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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1890)
=>*yeiie i\T CRtry THE HERALD Of Payette Idaho. HARDY TREES SPECIALTY COMMI D C. -nev.rr If any xaa w«,*« to fed c<t tW «• =• -* ♦» “• mate cf tfe NeKinby tsnffWl to “** UCLim l M taun to the rx^*’ •’>“ “* cJ-rt •*" «rwwra bwt raXLer I m H im '.^.1 «f bsvi«« dooe fcw «ai M^aeeper Dm t yield « <*F • •** » «» ca -faarr S0t»’ jf tie are-age ILLC| <* »MMt* »Lee be teQ* run ««premaey ^Mt^MeKhUry WnMsWMmnc W Be^carw are a rewly and *e Me^alev bill wil. ebeaper. *1“ - ' ->rer«re fcpee=e ewsrt «tow teMSar; bMimwtet the *^**'-^ * •» rt.xiL'p'r aar. aUm peto<v o«w acw;»ige ♦ ukaly to be foik^wed Than rawm^*7 **-» n*. affect of braaaaepnftieslsobndv who know» the new tariff w£l aet be frit fee t&t >•’ eacv it—a» the merihaadiee Candidate» ara a» tt.xh »• eoacxe owe L b r/xt was >xkgat toierv any i'^era no tie rzt . of Wavht-rec :r—i»rr ad tariff ret-rr These reg- b«t it is asad thst Harri*?B iwelrrwv j—. — - thrown e«t baassse «• Law sartacr Mki>r who it vrt •n-p CMiMie «ays it » the sjos C attorney geterai The poEtiei- apt »Lf toteto thelsw, a«Z. to lose be’e^ »“» agt= km' jt theoretical reaaocxg bvt Saumdera of XuntaLa. new aer-at, r go Mt ' the highway a=4 »ee ^7 • tvpct’^car. asajor- for mwtance whether rigs» will itv ia that body will wear the gswa aot eeaae kigber or else be Bade to if it is offered to tla. Hie early sell at the old price, of «» inferior va tiee war a lyseb ecciri bet tfei» grads of tobacco Every t —> can is =« objection, a» the Bepcb'iean» thw test the McKinley tanff for '-»• the taw «a be ¿.d the huneeif, pad then tge^d the reaecr.- huanestty. tog part W hia tisa ta Sod.'g out how aaach Mtose pf u be ' wul lake uF."e*d .e. TrimphaRt” i» the ti- »bia.’ tie of the foarth and final volunx Mr Ctavetand, plain attorney at cf Chariea Carleton’« hiatorv of/to law oa» toet. in the city, far the civil war for young reader» It will past 24 hour». He o>me» in petrvu- be published in November bv Har aaee of tg professional retainer» to per 4 Brochure argue a case before the BgpnoM Harper'» Young People entered Cport two at least, of whoee jna- Vkc-e Jkdge Lam a * and Chief Ju»- upon it* twelfth volume with tee t*ee Fuller, are creature« of hi» own number published November 4th. cr^tion. Thus th* master bow* Am->ng the attractions announced ffowr. his own servant«, A» apt illus far toe new volume are aerial sto tration of our theory of governmeut ries Sophie Swett, Howard Pyle Hardly had the expresids&t digest and other», “Travel Note»,” by a hearty breakfast at the Arlington Sopuip B.; a serie: of ar- Hotel before callers began arrive to tides on our priciplal college* kaqsire bow be died Bome fool of writsn By recent graduate«; a&d a s telegraph operator had got thro’ leoapting variety of short «tones a saeesags a«t that Mr. Cleveland ai.d practical articles. “arrived here to-day, but thgt Mr. Few Americans have a more ex- Clsvetand died” bera to-day. Tsl»- grams scou began to poor in from tensive personal with sll over the country asking for par- E uropean celebrities than Geo.