Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1891)
Semi-Weekly Herald, Board of Trade. —Dr. Horton’s dental office is at BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. the City Drug Store. A-12 All persons feeling an interest in SATURDAY AUGUST 15.1891. —We have received the informa the growth and welfare of the coun tion that Wellsand Fargo, will soon AS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY establish an express office in our ty, are invited to attend at the NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. JORDAN A- HORTON,............................................. Proprietors. town. church, in Burns, August 29, 1891, —New Stock of Glass, Putty, and if possible, organize a Board of Local News Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. Trade, and devise ways and means I « _^S.DEA1.ERS 1N. s ^_ j —Now is the time to get your No charge for cutting glass if vou of properly advertising the resources DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI J-l ental work done, before cold weath- buy of me and opportunities of the county. CINES, STATIONARY. DIAMOND LYES, ( HO1C. E FER- —Della Byerly was thrown from Every other comity in the state is r. A-12 FUMES «V FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBAGO, ETC. —Notice the new ad of Jordan a horse on Thursday afternoon and attracting the attention of home I t Horton, City Drug Store, m this shook up considerably, but no bones seekers from abroad, and none more j broken. Fine Wines,& Liquors fcr Medical Purposes. 3sue. advantageously situated than Har —M rs. Dodson, of Bidwell, mother —For a cigar that you will take Prescriptions accurately compounded. pleasure in smoking, at Jor- of Thos. Dodson of our town, is ney county. We have more arable i visiting friends here, and on Silver lands awaiting settlement than any A-12 Ian & Horton’s. Creek. I other county in Eastern Oregon; —Several parties from Diamond —A. Wintermier of Siivies valley but who knows it outside of the alley arc in town to day on land B URNS BUTCHER SHOP. called on us tins morning. He re comparative few now located here? business. MARTIN BYERLEY - Proprietor. ports the hay crop of the valley a J —An excellent quality of ma ! It looks like selfishness on the part chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware very heavy yield. —In buying goods and groceries j of those here, to remain silent and Store for $1 a gallon. inactive longer. Let the world ■ —Daddy Fry is now furnishing .it the railroad, if you want fair deal ing and your moneys worth, buy of know of the wonderful innge and ■urtown with green fruit from the the O. C. Company. farm lands of this county, 106001 John Day country. —A special school meeting will square miles of territory inonopo ■ I —Parties wishing dental work he held at the school house, on lized by 2500 men women and 1 done can pay part ii. wood or farm Saturday 22 inst. The object is to children all told. Let us organize! Full weight given. Good heif or the block. Mutton, pork, Kroducts, to H. M. Horton, Dent vote a tax to enlarge our school and advertise. venison and game, when on the maket. ist A-12 building. I —Dr. Hugh Boyd left Burns this —Mrs. M. A. Fry is preparing to, LEG A L A D V E RTI SEM E N TS. morning, on the Ontario stage, tor again, open to the public, her res his home in Georgia. taurant. We learn it is to be under ¡ NOTICE. JBurns SPhctgrash Grallcrv, a —Team for sale—A span oi the management of her two daugh Notice iB hereby given that on lhe 15th dav of May Is ’ J l, I appointed lhe follow iii^r named per horses, vouug, well broke to driv< ters Mesdames Morrell and Allen. suns deputy >ioc k 1 uspectuiBuf llarnvx c «.uni \ : John bridge, oi < retie < reek; Hnriis»»n >cu- both single and double and to th« W. H. CANADAY — The deputy sheriff' of Lake war<i of Diam«)nd; W. M. hoga** uf HherCicek P roprietor . fuddle. Call at this office. F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor county reported, while here, that gan, of Drew Bey. I —If you are hunting a resort. Ira Venator is under $500 bonds I Thus. G. Doi> ron . Stock Inspector of Harney c «.uniy. Where the best brands of liquors to appear at the next circuit court o—o teer and cigars are constantly oi of Lake county, lieis charged with NOTICE TO CREDITORS: land, step right in to the Saloon ul the larceny of cattle. Notice to hereby given the umieraigiied has been appointed administra nx «»f the • s- J. H. Fine. late of Calahill M. Caldwell, < rc vsed. by ¡he —C. \\ . Jones and Gus Rembokl Court of Harnev c«.unt\,< reg.»n, iml —Joe Wooley, riving five nrile- are in town to day. The former in county Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates all pers.