Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1891)
1891 P. F. STENGER. Haater’s Magazine Then. Miss Gilroy’s evil work I L L U 8 T R A T 1«: D H ■ accomplished, she hastened her House» branded ILLUSTRATED. i a« kw ard ste| s. lii il she rea' hetl .1 Cither Kight or BY ALLENA Al I>l,hV. the gate of the garden at Winterdyne The impoo e»» utl >o -♦‘r- ■‘Si \merica. !>v Theodore < liild. will be eovjtiM gtifle: OIL in IlHiper'» Magazine during Hie gre»tR'^H House. of the nar 1'91. She articl. • oil «oothenXB CII AFT ER III. iforuis, bv l harli*» Dudley Wartier, <■ ZeJ For a few minutes after her i f. in Ne v York Weekly: a .rilliiui-d Among oilier noteiror Kanife—Grunt county, Oregon. traetioi » will b" a novel bv Chnrlet ’.wm B. <; rant county. Oretfon. He went away after I reakfa t turn to the house Miss Gilroy stomi Craddock; a collection of original d rn>i;rcBB| ALM PDA A. STENGER. W. M. Thackeray, now j.uldieheii for and she had called him back twice still before the glass; then dropping time a novel written and 111 ngtraied |.. jSH I Uauricr; a mn cl ie! I e lo Mil.ianggm to put her soft »>ru:s around h s into a chair, she excl i ned: Howel!»; and a »eric» of paper» of pap, C attls branded London by W alter Boaut. i <•; k, ami tell him how lonely she "It is »lone now, and I must man In the uumber and variety of illu»tr»> w n Left »ide; circle- per» and other artieleeo eubject» of tin " v. iultl l.o until his return. age to look ns usual before any one tireet. tie well ae n the unrivalled chan A Split in ; ire short gtoriee, pooms. etc , H ahckr ’ i She wandered restlessly about comes in. It is really fortunate r. zine will coutinne to maintain that r th - house until afterno in. when her that I have been so pale of late, for axcellencc forwhii-h iten •« o Combine» the juice of the Blae Figs o' i tinguii bed California, so laxattv and nutrition.. ( ousui Ilalnh had brought a mes I have no time to get up any* color Range—Harney and Grani county Oregon HARPER’S •I’ERIGCICS with the medicinal virtues of plan P <>.—Hurns. Uarnev^coutity.yir sage from her friend, Lady Marv now.” known to be most bcnencijl to 11. Ter Year: human aystem, forming the ON I V 1'1 K' HARBER’S MAGAZINE Russel, asking her to come and see Her wet clothes were put aside, a FECT REMEDY to act gendy ye HARPER’S WEEKLY her. ’S BAZAR y promptly on the fresh and becoming dress put on. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A HARPER HARPER'S YOl’NG PEOPLE She had not waited long—only her hair rearranged, and then, a« Postage Free to all 8uh«cril>er»® LAW. KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWEL. I'niteil States. Canada, or Mexico. . ust long enough to change her dress some one knocked suddenly at her Soldiers disabled since the war are —AND 1 »- tor a walking dress. She. went door, a dash of color brightened her . Entitled The volumes of the Magazine l.egitM Cleanse the 5 yuieii’Etkctually dependent widows and Parents now de- the Numbers for June and Decemfl out through the garden gate, and — SO THAT - endent whose sons died from the elleer« of eac It year. When no time is specif itit 1-^ Her cheeks. irmy-<-r\ice are includeil. If you wish si riptions will begin with the Num! ■b« Her '■» fore she was quite out of sight, PURE BLOOD, Shi* drew her knitted shawl closer cur i laiin speedily and successfully prose- rent ■11, at a, time ...... of ... receipt ------- ro of order. * • ?!er KEFREbMINC SL. EP. ited.a idren ' JAM ES TANNER, .Miss Gilroy noiselessly lifted the about her. sank «lown on a sofa with .............. - A! ~ H,-r. r...u..d ..... c: Hz-; **- ■ ’- i- «* HEALTH and 8TRENCT! three years baeK, in neat cloth binditd ■ ‘ *..... ! Her. ate loin nils*.!..tier of Penrioi ». latch to the little gate, anti stole out a book in her hand, and said, lan- WASHINGTON, I> C. Ea. be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt Natural',» f " jv .