, i 'al ■ ’•'> ftirn'«h**d Co- as *>L" «si» W io . u -T k 'K<. K k .' ikhv . — M o eaat **t il-: Olir r -te to |<o.ton i- I •VfliiinloW'F «M »hi « »11D HI* bt'l’ll UHcG f*r vri tiiiA ACNTh hv mi H,»i « f t them f..t ihei M !M). \\ e gei *nine ratea to I’ort- ]i*| ,|. h », i-igM r«. etc lami altri .’'ai* Ftnncl-c.» a* does I Baker Cltv and a lower rate tasi th«n lhe\ . Dr Cl|. e|,,ls Electric Soavi** I He a'-ove a.e taci*, tei t.iwu cali Clire I*. «I' «|< Veli V II '»onoVeS . . Botte Sp*v-, l'iputlour iolv.iiiittge» t«i* sili pp.iiv In. I< ingnillii , Spimi . *r < 'm t» in 4' 1 • •* selli*,u A'tVaitC'S malie —haul h>*u' » VX 11 heut ¡lllO. ■iig clmrgee pani— wi>.*| Insoreai ■otM) -eWHrd ! * tilt lieti * ■ lely . S*-I*d »nur wi sil in Iitiln' • Alt -lightest injtiry Tti* ’ | mir care. Rwsp-et fulS, hdri f •< I . * •*«*. V 0*1'^ . j t * i » * I \V i m I « G*r 1I ||t* < » i»r \ . N ilieteenl h lot-H | Ili* ||, < *l< *lll slilltg *1« Il ■ *!>»•» l»lof i very H»*r FND ?FESj 1 (). C. Co I h »i», vtlnniiarv orbi Circolar* | un t t'—tim.miai« fr.-e Dr Gm beciiii. 37h ('unni st. Ww York. ' »I m* % children whil** ter hit^g, wlt^ »♦•rivet su < vpf s . m > h* b the c u d. k « i * i : b t e 411111«. h ' m * » i ai .« um ». Almi < «41«, and te the beM rem« •• a i»»r |»»w rh • «ti. Is i>L . R<int *o ’lu* t»i*t •» Id by Mr nez r p in dwrv jmrl .»f the world. • wvittj-fHwi > m buttle. iiBVHitieiH iiimi- able. Iv »»ire hii < i hf I c for M ih . *VindBk,w*» oui hl UK “ \ rm . hihi tule lu» other kind. ----- Tinware While Ht Peekskilt. N. Y., Mr. J A Seriven, a proinim nt manufict lirer of N'ew York CltV. purchased I • a I hiii I h of ChamlHTlain'a Cough, ALSO n^A’.ERS rv OIL3 T V \ GLAiSS had obtained it for two more l*qt «vili tor next IM) ifave send sampl*- ties *«f the aaiue icmetiv. When Initie and testimoniala Ir*-**. <m re von have a cottali or imld give this Celpt of nineteen eelits lo p-VV post preparation a trial and like Mr B;e. Electro Chemical Co., *25 Ea«1 Srii ven you w ill * ant it w hen ag tin prove PAINTS HARD- Sujiertlnmis hair ri'iimod |e-r- i Remedv. Such g****d result« wer*-| IminvntIV, liist»uitanrouslv, wiifimi* I obtained from ila use th it he sent t pini, by Ebctm Ch> nucid Fluni back to the druggist from whom he | In order to M i it i.eture &» Sb - su|e*rio»ii v. w» Min St N* w York Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World'» Fair Ulf bet t M»-4^l an4 I>it4<>ma 11 CMI.XUTOM Greg March I 1'4 D kah S ih : Our article* of C>»r |*orati<*ii pro« ni's. ami we have ar- rnug»-d tor the nvcouimotialioo of tmr eustutliri*. who nre desirous u( parrying tlnir Bank account in 11 out iogt<»n. and hive i penrd un ‘ Exchange Ollicv’’ as a dep triment Bunking doors & WIN tn need of aneli a mrilicine. It ta, a r» medv of great worth and merit. 50 wot )«»tllva for aale by II. M. Horton. M. R Bijg^ ATTORNEY.AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, ANU REAL ESTATE AGENT. i 3 r!o:cs In ou.' t.r I’.’.e J’l.Jnc.i mux 3 » <! *y,i.