Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1894)
I Tr Hr'!?. Contradictory. THE PIONEER FIRM ♦ 100 Reward $100. The readers of l his paper w ill Now is tlm best of time«, it is ¡he I worst of times, it is an age of wis- pleased to learn that there is dom and an age of foolishness, it is least one dreaded disease that t Editor. W.C. BYRO an epoch of belief and a No of in- ’ elice has been able to cure in all — AND credulity, it is a season ot light and its stages, and that is Catarrh, ANOTHER great discov a season of darkness, one of hope i fall’s Catan h Cure is the only ery . »nd one of despair, we mav have positive cure known to the medical prosperity before us, and we ma\ fraternity. Catarrh being a con i stitutional disease, requi cs a e»n Following up the line of prehis- have nothing Ila H’s toric and well-nigh incoinnrehensi- H is the best of times ft.r tin stitutimial treatment I irney hie objects that have occupied its bugs, for class legislation ha Catarrh Cure is taken i iternall columns for some weeks the News | put the people under their thumbs, acting directly upm the < .ood and offers todav something pertaining t" j *l *s the worst of times for the labor mucous surfaces of toe svsum., N. BROWN, our own neighborhood—somet hi ng ; er middle class, because through . th. rein destroy i ng the foundation 1 a e 1 “I1 he disease, ami uiving the pa- that in itself dates back perhaps jlhis class legislation, they j so fieri ng for the necessaries of life i tient strengih by building ,i up the thousands of years, and that no per ‘ons'itution ami assisting natu'e gon except a profess'd osteologist in the midst of plenty. in doit.g its work. The propnet n It is an age of wisdom, because could snccessfullv portray in the light in which it should he painted the oratorical flights and elo piet ci | have so much faith in its curative to do credit to the subject it repre I < f our present congress surpasses. (lowers, that th-\ i.fli-r One *'u'> I any in our government history, Ired Dollars for anv case that it "AhìERCAìN” EAGLE Jutí uFriCt gents. A few days ago Chas. Angell and I’hat makes it an age of foolishnes- fails to cure. <» ml for list of testi Jos. H< dson digged into the bank ot j because this wisdom is not eXerted • monials. Address F. .1. ('HEX EV ,v po I a g'deh leading into the river north (better the condition ot our citi ..................... zens. Toledo. O Sold l-v Die- i i-t>. 7. r :< of the David Luce place and tm Itis an epoch of belief on th« earthed the skeleton of one of the ««/•..s, /.'.»r/aey U(.r,v«. hug»-' animals now extinct, whose part of the gold bugs and th'-ir ad- herents in congress that thev can remains have been found all the FA.dl'U Lit i. t gull the people and have thing- way from Mexico to Siberia Compared to a horse, thisanimal, their own way. and then comes in i.EiTEK HEAD*, i N u 1 • E i . bv which IS of the elephant speems, the incredulity of the situation he a few days, and you will be Btartlvd a? Hit would have stood sixteen or seven (“ause the people have stood this peeled success that will reward \our churls XNitively have the be.-i l»ii.*ine>s to otkr tut E>v elopes , SPA FEdE teen feet high. The hip bones I state of affairs about as lung a* that can be found on the luv» of tiiU vmi.. S 15.(X) |>rolit <»n SI.» 00 woi» 11 oiLi.*»........ . i 1 . forbearance is a virtue. Il is a being easily and honorably n.a .c l> and puid »c | measured sixty two inches across, hundred:» of men, women, bo s, ano girls i.i our season of light, because so main employ. You can make money faster Mt work tor j and the joints of the vertebrae wen us than vou have imv idea of. The business is : politicians are so fond of airing the easy to learn, a.i 1 instructions so simple and pl.t*.: | twelve inches in diameter. Tin that all succeed from the start. Those who t.J. : jaws were comparatively small, con remedy and applying the healing hold of’ t'm business reap the advantage ¡ ' : arises from the sound reputation of one of Iho ' taining teeth that were 4x8 inches balsam to the wounded feelings of oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses in America. Secure for .. your«elf profits ...... .................. .......... ................. t’ . »e ' I' ....... ( ’ ... » i<1 ' . in diameter across the face. Sock the people, it is an epoch of dark that the busineee ho rcndllv nn«l ... ban<l-*onielv All beginners succeed grandly, and more t .'in ets of the hip joints wereeight inclie- 1 ness dec ¡use the people cannot, see realize their greatest expectations. Those v <•<> "•v It find exactly as we tell them. There ispl-ntv ut* across. 