>i s having claims agait b < Baid cstale lortheast of Burns, advertises oats forms us of the loss by fire of the are hereby notified Io piesem lhe seme. pi. p- furnished at reduced rates. £®“(iive me a call. verified, as requited by law, to me for al it 14 cents per lb . as fine a quality blacksmith shop, t« ols and catpen- erly lowance. at 1 mis Harnev <•« untv. stale of vvi bin six months horn 1 his date. if oats as ever grew in any eoun ter tools, coal and quite a lot of Oregon Baled this -7ih day of July, A l> iM'l. ry. A-12 M ary C ald ill . hardwood on the L. F. Ranch 10 Adimuisiratrix, hir Over I’lfi.v Yearn. —The Saloon of Lewis & Rich miles south of this place. A. W. Waters, attorney. AH THEREi A n Oiz> ani > W ell -T hird R emedy . —Mrs rdson is having a good run. and Wii Blow ’ s s«»«»i hing rup hnn been used for —That editor o er in the Items Notice to (TrdiioiN. over fifty v emu bv mlllioiiHof moi hers for their What Bargans At thy? Because thev are gentleman office told us Friday morning, that In the matter of Swar s & Millet, Insolvent children while teething, with perfect success Itsrothvsthe < hihi, softetis inc guina. alhi n v fellows and keep the best liquors, a boy had been thrown from a race Debtors. To whom it may concern: The undersigned f i 'i pain, < tin s \v imi t «die. and is the I t st rein R. C. GEER’S; icer and cigars v for l>iarrhe<va. s pleasant l«> the taste horse fifteen feet in tfie air, the even hereby gives notice tliui *>n the .. U < ih \ «»f Ma», ed 1H91, ZwariB A; Miller. i:iB.»lvent debtoia, «»f Har sold by hruggie s in even pari of the world. MANUFACTURED & DEALER —Parties indebted to me are re- mg before, coming down with the ney County, stale t>f Oregon, ma-.e. executed T »vents-five < cuts a bott le. its \ a tie Hint ale u i IN ALL KINDS OF Inb’v. Be sure anti ask for M's Winslow’s I inested to settle immediately. Iam velocity of a canon ball, mid the anil delivered to lhe undersigned iheir c ermiu Soothing I Syrup, and lake no other kind. deed of assignment, coin ey mg alliheir pr.p- ping away from Burns the first o< mly injury he received was a scare. erty, both real ami peiR.Hial in irus . for lhe TINWARE. benefit of their c redit, is. N.»w,, a>i <« liMumi ti« ii Cui eb. leptember and must have an im We don t vouch for the truithfulness such credii. rR and oiherB interested in raid A old physician, retired from practice, hav Tinware repaired. estate are hereby notified lo present their bediate settlement. if this piece of news claims and demands agaii s sain is ate. pr. p- ing had pla< ed in his hands bv an East Imiia J. W. A shford , m . d . eriy verified, as by law required, at lhe «.fii< e . f MiBBi««nar\ the formula of a simple vegetable Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and —G. C. Duncan left at this office underHigned. in buker city, Ore.4«>n, wi.h remedy fur lhe speedv ami permanent cure of C«>iiRUinpli«>n, l«r..m hi'is. Catarrh. As hma and Sporting Goods. —Everv tiring in the hardwan three -amples of wheat which are lhe in three months fr«>m the publication hereof all Threat ami I ting affe« li«n a a r .« a p. sitive ine, received at Geer’s last week very tine, two varieties of club wheat Dateci June I1.«. IMH. C W J ames , Assignee. and ra«ii< al cure f«r Nervous Debility and all I Nervous <’«»mn an r , alter haviig h r rd in Iranite ware. Machine oil, Meehan one with a short plump head and wonderful curative poweis m ihotisands of; B urns O regon chavr , has fell it his aiilv t«> make it known to ;s tools, Mowing machines, all j meshes very close together the oth F inal proof : his fellow sufiering fe.lovv r . Actuated bv this inds of harvesting tools, cheaper er a much longer heatT with the LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, .11 LY i\e and a Uvsiic 1«» relieve human Buffering 1 w ill Re •«!, free of charge, I«» all vvh«> moire it, W). ban dirt, for cash. meshes not so close, the third is a Notice is herehv given that the foll«>vving- this re< ipe, in German. French, or English, naineti settler