Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1894)
THE TOLEDO BLADE. Han rs V X WORK FOR US « Kecood cbAQC'6» 1* you would at first »ue- I I I í Our Premiums FOJ THIS YEAL ----------- --------------------- —THIS PAPER— ---- WITH---- ! I Weekly Call I rRICK «1.15 PKK V-L*. ---- OR---- I I 1HE Sil FUNCIS i 0 Morning Call! I rMCKMO FK* ERA». i « ------- ------------- r^HE 8AN FRANCISOO |Z WEEKLY CALL If* I* • hand»ome .IghL page paper. It te i»*u*d every Thuretia), *i>d eoutaia* all nt ti« »njp'Ttaat sew* of the *««*k, al«»D*d fr<ra»rv»ry q* it. ter of th* globe, complete «i> t* date of publ'eatiun. It far- ■lab«* the latoet and aiozt reliable iuaneiat n«w* .nd market quotation*, a d fiv*e •prcial atteiiti'-n te horticul tural and axriraltaral new*, •nd i* in every rv'iort a flr»<- |la*e («rally pap«r, app"Kli .* t«> the interval of every ram. tier oi the to ou ten old. ------ ------------- HE MOUMSG CALI. (fcavBM . w,«i 1» a live ni< trot oiitrn •l.tilv. It i* the MOST REL1A- ■* Bl.E. . and ii rec«<niae'l brilli' th- LEAOiNG NEWS- taub. Tné»-mirti Decidi Pitea«. CefpigK I È <•1 al! Fatasti bua.aea* ceaàaci«4 for I WtOOEWATE I la:<tr*bar«> n «ad I atoar»« FEES. »n l > In voev^r* xrlifcwl » AAlroM PRESS CLAIMS CO JOHN VJEDOZRBURN Maaacing Att-rney, I '«' ashinqton , D.a * P.O. Bol » tv iCj -, r<jjy by «en hi nation of .o*t tnfliMniUM tprra In it» t r ex >reM pur>ro«e vf prw»««t- iwriben uaacrwpulou» fé rj’. Adenti, and aark paper t h ment vouchee for the re«po**l. a*. - ALcaaui«' cl liu, Frtr • < JU*<ua Cumpa*/. ScisnUfla America« Acency for I COPVRICHTB, «to. For hi'onaatlan and free lln idbook write to Ml NM A CXJ- Ml B uoadwai . Nlw Yoilir. Olden bureau for a*curu>g patei a tn Ami'rlcaL kri-iy Batcul taken cut by ua « brought before U«o puUlu by anoUnu given tr»v of cluugo in tlio AJDIHIilW.Pù YEAR, ^rirntific ^meticau I i luamwt etreulatloa of any •-lentIB' paper tn tho world. 8|.leodldlr Il1uatraie<l. hi«« lnt«illlgo.,t man ahonld bo without It. We kly. »3.Hl) a 1»arI *lJ»>iz month« A.Un-, Mt NN A O lau'uk.A 3*1 r.i'v.,F««w YoikCitj- SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE Tbe eeeeew* of thia Greet Gough Care te •iUtoal a parallel ia the hist ary of medlciae. All Araggtela are authorized toeellitoa a po.- Mv. guaraatee. a teel that no other c re caa •ecceMfully eland. That II may broom, known, the Proprietor«, man enormoue ez- yriH. era placing * B»m| > llottle Pre* into «very homo ia the United Ntatoe end Canada. If you have a Cough. Bore Throat, or Bron •hili», ueo It. for it will care you. If you» •hiId hue thoCroup, or Whoopiag though. u»e it promptly, and relief la »11 re If you dread Ah.l inaldlooo dleeaae Conauaiptiou, n.e II. A»k your Oruggiat for BHiUlH’« CURB. Price lOcte . Mete, and Si.00. If your Lunge aw* »ore »r Berk leia*. u»e Shiloh'e Poroua Fleeter. Price *«*■. Foreale by all Drug- A 1''r« • • lecer or | e»M te F O Ite. «*A. WASHINGTON. D.C. I « 4 Postage Free to all subscriber* in the United <tati-a. - snails, or Mexico. The Volume« of the Weekly will be :in wl't ' the first Number for Jantiarv of each year When no time is mentioned, subscription* will t 1 'gin with tbe Number current at tim* of te- ceip of order. bound Volume* of Harper’s Weeklv fortbret »ear* back, in neat cloth binding, will be *e 1 bv mail Po.'age paid, or bv expresa free of ex pet'*e provided the freight does not ex-eed 111 per vo time) for $7.00 a volume. 