East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, July 12, 1893, Image 3

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The Herald,
— —
rus i er *.
Of every dea
T he demands cf all sections of i
the country were greater than
President Cleveland was willing to!
take t le responsibility of opposing, I
liun,», H-tn.ey County, Orf gon.
uve orders Herald or Items ofTia*
ano’ in obedience to them he Im«
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
culled an extra session of Congress
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
to assemble on Monday, the 7th o I
ordr : ».
August. The plain facts appear to
|»ethat the disturban es of values
living in So|< iers I Ione s « t ,.t
—To Subscribers—The II ekau H ENVELOPES,
arising from the uncertainties of
the business situation grrw SO ' ■ c »st to themselves and are »•:ning and Rural Northwest both for the
7,7 i "i .i . 1 regular wages for the performance price of the H erald . . The Kuril!
... ...
at last |
. *• .»
alarming that
Mr Cleveland
ot manual labor, further investi Northwest is a good newsy pap*r
med to
was constrained.
— believe
--------- that
----- the 1
! gallon shows that, except m the devoted ti» the wants of the agri-
‘ unexpected contingencies necessi i
1 cases of those who draw pensions leullurist. Now is the i .me to pay
tatmg an earlier meeting of Con
under the act of LSiHI. nothing can up your arrears’ and one year in
gress," which he spoke of in ins
( be done to prevent a continuaueof advance and get an additional pa­
celebrated interview of June 5, had
. I this practice without new ligisl-- per in the bargain.
a i rived, The action ot the British1
■ tion.
It is evident th it the wh »ie
Oabinet-rraker nnd Cenerai Job Work:
government in India brought mat
system of pension laws,” remarked
ters to a crisis. Previous to that
a congressman who wus himself a W C BYRDS, W Y KING.
Renaming Wagons B’jjÿe Ect
startling event M r. Cleveland had
Union soldier, ’ are faulty ami in
manifested a firm determination to
All wo k «Ioni* neatlv and w»th dispitch.
need of a thorough revision, but 1
auhere to his original plan of call
have serious doubt« as to toe (»im­
•hums < irovo
ing Congress in September. After
age of Congress to make that re ,
the suspension of silver coinage in
visin' . Pensions have been used | We have at this n-i- for sale
India the President res» lutely
as lanital s»» long bv d» m »g'gues ,
(lined to speak further about lllr
that the people.it large wdl hav to| several productive a' ms, well im j
intentions until he should be pre
be educated oil 11.« s bje< t < » f-re th» 1 prov» <1 and well watered,
pared to act. and each of his cabi
pressure upon < » n¿ress b, c<>m s
net ofiiceis maintained similar si
Parties wishing t » p irehase cal
strong enough to compel action.
lei it
M h» n, however, he found I
I he preli minarv steps in this ed-, on us we will show them the land ‘
telegrams, letters, at.d petitions on |
ueational work me Being taken bv
i we have for sale, and parlies desir-
* I
hi.« table, not only from the Easi-1
jl *Æ O JCC lX£XXi.t
the administration in its endeavors 1 mg to dispose of real estate cannot
ern and Middle States, but also fnm '
to dear the roll of .Ilegal pensioner^ d() ^Her
l(| p()f ,1)ej|.
the South and even from some oi I
Later, the leviMon <>t the taws will »
* trilby cmuy,
the Northwest, urging that Con |
nr hands for sale, noemse v» ad
’ come in answer to a public »1--
gress be called together at the
vertise freely bv *et.d. lti circulars
earliest day possible to end the un I | in-<nd in which thousands of »»Id »
* soldiers will join, indeed, many of! and cards-in all dinetmns solicit­
certainty, he deterimned to delay
buns- Cpn
them have already done so. As ing purchasers and »! »'tilling
im longer, and the call was issued.
soon as pensions are entirely di »and.
Of course it is generally rec.g
vorced from partisan politic • justice '
hued that it Was tins demand tiom
will be done, alike to the taxpayer
| We will also buy I n.da for per­
every section of the country foi
and the old soldiers ”
Congressional action to relieve th«
sons wishing to port liase in
depressed condition of finances that
President < leveland was a r k » ‘i i county ami living
finally actuated the President, i
is generally fell also that Mr iti 1 he commi i »- i i barges of ine giving careful and accurate dis-
th- celebration >1
Cleveland’s message to Congress ' »»r< p »rations I
cripiion of the same, m ».« o the title.