has fi t .I notice of his intention will full «ilrec ti«»i r f< r uaeii g st lit b\ mail —Stockmen can now get honest fall wheat with long heads and well : to GREAT NOVELTIES make finai proof in support of Ins < laini and addrt Bring w it h s amp, i aming I his paper A W. Noyes, b’.O Povvera’ Block, Rochester, liiat said nr«M»i will b< mu ie before the Rcgis- tilled. In fact all three varieties ’eights bv shipping or selling stock er und Rec eiver, at Bun r . Oregon. «A1 Auguat N. Y. OHINA & J’APAN t Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- are as fine specimens as we ever IM 1891, viz: r • i Sale. W illinm I>. It iichmtnii. )g just completed oneof Fairbanks saw in any country This wheat Pre. 1>S No. L <3. for the E*2 of W’., «if Sec 9, GOODS AT R;., EU M ICO acres of good fanning land, to< k Scales, and arranged a large is grown by Mr. Comegyes of Dia Tp lie L2S. namcR the following witnessts t.» prove mond valley. his conlii Uotis resident e yp«>n uno « ultiv uti«m ’ »•t il improved, one jrral for the purpose. Certified mile uurthoast «if. Bait! land, v.z* ( harles K« per. Reul en < lay- eights given. 4-24. Th« b P. tier and Th« s Vic kern, all of of Burns on Siivies river, near the —Two officers from Lakeview, pool. — 1'almaci da’s way of getting re-1 came in Thursday evening, expect Hartley, Oregon. SILK J. B. H untington , Register upper bridge. This tract of land HAND KERCHIEFS, OF FINEST tuits. is to send out a detachment ing to take back with them the can be boughtat low figures for TEA, 4Octs A PACKAGE; AH MANY FIRM I cavalry and round them up like horse-thief, Nalls, who was cap Sheriffs Sale cash. For further particulars call CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY uv-bovs do cattle, and those who tured by our deputy sheriff and sist are handcuffed and told to lodged in our famous countv jail And Order of Foreclosure of Me- on J. C. Wooley or at the H erald FoR Jxts ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAME chanics Lein. A-X RATE. ke their position in ranks, and the at Harney a short time ago. and oil ice. w that still resist are shot. A re- made his egression the same night, By virtue of rh Execution au«1 order of rh ' c ATKAYE A NEW STOCK OF GOODS f«»r the fore« 1« sure of a Mechanic r lein. iRRiied uiting officer a short time ago by prying open the door. The of out of lhe ( in uit Court uf lhe Ma e uf Orea«Hi. ON 1 HE ROAD Strayed from Burna, Harney nt in to the commanding officer I ficers left here vesterdav morning, fur Harney C.»unty. un the *.Vih <iav «»f Juiv a . I>* 1M»1, up.»n a <le< ree rendered in said Court X) recruits saying: “I send you j going in the direction of Canyon and enterelYof reconi on lhe kbtndav of May a . county, Oregon, on er about the IM’Jl, in a caiiRe therein pending wherein, X) volunteers please return the City. Madam rumor giving it as I). 21st of May, six head <.f horses and E. II King is plaintiff and J« hn Mahon. M , STOCK BRANDS. and (¿l<*n W. Miller, partners hr Sw.«r k her opinion, the prisoner had none SwortR indcuffs.” Hurt!in Rilev, < attic branded V on left Ride <fc Miller, and J. L. Hit«. DcfendantR said de one colt, belonging to the under lloiae brand left aide, i*. <». Buri.a. Oregon t ree being in fav«>r «»i said Piaim iff and avai> st , —I’rof. Newell. County School in that direction after his escape. Raid DefendantR for the Rum «»f five hundred signed. i npt . reports the following teachers and forty f«»ur and 74-1UO dollarR [<.'»41 741UO| J. <’. Foley, rattle brand on right Ride Description and brands as fol Horse E m ray Not ice. and inteieat ihereun «t x per cent per annum brand on left shoulder. ■esent at the examination held on I from the *6th itu\ «>f Mav A. D 1M»L and for the WIIH miir \ Williams. < attle brnnd «'Ron left hired« Riire of a Mechai i- r le<n of <laie lhe .4ih lows: One bay horse, about 16.J st Wednesday, Thursday and Strayed from Burns, an iron gray I day hip. Horse bra d, |l « hi right a«llle. P. o. Riley of December A. D. l*.»0 and duly filed for liday: Messrs. Guv Becker. Robt. horse, weighing about 1000 pounds, record on the said ;4ih dav of l)e« ember A. D. hands high, branded on left shoulder Horae r I iand4? I ) < on left stifle. « ’a1 tie brand 1X90. with I he Count} Clerk uf ilarne) countv ed ;•( on a.