-z» tisirigsa. Meanwhile the much la- W. 8maJley, and few have been sc MMBlsd, fair. Cat, and over forty, long erxi ac thoroughly tafanned «at is his shirt »Jeeves, puffing and ;esneerning the political, «octal and psrspinng over lae rntricadee of a literary aapect i>( affairs abroad. Louisiaoa law case tn which to has Hit letter* written withi i the past ijoan rstainsd a« coenaeL Mr. twenty year» to Ihs New York Tri- Clevetand »aid last night that the bune, comproiaising his impre»- eanditior. of his health is a matter »ion of use and event» in Europe of to set greater anxiety to «cine'during that period, are important surer» than to hrmtelf. He said, contribution» to contemporary hi* ateo, that hs is too busy to talk pol- tory and criticism, and as such are itics either tn public or pnyste, but well worthy of preservation They be wanted it stated in great big have been collected and arranged, letters that be is confident tbe dem not chronologically, but with refer- ocrats will capture tbe next House erze to their subject«, and will to of Mepreeenlatiye» As to the tar- published in two volumes by Har- iff be says tbe people are beginning per 4 Bros early in November, to open their eyes to the pemieioo» w—«»—ww>—— class legislation a4 republican, lc waawwaaaaUkkUUh a* .*■• a ** Æ Si í -»-*1 X I Kit A c -. kl « Bartofl war r. T. BTE5GK1L BARNABY AliO CHRISTMAS STORIES. OLIVER TWLT A.1O G.V3AT EXPEC TATIOSS. THE OLD GU3IOMTY SHOP A». THEUWCOMtaERClALTRAVELEI A TALE OF TWO CITIES, MAfc TIMES AMO THt MYSTERY 0 EOWI‘1 02000. gffi I ALMEDA A. STENGER. OUR GREAT OFFER to subscriber» to THE HERALD. We will send tbe entire ret of Dickens* Work, as above demented, («stage pre paid, and the HERALD for one year, upon receipt of IS 10, which is only 66 eei.ta more than the subscription price. This ie one of the grandest premiums ev-z offered to au' scriber». Remit bv Registered Mail, or call at the HERALD office, Bum», Oregtn. Httninm. HARPUYMM. ASK FOR IT! harpekv B ilí harper * tots , r^««.r»wi..w Ma-.e taaakaain Th. t.lMrfll, 'ba »<•> SuHr l>, THE SELF-THREADING ELDREDGE W. B TODHUNTER. R la n «re ecw- tilled ta* 8 a- Knitiaans M M m ..' <n»ir«Ml Adlraa lit trail Mtkiaw- il »kill tb* uo»i esefal .nd practica* - H-m- ata. and ill SB-run ad acag-» that take a sew. ag machina ¡'•trahie tu ell or uae. TKQILYTMf IRON TONIC JUX?* cwr> of greet. I—_ a-a.4 V l aa a ea, at'.r. .'•*• 4<LllMlea|,vH»l' hr wall hausipHrrriua. aera, .inuhe wl W ’-•■atleS»ii«ral m < k*h < w> tar m . Mtal txoai«« n'jtiMu ¿¿J ssä HS s wut IMtlN W TOT* Or. HASTIA aaUtClMI CO., felmU. Ke I I S I •I :> j;dep Çepsçr L^KFOHD, IT.T.TWaTM ID S’ H* ► </» p 0 s 0 g w a Ö p m o c P a ? •4 m =r d 0 <» o e ? ä fî .r ■■?•■ *" Salpai Of the various Baring Powder» illtxs trated from actual teitL c^Arrs-AbM) B • rjiiroso'* »&•.&**)■ CHABB • U«m r.w4m, CimLAID'X rtuM. caa.......................... db . C ILL l .,«•« raerz :ww run «rwru... coscuni ■soars aurri PlfrRL iW -Tag fr suwror.zi • | b M VriavkC.