Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1891)
—Johnny 8week is still very talking visionary schemes, and ex sick. citing a community through idle —The ad of Tom Anderson our curiosity, confirm the statement we city butcher appears in thia issue. have given. •1 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14. 1W1. HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Official County Paper. —Messrs. Hughet and Anderson of the bpringer neighborhood are in town to day. —the H erald will take wixxl. wheat and vegetables on subscrip tion. Local News. —Cal Geer isexpected home, this —F. M. Jordan has sold his t >wn week. property and will, in a few days, —Mr. Steward of Beaver creek is move to his ranch at baddie Butte. in town this week. —Chas. Anderson desires all par —Notice the ad of E. B. Reed, ties owing him hotel bills to settle proprietor of the Burns Hotel, in the sime immediately and save cost. A-29 this issue. Y —We are informed tlv.t Dr. Em- —P. F. Stenger’s family have returned from their mountain bree, who has been visiting friends in Dalias and vicinity and the State ranch. Fair has returned home. —F or S ale —Forty-five or fifty —A supply uf children’s douet head of good stock horses, cheap for cash. Inquire of M. R. Biggs flannel waists at <50 cent, black wool tiose at 40 cents, and infants for particulars. S-16 Isiotees at 2.5 cents to be found at —Later news, from the mining the Milliner Store. very encouraging. Harney —The Prince of Wales has an in is nearly depopulated,and the excite rnent in our town has in no way come of one million dollars from the British public, besides the abated. queen gives him, an annual allow —Persons knowing themselves in ance of one quarter if that amount. debted to Smith A Richardson for It takes lots of cash to keep up meat will please call and se’tle be these roval chaps, but the ghoul fore the 20th of this month. At deis of the common people and that time all unpaid accounts will be laborers are broad and their ignor put into the hands of an officer for ance. of what- constitutes equality, immediate collection. 0-14 and a freeman, astonishing. —The Saloon of Lewis A Rich —We take the privelege of cor ardson is a very popular resort j recting reeling an item, f,„.„ v‘. from the Burns They are courteous, polite business ’ oorrespondent, published I in the men, and keep constantly behind Harney Times, •■egarding Mrs. Cow the bar for their customers, the ings’ sickness. Her case, accord best of liquors ana cigars. ing to the diagnosis of Dr. Marsden, was unquestionably one of typhoid —Stockmen can now get honest fever. She was confined to her lied weights bv shipping or selling stock 32 days. 22 days of that time in a at Huntington. The 0. C. Co. hav precarious condition, and is now ing just completed oneof Fairbanks only able to walk across the floor Stock Scales, and arranged a large —We learn through the Canyon corral for the purpose. Certified City News that a tough, named Joe weights given. 4-24 I Hooker, isnow in the Grant coun —Judge Pipes has issued an order ty jail for stabbing John requiring, the 0. P. Railroad, to ham, at Waterman Flat Grant pav the employes, out of the earn county. a few days since. The ings of the road, and also ordered I stabbing was done in consequence Col. T. E. Hogg to appear on or be of Cunningham having defended, fore Oct. 20 and show cause why he a short tune previously, a boy, should not be removed on the from the cowardiv assalt of Hooker. ground that he had not obeyed the I The wounded man is in a serious I previous order of the court in pay condition. ing the employes. W. H. GASS, P ropri rro*, Best quality of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, A Verdict of Suicide. ALWAYS ON HAND. The inquest at Union over the re mains of Mrs. J. C.Sommers