« hip Marion Bunyard. Po Burns ihman and J. R. Hendricks, branded I’ on left stifle. The party Oregon, the Baid lein being in favor of E. H. Cj\; one bay horse 141 hands high, « nttle ilium..u . on left hip; h«»rses<’Von left King the above named Plaintiff hu <I HgaitiRt isses Bertha Wintermier, Eva finding and returning said horse to John Mah«>n, M.Nwur Baud Glen W. .Millerpart with large saddle marks on both shoiiider. « burn s II Wegtley. l uri r Oregon. ivain. Bell and Edith Claypool Dr. Ashford at Burns, will be liber-! nera hb sw«»r>R Miller, and J L si««i he aimve sides, branded on the left shoulder named DefeudaniB ami up«>n that ceraln large id Mrs. Julia Canfield. We un- ally rewarded. two and one halt Bt. rv ».»oden dwellii g h«>UR<*. AS“*!UKEMS”glvrMrwtnnt branded C 1 ■ H D now upon the SvUtheaBt quarter of the Nor h C; one brown horse prstood the Professor to say that H 3 ■■HlM-f mH Imin ki I u IIH ou eat quarter of Secii.»n twenty f.Oj In Tuwnthip Ut Q ■ L • ••r’fnr I’ll-'. lTu <'$l. 11/ How's Tliin! on left shoulder, 4 years old; one ■ Bl r W II applicants passed satisfactory tv«ent\-eight [kX] smth of Range ihirlv five [. WDriw>«t«<.rrr».ll. I- I.-, Fnat W M , Iving mid being in Harney countv 5 l. -EL 1 •■ frei’. A.hln-«-A\th, sis,’» ¡aminations and would receive We offer One Hundred Dollars Oregon, ami directing me to Bell Raid dwelling bald-face bay mare, four white feet ■ B ■■ SB «■Dux Win, New Yurk Cay. laiuls t<» satitif« MiddecreeaR may be rtificates. reward for any case of catarrh that ami Now. lheref«»re. I will offer ami Bell Raid land branded C4\ on left shoulder; one and dwelling h.niRe to-wit: That certain large —James Axtell, traveling sales cannot be cured by taking Hall’s two and one naif Bturv w«»«»deii dwelling houae, hay mare, star in forehead, branded B ff B I 5® 9f fM.r <rr •iiuaied upon the S>uth«R»t quarter of the an for the firm of Geo. I). Barnard Catarrh Cure. 11 Ikl w ' ’’ ’ ‘ r in th. t» C\\ on left shoulder; one sorrel ■ri M J I I IM ■ *• «.uur . f N »rthenat quarter of se<ti«»n twentv (.01 in F. J. C heney A- Co.. Toledo 0. ■ <•"••' t.. II. I. K,t |,,r A>< Co. St Louis Mo., dealers in Towi Bhip twenty-eight (k>) S,uih of Range twirse aix.ut 14 or 141 handa high, We, the undereighed, have known thirtj-five r.. j E. W M containing forty acre« blazed face, all four feet white, W. rurn -h rv^tr.hinjr n . Man , ,,„ ft.k 1. w ran Hinty records, supplies, etc., is in y ur.p.ram «««„... «11 ps.r tin«» io iha n . rk I hi. Is an 1)ing and being in Harney county Oregon, to Mrw I' brina« ». on<t«rful a«i‘ < »•- t • r-Tarr »• m k»a ir town this week. His object F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, gather wilh al) and ainguiar the teneinenta, R. dnnera ara a.rninf fruii, f .* u, fin , , . K .„.i L hereditamenia and appurtenant eg. 1 hereunto W- fi.rn.-h you lb« rm? icre particularly, is to sell the and believeHiim perfectly honoraije tielonging or in any manner appertaining ami bramled (’A on left shoulder and •nd w aflat • lieti« a t" •• « plain h«ra. t ufi A L. b.A. BAUM all their right, title interest ami «a ate therein Hinty patent booths and ballot in all business transactions, and or thereto which the lM*fendama. John Mahon. yearling coll branded C\\ on left iixes for each }>olling place in the financially able to carry out any M bworta and «»len W Miller, partner« ra shoulder, and, when turned out. swor a Mill**« and J L. Si«« had on the .4th Hintv. as required by the Austral- obligations made bv their firm. day of Dec ember A D 1*90. for eaah tothe high had on a halter muzzle A liberal bidder at public- am Hon at the front of in ballot law, passed" by our legis- W est A T ruax . Wholesale Drug cat the < » un h«.nee. in the town of burr a. Harney reward will lw paid by the under gists Toledo O. c ninty Oregon, c«>mmencing «»n Munday the signed for their return to Burns, or iture last session. The law s.'ys dav of September A. D 1991. at 2 o’cloc k P lese liootiis must be 32 inches wide VV ai . ding , K innana M artin ,Whcle 14th information whereby they M ..f raid dav In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto art my gale Druggists, Toledo O. nd the same in depth, by 72 inches may be recovered. hand thia i4tb day of August A. D 1*91 A A Co 4 I ng . r six feet in height. Three of gWFor sale at the City Drug C harles A nderson . Sheriff of Ilarney county, Oregon. lese must be ateacji polling place. Store. i City TDx-LXg- Store. I I Sink’s l mi %