*. E- e-y na i>. . sing y»>’ per volume. Cloth Cases, l'or biudi» 10 1 after her with the same still, white and all are delighted v It o guidly: cents each by mail, post-paid. Mai ilruggt t for -.Y k CP O.' t i Index to Harper's Magazine. Alii *?■ lo >k which she had worn ail the “Come in.” faclured only by the ■ al, Analytical, and Cla -ifieil, for \., A M. morning. I to 70, inclusive, from June. 1850 to^| CALIFORNIA HG SYRuP u It was one of the under servant l-<>. one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, |4.(X) The road to the Russel house,1 S at * 1' kas ’ isco <**1— should In- tnaiie l.y Poj .''¿’’p PERSONAL AND PROMPT Remittances sent to ask if she knew whether TO PA T Money Order, or Draft, to avoi.i dial tatter stretched away through a green ATTENTION GIVEN Ladv Blanche wish»-.I tea. strved at TRADE ^Address HARPER A B ROTH HR« *S| hollow nearly a mile distant, and ENTS, CAVEATS, the usual hour, or if they were to MARKS, etc. then on through a strip of lonesome wait until Sir Hugh returned. NO FEE ENEES PATENT woodland, and aft. r that crept up Harper’s Weekly. He had driven over to a neigh IS SECURED. CORRESPOND- among the low hilis that lay be I L LT ST R AT E D. j ENCE S< iLICITED. boring town on business, directly 1‘ er ' b W eekly nas never failed to] :t •• i«ecu the \\ interdvne property and ¿X Me ai a’‘Journal of < ivihzuii« i after breakfast. « “ STODDART &. CO., the dis'ant town of Cl.e uierv. J , d«H.e so v j li'n cuifltar.t ret hid u '1 co "You are to wait until Sir I Tilth’s V7. • d p. kbihliitieF of liflefulim fb and r K 613 & 615 7th Street, IT. Along this road Lady Blanche à ÌATL'I. zx ^ - ard of artistic aud literary exieh 1 *• return,’’shesaid pleasantly. “Lady (Opposte U. S. Patent Clli -i*,] mb untouched no important 1 hwie naked, dimly conscious all the > picgrthB, aud presents a iecordte. WASHINGTON, D. C. Blanche went out for a walk. I think Ffiileptic Fits, railing Mikne«, Rystei 1 h> and interesting, of I he time th.-t Sir Hugh would have 11 teip« ns and r«< 1 ei\emeuts of ics. st. Vitus Honre, Nervntisness, b-.wftx ! I tHHlenalie to briefly and will soon be in.” 1 81 pplemeiHB will be < < ntii.t^H iiy t liny iniell:g» ut |.* r-un • f ciilier I'. en better pleased if she had taken hey villlv li era i \ . B< it ui itir. r nf lio <ain i««i«l niiti Miiic, mid who, Kypochondria, Me an'-'.oi •» In- Ten minutes later she went down i»iiu>-tiot>,will Mcik industriously, < nl.’( riticul. t< pograhical. • i cu > . hi 't».i«M- ilKHM*i.u Ih.liara a her pony carriage, but wholly tin- < < lf ;< n n ay den;and, and vill 1 ebriiy, Sleep ex it • <, Piz« Year in their <i» r>-v»r they lhe.I will alao furnish stairs. serwihe l.< arly <« n n ent'aiit u.Circul the «iinaiioii inetiigtl u l*i' b y »*u * nii carr. tliut an.ount. consi'i. his of llietpiiek footsteps that The Winterdyne Gho¿ t Pensions, PATEN IT » he <\ ntiiiuvl.j zines*», Brain an i Spi N<> IIIOIH'V t *1'111’ Ulli. «S «llccess li . « IlliiiM Eusiiy Nllli quickly n bt-B’owed on i ust issues bv thei^^^H ■ nriicil. I »I* « ie But one worker !» district orci.unty. I e public. .