result I MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY ed in a verdict of Buicide. The mystery surrounding the ease is gVGentlemanly courtesy extended to all. Call and see me. creating much comment, and there are some who do not accept the sui cide theory, as they cannot con ceive how Mrs. Sommers managed to tie her hands behind her back and drown herself in the six inches of mud and water near her house. The testimony was to the effect «^■bDEALERS , that she had arisen to get ureakfast and Mr. Sommers went down town DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, after steak. When he returned her STATIONARY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES laxly had been discovered. There A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACO, CIGARS ETC. were no ¡narks on her person, nor no evidence of a struggle. Mrs. Sommers’ daughter was driven Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical Purposes. nearly frantic by grief.—East Ore ^^Prescriptions accurately compounded. gonian. We intend to collect ail outstand ing accounts and notes uue within the next 30 days and expect all in debted to ns to be prepared to set tle up. N. B rown . Burns, Sept. 30. 1891. & G un miih Reparing a Speciality. FISHING TACKLE A SPORTING GOODS. NO I K’K. All licences, city and poll taxes now de'inqm-nt in the town <>f Bm ns not paid bv Oct 15 will be colli cted by levy and sale. So to save cost call .at the office of M. R. Biggs and settle at once. W W. J ohnson . | City Marshal, Plumbing and Pipefitting. ALSO DEALER IN Burns Oregon. I'<»r Over Fifty Yearn. L EG A L A D V E RT I SE M ENTS. \ n <»L” ani > W ell T hird R kmbdy .—Mrs. Wiialuwa huuthing a » rup I ihn been uaeti fur over fifty years bvnHIHunsuf mo: here lortiieir children wh.av teething, with perfect sucres«, NOTICE TO CREDITORS: it a .»ihraihe c hild, aofle a the kuiiir . h II h *« Nolireto hereby given that the umleraigne«l h ' i pain, < urcR vvi ‘ ’iii vuH<. _ hu <I d la the be ri rein- . ‘ hna been appointed a lmiiiiatrH rix »»f ihe vr e<i\ f.»r . I DiHfrhecva. *__ t_____ „ h r pvhrhii ____ ___ I to ____ the taste. taie of CalHhill M. < ahi .»eh, <ie< e«Re<l. by the S«>ld by bruggia a in pari uf tLj the world. 1 ever ___ , - ounty ( «tun ot Hart ev euiinly, < ivgun, and Twenty ----- -live “ < etna h bottle, tta value ia Incalc u- all peiR.ii a having < Isitna agaji b mil<i vaiate lable be sure and hr U for Mra Winslow’« are hereby notified preaeii1 ihe Rime, prop Soothing Syrup, and take* no other kilt I. Cornatili*’ ti< n Cuied. erly verified, hr requited bv law, lu me fur al- ' lovvatK e. hi buri a. liarnev e. univ, state uf , Oregon vvi bin Rix immihR iron* thia «in e. NOTICE. A obi phvaician, retired from practice have baled thia -7th day of July, A D i.xu ing had plat ed in hia hands bv hu East ,indv Notice la hereby given that on the l.Mh dav of M any «' ald ■ ell . Miaaioitar\ the* formula of a aiinn.ei ege abia Admiiiia rairix, M h i >9I, i tippuinirl ihe («»lluwiiu named per- remedy fur the speed* and pennanen' cure of BottB tieput) si.»« k IUBpvriorBof ilarnev ruunty: Conaumption. Broil« hide. < a'arrh. Aahtna ami A W. Waters, attorney. J'.hn Bridge, ol Crane ( reek: HarriB<»ii bea- «11 Throat and I ting affe< Ho' a hr h punitive vt ar«i uf Ida nond; V\ M. Hoy a" of Mik er Creek and radii al cure h r Nervous |»eoilitv tpid nil F. G. B utne of Emigrant Creek; George Mur« NOTKK. NervoiiR CoinnlnuuR. after havi e d a ed Ila gan, of Drew noy. wonderful «lira ivr p.iweia in thouaanda of in the Circuit Court of the Hi aie of Oregon, Thoi. O. DuimoN, caavR. has fel’ it his durv t. make It known to Stock hmpeetoruf linnet county. for Harney < uuutv hia fellow auffering fellow a. .V ttimed bv thia motive and a desire'o relieve human Buffering Geo W liavea,, Cl 1 A I ION. I n ill