Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1893)
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13. ISS'8 bvkp I i “AMERCA1N" EAGLE JOB OFFAL Editor ____________ i 1<VKL>, Consistency CREAM I t is a peculiar fact but none the jn gpeating of the effe<jt (f less true, that many married men repeaj of thfi ,ftw requirjng th(> pm. I of this town, and in fact of all chase of silver bullion by the gov- towns, demand the strictest decor- (eminent, or in other words the re Um from their wives and daughters, peal of the Sherman law, he savs| when the degree of privilege and be jiag no <jollj)t but t|)at lbe u|t j.. license, they take themselves niate n.8u|t wjj| be mogt Ba|utar ! would be truly appalling to their and far reaching, still he knows not families did they but know the what conditions n ay be brought true state of affairs. We do not about to 11)ake PUpp’emeiitarv I- g- write this though any envy.malice. iti|ution e6genlial or eJt£(Iieht| or prejudice whatever, but simply But doesn’t advise hasty monetary are prompted to do so to expose legislation for fear of unwise or man’s weakness and shortcomings, injurious acts etc. Man calls h'mself a tower of Now since the unconditional re-1 strength and firmness ana as the peal of the Sherinan )aWi we are of head of a family expects prompt the opinion that wise legislation re obedience to his commands and the storing the value of silver will not homage and attention his lordly be opposed by the President. The presence demands by right of au- Wilson tariff bill is highly com- tbority. mended by the President and be He expects the social relations I ad vises the immediate attention of of his family to be such as society congress to this bill and its passage recognizes and approves, but this in accordance with pledges made at * Btate of respectability and moral standing is made steadfast by his wife and daughters, and he—be I cause he considers himself the head of the family—takes all the puaise to himself, when more than t’ropiH-ior MOST PERFECT MADE. X pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. ENVELOPES, 8TATEME I 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. PRICES $100 Reward $100 Cabinet-make and Gansai the Chicago platform, This bill embodies the exact I idea of the President on tariff re-' form, and he wants no substitutes, i but the passage of the bill just as it1 is now given by its framers, to thejtient strength by building likely his own morality is of a very t public. constitution and assislin questionable character. But what of that? “Ain't I a man and pride P hiladelphia , Pa, Noy. 30— 1 myself in my strength of character, General Master Workman James 1 uiy firmness my family discipline? R Sovereign of the Knights of ' Consequently I am responsible for Labor arrived to-night at 8:30 the standing of my family.” o,clock He is at the Windsor« The poor weak misguided wretch, Hotel, where he was received by ( who in all probability only waits an Worthy Foreman Bishop and H. opportunity to break any of the ten ( B. Martin of the Executive Com I commandments or all of them at inittee. Mr. Soverign deelined to I the name time, takes all the honor say anything further than that he on his shoulders for the standing of would assume his duties at once as ■PER MONTH his wife ami daughters. he had been instructed to do. Many of this class of men, who I There was a semi official meeting I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily and honorably, without capi expect the behavior of their wives j of the Executive Board to-night tai, during your spare hours. Any man ls>y, or girl cun do the work bund and daughters to be above re I but Powderly’s successor will not woman, Ily, without experience. Talking tin proach, are the most licentious dis be inducted into office before to necessary. Nothing like it for money ever offered before. Our worker» reputable characters in the town. morrow morning. Mr. Powderly j making always prosper. No time wasted ir. What per cent of the married men, j did not wait to meet him, but left learning the business. We teach yon in a night how to succeed from the tlrst living in Burns, make it ,an object for bjs home in Scraton this after hour. You can make a trial without < x- pense to yourself. We start you, fiirnisli to spend several evenings of each ( noon. everything needed to carry on the busi week at home with their families ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if yon but follow our and engage in games of amuse-1 simple, plain instructions. Beader, if ment and conversation to entertain vou are in need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying the children and which is so pleas business Ix-fore the public, send us your ant and delightful to the wife? address, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. Hey Ho! Now don't all speak at I N. BROWN Buns. O fh 7 I ion once, and say “I do” which would | invaribly be your answtr if you didn’t know us women were “on to you.” Poor weak deluded creatures, you enjoy spreading the latest slan derous gossiping report in which •ome woman is implicated, but your irreproachable characters' stand ‘ pat” according to your own , estimation, but where do you stand when judged by our sex? S ophie | 1 DOLLARS TRUE & CO., Box 400. Augusta, Maine. H. BRENTON A J BUCHANAN ProprisUw The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stahls as sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. and grain constantly on hands, and careful help. Paasengere taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon ia «eaneottea a c 1'rnullM Ik-cUfyiug pills cure conHUputli.n Freni. KwIHyuix plliscuie. ..uBtipatloa 2 2 Frentlaw Rectifying pills cure c<>ustli«tl<>n Freintes Kectl lying pi I tn cure constipation p 3 ^nnn mnn nFFFrirv /l\ln~nïïT~ n rvb tod )DEh UU l\ 1U LL I JOHNSON A BAILEY. Proprietor., Kk Liquors, Ci?a s and Cigarretts Good Billiard tables. Pleasant Card Room«, etc.. «t*. T he President’t> message to con- gre»8. is in every respect above re proach It is an intelligent and compre henrive survey of the present ad- niiniRtration and matters relating to both foreign and domestic af fair* There is nothing in hie meetage regarding the Hawaiian trouble, • huh seems to be the topic of gen eral interest at thia time, that would lead one to believe that he favora radical measures or any measures whatever detrimental to the in- Salem is first claw in every particular. Almoel al’ pills and mock In* produce conotlpatlon. her* la a pill that core. torpid liver, blliousnrs*. rbeumatlam. InCl-eetlou, airk beedacbe end kidney and Uwr trouble* without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which 1* '.ba prime cause of all alcknaaa, beware of It jetting habitual and chronic with you. Experience hart. Mixed drinks to please the moat fantidion.. see to It in time; there pl'l* wilt cure you. I M | f Cao PRCNTI3S RECTIFYING PILL. I JLA I II IxrauM It la the only aafe and harmlaao Iw^F I remedy that will sorely BEAUTIFY the COMPLEXION clear the akin and remora all blowbe* from the face. Try a box and aee for year- self. M Cento a box. _ SOLO BY AU. DRUGGIST«. Or cent by mall span receipted prion by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., ♦04 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAI.. Fl entice acetifying pill* cur* vuoailpotloa Fr< miee Kectlfyiag pili. cure ooeaUpaUM PmntlM Wnetlfylog pllio e ire constipation Fr-nt -* r-ettfyle - t'rurwooe^^agea Should Take Advatage of its