Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1894)
I — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy. —I. S. Geer and Co. have an ex- D kewsey , Oregon. A pr . 28 '94 To the voters of Harnev Countv The universal good dentistry done' cellent seh ction of garden seed.front J. F. Mahon v.sited us one day WEDNESDAY MAY 16.18'4 having received the nomination for by him has gained for the Dr. a.thefirmof D M Ftrry 4 Co. last week. | —William Harvey is sole agent County «Judge tend« red me by the lasting reputation. — Erank Beider was in town two Populist Party ami as circumstances Parlies wishing to purchase a for the Salem Woolen Mill Stere has THE largest CIRCULATION OF or three days in the last week are such that I can not make a small band of gentle dairy cattle < in t hn-anti Giant counties. Blank any NEWSPAPER IN THI8COUNTY. — Hon. A. W. Gowan is now in I personal canvass of the countv I would do well to call Hnd see Austin I < fine ns silk, robes inferior to Grant County shaking hands with wish to say to you that if eh cted Goodimin for a bargain before go- ' none, o\ -rshirts and underwear a* the voters. mv earnest desire will be to pro- elsewhere, I cheap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, T j» FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING L». Aeent. 21 Merchant«’ExeiianK» , San Fran- __ KLusro VI7.. „„ j n »• e entire of th» mote the interests mittens, overcoats, flannels by tha ei»eo, is^ur authorized agent. Thu paper i« Messrs. \V aters and Hunting- kept bn file in hla jflice. j ton addressed the voters of Riley county regardless of lot calii v or j ya rd, cloth bv the yard, ladies dress WANTED. individuals. flannels, etc. etc. Takes measures , precinct Inst Saturday evening. C has , p Rl THERFORD j Agents to sell our choice and bar for men’s ami youth’s clothing. i —Mr. Howland. who has been dv Nursery block. We have mam- Cal) and see him, office at the istopping here for several months a Local News. special varieties, both in fruits French Hotel. —Pi »lilies is the order of the dav '.new - I part of the time at the Burns hotel —Garden seeds at C. H. Voegt and the remainder in Samuel evervvhere. but not so at the Jewel and ornamentals to offer, which ar» Jy’fi- Kenvon’s butcher shop, left here or. rv Store the order there is this: controlled only bv us. We pay H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 Write us at —Joseph Buohanan spent several the Ontario Stage I st Mondav for Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Spectac ‘•ommission or salary D ear S ih : Our articles of Cor once for terms, and secure choice davs in town last week les, M achine Neeules, Silver-ware. Nebraska, where he has propertv. I poration provides, and we have ar I oflerntorv: Picture Frames ami Photographs ranged for the accommodation of _ Messrs. Miller and Clark of —Two bro’lie-s of Mrs. Orvil M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, taken t»\ W. N. Jurgens.-n. our customers, who are desirous of Silver Creek are in town to-dav. l Rusk came in from California a "Rochester. N Y ! 'carrying their Bank account in —Get one of I. S Geer it Co s. «lays since. —Miss Lola McGee returned. Huntington. and have opened at» A tillable Woman and his _ . cow bovs premium purchase tickets 3’his this morning, from Huntington. * —Ed Hanley ___ ............... ‘'Exchange Office” as a Banking where she has been the last ten | returned from the rail road the lat- firm agri es to give the holder- of Wanted in every county to estab department such tickets a tine life size Crayon months attending school. I ter part of last week. Mr Hanley We are prepared to handle all Portrait absolutely free iff anv lish a corset parlor for the sale of _ The Canyon City stage team | shipped quite a number beef cattle Dr. Nichols ’ Celebrated Spiral I cheques presented. charge, bv purchasing *20 worth stage team i 1(1 market. Ed ’ s reported marriage and. also, the Ontario of goods for cash at their store. It Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages i Issue certificates of Deposit, pay- » "josh” put up bv the hoys took a “fiv up” last Monday. No J is not necessary that the; whole *40 to *7.5 per month and expenses ing such interest on time deposit as damage was done, or at least very 1 —The citizens of our town have amount should be purchas» <1 ■» at one We furnish complete stock on con conservative banks do. lit* le. taken an industrious streak this time, but