>-* •* V.’oc* -I•♦»<•< ‘I'* : J,< ) a -, Co i n ___ ce ar p"‘ ( ‘ s».’: 1 cl.JJrvr.j’rùoc« i 11 :1 Jln -, : <li i r> ..-m. - »•r- **r.n-J be. . *•<’ ?.. OA’ t.C- I ■ • I c -. Ùi' '4 c- .1 I : t?\-j«.t tt>»U. H.,f J ■i , .. f » ’ '7 L": 7 V . : W. . I V . J -. 1. * o 1 i La / * I to a’ A 1* la p ; ‘ . J a < . - .c rcn r ’ Jprri « Z‘ ; i. » alt *».' »»I t. 1 V.’oo It jotockc:: r* ” • I v ■. 'y i o ni'.rh i • — I-,, • ./e *V ' T »' w»-' 2' » • *’ ! it r lux» re !< üi 'n 2* lit \ r<..!ac. l . « • lù ni •I I T ;wr*| • • < I C'.OK.I * » . CÙÎÎ 1 - ,r. d t‘_.'n :n:! i ¡ »>ru »ft a I 1.1C. pal Mix 1. ’ « ll??l A . V* 2 : . V.i I J T rr. B>.!» • • -• • . I rR'i V, : iJ.’J. ». *. ■ », ’ « : I II I. « > et tv i J I : ». . . i.* ’ I...J i , ■ . v.i r J ?r. -..An» • : ». __ ____ • _ ■ ■ c .. ,.?v* ‘ ‘ ----- .i:-:Cc nan»c«o. .* f r » J <*r i- »’ . our «l.x Lhclder», cts., »r »r»«. e» e»«.1rr / t alfe !, i ve'» rssAirr*« <Ar»*, eov> «» i<r' ’ Ont r« u«ea fur sa» or rnarv «barrí», lita-, < '. DOWS HANGERS FISHING TACKLE- TINWARE. GRAN’J AMMUNITION A’ , ............ . ...................... W a RE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWXRE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR MERS’ & MECHANICS’ TOOLS »1- UNDERTAKING GOODS, ('all ut.d see cur Holiday goods. Proprietor II. M. HOKTON, Ollicv ut Sheriff ’ * (.»Ilice, We are prrpirrd to handle all Ml.. BURNS. - - ------ --- - - Oregon DEKT2R SHilE J»ew ■ I • « chequer presented. • ^•J.nVAlFtt« Isaue certificate* of Deposit, pay "str*:»-’. i 7 < t - » DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICA1A PATENT MEDICINE. . ’ c ' * ing such interest on time deposit as •* • |S- I .««a.«* A « . t* •** I ««• ‘K m «U ù .maLji I*.« »«*>^L.u.a STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFl’NFB c\»n-< rvative banka do. Cry* ». —« . /I m dutM w i ’ ' . TO^SORIAL PAKLOR, ./„a I i ’ .a««u* U.U.OV4 —♦* % •» I “ (» V *i »•*.«( ' *»□ — « '-S ’ • • ««,«.*» 1*4«. *1 L*«a«A t> * I l •* lb I A * **•»-• Aa* 4.—_ - - - - It «•rive money <ut deposit sub A FANCY TO1I.ET ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIGARS KTC- Cl*. ’A. I -.1 \t »toi IK..G.J JOHN ROBINSON l’«o| J *S Ä-4 L ject to cheque*. t *r .\enwi -s*. »... a u«.i i r% iz*< o*. ) , «.A.«.-. sA-tharts-t C..1I ,' iit' fi» J« ».‘>L g IO», Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical *Purpose’ We ask your consideration and « Utas»**'. :««» r »•«*. *•* i tel,.«' tj t. *1 ILarvniiù. «,. <•* «el I • ». ,'’ Cl > «Ufe Everything in tuy line guaranteed .- '.rea-.lsd- - t r: •• ** I *r -.:•••* t m — sir si. s»>licil your account. . I *r: l l-v»»-« ra-.T ■•, I »• l< tw»«- wir ,4. || i- tn lw done satisfactorily. :."".I3» •*i-',lrM‘»Ml"'* N» l»4 » R -*pe< tfulljr. Oregon Commercial fV*The onlv place in Burns jriu 0W“ Proceri ptions areurstelv romp-winded. 9 Un» "* «tri ri -« r- d a - r t -’lyr-j ^£o»«'* H. Aitkin, u*gr. •js.’'• •» 3» r-,— •« »y-*»r I First Class Dental Work Done. can g t hatha. V •• • À. .«st —~ «*. • —•