Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1894)
VOL. V 1 í. BURNS. HARNEY GDI NTY, UKi.t.uN, MAY has a little yellow dog with One Year Six Months.......... Thne Months . 1.00 . .75 HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’h Muguzine............ Herald and Harper’s Weekly .............. Herald and Harper’s Bazar Herald and Harper's Young People. 5.00 5.20 5.20 3.75 Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 Bi ■ n additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: W cents extra ver volume, postage. «^•Publishers of periodicals are solicited to 1011,1 clubbing rales, a copy of their work for tur r'ree Reading Room—We file and bind the jstter at close of every half-volume, r»d i»«v 11 (Spies bv advertisement. I ADVERTISING RATES: 1 1 1 I Inch I «« 1 It •* 4 k col. £ £ T 3 •i ace j 1 wk '»1.JÜ '(2.a0 3 UÜ 3. j 0 4.aU 0 00 12.*) 20.00 4 00 5.00 6 UU 9.00 1(1.uu 30.00 j 1 Ilio J b mo o mo '(o -10 , b.X) 12 03 1 8.U0 AU.UÜ 1 10 uo 20 00 1 15.00 '28.00 ¿S.UU 48.06 1 40.00 1 60.00 1 fU.UU fAA.UU Ib.UU 24.00 32.00 48.00 8U.UU 110.00 l-lyrl 4* au . UU 1 28.00 40 00 50.00 54.00 120.00 140.00 Of every description executed with neattu-ss s nd despatch, at reasonable rales. Pamphlets Circulars, Poster«, Bili ueads. Letter Heads, envelopes, Note Heads, Statements, Cards, Til Rets, Memoranda. Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. T he H erald is kepi regularly on file for re ference, in the Geo. i'. Rowell Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ABSOLUTELY PURE I I c urns-Canyon Stage Line Pills The King of Liver Medicines. JOB WORK a “ A3 old as 8triii,j.e passion for flowers, und thia 1 tileliills"an I passion has caused him to come to never excell grief nearly every day of his life. ed. “Tried and proven” ’The dog, after making sure that is tile verdict 'the coast is clear, will go into the o f millions. .garden and pluck a number of Simmons Howers and after bunching ih-m Liver Regu will lie down and go to sleep with lator is the his •t nose in them. His favorite only Li .-er and Kidney flower is the rose, and he will in-1 medicine to variably bite the stem in two four which you or five inches below the bl >>s< in can pin your and will be careful not to Injure the faith for a flower itself. cure, A lf he sees a Hower beyond his mild laxa- reach he will jump against the tive, a ml purely veg bush until he has borne th»* stalk etable, act- [down so that he can reach it with ing directly his mouth, and lias done this so on the Liver often that hr is becoming quite an and Kid neys. Try it. expert. He is often seen wander Sold hy all ing around the garden with pome Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder choice flower in his mouth, but to be taken dry or made into a tea. never manifests any desre to de- Than «^-Copies of all the above works can be ex amined at leisure in the Reading Room. •‘1 have used yourslnmi ins Liver Regu lator u id c.i 1 conaedenciously say it is the king <>f all I i ver medicines. I consider It a medl-Inc'-liest I11 itself.—Ggo. W. J ack - S on , Tacoma, Washington. WnVERY PACKAGE«* haj llie Z Ctamp In red on wrapper. • The Mission Of Infidels. SO 25 16 1894. istrov the flower. All his actions •indicate that he enjoys the perfume of the flowers, and his esthetic . taste is not satisfied unless be can I rub his nose in a bunch of roses.— I Seattle Pn-ss TimeR. CoilliiR On Their Doors. I. J ewitt , P roprietor . Arrives and Departs daily, except Sunday. The Improved Queen City Incubator, -------- r- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY KN oxvii . lf . Tt on , May 3 —A lit They have never organized society tie ( wonder, coffin pinned on the cabin Cannot be overheated and has no equal. national : 'established peace and order in ant | door of every nonstriker in Coal First Premium Seattle Wash., First Premium Los Angeles Cal. resident °X“ I P^e on the earth They h .ve es Ice-President. Jsereiaryoi State . ,,ul,c, v*. uiv-suum , I Creek district was the sight that Pend for illustrated catalogue of Thorough bred Poultry secretary of Treasury John O. Carlisle | I tablished no civil institutions, no met the gaze of coal miners this sd.Tetaryof interior . ... Huke multa svstem of morals, no code of law- Eggs for hatching, Poultry Supplies, English Setters, Irish Setters, Fox Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamuut morning when he opened bis door lecretary of Navy ... Hilary A. Heibert Terriers, Skye Terriers and Pugs. •eeretary of Agriculture. J. sterling Morton no system of education, and no in About. 