\ b a family journal, Hin »'•♦»ten "etc loLowing her own. have mt-. i iv t i'.u-i.» .' I provided will» « iiipL.yni.iii m large her etofore. !e edited' Memo ulHll'i r. > I A I ..I I i t :;•*••« till .1 It ■* \ I. W nal Weakness. I » r the (jUaUtiva that IF. tit. - ------ .5100 Reward. $1<>O. Slid I II I I ft. I 11. Aden -S at once. -lust before she left the Wood the T he I'. 4-, AI.L! i. i«»x n; iiM;i, Muilir. : • • toe very home. fervor road divided, ami there Lath ertiti!] PER year : V ’ X»» Thi« Tn-iti-'f:!'* lias i':.".'.' < t ■r,’i HAEI’EK WEEKLY................... > I inehe paused to rest—and then The readers of T he II ebai . ii w ill the nerve centers, all’ .z ali irrita'iil. i HARPER’S MAGAZINE tii s, and ini leasing th * Uow and powo. Miss Gilroy overtook her HARPERS BAZAR..................... be pleased to learn that there is at HARPER’S YOl’Nii PEOPLE _ nervo fand. It is perfectly hariules’ -You here. Frank!” Lady Blanche ' least one dreaded disease that of I!«• h I I S’.;! m ribtTB in the and leaves no unpleasant, effects. <trtf « s. ( anada, or Mexico. i * ■« -- 1, — en Nervous exclaimed, lifting her eyes in stir science has been able to cure it: nil ----- --- — ““’—A Valuable T>. Book The Volumes of the Weekly will begin DiwaMs pent Diseases .-» 'it tree free to any address, Ur<‘sitl< and poor patients can al.-o obtain I'f’se to the face ovt-rsh idowcd by its stages, and that is Ca Wh« i! it<> is ineiitioi c<i. mi ! s« ; tills 'medicine ■ a a w m this medicine free tree of charge. »•uin with the Number current at -onie passionate emotion. This mis remedy has u.-o» l»ecn i»wu prepared by the 7*’“ Reverend —I Hall's <'atarrh Cure is the only pos I ?a>u>r ccipt <>forder. secret« -H- L Fort it '¥ '.•••:?. In L. **■>-'«* is-s n ,Mj ivoenig. Watue, liF* and Hound Volumes of Harper’s " eeklv for" ( rcta ------- —_ -» <»f . I i »£.>•» i In«!., . ,1» b> hi since SllA underbid direction the But Miss Gilroy made no reply— itive cure now known to the medic ■snow ... prepared vearB ba k, in neat cloth binding. v ^'secreta •V- »y mail I*. B’Hge paid, or by express, fr- bvcrcltt KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. only stood ami gazed nt lu r. until al fraternity. Catarrh 1« ing a CO!) pens? provided the freight docs nutex^^<.<,relH -A ¡»er volume) for >7 00 a volume. \lturov the horror of the moment seemed 1 «titutional disease, requires a con • Sold by Druggist« n^JSl per Bottle. 6for95> •^3*’ < loth ( uses for each Volume, suiit^’poarmai .Large Size» s» 1.75. 6 Bottles for !*»9. »»it ding will be Bent by mail post j to steal like a specter between them (stitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca- ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST reipt of fl. and the light. !cr Ims, Gardens, Farms. Ranche: and Railroads Remittaiiret slmuld be made by P»< p, g tarrh Cure is taken internally, aet “AXAKEMS ” gives instant PRICES LEDl’CED. Sold by denier*. FREIGHT 1 AID M odv \ order or I »raft, t«> avoid chanced» *« f . m : HARPER A HR »TH ER'. relief an i is an infallible HcMVI.IEN’S I’tMLIKV NETTING. New I bin» "Do you guess why I have fol ing directly upon the blood and ---- — ongrtfl v • ■ i ii« Cure for Pile«. l’ricc$l. By No s . zzi-ur Wo bagging! Extra Heavy Selvage ------------------ The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, Ill