Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1894)
with letters. The squire seems » quite bowed down to-night, miss. “Is he not well?” Eiom Happy Hour*. “He thinks of his son, miss. 1 he CHAPTER IL squire is suffering from grieb But the very noticeable ornament, i which would have been distinguish fear.” "How do you know, Crewe? ou . able even in a dim light, was not Mr. "¡wt Sel GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $’l A YEAR discoverable by the must careful were not here when young haie ) ford went away, for you 1 search. Roger’s father sank into a chair been six months in the family" Any reaber of the E ast O regoni H erald can get The Twice« Pm do vou Week Republic tree by sending in three new yearly subscribers tu The ‘ That’s true, miss. »» n quite overcome. Republic with $3. , "Now, Reger, what »8 the mean suppose such a thing as Mr. Rogers jn a(j^jtjon (,0 obtaining the greatest news weekly in America, eyerv ing of this?” asked he, severely disappearance could occur and not eubgcriber to The Republic will save ten times the priceof the paper or "I cannot imagine what has be be talked of far and wide? I had IUOre, every year by the special offers made subscribers from time to time, Sample copies ot 1 lie Republic will be sent anyone npon receipt come of it, father. 1 am only cer heard all about the squire’s disa-. . e i-a of a postal card request. Address all orders, tain that no one came in here to THE REPUBLIC. St. Louis. Mo- take it,” Said Roger JAMES R. WAITE, .' “Then what aui I to think?” re here.” Manw»r cf Waite's Celebrated Comedy Oo, PrenDUffl Bard and Orchestra« peated his father, in a more sol mn “Ah, I understand. Yes, every-, X>r. Mile» !!■ dieal Co., Elkhart, Ind. tone than before. body muet, have heard the sad | ,u wi'l remember tbe condition I was fn five ye-.- ur 1 w*» afflicted with a comblna- But even yet Roger did not grasp ■ -tory,” remarked Miss Lynne, with ——————■ diwa-e-. and tb«wht there wa< Mn nti> -r 1 tried all kiudsof medicine«,and »core, the teriible fact that his father sus i concern. Then, moved by a sud i?ennnent nhysicla..». «7 nerves were proetrated «-.«111. inu dtizir.e-s. heart trouble »nd all the Illa ptCted him. The boy was bewilder I den impulse, she asked: "Younev- that rna.e life miserable. I commenced to Uke DR. MILES’ NERVINE ed, but he did uot dream that his ■ er heard the reason of Mr. Roger’s and In three months | w»a rtsxcnr flight from home, did you, Crewe?’’ ( lu mi travel.eiich year, when I we the ll."Uf..nda 'honesty could be questioned. cl ubyakcal w recks, Bum ring ir. m nervous pres- “I tell you what, Roger,” said . . _ _ »ration, taking prescr pllons from "1 gUi-Bded it, miss.” LJ A . a| physicians who have no know J. his father, in an awful tone, "you I "Oh, tell me—tell me what it' la ■ * , J,™ of their case, and who«: death U certain. 1 feel like going to them ano saying, must give me back that jewel, or I •aero. Mac»' N irvihi aao ac euaao in was! ’ Jiied she, eagerly. mv i rofesanin, » f“ »litre the re LOCHER’S HALL artwmanyninlJRFD fferere from can no longer regard ton as a son of over wmm V V n , nd PKrokJl- "Well, miss, as 1 believe, Mr. 1 lion a I nervous exhaustion. bronebt on by the mine.” Character of tbe buaiuesa engaged lu, I would “Give back the jewel! Father, Selford accused his son of stealing at 7:30 P. M. - m .,.' THOUSANDS a very precious ornament, w rorth ---- EverJ Evenin8 •» »"sure'euro for all suffering from these cause* you surely do not dare to think that Ladies it Gentlemen Advanced. Wednesday .... JaMZS K. W ait «. I have stolen it?” exclaimed th< thousands of pounds, and his son .... Social for all. t_turday.......... Sold on a Positive Guarantee. boy, imside himself with indig >a- ! was so indignant that he rushed Os. MILES' PILLS.50 D oses 25C t ». All the latest dances will be taught, the following list tobeselected I tion, his eyes ablaze, his breitli away from home and went abroad.” I "Heavens! Is that the cause? from Rye Waltz, Comas Waltz, La Marsholaine, La Mode, York» “As oM as icoming fast. theliills"aibl I "Yes. that is what I do think But Roger Seiford never took that Bon Ton Gavotte, Berlin, Creola, Jersey, Manitour, Spanish Yorke, never excell i Roger.'’ replied his father severely jewel! 1 need no pi oof to assure Highland Glide, Pirrouette, May Schottische, and many others. ed. “Tried No gentleman visitors admitted. me of that," exclaimed the girl, her _ and proven ” ■ You are always getting into del-t $3.50 Terms 8 Lessons cheeks aglow. tn.",.: i t I and the temptation was t--o great 2.00 | for »on." ‘ You are right, mirs, and it Ladies 8 “ New Quadrills will be taught Saturday Evenings. 8 i m in o n s For one moment the lad faced would give Inn. new life io know Liver Regu ibis father, then dashed from th« vou still believed in him.” Geo. W. Y oung . lator is the room like one frantic. "Oh! v ou must know him’ cried '♦only Liver May, bursting into tears. "It is ♦ * « • • and Kidii *v medicine to like news from the dead to have Thirteen vears had passed since I seen some one who has known Luu. 1 which v o it can pm your the above prinful scene between But the dreadful accusation mu.-t Q » O faith for a Mr. Selford and his only son—sad 1 ' e disproved the jewel neve I Pi F »° I c u r e . A Í: o ears at Selford . Court, tor ■ Roger. been iouud _ . ............ ‘'■SrM in 1 1 d iax i - Œ" <_> >ad tb d from his home, and wheth- A “Never; and, undoubtedly, l he t ve, a n d < o < r he was dead or living no one1 loss was strangely mysterious, purely veg A o It 0 o knew. w u etable, act r CC was takeu out of the case to show c Q_ » « in x directly hat could it be, Netta, which Mr Roger, and left in his care for og £□► ac on the Liver made him go away?” May av Lynne 0 ■c 4 -J a n d Kid- the vicar’s daughter, would often a few moments while Mr Selford b .CÜ X Ct if« O spoke to some one in the hall. Ê nev<. Try it. ask of Roger’s sister, Z LC K now grown \\ hen he returned, the ornament » «S 2 4 Sold i>v all P-* > GO up, when the two were alone, F- But Druggist.- n L quid. >»r i i l’ow ter had vanished, though Mr. Roger' z 03 to t-e taken dr or:na leint a tea. to this inquiry. Netta could give nc had never moved from the rug, and t answer. The King of Us er M»-4I in»'«, the jewel lay ou the table, a cloth' £ • I h»\e t I >u ' iitn t* i.ix« r Kcsru- May was quite a beauty, and an baying been hastily thrown over it.' o K ■ t’i lit on»* ii» i«til'llx mo It I* the I .• I a . r in»-.’.« inc'.. I <'on<i(b*r it u immense favorite with Rojer’s fath The cloth and every jKissiole place, ii. tit- gki ». W. J ack * t I i ..» I, Washington. er, and years ago, from the time was thoroughly searched, but the rc :vr:xr r\c:iAG: ^g when she was five years old and jewel was hopelessly gone! ’ »• • ’Z k imp In r- I «»n wrApper, sex 1 KiaruttU-ed MANHCcaKcsTcrir^i Tula wonuerful remedy to cure n. I nerv<.us diseases.auch a> v vnk Memory. Lois of Brail O Power. Headache, Wakefuinoss, Lost Manhood, buy Emissions. Nerroua* THt uESi Sai Roger, a big boy of nine, had kissed i --1 nets.all drains and loss of power in (Jenera tneOrgans of either sex caused « IS THE SAFfS her under the mistletoe, he had | “1 never heard so étrange a | by over exertion, youthfni error«, excess: ve n-c of tobacco, opium or stirn- uiants, which lead to Intirniitv, ( «nsumption Gr Insanity. Can be carried tn iMvrsT»?- called her "his little wife.” But o I story!” said May. "Still, nothing __ _> \ Te«t pocket. 31 per box. e f.