sc d. free of < harge, to all who tieaire it, va. / >uniniuia. • this recipe, in • «Timin. French, . r Eugliah, ('urneliliR How aid,’ Tu nil heir erediterà hih I uthera inlerca’vd in wnh full directioi r for uaeing sent bv mail To t oriieiiuit Howard, defendant. the I hr * Will hii '1 Testament «4 W. p Galva da addressing with s amp, lmming this paper In lie name of the siate of < treguii. < eaae«i ami the Ea Hie there««!: . A. W. Noves, s-U Bowers’ Block. Rochester You are hereby auininoited and t equi red to Ttike noth e iH h I ihe Exe« nt«>r K O. Ga’ra lief X. Y. appear and aiiawer the t oinp alm fi«e». a^uiiiat ihm i.av file«! Ina Fit a! Ar«« unt In Ihe n anef pm in the aix»\e entitled aciiuii hi i lie a bote uí Mu h Ì R*RtcHii«l hy unter »>f aanie da e ihn entitled Cuurl, upon i he fiiai << h > of Ihe text II«. h . ( uiinty Cuiirt of the Mate »»I or«*guii fc.f Dissolut ion of l*ai*tìi«*rshi|). regular term, after ¡he expira lull »«f the period Hart ev r. unit lit a n |> im il lr«l the ¡u t av «.f allowed for (lie puoi! ail. n uf ihia Nolit e, tu- N.»verni er >‘H hi a ivgiilar term ul mid < i uri wit .on the 2« t It oav «4 • n tuber, 1M>*. •.» le huhivn in nii « i f» r Ilari ex (’» hi tv ah ta* will take Noti« ethal If »»»i* fail a.» ludo, RHh . hr tlie ’line hu d p h » e of hcHriny anine. Bv mutual consent the co part the YuU pibini iff w ill. for v'am thereof, »ike jndg- iheref. re ent un anld tiav fl v » I je<- nership heretofore existing Ifetween mem agait at >uu fortheaum of | m *. .. i.h the ti<»i »I r ’peHi if nii \ exiR vv hv t he pin • ei « f the I* let ul- further aun.a ot interra, accruing interval » <.r r »e «epuii HUproie« i-e ««..i not gra gru ieri le>i rhe rejh>ii HUpnne« the I a- J. II. Jordan ami II M Horton and < oB a io ite ihxco . ’été'', :*r< periv d ri r ril»iBe«l il>ii’e<l a«>«oi<Htg i ’’te • arri, Red, h«* hvpr.periv kDown as the firm of Jordan A Hor Thiaaiiininona ia published by . rd» r of the t. he mil. i h«* RHiue be «»nerv« Hl « tilt* FRiit Hu . jaines A. «re. one of the jii’.gva of the F.xe«ut*»r «<la barge« fr» tn the GUtha . f hi« J. II. alMve ton. is this day dissolved entiied Court,uf uateihe 7tn oa\ »4 Sep ma hih I hia >»«» < amei re eaied tn tn fun het lin. Hit* III i he premia* a. The Jiiisiness is lemt’er, imu . Jordan retiring I n i e and da ed at Burna ihe 9th dav «if p- T hohnton W illiams ./ Aihrie's how under the managepieut and and UBO W. II ayir , in peiautil f« r P.aimtff lem ber 1*91 Bv .»nieruf the C«»urf Wm. Miller ( 'ou nt y owned by II. M. ilor’ou.-who is re Judge. H (> GATEM, Kxriutor. sponsible for all debts of the timi T. W illiams Attorney. pttinful accident last evening. In going down the little grade on the hill north of town driving four I ftorse« to a wagon, upon wliicli • here were three or four logs used for moving buildings; he gathered tip the lines, and threw his foot for ward so as to brace himself in or der to more easily control his team —there living no brake on the wag Sheriffs Sale on—just at the time the logs upon up to date and all bills an I ac -MVe want everybody to know which hi was setting lurched to counts, due the firm will tie collect And Order of Foreclosure of Me SHERIFF’S SALE tha' there is lots of hay in Harney one side and his foot was caught ed and receipted for bv him. By vlrtueof * warrant iMuarlontuf tbet'nan- I chanics Lien. county for sale cheap.—and that r between the logs and tire of the Dated Octoiier 3, 1891 tt * olio of llia state<<«Orvit<<n L.r Ibe coiimy By virtue of an Execution «mi order of «ale «t Ita -Ile» to inr ii I hm -U h I < ..nniiaiKltii« me IO J. H. JORDAN, Cleveland will be our next Presi i wheel, scalping the heel on both f.,r ihefore, I- «lire of a Mechanha lieu, laauod lev» <>niheK<MHla ami < balte a. ,t iliei.elli.quell» H. M. H orton . ,.ut ttf tbe Circuit Court of Ihe Slate of Ore«,.it. taxpayerxun thè uellnqueut io rull, f. r s< h,.