Drugjristsor mall. Samples Harper ’ s Baza lowed you Blanch«—Lady Winter mucous surfaces of the system, freo, Address** AN A KESIS” Box - lid, New York City. dyne?” I L LU ST R A T E D. thereby ilestroyii. the foundation H arper s B azar ¡ p a jonrna for thejuj "No." said Lady, Blanche, slow of the disease, and giving the patient •iving the latest information with r--?upreiiH :he I'ashiunB. its numerous illustratiou® ly, locking her white hand« togeth strength by building lip the con ion p aits, and pattern sheet pupplemesu indispensable nflke to the home dreit-®*§H < r over lo r knees. stitution ami assisting nature in and the professional modiste. No cxpflj •• s spared in making i’s artistic attra« IVstrict . "It is because,” Miss Gilroy said, doing its work. The proprietors ■f the highest order. Its clever short .‘OiMrict Caveat». and Trade-Mark» obtained, and all l*at- parlor pla>s. and thoughtful epsajp sa' h’int-Re in calm, even tones, “you have have so much faith in its curative as is. and its last page is famous as « foint-bei ent bi.-:t;v«» conducted lor Moderate I ce». of wit and humor In its weeklv isstitftfjfi Our Odiee is Onoosite U. S. Pitent Office, robbed me of all that 1 held dear powers, that they ofler One Hundred and we can secure patent in less time than those thing is included whb h is of interest to remote from Washington. Muring 1S4 Agnes B. onns’ ev will vntv. t , in lite. \\ by were vou not content Dollars for any ease that it fails to Send model, drawing or photo., with dccrlp- of articles "ti Tb« House Comfortable.^ . . y tion We advi»e. if patentable or not. free of with one mans love? Whv did yob cure. Send for list of testimonials Corson v. ili treat of “Sauitary Living.” •TVOt^T: char..-.’. Our fee not due till patent is secured. interesting sner » ss’on of papers on W(C<\irvev .r A P mnhlet. -How to Obtain Patent». 'with ) t^TTAef\fAe«T&: Art ami History.” sui»erblv illustrated. r a-1 come with your innocent face mid Address, E. J. C heney AC o .. names .factual clients in your State, county, or furnished by Theodore child. The ®e^\gBCK8or 2:THt:(»IN£ST: tow a. sent free. Adore«», will be by Walter Besnnt atnl Thomas Hf* ( shy ways, and steal the heart I cov Toledo, < ). 2. iWSCOWORK it" ^».-x -- —___ _ HARPER'S PERIODICAL“*» eted?” C.A.SNOW&CO. e iT' old by Druggists. 75c. Opposite Patent Office, Washincton, 0. C. Per Year ommiss crtteAaei ?5 URIOM SÇ VARE. fl. Ÿ. 1 rank, what can you mean? iTujóveo. tom . masí courra. u*. a-?* TO, HARPER'S BAZAR ttOWM» ^« FOR SALE BY ».^T» MAGAZINE HARPER'S ■sure!v you are- beside yourself, >n k* l»’t!e f r'-.n*» have I r»*n rradr at I HARP EK’S WEEKLY woik f.»r u*. bv Anna IN (re, Austin. PENSION. POSTAL. LAND and FEO PL». dear.” Traaa. and Jito. b»*nn. Toledo, Ohio NEW HOME SEWING MA HARPERS YOUNG _________________ teglater >ee cut. other» are doing a* well. Why Postage Free to all sul«cribere in ■ r INDIAN DEPREDATION not y u ■ .*omv earn over gMMLOO a CHINE CO.. 725 Market St., States, Canada, or Mexico. No. with sudden passion ris month. !*•••» undo th« work and live at hum«, wherever you ar«. Ev«n be- San Francisco, Cal The volume» of the Bazar begin with lk^^F^B CLAIMS. rinnera are easily earning from f i to ing in lo r voice, and overmastering f I”a day. All ag*». We »how you how number for January of each year. *5' ____ J 1‘aicfic Department. md »tart yon. tan work in «pare time is time is mentioned. »ub»< ription ">‘‘*3---------- her tor the moment, "it is vou who rr all the time. Big nionev for notk- with the Number current at the time of rr« Failure unknown among them. I.AW OFFICES* OF NEW andwnatderftil Particular»free. "ft“ «-azv, Lady Blanche. You ?