1 1- t 1 t a«es for each Volume, suitable fot bind: >« will be • -nt bv mail post-paid, on re ' eipt f »1. keinittance* should be made by Post Office | M nev Order or Draft, to avoid chance of losa. Address HARPER A Bit OTHERS, New York IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. rt vmio « s ^ uart n. y : •’^^ o ÄT a ^ v NEW HOME SEWING MA II INE CO., 72ö Market St., I’a c'ic San Krancis « Ca’ Department. -ria Trwtlc '(•rk» wdallfel «mi Vi * nr«» » tor Mo4*r«'r Im. Oar 'V » 0*<»w • U i F 4« Mr», ini »if ■ in*. • • ; « j !n ho* tttn« ?h<a rhooe W«.*te fr< » Wft»h'(Vt4Wl IWt.d I >•’ •! n <u vg or pN*>*n wtfk dowwr'p- M •-*♦%. iwiUtrubW» *r Boe. o< * • r rv *» *'nr ti’1 ’ j g* '■krtd -*•*! H* * t<» <»4 ’• '«»ta. ’»Iti uu » i ‘ m -• clWatstAyvB < ’maty v* I owf . i ft •« A« tn»*» I «><-rlM claim. «terra'-, Nou* I I TOUR FUTURB ftQMC SilttPG MQöjll’t CQ. • a. .1 aa • K The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co 4 IM M. Market MU. Ch »mcAMi •> » I _ HARPER WEEKLY ................ , HARPER'S MAGAZINE ........... send FOB FURTHER INFOBMATIOi I HARPER’S BAZAR......................... i H ARPER’S YOUNG PFDPLE weeDWGRK —. X.AÌÀ - I I II Ospvk- . Pal. H —«. Wxw 4 PER year : ! "M ne§T: J :/,4TA<’>V<PXT&: PftR«NY«. -Ir «Mlowa, •>•• eWrll'.l O*« • ,r.rl«br rh'ueai.*. »»Piled ►rd far !,ew taw» go art arc \-t •■Hi: Mae.-. •.!«,! HARPER’S PERIODICALS. ILLUSTRATED. lias r >r *o * •<• a. I lai's • «« ir I|>e -y £ity ia ihr r*««l«r Irwr er N - , .«nevth war »•Irur« .» r»« 'a-lla- »l- 't lfR- tJ 1*43. r «4 I Ita contribution* iielng from the beet writer* and artiata iti thia country, it will continue to excel In literature, new«, and illustration*, all o'her publication* of it* class Hap’ Bazar PXMKMu rk^-VRif p'W •OLDISH*. Vfl^OWA, CMILDRFN, NETTING,1 50 s Ttir t*HK*ai rx.issi» leuragy, I0 m * i * r > > amati ■ . «tier**». ¡""FENCING WEEKLY CUI 1 I PATENT. I’APKK <f the 1‘aeific Count. Either of the slim« ap.rx w. will wnd po-tu i<1 »4 a pre- tnimii on rrerl t of tlir follow, rag auh-arlptiou pilera Ur lit* eouibhiiUou : CAVEAT*. TRADE MARKS, Otr.ICM PATENTO, I In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United State» ILLUSTRATED. Harper’s Magazine for 1S9S will ceatinae to the Toledo Blape haa publiihud ifl maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence i Parry'» Seed which baa chiractcrized it from tha beginning 1 one volume, cloth bound, all of th» v of th* UteH farntibg knowl- Among the notable features of the year there will be new novela by A Conan Doyle, Con-, “Nasby Letters” ever written by stance Fenimore Weo'son. and William Black D.M. Ferry 4C«.. Short atories will be contributed by the most the late D. R. Locke, omitting p*r. Detroit, popular writers of the day, including Mary E. I Wilkins. Richaad Harding Davie, Margaret hap« a few unimportant letter» 0Q Delaud. Branapr Matthews, and many othote. I