*r £.», by mail prepaid. With a So order wa Ulvca wrlttenguarnntcclocnrcnrrrtunu the money. Sold by ad I EVER hi: ----- dnuur sts. fur it. tako r»» other. Write r-»r f ree Medical E >•-k s»*’t s* i'“d late the years had gone on. d ving would make me believe that Mr AKIlMLaiAG. inPMMQ wrapper. Address NEli VKS££Al < O., Alusonic Temp»e, Cait auo . Kurtuhe m Burns,Ore., by II. M. UOKTON, Dru^xisL out and coming in, but no Roge Roger Selford could be gailty ut dishonorable thing. ” had reappeared tn renew that "I am a good deal consoled childish fond entreaty, yet beauli fuf May had not forgotten her uiu all 1 have undergone to hear plavinate • say that. Oh, May, look at L>-night, the anniversary of Cannot you recognize in this d<s . Do You Roger s flight, she had com»' up to guiseyour old pkvmatr? Won’t • tn - < <mrt, as she often did. t<> cheer you I »- silent for his sake?” "May, vou have been crying! Mr Selford. who, .»ears Infir»« terrible evening when the Indi m \\ hat is the matter, ifiy dear? »ai i Disease commonly comes on with slight Jewel had disappeared, had beei. the squirt, as she euterid ukrslud,. ■<4 .4 eft a w idower symptoms, which when neglected increase a bltle while afterwards. in extent and gradually grow dangerous. As May hurriedly enwed tbe "ltisat»oui Roger!’ faltered ihej Htlv« V bi ti «ell E**< « n t uí $ . <\t> ? i j hall. her foot slipped on the m irl>h girl, "It i-th.rle u years ago 1» •f yon SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS I il u <» ► 11 a g i al many ’ . ¿A» <nr l-telk»', r *«••* tu.à <ltlU ix n-* >h»x • I PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES and she would have fall» n had not night (hat he went awav Oh, s r, < n «• it* a pair, r’4 □ c ri l»Ck*ii:ia| ut. \Ve» *.lc >t If you >ro BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or hate the new butler. Crewe, chmced to p* rhaps tlierv is something un«x <3 h of Ih»!» Ctlv I « . ci e ( lhe t LIVER COMPLAINT.................................. TAKE RIPANS TABULES i S.-y * II onl\ w *11 a e.’ i o pasting and respectfullv put ou> pl lined, a<> do not refuse to tell mt- •. va $ 00 a jioat. V. » If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you i '.’’y 4»%kk'* -I f kZ’-ai TAKE RIPANS TABULES ¡all!” SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. Ins «rm to save her. • \ cur i a th«* i » at : t. V. a Ì a ' ivc , *1 ht f ie vir •. "1 trust you are not hurt, miss,” Ah. io, May. |{bt to y nt t* 11 f > a • ai «> > i For OFFENSIVE BREATH ond ALL DISOR • t’i n t » ; t '.X r \ DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES • ■»"» aMr«».K I?. I ;x>’ sir ! the man. with much concern whom I al.»a - thought would be \,*o have ovt r I. > • •. » Ripans Tabules Require the System and Preserve the Health. "Oh. m>. thank you, Crewe,” re ¡my diiigh'rr. 1 wj|| spesk the I • l'terra». • • < m » i ■' rf al •; b -‘Jet» ari»: y a v < • : V I . . %, r. ^ij- » • • h » I ■ pli»d the voung lady, blu-hmg ahe truth You shall hear all.” And.i EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. l a a an-Lh. 1^*1 XV«.k. A - .. I I! I RIPANS TABULES ta •*’ .r r r ,-A. it K- »♦ fc. X .1 I. J. knew not why. Then she added, la-ndt ig for* ird, he whis| <*rcd. io fair* fV pince of c * > t r *. ’ ’*«« SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. Will« f. r <% : j A COMPLETE Sold by Drueirists or sent by mail on receiptof price. confusedly, "1 h<»|H- yen have not can'.i«> .» tun 8. tin1 fale she had so «Mjf •$«« klk’kirr«. « : MEDICINE CHEST Bux»« vials>, 75 cents. Pac«a<e (4 boxes1.»-. #«<•’.»'4«^ cJhrrt, <-««4 c*r m. taken in the squire's tea, i* I wi-h lately in-arJ tn m the diaguise»! <»nl r« ukea for oaa or r.;. r\'». • and »Ä -i : » V NaV Air THE RIPANS ^CHEMICAL CO. • »harr to have that pleasure this < v< ning " lli'gir Iiim-« If. DE’iTER SHOE CO.. *” " 10 SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW YORIL Og*»« • |f ».H fri "No, miss I went to ilw study TO US CoXTlXl'ItP. . — , -L Tz^3-^7’-— -."ST- -T. ~ jr~tf~|io4 OOC'C A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. “ X ’X 1 oat:, Dancing Instructions. Bcttei I 77w Pills • « FEEL SICK? 0^ > IM • l’ît. e ■It , s 1 ¿K'S