Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1894)
- 4 THE PIONEER FIRM A \\ intermier of Silvies, paid —Our mail is now coming regu us a visit last week. lar ami we presume from informa tion we get through exchanges that WEDNESDAY JULY 25 1S?4. Jake Welcome is suffering the backlmne of the great strike is ] with an attack of mumps broken. Manv leaders of the «trike, ■ AS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF . A,Y .....APKH .K VH,.™™. j „ 7^- >»» - and strikers charged with riotous conduct, murder and rapine have been arrested at the instance of government suthoritv, and are now —The first new potatoes of the season, came to us yesterday from l»'’8Uishing in prison and hating a Local News. the garden of C. A Fweek. l“Uer I hilt follows the sweet. _ I. S. G»ier and Co. hav« an ex- i —Charley Kenyon i« still the _p R S(e||per cellent selection of garden seed.from I chosen and popular deputy clerk of Kimmn wh.'/iHt and T A Me Harney County here some time I the firm of I) M Ferry &. Co. county clerk P L. Shideler. since, taking a band of horses for [eastern markets, shipp-d at Hun- —Assessor Miller and wife have — H. A . Williams contractor on jtington on the 12th of this mon h not vet returned the Ontario Burns mail ro ite. wap 1 They shipp'd to Ni-wenstl»- indiana N. BROWN, in town several days of last week. Mrs. Stenger received a letter from 1 —Sheriff Gittings, so we are in i. . . - . . it „ . , nr i , t ! her hu-band the latter part of last formed, has chosen John Vaughn Welcome and Dr. « w r» . » dated ■ «• t <-« • <« «_/■«» t week, at i Cheyenne, exprees I . for hi« deputy * orton have bought what )hg a M ho)w ho)»e that the strikers would 1 drugs »Irtigs )ng I —Mr Mathews, our butcher, has W. h. (¡race had remaining here in i not interfere on the wav to New-• I castle. Both Mr. Stenger and T. A. a family. >>»d he with his family his drug store. McKinnon are among our fiiost en are now bon a fide residents of our W alt I arker is again made ! terprjsing citizens and we wish Having purchased the enure stock formerly belonging ta Cal town. happy by the advent of another! them success I Geer, compri «i ng all lines of —Eugene Boone is visiting t»ur baby boy. born to his wife last Fri-1 —W. H. Culp of Poison Cr»»»k [ informs us of a fatal aendent. whicn town this week. He has just re dav night. H a KPVV h KE, CHI KK.HI, tiLA^U AKh, TINW à KB, hapjiened near Chandlerville III. cently returned from Eugene, this —Jefferson says he is out wf which resulted in the death of hi- state, where he has been attendi! g j leather, consequently idle, but he I i,rnl |),.r () CtiIp. a resident of that school. He expects to return to likes it, still he don’t want folks to place. Mr. () Gulp, and mio»b< , b’lU\ iiAl> 1\\ Al.E, &UNi<hKihb, A CAKl’LNTKKb i hired a liverv ri^r to go to Heards Eugene in September. 1 know he is fond of being idle. town near there and on the roa»l i uOer iiiv »au«! lor «ule ai ^leaUj iiuuctu pnce» lor cab EI. —Mr.eEd Test, ex county clerk — Mrs. M. N. Fegtly has been the accident, «»cciirred. The «•••• * of Malhuer county, with hi- family sligotly indisposed for the last dieting reports of th»' pajw rs ami t evidence given at the inquest. 1» »1 arm» <1 1» ie the latt» r part of last | week . V. it. ',' uluàli Y, the authorities to believe that i' mt k. on a visit Io Register .Jones — H. A. Dillard will soon live was pr»>l>»t»lv not a accident l>n’ and family. Messrs. Jone» I at home, and then we presume he murder for jmssession of w hat moo Te-t are brothers-in law. wiil tie the old woman, “neither ev and valuable« he hail on In- I *« person This su«pii'if>n led to th» — Dr. Horton has moved hie lend or borrow arrest of Tho« W. Stalev and an drill» store together with its con —Mrs. A. A. Cowing is on t he other charged with crim»' of mur tents and placed it on the north •ick list, but we are it formed not der. On the person of one of these, side of John Ro inson's barber »hop men was found the watch hehmginu dangerously ill. to Mr. Culp I where he will dispense drugs can one — Miss Clara Stenger has had dies etc . until his stone building —J. F. 'lovle, photographer, now are two slight hemorrhages since located here for three or tmir weeks is completed on the old site ('orner of 1st. and B Street. our last issue, hut her condition at I is doing work of a suivrior qua lit s. —Our school bonds have been per dozen ca'» nets this tune is not regarded as dan His price i« placed, a firm in Spokane have He makes a Hpecialtv of family ■ M 11 K BENTON ... gerous. Prsprieiwr bought th»m and as soon as th» groups and babv photos, and guar | n»c»ssary papers have been signed I —Loyd Culp has just finished antee* his work. Those ilesiring the money will be placed in a Port | painting Bro. Dillard s house, and woik in his line are invited to call i land Hank. The transaction would and examine his samples. ii 1' an excellent job, showing taste, have been < onsiimmated ere this — No nn»re politics Jorgenson but theti»- upin the railroad pre 1 ' tact, and a familiarity with his vo has put oil his trip to go up salt I vented. This means a good school I cation. river till the last boat goes and hr [ I t iId 11 g tor our ton n is t<> be found at the same old plac> — \\ llliam Wooley and family repairing watches, clocks, sewing —Samuel Kenvon has sold h " I came in on a visit to triends. last tnaehinrs and anv ’hing that comes meat market to K A- Mathews ¡ ii'Simdav. Will left here yesterday along hr also takes photographs at old experienced butcher. Mi.. aiternoon for the ranciie, leaving $4.00 la-r doz . cabinet size; Kenyon recommends his successo' hie Kinin. familv. . Mrs. Wooley and the __ , .nr Notice To lux payer«. I . _ 1 .. will ’ 1 I _ remain ...