<4 dent.—that then we will have good sides to the bone. He was brought f..r llaruey Count». oil ihe -i«h oav <.f Jub A. Inani! Nu 16. <>f liane' <<umt ! iem>n l.r times.—that Campbell will beat I back to town and Dr Marsden D. 1*91. upon a dev ree rendered In aald Court Ibe >ear 1*90 there'o aitai beri ami If mr 1« thè reai |>r..perii aa a<-i toriI» I ami entered of rev-oni on the .Mn da< of Ma< A. L.uml ihe>> Mckinlev in Ohio, for governor — dressed the wound placing the flesh I> Isui, io a caiiae therein |wmllu« wherein, auil deaerllieii In ihe aitici tirili quei > io r< il <>r a-i mmh thereol na ahall mi aie Ihe timiii.» I E. H Kill« 1« p.ali.llff and John M that the Earnifrs’ Alliance is mak of the heel back where it properly Sworia ami Glen W. Miller, partner, aa Swore uf talea ! haraetl iheretn '„iiaiber alili i.a* ami expenaw ing the Republicans feel upward tielonged. A Miller, «nd J. L. .»in. Defemlknia .««Itl de Mr. Whiting is resting I ha ve nuly levled. hav Ina been unaMe fini« tieiiiK In f«v..r ..! aaLi P.dniilf «ml atralnai There will be a dance at the cree for the ground.—that. N. Brown and easv to dav, and the doctor says he raid Defendant« for Ihe ail in of II.e liuinired any «»sia and t bau e.a. le < tigli « i<< ihe re- altee live • e.liiqnen a herelu Ber tiametl. li| >>n Lawen School House on the even and forty four and 7-v-tuU dollar, (A'lH 74-IW| A. Robbins will s»x>n have their sup will finally recover the use of his ami Intele«i ihereon at a per vein per «iiitum ihe «..ilttwliia Ut a« 11 lieti peli t a or parve a of ing of Oct. 23. lami aa rei h.nh In aald >ax Hai li in» ami I eli g ply of fall and winter goods.—that foot but it will l>e some time Imfore from the .«th <>«v of Mav A. D l«9l. «ml for the Oregon deai rllssl and forech «tire of ■ Meehauit ■ Hen of >i«ie the .»th In Ilari.ev ...... .. they will sell cheap for cash.—that he will be able to move around as aeaaeti na follo« a dav of itet«tiler A. I>. H'.ai and duh flied for < haa «ione N WHee. 10 Tp UL H II record oil Ihe Mid .»ih dae of December A. D. the soil around ihe Lakes beats the usual. GOOD FLOOR A PLENTY OF Iswi. | *1 "0 wilb Ihe County Clerh of llarnej county ».‘3 h W M A. e. rpnrliM-b s‘, SW1. See. » Tp H world for large beets, turnips, cab O.exoii.the Mid lien belli« in favor of E H. ROOM. R . .1, E. W M ! V.nO Kina the auove named Pla.nilff and aaal-iat I bage. potatoes etc.,—and last but l'rawh.rd ollllani SW1. See 16 Tu. '.6 a John Mahon. M. Sw..r a ami Ulen W. Mlllerp^rt R .k E W M. r aa »«or*« A Miller, and J I. sl'ilbealstve not least, that evervbixiy should Excellent music by Till (•laze net« Ami oli sainnlay thè »lai dar of OrlolarT À7 named Defeu iaica and up»u that t ereln larae two and one hall B.ory wooden dwelling h.,uae. l> IX'l al Ihe h..iir of tuo u’el.n b P M . I «aiti take the S emi -W eekly H erald . and Chas Byrd. Rich gold mines have l»een struck now nn.m ihe ». u< beast quarter of the Sor.h dav ai Ihe front «i.airof thè i ouri hoiiee al Btir. a east quarter of section tweniv (Jtj in Township in Ilari.ev roani > and siale of ore«, n. I »14 —We have received a full report on the head of trout creek, in this Iwen -eight (is; South ol Range i h.rt, five (x’tj aell ihe ai-uve dea. rii e<l reai .alale ai pili 11« John Committee on licitatimi. Ess. W M . I. Ing and tieing In llartiet counit i am flou lo the hlalit ai hhl.ier for t aah. rui)t.