Tbe illustrated descriptive papers wi'l era bract local or fogotten topic». Only a few articles by Jallas Ralph on new Southern and Western aabjocta: by Theodore Child on India; of these letters were ever published by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany: by Richard Herding Davison a London Season: in book form. Everybody has read by Colonel T A. Dodge on Eaatern Riders; etc. Edwin A. Abbey’s illustrationsof Shakespeare’s some of them .but who has read Comedies will t>e continued Literary articles , will be contributed by Charles Eliot Norton. all of them? The book contain» THE DISABILITY BILL IS. A Mrs James T. Fields, William Dean Howslla, over 500 large page«, and all th* Brander Matthews, and others. LAW. Nasby Letter» written during t HARPER’S PERIOUICS Soldier« disabled since the war are period of twsuty-five years; alio * Entitled Per Year: Uependent widow« and Parente now de pendent whose -on« died from the effeer* of HARPER’S MAGAZINE.................... <4.00 portrait of D. R. Locke from hit army «“rvire are included. If you wish HARPER’S WEEKLY ........................ 4.00 last photograph. It would sell »t vour claim speedily and successfully prose- HARPER’S BAZAR .............................. 4.0C uted, addre.«« JAMESTAFXER, HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE ........ l.(* one dollar or more, but will never , ' a'e CommlMioner of Pension*. Postage Free to all Subscriber* in the i>e placed on sale. W ashington , d c . One hundred United States, Canada, or Mexico. thousand copies are now being « The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of printed and bound, and one copy eac h year. When no time is specified, aub will be sent postpaid by mail fre* -criptions will begin with the Number cur to every person who this winter r> rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes 01 Harper’s Magazine for niits cne dollar for the Weekly three years bacx, in neat cloth binding will sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of |3 Blade one year. Everybody invited PERSONAL AND PROMPT . be per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5* to send for a specimen copy of th* ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT cents each—by mail, post-paid. Weekly Blade, which will giv» a Remittances should r*e made by Postoffice ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE ' fuff description of the book ”Th» Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc ol MARKS, etc. loss. Nathy Letters.” NO FEE UNLESS PATENT Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New T he T oledo W eekly B lade it IS SECURED. CORRESPOND York. the best and most popular weekly ENCE SOLICITED. newspaper published in this coun I W Han’s I try. It has the largest circulation STODDART & CO., I of any weekly newspaper, and goe» ILLT8TRATED 613 & Old 7th Stroot, N. W. to every Stat, Territov and nearly iOppO’ite U. S. Patent Office,] Harper’s Weeklv 1« acknowledged aa aland Only Ing flrat among llluatrated weekly periodical! every county *f the Union. ASHINGTON. b. 0. in America. It occupiea a place between that one dollar a year, including