Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1894)
T- *. » ' ,i t • ‘.» H ?... .<■ JOHN SAYER, I Situated w Silvie. il'lx- ' » . **. • Í Customers wii FREE BRAND COLUMN. Burns Orogon. 1 ■ I several productive farms, well im -If. BURNS PIONEE * . • | 7'U M. *íi¿ '• • - ‘ ------ -- ■■ ■■■■ X ■ p, O. Riley <‘r- i Cattle diamond on left hip: horaea f'V on lef shoulder. Charles H. Voeiftley. Burna Oregor O regon . . HARRIS A BEDELL,. Coiiacáoni, Land bu«iliess, und Real Horae branded Pon riuht shoulder, cattle P Bilal« mattar prumpUv a.ienued to. on rixht hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I .a wen Or I , Parties wishing to purchase c»l on us we will show them the land | we have for sale, and parties desir- i ; i ♦ I Horae brand Sfi on left shoulder, also th re» , dots.', in shape of triangle, cattle branded same E. E. Grout Burns Or. I I Mis« Rosa Dickenson Horae brand anvil oi ' riiysiciMn óc öurgeon. proved and well watered. ■ ing to dispose of real estate cannot 1 lietter than to put their lands in ur hands for sale, because ue ad Horae» branded )•( on left stifle. Cattle brand ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burna ATTORNEY, We have at this time for sale • ! » J. A. Wtlllaina cattle brand, II., on left rib i B urn «, ................................. real estate agents * t¡ • ’ 1 > cattle brand =» on rignt side J. C, Foley, ___ .uldi»f Horae brand — * on I left ahouhier. horae braad 71 on right stifle. . GEO. S. SIZEMORE, • I______ REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff’s Office, BURNS,-------------- - - Oregon. ' ; Hors brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burna Ore. Hardin A Rf lev, cattle branded Von left aide Horae brand T leftside, r. o. Burus.Or«gon AND - receive GOOD FLOU R from W C BYRD 1 W YKIKG. t M Good Wheat ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NUTA RY PUBLIC, ■' Proprietor. tlouee, sign and carriage paint ing Kakouauig, decorating, graining, •ud hard oil dnisinng. Coiva, horses or anything suited ay purpose will be taken by me (rum pAfUe» au desiring. Pricea raaaonable 1 believe in the motto “to live and let live.” L. B. G ulp . M, R Biggs KILL rutitlv r LUUH & 1 ■TOCK BRANDS. I —To Subscriber«—The H bbalb I and Rural Northwest both for th» I price of the H erald . The Rural i Northwest is a good newsy papej devoted to the wants of the agri- culturist. Now is the time to pay I up your arrears’ and one year ia I advance and get an additional pa- per in the bargain. vertise freely bv sending circular» and cards in all directions solicit- ing purchasers and describing the ' •' ‘’r r Í land. I left »title, cattle branded bar R on left hip. P ’ •>. I.aweu Ore A graduate of the Iowa State I I .1. P Dickenaon cattle brand J P connected o Horae brand anvil on left stifle. P. , Univ,raity and College of Physi-liefibip | I awen Ore. cians mid Surgeon«. I < stile brand figure 7<m either hip; mark light crop off eai h ear. alip in each ear, and watt Office at res.dvi ce in Burns. on left jaw. Horae brand tinure 7 on either hip. We will also buy lands for per- ■ - » : t i well prepared to accommodate their customer The Proprietor’s are reasonab'e. Job Wagon in connection. Charges very t__. wishing to purchase in our boiib j Ciiuntv J. H. Biinyard.iturua Ore. -----------------------1 Barber Shop P O Burns Ore — Poimonal parlor Ed ilia Walton I,.-» ■ lllle proprietor. All work in gu ir.inteed to be tirai class. Gali •nd eee him. t » '■'fit; I Marshall P O Narrow*or--. S. I.ampah re A noiis cattle bland •* - • . • r. ] •. • / C 11>1 ion ■» »■ ■ Everything in my line guaranteed I to be done satisfactorily. CW" The only place in Burns you > can gat baths. Horse brand £ on left ahuiildar undsame.n| muscle uf right hind leg. I'h I Smith burns | of the fame, also the title I Correspondence Solicited. I E ast O regon H flajd .. ¡-' Office MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. connected, ear m»rk awaduw fork in right ear « under bit tn left. P • Burna ore -. ». iff *1*' .. I • • . , . • < a tle marke swallow fork in right ear slit and underbit in left **ar, branti Zl.i un: e ied on and entirely renovated in flrat class style. left tiip; ho'se btand the aameoil iefl hip, Hotel has recently been enlarge Charles Zeix er. ui i s Ore. , I T tXìll I’ c I’aop c; I r , FBENliH HOTEL Horse brand bar-m on left shoulder; Cattie: l.rami l>ar-m oli left hip ami ribs. Catherine | TOHSORIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON J giving Geo. Wf I ma. horses and mules brande rounding H , ul, l ight «rille P o. Riley Ore. Ilurae brand J »in right siifle. .lames Rousall | and living at a distance, artful and accurate di»- is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Table ’t oieg. n DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY I Maybe you think thia Is a new