__ 1. here ___ ___ 1. .. I 1 .. 1 verv hichlv and requests us * to . . ’ children probably After the first Mondav in Septrm thank our citizens for their patron ( a month. ■' her 1K94. all tax cnlhctions will b, foreril The county authorities age and kindly feelings towards — An application will be made to have been verv lenient and now th» him. ludge Fullerton, when the state last call is made Save cost by I he Proprietor a ol the White Front Livery Stahl« aa- —Luuji Brown returned last Sun circuit courtmeet» atC’oi yallisfor an making pay cent at once Th»- sure the public that thev are preparer! to aecom modal« m every way in their line of business. dsv from his visit to San Francisco, order looking to the extension ot Sheriff h«s no discretion in th«' ^•Hty and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. Portland ami other places on this the Oregon Pacific eastward II llu matter and must complv with ih* law coast. He is looking fine and say s | c rook t ountv. A. GlTTINGS. Passengers taken to all part» of the country. Hearse and Joh Wagi he had a splendid time Jaiin- Sheriff n«»w —K. A. Mathews, who is t ii cot net tim McGowan, «on of Geo. McGowan Burns July 17. 1K94 owner and proprietor of our m;at and nephew of John and Ed Martin market, was raised in the business P*1NA i . FR«ioF~ accompanied him. and tiroposec keeping a first class, i , ani > office Ii I I i I A .. i ! AT RI'RNH. OREGON July 17. WW4. market in ever, respect and l>eing Nuti.ela herein given that the following I nanie.1 settler has flu*' n.>li»,r of hfa Intention thoroughly familiar with »fie bus to make ti • al p oof I 1 »ii|>|><.ri of b.a elatni. and th» 1 aain iness only — needs patronage ami th»' ••‘■• j pr.» ; f will In- m»> <• before the Kegia er - ---------- the r »“ . ................ Jverat hnri » Oregon, on Aug. .a, 1 m <4 ohrmt E. < l*na encouragement of our citizens t«> via lid. K So 4.1 For the ot- 2. 4 and 4 and SW>, . X. • I have a market our town and its ' xft? * US lie iiatnrr'hr follow !• wr'.eaaea to prove h r < oniittn. il- reside' < e iijh . ii amt < n'tlva'lor proprietor will be proud »if. I of aai ' I h t d. via II. I'. -Inomo a.'ieorge Milter ... 'of Narrow'iregot W A. barr, and Win j) Buchanan on u Soldier , of Hurt « reg.m. THf-MAS JONES. Regia er Sallllllill —Mrs Capt Walers recently re ceiv»d a letter from her daughter i j Ida who is m California, stating aisatft ' that she was learning to cook Mr». 1___ 1 Waters ventured to assert that she thinks Ida’s efforts in the culinarv j department are for a purpose, and that purpose is likelv to be one of (jieek Ims a iitce mviable home the heads of her own hous* hold in |jjB fruit trees are doing well, his the near future. garden cannot lie surpassed in thia High- He has tree« growing in Sylvia Kelieka Ixxige 200 F. yard and around th* garden.' •urpriied the Odd Fellow lodge last1 the * plenty of nice fragrant Howers, Saturday evening. After closing everything hsiking coav ami home the lodge the mem tiers wn leaving th* Hall were met by a few ladv like __ [). D livens brother of out members of the Rela-ka branch,and f'Tced back into the hall, but it did neighbor H C livens, haa resigned "ot take much forcing when we saw the office of sheriff in hi»—Douglas the ice cream frrexers and baskets. —county. His reason for so doing, *hich we were of the belief con- as we gather from Douglas county <*ined pie and cake. 8uffice ua to exchanges, was the urgent reifbest of his mother, who is now a very we were soon enjoying the ht’iintiful supply »nd thanking sin- aged lady, that he should do so. She feared he endangered hia life in MOST PERFECT MADE. ^»ly from our heart» the kindness the execution of the duties of that A rwe Crape Creim of T»rtar Powder, Free a"d thoughtfulness of opr very office, in the e distressing times and horn Am morn*, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. national disturbances. ••rthjr sisters. BA TLE Y, Proprietor» wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts (»<h>d Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, »t«„ •«. first class in every particular. Experience baite Mixed drinks to plea»« the moat fastidious. HIIIW TLUlimAW WILL CREAM BAKING POWDER S JOBS SAYER I Proprietor. Situated on Riiriea river 1 mile East of Rnrna. near the hridr« Cusicrrers wil receive CCODFLOUR fror» Good Wheat