200 miners in the Coal Attorney General Kicharu S, < ilney stitution of learning that deserv< Our stock has won 83 premiums in the last three seasons. roitniaster General . .. Wilson 8 Bigsell Creek district have positively re STATE—OREGON : the name. Even the literature of Mention this paper. Caldwell & Larkins, A tors | J. N. Dolph the country has almost been entire fused to quit work, and the striking ..................... I J. H.Mitchell. 1510 Front St. Seattle, miners are verv mad and openly 1 I Birtger Hermann ly left to the believers in the Bi I le I trongressmen .................. , w. R. Ellis ’breaten to drive them out. The Wash. governor . D.Sylvester 1‘ennoyer It is an easy work to pull down Secretary of State . R Geo. W. McBride little coflin racket is only a mild treasurer R Phil. Metschan. civil government,subvett the found lupt. nolle Instruction R .J. B. .McElroy way of telling the nonstrikers w hat state Printer R ......... Frank Bakei ation of organization, condemn the I will become of thorn if they do not | . . ) K. 8. Bean. • apreme Judges ....................... I Wm. p. Lord means of enlightenment and objec* ' soon come out. As a result of this > F. A. Moore to them . It is an easy matter to i SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: warning the operators of the c m •¡"trictJuIge D .. M. D. C lifford deny everything and prove nothiny ■ is ,net Attorney .............. D C has . F. H yde oanv, where nonstrikers are at L m Representative (Rr A. W. Cowan to doubt, vacilate and fear It is loiiit-Seuatur .(D)..H enry B lackman work, have furnished Winchesters an easy matter to distrust.fill others for eyerv man who wants to work. 1 A T COUNTY—HARNEY: with distrust, destiny confidence,! i ! «ounty „adge .......... ID).. W m . M ii . lrk — The Republic. vlerk P. L. Shideler throw everything into confusion Ifeisnrer --(!<) ........... I. 8. Geer lurvevur (R) .......... J H. Nesi , and uncertainty itteriti A. Gitlilgs 4ss suor STENGER & McGOWAN Murdered By Her Husband ALL. -.(D).. 8. W. Miller Some men have fallen so fully Icn.Hii Sii[>er.nteiident (R) . .CHAS.NEWELL •lock Inspector into this state, that they hardlv S t . Louis, May 8—Julia E. Gil ID) > Commissioners W m . A ltnow will venture to sav they believe any ,R1 Ç K. Sits On June 4th 1894, thing, have confidence in son. proprietress of a furnished room HARNEY U. 8. LAND office : house, was yesterday found dead at What ability Jegister ...... J. B. H untington | or know anything receiver .. ...H ARRisoN K elley know ledge or learning does it re her home with her head almost quire to deny everything? The completely severed from her bovlv, Jïiusic Burns most ignorant, illiterate and stupi and lying in a pool of blood sur societies . can deny as stoutly as the umst rounded by evidence of a frightful SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. learned, enlightened and talented. struggle Near by was a large Alice E. King, N.O. knife, with which the crime had Ed Jordon, Manager. E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. I It requires no strength of mind to evidently been committed. The stand and deny, to declare in the A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge. No 47 most pertinacoius manne- disbelief last person seen with the woman Meets every 2d and oh Thursday s. want of confidence .doubts, distrusts was her divorced husband, William W. R. «radon, M. W. J. W Sayer, Rec'd i and uncertainties in everything A E. Glamntt. and for him the police, ! man who never read the Bible once on th* discovery of the murder, be- B î ’RNO m IA HONOR l odge, N o . 8 «t» every 2d and (th Munday. through in his life, nor ten other Pan a •*earch- They had a quarrel - Mrs A E Young Cor H. Itooks, who has the most corrupt yesterdav on a street-car. on which harney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . W. W. Juhhson Proprietor. they met. Gia moot called at the two t. in*'' *',<1 re,low* Hali, every Saturday, character, can talk of inconsisten P ’ W.Y. KingN.G. cies, incongruities, cont 1 adict ions house, and it is supposed the quar* I - _____ W C. Byrd, Secy. and absurdities in the Bible, as i rel was renewed. - BARMBY PO8T NO. 4M, O. A . R. stoutly as anybody. Anv block ■ • M We<1ne«d«y of each head could leap over the Fallp . S t . Loris, May 8.—William E. ’ 7 ,, Niagara e,r fro.u the suspension I Wolgonmtt, who killed h 1»divorced bridge below. The Best Brands New Billiard Table Contributed from Poison Creek wife, Mrs. Judea Gilson, was fount] Ü. 8. MAILS. dead today in the room where he Pleasant club Room When in Burns come and aUMW«—TALI: cut the woman ’ s throat. He re A Dog That Likes Flowers. **rlves«n<1 leparts tsily, I turned to the «cene of the crime to S3 me- ?Cs ytow city : »d Departs daily, except Sunday Mrs. 8ain, living near Lake Union, commit suicide. r hand. 'Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. W. W. Johnaoa.