any amount from 5 cents signment; settlements monthly Receive money on deposit sub- employed by “ pring MS»«i many gardens is the re Send 181 ject to cheques. —Henrv Canady. to *20 as exnlained upon th«# tick *3 Sample Corset tree cents postage for sample and terms. We ask your consideration and Fritz Mace as a herder, is sick at suit. |ets. ; Nichms Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St., solicit vour account. Mrs. Andersons. He laid in the Murder Of Sandy . - I —Austin Goodman left here this1 New York sheep camo two days alone, unable ' morning for Baker City. Respectfully. Oregon Commercial His Co , J II. Aitkin, mgr. to help himself, when fortunately mother will return with him. she Erank Hunt, familiarly known H untington , Oreg . Jan. 26, ’94. some one came to camp and Henrv has been absent several months here as "Sand v” was murdered, st» The “Oregon Commercial Co.,” was i mmtdia tely brought here stopping with friends and relatives' report says, at Spokane a few »»ays have this day bought the enfin 1st. Readers at 25cta where he could receive medical at ami near Baker City since. It will be remembered by business of the ‘Oregon Construe a 2nd. 4(1 •• attention. —Mrs. Louis Racine proprietor oui readers that several efforts wen tion Co ” of this place includi nt’ 3d 55 —W. E. Alberson, candidate on of tiie French Hotel, solicits the matte bv some one. last fall, to Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable 4th. 80 tne democratic ticket for sheriff, is further patronage <»J tier friends and shoot Sandy while he was employ Merchandise, Lumber, Coal. Wood. Al 5th. *1 Oo “ in Burns to day. Mr. Alberson has he public during the next term of ed driving the stage on the Burns Farming Implements, Warehouse Monteiths Elementary Geography canvassed a portion of the countv. Circuit Court. Her house has been Ontario route and the last t ffbrt and Real Estate. And assumed all f>5ets. Monteiths Comprehensive and feels confident of success, but remodeled, and is now enlarged to. nearly proved fatal, to Sandy, a> he debts and liabilities of said "Oregon I Geography *1.25. Clarks Normal BUll with three candidates in the ■ a|,olJt< twice its former size, be was severely wounded, but recover Construction Co.,” and have Incur Grammar 80cts Sills Grammar field and all popular nen, he will |H(Je8 t|)e Racjlie Bakery in eonnec ed and went from here to Spokane, p-»rated with *<50.0(M). Capital I 65cts. And al. other school hooka continue an active canvass until * t.-ti. where luncheons are tilled at where we suppose his eneinv follow stock fully paid in. The officers in proportion and after this date [ ed him and. if the report is correct , are? the election. l all h iurs will sell sehool books at the above succeeded in carryingout histhreat. R M S teel , President. H arney , Ore., May 9, ’94. ’ —Everybody must go to the prices for cash and for cash onlv. as Sandy told his friends here that •J. II A itkin , Vice Pres. To whom it mav concern; 1 here show to-night Orders by mail promptly at tented We will vouch for some one, "had it in ” for him and G eo . A. S teel . Secy. bv notify the voters of Harney it that all will get their money’s to Dated this 1st. day of March Oregon Commercial Co., per J. 1894. county that 1 have withdrawn my worth. Onlv 50 cents for adults would finally kill him. No particulars, of the killing are II. Aitkin, mgr. letter of acceptance of the nomina and half price for children. Some C. H. VoEGTLY. tion of County Clerk of Harnev thing to break the monotony, the given further than he was found * county which was tendered to me dry every day occurrences and talk ' dead, having been shot by some one NOTICE by the delegates of the populist con of hard times and who will be Perhaps we will get further news of I _______ SIMMONS. the tragedy for our next issue. Vention on the 4th. (lav of April A. elected. Go and enjoy yourselves, | Is hereby given to whom it may There is a sequel to the affirmation 11 1894. for the following reason: laugh and get fat. You will see made by Sandv that some one had concern that the promissory note In the Circuit Court of the 3tate given by I). L. Shirk and F. M. After canvassing a portion of the and hear everything on the pro threatened his life, that will come of Oregon for Ha.'ney County county 1 have ascertained that there gram and more too. Shirk, to C. W. Parrish for the Finn Zimri L. Thomas PPffA to light in the event of his