¡M*KM The Herald, WEDNESDAY JULY 12. 18!3. W.C. BYKD — — I □»PRICE’S i ILI, HEADS, rus i er *. CARD •AMERCAIN" EAGLE JOB OFFiCE Of every dea evry T he demands cf all sections of i roprieim the country were greater than ♦ ♦ President Cleveland was willing to! take t le responsibility of opposing, I liun,», H-tn.ey County, Orf gon. uve orders Herald or Items ofTia* ano’ in obedience to them he Im« The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. I PAMPHLETS, culled an extra session of Congress Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. T»oN to assemble on Monday, the 7th o I ordr : ». LETTER HEAD-, NOTE HEAD August. The plain facts appear to |»ethat the disturban es of values ?**? living in So|< iers I Ione s « t ,.t —To Subscribers—The II ekau H ENVELOPES, STATIATE arising from the uncertainties of the business situation grrw SO ' ■ c »st to themselves and are »•:ning and Rural Northwest both for the 7,7 i "i .i . 1 regular wages for the performance price of the H erald . . The Kuril! ... ... at last | ‘ . *• .» alarming that Mr Cleveland I ot manual labor, further investi Northwest is a good newsy pap*r med to was constrained. — believe --------- that ----- the 1 ! gallon shows that, except m the devoted ti» the wants of the agri- ‘ unexpected contingencies necessi i 1 cases of those who draw pensions leullurist. Now is the i .me to pay tatmg an earlier meeting of Con under the act of LSiHI. nothing can up your arrears’ and one year in gress," which he spoke of in ins ( be done to prevent a continuaueof advance and get an additional pa­ celebrated interview of June 5, had ... ... . I this practice without new ligisl-- per in the bargain. r . a i rived, The action ot the British1 ■ tion. It is evident th it the wh »ie Oabinet-rraker nnd Cenerai Job Work: government in India brought mat system of pension laws,” remarked ters to a crisis. Previous to that a congressman who wus himself a W C BYRDS, W Y KING. Renaming Wagons B’jjÿe Ect startling event M r. Cleveland had Union soldier, ’ are faulty ami in manifested a firm determination to All wo k «Ioni* neatlv and w»th dispitch. need of a thorough revision, but 1 auhere to his original plan of call have serious doubt« as to toe (»im­ •hums < irovo ing Congress in September. After age of Congress to make that re , the suspension of silver coinage in I visin' . Pensions have been used | We have at this n-i- for sale (le India the President res» lutely as lanital s»» long bv d» m »g'gues , (lined to speak further about lllr that the people.it large wdl hav to| several productive a' ms, well im j intentions until he should be pre be educated oil 11.« s bje< t < » f-re th» 1 prov» <1 and well watered, pared to act. and each of his cabi pressure upon < » n¿ress b, c<>m s net ofiiceis maintained similar si Parties wishing t » p irehase cal strong enough to compel action. AND— lei it M h» n, however, he found I I he preli minarv steps in this ed-, on us we will show them the land ‘ telegrams, letters, at.d petitions on | ueational work me Being taken bv i we have for sale, and parlies desir- * I hi.« table, not only from the Easi-1 jl *Æ O JCC lX£XXi.t the administration in its endeavors 1 mg to dispose of real estate cannot ern and Middle States, but also fnm ' to dear the roll of .Ilegal pensioner^ d() ^Her l(| p()f ,1)ej|. ’ the South and even from some oi I Later, the leviMon <>t the taws will » * trilby cmuy, the Northwest, urging that Con | nr hands for sale, noemse v» ad ’ come in answer to a public »1-- gress be called together at the vertise freely bv *et.d. lti circulars earliest day possible to end the un I | in-1 Cleveland’s message to Congress ' »»r< p »rations I cripiion of the same, m ».« o the title. » la * ing » will emphasize the fact that tie ’Im ce'.itenniaI financial situation demands firs» •orner stone • •! in» r. s c.î.. .i Correspondence Sol ■ Hilding tod •.!»■ th- principi I or attention, and that no other legis I’fcjwietor. E ast O iegox H ekv lation should be considered untl iimn upon that »»••»•¡»si»>n, But that problem is settled. There k Pr« sident ex urei « n> h : lands tuli abou’ the date ageneralbeliefth.it the purchas 1» VS IT 1» clause of the biierman silver law •elei»ration—S»'pt i iii lier lrt— t' as ir he conili t he commit! e n.»l will he repealed, but what coin I f I’he original and onlv Compound * promise will be arranged to bring comply with tiiep- r» quest, Oxvgon I reatmen’. that of Drs . I» shoit sp< tint about is altogether problemat Would glad I v make a Starkey it Palen. is a scienlifi»- d teal. In all discussions of the mat introducing I be man t hev h id jtistim nt of tne elements of Ox vgen The Proprietor • ».’ the White Front Livery Stufile as­ ter there is almost entire unanimitv It eted to deliver Hie oration. and Nitrogen magnetiz.-d; and tin sure the public ih.it lie is prepared to accolti modats am »ng men of all pirties that th» in every way in hl* line ol business. compound i* sociimiensed and made President’« act in a once conven ¿flr**Huv and gram constantly ou hands, and careful help. AMONG the fraudulent |ten«i<> >* portable that it is sent all over th» log Congress was w.se and the <>nl\ ers whose dropping from th»- •■ » world. • lung to do under the circum was officially approve»! this we k Passenger- taken to all parts of the country. Joi» Wagon in connection It ha« hewn in use f»»r over twentv stances. were eleven m< •» shown by th»- i - years; thousands of patients hav» . Cue of the results of Mr. Cleve cords of the W»r Department o Been treated, and over one thmis biml s call for an extra session was have been di sorters and who .» e and physicians have used it ami 11- immediate departure from th»-, still deserters at large, one man recommend»d it—a very significant vilv mi the short vacation he willj who never was ill the army at all. I fact. Dow allow himself. On the same several women who rs . S tarbey Ar P alen , CAVEAT*, TRADE MARKS, ■»* ra|»idlv as possible for a bri- f 1529 Arch St . Philai elphia. Pa DESICN RATKNT8, 120 Sutter St. San Francisco, Cal. i COPYRIGHTS, etcJ "s', as they will have no opportu Please mention the H ehai . p . For tnformatlnn and free Handbook wntn tn in that direction after Con- Powder FC. •-'b *« convenes. MUNN A CO- 3» 1 BhoAbWAT, Nt* YORK. OWertburrao for »«curing patent» In America. Rrery patent taken out by a» le brought before lb« jrabuc by a nolle« given free of charge loth« Should Take Advatage of its ^ritufific ^mcriraa I nvestigation has brought out 'he fact that many men who i. re drawing disability pensiona a.e — a Larreat etmilaUnn of any arlentifle paper In th" world. Splen.lidly lllu«lr*te»l. No Intelligent man »bonid be without It. Weekly, «3.00 a year; lUIrtl month* A Mreee llCNN A CO. ruBUAUKWi. 31» 1 Broadway, New York Qty. J j.ns »» (X (k MK ” «llTHlll- MM 8 Curs r»r I’ll»«. / 10 *1. [hi ICC et «or mH,I. SsmpS» ,. 2 Z K nX l>rrs*. A¡8.’> J I ■■ ■■ ViK* lurk Ui* JSKjfl S 3 i MR 1; I • I » .