•*<> l’ortlund.Maing Bouud volumes of Harper's Bazar w Th„„ _ have walked with ojun eves to iear in neat cloth I inding, will tie „ 1 p, state paid- or by express, free of provided the freight dots not exceed <* " vour own destruction! Your Cous ; lai p. volume» or El volume. * ; . uses f.’ a< h volume.suitable** in Ralph loves you so dearly, mv Inc w ill be sentby mail pospaid on red lh'J M tle».h " Lady, that he will peril his gix>d Kemi’tam es should be made hy F<» name to w n you. He has a car Monev order or Draft, to avoid chance’ s Adreos HARPER A BROWW^^B THE OHLY TRUE INKER THE PIRECTION <»F riage here and a trusty driver, and el. spacers are not to copy any er*? »!' of the above advertisement« HARN instiml of going on to see l.adv W R. HEARST. (Editor and Pro ■ IIAP.PER A: BR11’" M.e'sat ----- Russell, who was nevi r in lx-tter prietor San Franciico Examiner.) •** AWW.1’ “ "® W .Ir»,« I 111. aw«,»ho»i>!|t H.’l» G> health than she is t.mlay, you «i|| JOHN WEDDERBURN. Manager. < i,rn r.-rent». « ms A Trs'lo . Mark,. C. .pinchi». •» »I» go with Ralph to some place w hen' • »!'' F Strevt, Northwest W ashing k.K *.**—■ MUNN a X A. 3«; I Br.«4wa> ton, D. C. vou will l>e secure from your hus New Y.rk. Will practice in the Supreme Court « f ?h»‘ HI Iba RWndt rw«nlat« ih« .Her an«t ■!<»•▼• and gratae« th« band's jealous search. Good-by Vnited st*’«*». ?hr ( < i*urt “ o. — Claims, the several ’ *— “ ■ - --------- c.*«, * n«ahk a»4 Virar«r Vanik l»y«pev«lK Courts of the DtotHr ■t of Columbia, before Com- Want of Apvwotn. indù fràntila. l ady Blanche! A pleasant jeurney Mitlve of Confrvee. and the Executive Bep’ts. ’ . M. Fsaar & Co « a I.’ck of Stranrn and limd i ¡¡tustr«xd( Descriptive and Frees Fan ingabanlutoiyC'imd R. naa, We obtain Pensions and Patents. to you!” maw na an ! nervra me-irg new f «rem, F.aiimnatha mind ISf.ûD A nnual nd »u pt Imo Rram Pownr. M ith an alarmed cry Lady Indian Depredation Claims and all a A Safari mi fmnj «omp amt« If-r 1391 ri.l be made ! FHLl A |> I ra^'Diar toO>*«raet w. ’«1 Rio all a; p'.uanl*. and K> >»»< “ ’ 1 rrivcaOB UHU Ito.! DK HARTER S IFOW Blanche sprat.g from her seat, only classes* of Land Claims. Mining. ^.customer*. It j < better than ’■ TOXIC a «afa and sraariy c re Given a clear. b*aU M Every person ns mg G^r/U t ■ thyonmpiex oa. F rmioe»! attempt« at ccn nterfaiV to be seized by her Cousin Ralph's Preemtion and Homestead cases W / »vr er Field I ing oelf add to the popularity of the originai t*o K4 »tiarm«nt-«m th* OltlMYat and BY«?. Bl ST 1% THE woni.n. I waiting hands, and to be hurried Prosecnted l»efore the General land (Or. MASTER ’ S LITTLE LIVER PILLSL Tie wwu-iag quahtieaare uneuryMMeed. actúa'?* F. D. M. FERRY * CO. I <-jm t i'neUpa! ion. I.imr Foap aint and *» * k > otriaetin* two t>oxee of any other brand. Not W OFTROIT. MICH. ■ Bealarhe Himplo Done aad Dream Bonkl into th«* carriage that stood under office, I*et»artmcnt of the Interior irGl’.T Ell F LIAI ISK. * ’i ''twn^nt»!» ¡xw»4rv F >OH AALF BY PF A ».F.ltfl OENKBALI.T. fyr the gloom of a black oak tree! 4 and the Supreme Court Or. MARTI BALO ICI ME CT* S l U òr M» I - FREE WIRE w ■MfENCING Mwir IRON i 'ONIC USE TH ë BEST. FMZER Ä