death. i a strong feeling prevailing among of *6(X) dated the—dav of Mar vs v the voters of my own party, to leave Tho secretary of the Elkhart Carriage Emma J. Thomas Do’fi j 1892 due on or before two years ami Harness Mfg. Co, of Eishart, Ind., the office of County Clerk blank informs us that their prices will be lower To Emma J. 3’homas th* above from date has been paid, said note ior 1894 than ever. He wishes us to ask named defendant. and that they are not going to vote our •s supposed to ha ye been lost in the readers not to purchase anything in In the name of the State of Ore p*INA >, 4 PROOF for me lielieving that their votes I the line of carriages, wagons, bicycles or harness until they have sent 4 cents in gon you are hereby required tn ap U. S. mails. if now in the possession Would lie wasted. Believing that it I stamps to pay postage on their 112 page LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON,) pear and answer the complaint of any one or in existence this no catalogue- We advise the readers of this May 11, 1894. i- itie desire of the majority of my* paper to remember his suggestion. Nolii-ei* hereb> «>»«<> that the following tiled against vou in the above en tice makes it necssary that said nainn'i aeitler has fllvtl e of hla IntemloD titled suit on or before the first day friends in taking tins course, and i note should he presented imme-Jia. to niaki- fi > al |> «sit 11. aupp«>rt of hie claim and kYLBT, that eaiil proof will hi- made before the Kegleter of the next regular term of the thanking them foi their kindness ( , Kaa. tely to I). L. and F. M. Shirk or ami Keeenerat buri.a Oregon, on June kl, 1694 Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon vic Ei»w AR1> I.. GL ivbr . “Z Mir shown me. I remain yours very lid N... .0.0 for the N^SW^ and MH NW!4 for Harney County, to wit; on '7 or otherwise be considered cancelled. i. ..r —T*. *«• V-H* rfj 1« IM lb-' S> It. Se-. 27 Tp.28 8. R. 81 F. . • , • ’ "7 1« spectfully. 1TM aho V ««It of S owmUM* 4^ 3* • I u He names the following wltnecaee to pnve . before tile ¿1st. day of MaV 1894.1 i Dated at Burns Ore. thia the 22nd continuourreeidei ee upon anu <ultl>ai..n - - - - sms of h c caid G O. H endricks . I z land, via J. c. simmotia, C. S Johnsot , rod if vou fiiil so t<> answer for wanl ¡day of January 1894. SfripiTr TBE*i"'5 IUIL. CON f TS e NTIAL A. Burce, and W m. Dunn Jr., all of Narrow* thereof th»- plaintiff will apply to ’ nr qntUB. 5T* r?unu rfiturniuRL wum . w Oregon THOMAS JONES, Bella;«.r. the Court for the relief demanded) Commissioners Court. in the complaint, to wit: for ai decree of the Court d>so)y«ng the May 9 4 10—Liquor license grant marriage contract now existing be ed A, I. Johnson and Bro. Bonds’ tween plaintiff and defendant. This summons is ordered to he I of road supervisors of districts Nos. served upon the said defendant i 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, approved. S. Lamp- Emma J Thoma« by publication shire appointed road supervisor to thereof once a week for six consecu-l till the un-expired term of Chas. live week in the E ast (J argon , I H erald , a weekly newspaper of Zeigler. Supervisor in road district ► general circulation, in said Harnev | No. 1, ordered to make necessary | Countv Oregon, printed and pub-' improvements on roads in his dis lished at Burns, in said Countv and MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’!. trict and draw on road fund there State and ap|>earing pt la- the paper for not to exceed *300. Improve H«tel hu recently been enlarge and entirely renorated in arai ciana atyte. I most hkelv to give notice to said defendant, by order of Hon Morton ments oi de red on roads in districts D. Clifford, Judge of said Court Nos 2. *250; 3, *.300 ; 4, *300; 5, made and dated at chambers in Table is Supplied with the Beet the Market Affords. *300; 7, *500; 10, *75; 8, *«300; 9. Canyon City Oregon on the 16rh 130) Jas F Mahon, J. T. Rector day of March A. I) 1894, and duly MOST PERFECT MADE. Trawling w»n will fi«d <h>’ • ,,itr •’ filed in this Court. and Chai. Miller were appointed A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free M R. B iqgr . Qom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant viewers on road petitioned for ( Attorney for Pl ff. • known as the Crane Creek road. 40 YEARS THI STANDARD. —Circuit Court next Monday. 0 iU I I * — • A I A • A r| I I « I DIV- FRENCH H u .' ll W I w CREAM BAKING POWDIIl 1 < k 1*