| of the proceedings of the Irrigation countv The strike is situated 15 Oregon, ami directing me to sell said dwe.llng lo redempiluu loMiiafy Mid warrant,r. a a and Byrd Rolierts at Harney, Chas a< rrulqa wai. and lend« to Mliaf' Mid det reeas mav Iw congress published in th? Irrigation miles from Harney and, we guess Now. !h<.reL<re. I will offer and aril Mid land september M et A D Invi Burns, and R A. Hendricks Law- ami Age, and Western Empire. Tne A A Coitati, dwelling h-.uac to-wlt Thai .enaJti large 18 miles north east of Burns. The en Khenffof Itameli vunt> Or<«,.n. t ar.,and one naif s<ory vto-tden dwelling h..uae, resolution to which we object, in the sliuaied up.n the doulh.aal quarter of Ihe Northeast quarter of Sevdlon tweniv (ud in piNAL PROOF: platferm and that we are satisfied excitement here has run up to fever Towt.ahip iwent, eight (-••, South of Haug« «TOCK BRANDE. leaves an opening fora big steal bv heat” and the people of Harney are thirt>-ilvefail] E W M containing forty acres . U K I, awd O ffic «. at Rurna, Orrjrun, Ort«»«e^ Hardin A Riley, rattle branded V< nleft a de lying ami twi..« in Harney tounlv Oregon. Io b, I mb I, * rich '-orporation, ist: Resolved— actually wild We were told that Hurae brand - left «loe. r u. buna, Oregon gather with all and «insular the leneinenia, N«H|re «a hereby «Iren that the n. re.iliamrms and appiir.eiiam'. a tliereunto named aetilerhaa That this Congress is in favor of the night following the discovery n»rfl«r»»f Lia lntrnih»f| IteL.ngiugj.r in any mai.nrr apper alnlug and j c Foley. <‘.,tle on rtyht .Me all their right, title in'ervsi and cs ale therein fu make final pr.»uf in aupp.»n »»f hia « alm. a« <> franti g in trust, upon such con tha aald nr»*uf will be mane tiefur»* tbt I'.eg atee> persons were staking claims all llorw brand = <»' lef’ •!> or ihereto which the Defends a. John Mah..n. arvl Receiver ai Buri a. <Jreff.»n mi «..vrnilra ditions as shall serve the public in-i William. A Willi.m..<attl. brand. CH on lef M snorts aud Ulen W. Miler, pertnete aa. right «Mto F. O. Riley Saoria A Mlll-t and J L. Sil« had on the -41 h U, kai. via , tefvrt, to the States and Territories night long We hope the re|»oit is biZ tt'rmi brand. Mm» % Oterton correct and that there is millions of llorm. branded r( on left mtfle < nttle brand day oMwcember A l> 1«M. for eaah Io the high Pre. DR. No Mil. f.»r Ihe IU HP». Mer Î . NT. est b'dtter at public auciioa at Ihe front hrarof needful of irrigation, all lands now sec. 14, NWNW% eee 11. Tp JI M R h the precious stuff “come at-able ’ «1 I ( on left bib Merlon Huny.rd, PO Bnrn, the Court h..uae. iu the town of Burna, liarnev NM« K W M. * part of the public domain within «nle diamond<>n left hip; horannCV on lef evunty Oregon, cvmmenelng on Thnradav Ihe We feel assured that we are not .h < .older. | He uatnra ibe fuJIuwing w Ü i » m « r •» pimy Chsrlen H Voe«tler. Hum. Dragon l.'gh dav of October A. D 1S»I. at J o'elov b F [ ’uch States and Territoriea, except hia «-..nih U. I.. rraManr e upon and « olth ad. h i remled r >n (hoolder. mill, f M of aald day ing mineral lands, for the purpose overrating the fact of rich diggings on ri«hthip. la witneM whereof. 1 have bereoato set my ..f, m M land v s J a ir ear Parker. A W «up. P O. Lawe.Or. I era. Peter Clem « ne and A A ReInemin. «I. at the place mentioned for old min H. om brand R M A <>n Hendrick.. hand ibtoiMh day of Ausuet A. D iwi left «inraldcr. • no ihrae developing irrigation, to render A A lost««. • Kuri.a <>re««»n ers and men, — of ---------- sense - and - j udg«- ~ .in .hereof triangle, enttl. bran<tedMm. I J II HI NTIXGTON. Realaur. Sheriff of llaraey county. Oregon the lands now arid fertile and capa t who are nut in the habit of g. x. urv«t bnrneor. ( mei.t, --------- ble of supporting a population. H ay and P asture —Hav for sale with pasture gratis. Marion Bun yard, six miles south of Burns, of fers to sell from 150 to 300 tons ot hay at three dcllais a ton with good pasture thrown in. The pasture is sufficient without feeding any hay until deep snow. He also offers the privelege of feeding on the premises. Water plenty. I GOLD! GOLD!!