business, ■ending out babies on application; It has been done before, however, but never have those furnished been so near the original sample a* this one. Everyone will exclaim. " Well I that's the sweetest baby I ever saw I" Thi, iiftle black-and-white engraving can givs you buta faint idea of the exquisite <>ri'-’>-»l, ........' r « a > «ill ftd tlif Betel a nice »rd Inuae lever» I \ w h e re UJw nt e 1 F. Beaty ~ BUB8CRIBE FOR -------- AND--------- ADVERTISE “THE HERALD, Burns Restaurant in MESOAMES JOHNSON A I/EGER. Meals at all hours, First-class meals served JOB WORK DONE Promptly, ---- [«H-M----- AT Till' HERALD OFFK’F. P 'H B ale —Three lots with "s fair btiainvaa building on one, situ | •ted in Burna on main street. The p ice .«lake I in low considering the adv«ntfiKeous position of the lots for tiurineaa Terms rush For feirther nariiculars call on Bvrd A King, Real R«ta<e Agents. Burna Having purchased the entire stork formerly belonging to Cal " I'M to A send DAISY. pose to you. tranapor- The little darling rests agamM U in the act of drawmy off it» | ----- . mate of which ha.« been pulled 2? •nd flung aside with a triumphant coo. flesh tints are perfect, and the ey»s follow i The ??u’ no tHAtter where you stand. Theexqui- Jlf1’^Productions of to is great mt painting ot Ii <the mo,t celebrated of mooera painters of baby life' are to be given to thoss *ho *ub*crtbe to Demorest's Family Mag*. 1 . Vi* ;or ,S9a- The reproductions cannot be told from tbe original, which cost jiOO. and are the same sixe 17x2! inches'. Tbe baby • life sixe. and absolutely lifelike. We have •**° in preparation, to present to our sub scribers during 1893, other great pictures by aueb art sts as Percy P'ornn.Maud Humphrey, Louis Deschamps, nnd othersof world-wine renown. Take only two exam»les of whut we did during the past year, “ A Yard of Pan- * 7?- ?n^ **A White House On hid" by the wire of Presi lent Harrison, and you wul see Geer, comprising all lines of HARDWARE, CRCKKRY, GLASSWARE, TINWARM, n. WAITE, Ini”’ rf Celebrated Ccmedy Ga, , Premium Bandand Orvhestra. I>r. lfU<- Bf-dlewt <■ ., ttkkcrl. In t. Y„n will rernemf-cr thcermdu’on I mi in firg ya«-, ■<-' when 1 was afflicted with • comnina- lion of diM-a-e-. and (bought there was no M«ie row er 1 tried all kind,uf medicines.and «corva or eminent physician* My nene« were prostrated, pmdnring amine », heart trouble ■ ml all the ilia that make li'e miaaiabk«. 1 counucmed to taka Oregon. it TW WANT WfOSMNTOW MOUT bit \ HARDWARE, SUN DERI ES, A CARPENTERS TOOLb I oftwr the same for »ale al greatly reduced price» for CASH. C. H. VOIOTL1Y DR. MILES* NERVINE and three month« i w «•* eusro In rn« In traveiseuch ycai, lieu erw,«c*ir I u the ih-m.. ml» of pUyaKal wreck«, «uth-rtu, fh-m ner*-»u» t>n s- • a ■ m tmn,«n, taking p- er pilot.« from kJ fl ki | « ul physician« »led ire no kn -«P I ' la ■ certain. I lv> ,, x I . like • rmn« io them am. aavn«. , . V rats, fl. II«« ...... ?---- •• at. Da M<iaa- Naavina «•• «a cusvo •• In lad-RAURM, Mteewe*. mv vreTweion. «hero ihem V ?..A .! < ». aína « •wr »«V « WUXi.lTiS D C I ar.somanT.ll Yjl J Q k_ [j tfrrrr, front over« or» tu«n wZ • »•■.a-*' pn»ira, (Km ■' d nervous ohansUcn. bn-iabt ■ n by ths I *nat «> hose who subscribe for Demorest'» Family our promises n-ean. Mairaxine for 1800 will poseefw a gallery oi ex- quisite works of art or treat value, tieside» a Mugnxine that cannot be equaled >y any ia the world for its beautiful Illustrations and subject matter, that will keepeveryon«' post ed on all the topics of the day, and all tbe fads and different items of interest slout tbe S"on ^fcXn ’t»* furnishing interesting household, besides I rolling matter, b->th grave and gay. for tbe I household, besidea^ whole family: and while Demon-t’» is no» a fashion Xfngaxinr. Its bishion png'-« are pen feet, and we give you. free of rn»f, all the pat terns you wish to use during the year, »n« in nny sixe you cbo>>ar. Send in your sub scription at once, only «2. and rou will really get over RS in value. Address’the publisher, W. Jennings Demorest. 15 Rast 14th St. Ne» Lor<- If you are unacquainted with the Magaune, send 10 ceutn for a spec imen copy. | rpnuoKi, Ha*"’ SOLOI^W»». CHILO» N, «•’<*• " * of tba buaumaa « u « mv <1 1». i would WIDOWS, 1 S^ràcwrji d* p*«»NTf. “ . •>„- .< 7 X • - I thousands nr..?.-’ ia a aure eur« fcr all auflbrtu* fb.m Ibweeama Jaam U. Warr* Hold on n Poniti*» Gnarwntr«-. Da. MILES'RILLS.SO D oscs ZSC t «, 0. _A t? urns-Canyon Stags Linj Stas I. J ewitt , P ropriktor . Uri.« *<«• »«P"1* d*Hr’ * Vft-XS”* Mrs L. M 1-MjpbeU Aravi' Vt-.urs: _ T, a-mae st i-nient warti 0-n* • - iah» «od u. «-ure- lu-, . « a • i. SL-T» ifce o sn.Uvf ■««.. «va- *» “r 'i.s'li .imeat ry mail Mi,«-.. corfioerd Um. » - * l s rameo • « ' «• »•<rwi«r, meorwraMakCW. •» ¿ a. r ia'VL ■ »‘«•♦rî tm Ï tii cmam » S“"d,!’- <