th» <>f the hurried dally paper and that of the leaa 1 timely monthly magazine. It includes both above motioned book free- bend |'iterature and new a. and preaenta with equal force and felicity the real evenla of current f posal to T he B lade , T oledo . O hio , hiatorv and the imaginative theme* of Action for a free specimen copy of the pa On aceount of Im very cemplete aerie* of illus tration* of the World’* Eair. it will be not only per. Send the addresses of your I the beat guide to the great Exp.>aition, but alao friends also. I H11 BIT AMD ’• 1 r" •I> v*l|ir. Every public event of general *w»mm*» M*iW P0ULTD1 rvuhim 1 * intereat will hefully illu*trate«i in it* page*. Sponsions, THI S^l F8ANCI3C4 TRL’R A CO., Wax No «M. Aagaa««, Mo . I U8TRATKD And book containing all the Nu- by Letters for One Dollar. FERRY’S • fvw days, aad y«a will be ■tarUtd at tlw une « pected »ueceM that will reward our etont W« >j»lUT«ly hav* the be«i be i . ■> to o<er «a agent Wai can be found on r.x of this earth. *43 <M) profit on *75.00 worlh nt l»u»i»e». i, being i a»liy ami Uouorabir u.uu* by aud paid to kutxlreda if men, worneu^ te.'., 4, and girl» in our employ. You caa make iuos>«y futer it work for •• ' 3U V0U .«»re any idea ol The b»>iueM is »0 •at to lea.-», and laitruetiotx »0 ample and plain, that »11 snecaed from the »tart Tbote who take t 1 of the burin»»» reap ti e advantage tha: ariaea from th* aoun i repstattos of oae of the •ideit. meat airee»«fol, and largest pobhahing bouse» 1» America. Aeetire for roaraelf the profits Riat tbe OuMaess »o readily and handsomely yields All teginaeri loecor • graudlv, and Bore than Wallis Ibelr greatest expectations. Those woo *rr It tad exactly a* w» Ml them. There is plenty •r room for a frw asoe« woskars, and we arge 1 theta t* begin M **o*. If yon ar* alrvadv sm ‘ •lore*, bat itava • few spar* aMMnenia, and wish L use then* to advaatage, tfcea write as at one» ?or this ia vour graad oppoetaaity), aad rveetre *11 partloalari bv rarara mall. AaW»ti, » IL Magazine .n- U C I I I TalmlH'rv ax.nm— to tell what the line« in yont hand iii«iinate. it will »amt yon, if nothing more. The above iiiaera*n »liiioet explain« iteeif. The leogin of the LlNiJ OF 1.1FK indicate« probable -xv to which yon will live. Each BKAt'KI.KT gi e« you thitty yv»ra. We i merited LINK t»F llBM* denote» brain power; clear LINK OF FORTUNE Lune or riche». Both combined mean •ucce«« In lite: but youmuat keep u|> with niodera h! -a« to win it You will find plenty of the»e ia D- iiiwn- t'« Family Magaxiae. an attractively pre- •**■•(-«> that every ntrm »er of the family ia enter- t»«l ii • • d-'i n le.gazin'V In one ACLRAB 1.1 x 11 DI HRAIIT tie«p«-ak» tenderne»»: a atraigtrt 1.1 x K OF FATE, peaceful life; the reverae if .ixw-eil \ well defined LINK OF HEALTH •par-« ion doctor«' biila; ao will Uta haalth binta in De n >re«t’» No other magazine pobtishe» so nun, -t -ri -a to ioiere-t the boma circle. Yoe will he -abject to extreme, of high «plrlta or dr«|iond- ei.e if «ou h.v, the t.IllDLE OF VIM’S well ni» k.-d keep up your eplrtta by haring Denioreat’a Mag«« ue to r.