» la * ing »
will emphasize the fact that tie ’Im ce'.itenniaI
financial situation demands firs» •orner stone • •! in» r. s c.î.. .i
Correspondence Sol ■
Hilding tod •.!»■ th- principi I or
attention, and that no other legis
E ast O iegox H ekv
lation should be considered untl iimn upon that »»••»•¡»si»>n, But
that problem is settled. There k Pr« sident ex urei « n> h :
lands tuli abou’ the date
ageneralbeliefth.it the purchas
1» VS IT 1»
clause of the biierman silver law •elei»ration—S»'pt i iii lier lrt—
t' as ir
will he repealed, but what coin
I f
I’he original and onlv Compound *
promise will be arranged to bring comply with tiiep- r» quest,
I reatmen’. that of Drs
tint about is altogether problemat Would glad I v make a
Palen. is a scienlifi»- d
teal. In all discussions of the mat introducing I be man t hev h id
jtistim nt of tne elements of Ox vgen
The Proprietor • ».’ the White Front Livery Stufile as­
ter there is almost entire unanimitv It eted to deliver Hie oration.
and Nitrogen magnetiz.-d; and tin
sure the public ih.it lie is prepared to accolti modats
am »ng men of all pirties that th»
in every way in hl* line ol business.
compound i* sociimiensed and made
President’« act in a once conven
¿flr**Huv and gram constantly ou hands, and careful help.
AMONG the fraudulent |ten«i<> >* portable that it is sent all over th»
log Congress was w.se and the <>nl\ ers whose dropping from th»- •■ »
• lung to do under the circum was officially approve»! this we k
Passenger- taken to all parts of the country. Joi» Wagon in connection
It ha« hewn in use f»»r over twentv
were eleven m< •» shown by th»- i - years; thousands of patients hav» .
Cue of the results of Mr. Cleve cords of the W»r Department o Been treated, and over one thmis
biml s call for an extra session was have been di sorters and who .» e
and physicians have used it ami
11- immediate departure from th»-, still deserters at large, one man recommend»d it—a very significant
vilv mi the short vacation he willj who never was ill the army at all. I
Dow allow himself. On the same several women who <?oiiti<ii|e<i n.
■‘Compound Oxvgen—Its Mod»
¡»it moon his proclamation was is draw willow’s pensions after ihev of Action amt Results,” is th»- ml ;
JOHNSON A BAILEY. Proprietors.
J he left for Buzzard’s Bav, i fiad married again. and one n»»tor of a book of 200 pages, published
Mas«., to
1 join Mrs Cleveland, and i<M“* prostitute 8 rely such as
t v Drs. Starkey <V Palen. which
h'’ "ill probably remain there the these have no business on “a roll of gives to all inquirer full informa
, honor ”
WiiKç. Lfo"nrs. Ci rars and Ciœamtts
''al a nee of this month. It is an-
tion as Io this remarkable curative
Good Billiard tables. Pleasant Card Room«, etc. etc.
I'om.ced that he will transact only
agent and a good record of surpris
• he most important and pressii g
Scientific American
ing cjres in a wide range of chron Saloni is first class in ever* particular. Experience I arte
Agency for
pu lie business while absent from i
ic ca«es—manv <»f them after being
Mixed drinks to please the most fastidirmi*.
abandoned to die bv other physi
' apiial, and it is assutn d tl a i
' *■ "'ll also prepare his mes«age to
Will be mailed free to any ad­
l ongress. The cabinet officer* are
dress on application.
L" getting away from Washington
1> rs . S tarbey Ar P alen ,
■»* ra|»idlv as possible for a bri- f
1529 Arch St . Philai elphia. Pa
120 Sutter St. San Francisco, Cal. i
"s', as they will have no opportu
mention the H ehai . p .
For tnformatlnn and free Handbook wntn tn
in that direction after Con-
•-'b *« convenes.
MUNN A CO- 3» 1 BhoAbWAT, Nt* YORK.
OWertburrao for »«curing patent» In America.
Rrery patent taken out by a» le brought before
lb« jrabuc by a nolle« given free of charge loth«
Should Take Advatage of its
^ritufific ^mcriraa
I nvestigation has brought out
'he fact that many men who i. re
drawing disability pensiona a.e
— a
Larreat etmilaUnn of any arlentifle paper In th"
world. Splen.lidly lllu«lr*te»l. No Intelligent
man »bonid be without It. Weekly, «3.00 a
year; lUIrtl month* A Mreee llCNN A CO.
ruBUAUKWi. 31» 1 Broadway, New York Qty.
J j.ns
»» (X (k MK ” «llTHlll- MM
Curs r»r I’ll»«. / 10 *1.
[hi ICC et «or mH,I. SsmpS»
,. 2 Z K nX l>rrs*.
J I ■■ ■■ ViK*
lurk Ui*
S 3
1; I