'The bones were not well tile light as expounded by our great of room for a few more workers, and we i,rro them to begin at. once. If you are already em but have a few spare moments, and wish preserved, therefore the measure leaders, and while they have no ployed, o use them to advantage, then write us at once doubt of the wisdom of our leaders for thia is your grand opportunity), aud receive merits were no doubt incorrect in ull narticuiars by return mail. Address, thev have very serious doubts as to TRUE & CO.. Box No. 400, Augusta, N1 many instances. But the News the willingness, of these Nabobs, man was present at the disinter Cnrm-r of ] merit, ami witmssed the measure who have a hold on the political , meat, of the bones as they actually I plow handles, to enact such laws as s • I . II. BRENTON ... existed. The head crumbled upon i ( will give relief to the thousands ic being expo-ed to the air, vet some >ur government now m want ami of it was preserved. Instead of the i eatress Wd naturally hope for something brain cavity as the sime exists in favorable, but expect nothing, since the skull if a domestic animal, tin- i 1 head of this monster was honey hoping against hope has been g-.ii e combed with hundreds of main cells on tor the last twenty rive r ¡him Catijfs. Trade marks. Design PaterL? Copyright, A:» 1 til’ PiVHBt biisint Bb rendu *-d for The skeleton was lying upon its years and nothing miterialitil vet towards direct, legislation for the MOO7HATE FEHS. back beneath about four feet of| I Information nr 1 n to luvrntom without benefit of the people ag the in alkali cement, a deposit, supposed I charge. Address terestofWall Street. to have been formed by the action WEDNESDAY APRIL 4.18! 4 JKÆozrolxostjri t County, I Bun Of*n. WORK FOR iT'-a t ot a large body of water. 1’ait o cue large tusk was found. This was about seven f«et long, and I measure I twenty-six inches in cir cumference at the large end and twenty inches at the smaller end, tapering gradually, and which, if coming near to a point, must have( been of immense length. This tusk , was partly exposed by the water i from rain and melting snow having j washed a gully on one side of the 1 giant’s lonely sepulcher. The late t David L .ice while riding after stock ! bi'f summer saw the*tusk sticking out nf the hank, a id told Messrs. Angell and Hodson, who instituted a search and were agreeably re-! w irded for their trouble •Judge Hazeltine went down with I his camera and took a view of the | helpless mastodon as he lay on his back in the earth, and now has the same on exhib.tion in his gallery. Mr. Angell treated the bones to a heavy coat of varnish, and will keep them on exhibition for a time, tin-, less he concludes t" dis|K»se of them- He intend» to make a tho ough *earch about the premises in ho|»es r>f uncovering the remainder oi the skeleton, which so far consists of ¡he head, one tusk and | art ofthe spine, the hips and shoulders and some *>'lierofthe larger bones.—Grant bounty News. r Street. Proprietor PKKSS CLAIMS CO., JOHX IVEDD~RBURN .Mnn:iglug Attorney. fl k . CT’* - Arryl- i~ euys.l *<Vr. . .i r,i ..i?'. -tut tnery w-igbt 3SW,. onu , x s-fj.J.t Usili Hi<‘Ahbr»‘‘-.B»‘M.... 43 in. 33 in. i, 4? In. 31 in f •' ì libs’tr< atmem. ¡Hipa.... f3»n. 40 in. W ashington . D.C. °. O. Box 4«3 P I». js¡. iu i. lilt 13 n. Cl *S TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Herpil # and with no inconvenience, or oad effect* •>r p>.it> u.a?k id »res*. «rhii r v« • « in ttampF, . i j . ■ , . • -icy Is managed by a combination of I oat Intluential newspapers In the express purpose of protect* sc r I hers agalaat unscrupulous . Pleat Agents, and ea< h paper .1 IK nt vouches for the responsl- l.i,..,i,„,jJiumf the Pre—Glainu.1.i.y Hie Proprietys ot the White Front Livery Stable t h A xj -V ; and grain constantly on , o ,: tc . . hand, and careful help. 'ri. 0. W. f. iM*9cR. MfiftrS THE4TER CHICAGO lb Passengers taken to all parts of the country. ir. connection . r— Hears« and Job Wage» fa a i Freutiiss li. culylng pilla curo c<>ut,tlpnti<>n Ì'reut ■ h Ex-tityli-R ; h < ■ uH!<...ub:;patk»u n Pratili - ? !;••< cyli. • [. h . mciii -,- .. h , : '-latlen I2£, Drentls- Recti! ylnir pilla euro <v.ri‘ tipuil- n q r n CZLJ 7*-''vEAS'’ IT-Eeon t u fWTn A BAH.KY. Prnpri.tor,. w-nn Liq-jyrs, Cigas and Cigarretts Good Billiard table«, Pleasant Card Room«, etc., etc. Saloin is first claae in evr ry particular. Experience barte Almost nl’ pills an<l meilclno jiroCuce constipation, hero is a I I t . ,t cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, InCl^astlon, sick beadnebo and kidney aud liver troubles without griping or loavfn.-r any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which *5^ 5 z lathe prlmocause otall sickness, beware uf It getUng habitual and chronic with you, 5 5 soo io to it It in time; tncRO thcao pins pills will euro yc you. «LADIES COMPLEXION Mixed drink« to please the moat faatidioua. 111 Vao prentigo rectifying pill , * I. Í * .because it is the only safe and harmless I remedy that will Bur» ly DZAUTIFY tho 3 3 y u « « clear the skin and remevo all blotches tri m the face. Belt. 25 Cents * box. Try a box aud see for your CCLO CY ALL DRUGCIGTG. Or sent by mall upon receipt of price by 1:1 Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., ijs1««« CALirORhlA STREET, ¿ £ SAN FitASCiSCO, CAL. Rectifying pille curt, . .tiuli;>iittou 1. ..'H-tifying plUs cure-’'oueUpstlon PrentLs Rectifying pille c »rwwnrtlpatlen Fr*-,’ < r-e- 'v’n-t p'llecnrnmnvtgauon^ n r. c t 3? i c « Should Take Advatage of its