-.ti Ur »ubMribb f to It for 1MH r"'i •’ 1 r oe a gxllerr of exqnlaite work, of art of ;r-at ealna hea'Je. the »nperb premium picture. t.'xS.'iiich«« •• I'm a D«i»v!’’ which i» «'moat a -mal baby, aa I eqn.ltoth« origiral oil painting which nant »3" »nd yon will hare a m«saziiie that cannot *e equa ed by any in th* weihi for ita bean ifitl Litarraiam* an: auhject matter, that will ke-p u p-ietr.i <>n *U th« op‘ea of th* day, and all th* 1« and litfr mt Item« of 1ntere»t about th* beu.vho'd. hmi.eho .1 be«idra bend,-» fnrntakhvr fnrni-hln-7 Inierveting lmere»tlng rved reari n* ng matter bo ■, , •’ -nr. meurr rave and «nd rar. gar. for the whole'ly family ; • whi', l>- -i >re«f» I- not noi a fathion a.egazin., B •«'1 ld whi'* D<- n -re’C» i- fa»hion n.agaxin., It. fnah >n p«- p-ij tarn « »-,. -r . , feet, fort, » ». ‘ «1 ym y,m get with it, Ii«fvsh.i>n frae >f eo* . x!l th pz'trrn* yoe wi-h lo an» ,>nriog tha year, and in t'i« ia anv any • re x<-a ro* ch' ch-*a*. o^. S< nd in >'»ur «aberr-Ytlon at ->-cv. mi'v f-’ it* ard ’ row roe w « ill ÍU ' ' r »•.•«•> > ■ e A dr-«» k- pub- do-’» t the l.«h'r. W. J.»i ,, « Thamotv«t. 15 Ra«d 14" 54t.. B i «nnnc-inainted \~w Yorh . . . ni'h thè M’/«. . i. fo- » -oeoim** copy A larg, 9U » D we- TRl*Nf7l lt 1: x«.v: r nn ision of i in nr /r—r ■ •to» "XI. xfcovn DlVKION rea««* • XT OF Ji I’lTKIf t-e okrn* In» *, V • n-SI- o . •’ "f x f l RN, prn.l n< •• the M’N, I I vr-W V ’ ' t « 4 a re; Mt'ON. imarin» a-.. 1 »e ' pier-ire. and MFKCl'KT, l O'. \ I»»»*’ ...«r ab'e* a« nbor» and »n* • I S a th* laat and u.o«t valuah* to p • >. C I i Harper's Basar 1« a journal for the home It gives the latest information* with regard tc he Fuhion*. and its ntimerou* illustra'ion*, ' r»i* ■‘esign* and pattern »heet »uppletnenti -re ledi»pet>*ible »like tothe homedrc*s maker «nd the profe»ii.,nn1 modfate. No expense i* »pared to make it» «rtia'ic attractlvenes» of the I hlkhe*t order. ••« ti.ght stories, amuai ng com edit-*, and thougli ful eiwnv* sntiafv all tastes -1 ami 'I* Iasi png ' iv famvtit. as a budget of wit ' and humor. In it* weekly ¡»sue» evervihiug it>< In- luned whice is of interest to women The j -erisi* ‘ ,r KI -' ill be written bv Waite- lie««'" 1 a-d Vito» I vail t'hr stine Terhune Herrick, wl" fort' i»h a pra< ti< al serie», entitled “At the T. ¡let " G,»<e Kin.:. , i.ive Thorne Miller, and anil» e Wheeler» 11 be frtque it Contributor* The w. rk uf w«. n.'ii in be i'olumb an E xpo s .in wp e full ept'»ented with many i'l-, l.a r« iut'» T. W. Higginson In "Women m << Men," *il p ease »cultivated audience. ; HARPER’» PERIODICALS Per Year •I ■ RBFR’S BAZAR.................... « a ir iRV'-R’s MAGAZINE 4 0» X UBER’S W E EK I.Y .. 4 « iRPFR’S YOUNG . _________ PF.OFl.a 2 0 P. •cage Free to all subscriber* in tha Unite«’ -ts- ea 1' or Mexico. ro ara s’nglo retail ahno rtores In ol . I..r • There are •' .. hi ch aell 2,000 pairs of ehoe» a d.iy.ina» Hile» v. Ll-2— of $250,000 a year. We *.