Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1894)
« Farm for Sal« A KPBBHDAV MARCH 21. Uf4 AGBNT FOB One section of land about 7 miles j north of Burns, fully 160 acres of which car. be irrigated, and quality ' of soil unsurpassed. Good outlet to range For sale cheap. B yrp < fc K ing . J. H. Jett Marble Co I Baker City, Or Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Notice —school hooks at the drug store •f H. M. Horton. A number one Durand Organ for j —School books and stationary sale cheap. Call at the H era LPI cheap for cash, at the Hardware Office for further information. store<>f C. H. Voegtly. A good ranch belonging to H G — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham baiber, desires a part of your pat Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns. This ronage, at the new barber shop —Who said you couldn’t get a ranch has about 100 acres of good I UUWW. g tor ¿..I c good flavored cigar in town for five 1 meadow land. Price $800 or will good to Hood’s C?.ro cents? Call at the Citv Drug Store • trade for sheep. B vkp & K ing . ( 1‘eSE, Clover. Iron i. and inquire. H'Od’3 P’.’JS Crayon or Pastel. Work guaianteed on delivery or no charges made. Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho. A. J. McKinnon —Job lot of spectacles and eye glasses at Jorgensons from 25cts A Marvelou» nlacovery • to$l par pair. Photographs $41 H cntjngton . Oreg., March 1, ’94 D ear S ih : — We again call on von Shop opposite the Clerk’* Office perdoz , Cabinets. Superfluous hair remove I per-1 soliciting your business for 1894 maneritlv, instantaneously, without! JF — Don’t forget the old "stand-by An experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed Our Warehoiis«- will have the same French Hotel.” Board $1 00 per pain, bv Electro Chemical Fluid.1, attention as formerly, ’all hiisines- day and less by the week. Tn order to prove superiority. we enti listed Ions, will be carefnlK He solicits a shuie patronage of his frenó» will for n.-xt 90 days send sample) — Builder» tools and all kinds of j looker! after. >hip vour goods in building hardware at the Burns Lon le am! testimonials free, on re-* bard war« store, at bottom prices ceipt of nineteen cent* <•» pav post I for cam.. i to, age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East j —Mrs Racine always sets the] 14th St. New York. b< st of tab les. everything nice and I i ml : - ■ . plentiful, Her rooms are unex-. soethlne <atp ha» R been used f.o ._____ __ _ J . » fins. I ’.vni AM i»l.,w OLI» ’« SSI. W k |.I.-T k IKI> kmuhy . — Mrs. ver fifty while year« bv dmo hets 11 T* T1 C m tlT)T ,QY>li1 ceptionalde. and every one of her . as j,., children tee million« hing. withve fort for «nei theli e««. VA* VMiA *V patrons knowi she span no pains’ I t a >■> he« the child. « f in» he gmn». aHava , t<> accommodate and pl ease. ull pain, olire» wind colic, «od is the beat reme Proprietor. . i oil' o.r ilisrrhi. es. it pleii»«nt to 'he taa'e ■CO .Sold by I’r'isgi« « in every piirt of the world.) —The Saloon, in the new hotel li «ni v-tivei e. o t HavHliiei« intuì-. G W. H a YES ! ab.e. lie «are and s«k for Mi«. Windalow’« building, Richardson and Stephens I .o .ihiuii Syrup, anit take noother kind. , Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour» proprietors, is nicely furnished and Leaves Burns daily at G:30 c M its customers is given tin* best brands of liquors and cigars. —Do vou take a California paper? If not try The Weekh Bee! P.ibli»»?“ ’’ ♦ •"* ”..... vnpliai. Bright, breezy, reliable independent, literary and news V. —The Best Week v Taper in | California. Only $1.50 per year . Address • T he B ee ; | Sacramento, Cal Thronet, freight 2V»*. n pound •? • i I PREGO? ¡ —The Red Front Sub on, n »w ( again •.gup under the management of its old proprietor. Lee Caldwell, bis friends will find him the siimej co irtrous accommodating gentle man, dispensing the lest brands o) liquors, cigars, etc. Manufacturers ron Good Tinware ALSO DEALERS IN PAINT3 HARD GLA.SS, DOORS DOWS KANDERS I AMMUNITION & FL'. ware , crockery a a MERS’ A MECHAM« (’all ai.d see cur Ho HA W ARE, GRANIT l,E W \RE < ARDEA SEEDS, FAR- A- UNDERTAKING GOODS Proprietor H. M. HORTON TO « T Q wq tot I v’T' n t TTVT VFDTCTNFS i''PO’cv pf PFT’MF? t ' c Tpnjppn CTGARS FTC ‘oc Medical Purpose* • * n M « Cv»F.OÍ•T,*•- Ct Music by Burns siring band Proscriptions accurately comp unded. First Cías» “«.lai Work Done