-» ■ It • Uvw tfr*. nww E^. rÆÂ^îazÂx o M.ptnnvAco. Th« Rural Baking Powder is comp^.. r-ort mx I wUiesom. mgTWiwn. h dor, , ectani r.thertSlw vr or eC „ i»'”1® >«3a»oi.ta. abb C. Lava. n. , P* ^"C rowder i, . CW pvt „ojt tcitiW< ULn- „ ^icrvJ .. ’ A- »'o'T. m . n., r- i Tn. Kry-I Bikin J ro^Cer ii pervr.t i ry «rd I vilest is wrvnnh r f Mr bakin' *■-' vi V'-Hk I have kacvkdp. . , _ " V- »- ”W. Hi. L > H,'.L , ' •k'”r r»’*r'. »1 miner L Pi"nf,h- "V *> u »voided •* da. ' •*■*' ,bn”' •’»vr r» O hee . w •_ eKnj-1 r^r T". » ““”22»! •arara» • • ’•■ Sa—1^ ».»IWH adreriMw Tenu, -r* , Ä« «tóSà j cf Oavtnant CLexixt 0 .1. FERRY I CO. ^AKIH15 POWDER Absolutely Pure. P rinters ’ I nk . kaih } r : j c : JlESt'èUSS •mbMpaiekr IIW »X BsMId «««•>< D ’.VIS* • as ) «, t* (M g^riNES-f J W3UOWORK ..(¡J S3 fUBFOSD l- t nczsxa lan ,’L,Er?UTFIE’'s i . > a a. L -W PU d 0 » T* n ; a r*cv-s. ff) cedra««, I T* folfe iBMeUriae. iigw. • • trwtb »red peril . Irech.g readealtb.n T. BimritM .M.r r. »M ..biaw u t*Vt* ’»»ria. w »... ar LEAVENING POWER Bawl'«."»* Maeev ora«-»*“ “" harps »1 ! I ■ HarpersMilB I LLC STI 0 I 4 *uv«rd ILLTSIi------- 1 ■* •» atd terres fre»iw. ■»fz.* F-aLssMtasRlad Brat P»w«f. - .îiriM from r—pi air». wuüMirm v.::f«4 G». HA1YK11 1K0V KT e r> «¿tvaa Bekov-*»•** •rt B ’aot*i st iMi’erte p*;.arctgwf th* ir.<it»l MiM MMIUk mto IU JTS LFTTLt LIVSW RILLS •»bwm. Um slat sb 4 Ht«s B ayto i-ws and bream fewfc • tz. sf two *»sta la p-ae'awe SI C tf 0 i ¿L-arP’' WWWTOW .t'UL'uT that the Ude must tarr. before long i Tn regard to McKinley and other loaders ba expressed t^s opinion that a gpod democrat of average abilities M a «»for man to trust with ' legislative power than tt(e most bmliaat stelesmen who is tainted with tbe pemietousness of republi: can doctrine Lately, be i« nut at death's door eats well, looks well and feels well; and subject to tbe desnocratie convention, may be tbe pext Frseideid of the Uoiled States Republicans w^o have been put in office under ths Harrison admin- ' iteration, are ifenli defying the taw and the civil serpiee corn mis sion relative to political ssseesinent* of mousy Io to usrd in tbs elections. Meetings are be|d nightly, and it' |s no unppmmon thing for tbe pois 1 flenis in the deps/tmeQU ip t* ’ threatened with the vengeance of; tbe powers tfo*X be unless they rotw dowq {piid»i>n>*)v. As a re publican Copg ressmen puts .4,1 Thev ought nut ts have office un iess they ary gliiing to pay for iL” I Under Cleveipqgx administration I all this political btac||mail Secams, a dead le|ter, but no official, foum presidept )*prri«un fr«wu, eou.e* f. ysard to «top pr iskuke lto plain violation of ¡aw. Thousands of dollar! base thus Iwn coliccted” in thia city to debauch elections Election day is njw so near that pt democratic toad quarter» gqrk ia «bout over. Milpuns of speeches »nd documenta, have been distri buted, and the people should ha thoroughly informed by this time if they aint It ia wsU known that tbe rspoblteans haw raised enor- move some to corrupt voters, bat aevsrtbslesa every confidence is ebswu at dsmocrstic headquarters that dswiuccacy will triumph A» Tog» Towels tbe secretary expresass |t, ‘Ths republicans can’t raise r- W * 1