•:I save« k>•. a net profit of $250,0C0 a yc^r‘ : rell a great many pa rs, the clear pr<; * * b it wo •€*' ‘ and childrens* r >*, misses* shoes h fit I - • our lodi cm * pair, and on our men«’ and boy/ s’h - t-n ernt» a a pair. 1—, We shall establish shoe »tor • i • 1 » cents 1 » ernt» a pair. e each of the fifty largest cities of the U. S., a:-d they sell only 3u0 pairs of shoes a day they ul J “ »ell only 3Ó0 pain u* - --------------z ram >25, 00 a year. We should be »bl» alia to pay xrti $ 7*5, p-; • y/arly i»arly dividend of oi $5.25 a share, or over ¿0 50 per ccr c«r a year yearon on the Investment. inv. Ktmeu.t. We »c!l ar litho the»tockat stock at I ’ • iàab’y 1 be e much men ’ ¿share. *1 ho price must iniiet Inox Inevitably than $ .0 a •bare, X® stock ***■■ k haa has ever been »o aokl ’d * • i i.*s th..n t i.j pi ice, m hich * is * I s isr pr. value. ' *“ Si K‘ r* r* lfcti, v tl.OOO.C ’nn-aascaaa' It*. Ineor;»orated. Cup !>oldm, ar.d tbenuinLer W» have ov< r 1, FtS c ’.J l bb ' } , principal ito L I• Increasing <!a:’ y» y. » Some of the j------, —— holder» are -c : t T a S. . v. V. a a : ---------- ?« . Y Y : : I. Fritter. I* •*-» » are: - -. u. ?. .. J . Clucap»i N. A. Rent, Jr.. < aicago« J. Cami I. Jr.. < ùicaffQf J. U. Cum !»• b- .1. .1, Chicago; V». * Ka»aoau«h, Ark.; I. a. C ;h. Link* L»Uh? Rock, P-nck, Ark.; I. IL IL K- L ;h. Ch ’ i cagouJ » Turner. Phlia.: R. B. Ilarding, Hardit.g. N. Y ; E. —. J * F»r»«. "—“ F.P. Crr- k. Mich. | V- P !»•*>-♦•* Arcade. N - Y ’ a nroencctua containing th« wmww Write for a prospectus containing — —- . our stockholders, ctc„ U* cr xrw<* an ». 4 order for tiocl tioc» chock, cook or ^noney nrt’rr. caohirr*t chock, ctuh e •harea. Trice. Order» taken for one or mor» l ------ ■ snare. a share. DEXTER SHOE CO., H nn'tO I ROA DOLLARS I»U per MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily and honorably, without capi Ui, during your spar* hour*. Aay ma» rtie vo ornee o' rhe Baa ir i>egia with the tira 1 w oman, lx>y, or girl caa do the work hand o mb«'r‘or lannarr of each vetkr. When na ily. witlioL. experience. Talking uo La time ia men'tonad. autecripti..n will begit uecesfury. Nothing like it for money i. he dumber curreat atthetimeof receipt order making ever offered before. Our worker* i ou id «. lamo» o "arpe » Bazar tor three always prosper. No time wasted i« e«r In neat cloth .indine, will be sent bv mai' learning the business. We teach you I* p » as* raid’ or by ezpre-». free of expense a night how to succeed from tbe fir»t 'viov ded th* freight does n >t exceed one dol 1 i. r v lume) or »7 a \olume hour. Yoa can make a trial without i l- t loth i-sea f.. (ea. h voIame.suitaMe for bind pense to yourself. Wa start you, fUrnisn i g »I be a ’nt » raai: prepaid ca rec*ip of everything needed to carry on the bust- St a< h Remi lancee afinuld bo mad* by P-etotTlc* ■eas successfully, and guarantee yon M. ney >rder -re Draft, to avoid chacee ef*losa against failure if yon but follow our Adr-rea d ARFF* A HR tTHF.RR simple, plain instructions. Reader- if WU Xa» »panera-re not la copy aav one »or »"«d th aber* a’. • ••emen'a without th* fob are hi need of ready money. »nJ «apresa tda* of H a RPFK BROTHERS want to know all about the best paying business licfore the public, send us your adtlrpss, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. TRUE A CO., Box 400. Augusta, Maine.