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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1890)
—- ■■ , ------------ tF YOU WISH A COOD word and deeil I have been true to ".SSiy11 SMITH & WESSON 5 my d.irling — that never wn« my r. eel a-iall /V^ , b»..1 .-j'w-------------------------------------------------- heart swerved from its allegiance .1 .¿tr ' od L—i_ «1 • • ~u■- Ff D2fl>PAY. Jt’I.Y Ä. KiK). !., ** t- - «¡>. - ¡Ut up y •u*J Ur'.*. L..V4iw«jf. I "XT ON- FtHRV # n. to to t, my proud. Lcautifi 1 rrjxrta. In ca.l’mu B-. f td tad U-l di biadilo or V re th« Lai¡:=s? dov ‘Me action, fcfuty inn«- .Marian!” i uri. rt au.i Tar» c ak*..b- E elortvn in »h«'• -1 A KNOT or FA **!*»• Leet tcUlir rreerD With an irrc.-istil le impulse al e D d Fiaav&G»*» r.'ovl, U.«l'4 Be t I*'t i ‘ted. 1 «r.C’-iptitre 1 r “orkni^w i.puudbU**- e“t* “L laid hi r hand on M.’ rm and |i>ok. J f -jlab, d:t»ai> l tyautl nrr,■ ..ati^rs : t ue«k-vr*v • by « h« • t /r a eunr> Fr. ai New Yvf< Weekly: < ftoasoid i<«r the gruuton * ... . i(,. up at him, with eyes full of tearj. I. . « «nil US',-.,: < T'.-.MU’lll*»»JJ»l- iurC à Q d '«'h r 1 "*d Fri EE m aii T LTB....U -.a,Ul. ,M-«.nr. "Oh. Maurice, can you erm fur ' *■’ lah< k‘ ’ ct,t' “Marian!”—thus the note rah— tuiiict*. It ü heu«e thar • «er. I »- nHired perfect. Ju-lat ui> n “/.• a I- y ^r<lce(ercAnmtt«i»rh X01*’•’‘tSSr n V ., » |. ixviiu '.'.< Ga- dv.i, Flower ' Darling! Five years ago you mule tive me? I see so plainly now how i •—eelr«lnww»l|re©ri.«i'»’Mn| i«tl»r n L C! I tel l Sfir Dd'hvuUiendforn. li tu calala ue an<l »r. .up-m apH ’ Ü. M. FERRY A CO. me leave you. You. who had prom wrong and i-infiil I was not tn hear „.U1T.Ì " ''■‘‘. '•j □ ETROIT. MICH. i»eil to be faithful to me. wen unto yuur defense, ft was your due, and Cannot be successfully tnvc!ed wkb* death, whom I loved with a passani-' 1 can only wonder nt my own out gooJ I •aff.'l. To reach wea th or my covetel pcsi.lon H li e requires the full ate, *b»u.'lHng devotion, believed the ¡Llimlness and folly. Pon't tell n e poscersicn srd c;cration cf dl the fac- I know volt are trut first bretith of slander against me anything cities l.!rd rsturq f as endowed us with. There ¿on".'{ions car.rct exkt ur.less t: s and gave me up. When I tried to fiijthful, and I seek no p o.d— phyded being is In perfect working t er er, and this Is Impossible when the speak in my own defense you 1 will hear none.” liv.r end spleen ere torpid, thusobctruct- haughtily refused to listen, and I He took her in his arms—his I Inj C e secret or.s, ccuelng Indigestion gave you Lack your troth, and for strung, loving ,'rms—and her head srd c**:peps'i, wi.h all of their ¿¿com- parking horrers. ROYAL » XI Jive years I have been a wanderer; Tinted on faithful breast; and af- DR. HCNLCY’S but I cannot forget. 1 have come j ter her Imig yearning and inis« ?, .i English Dandelion Tcnic hack to you acain, unchanged in she was happy at last. exerts s specific influence over the liver, His low excites II to healthy action, reeolves its my love for you. May I not non i reuthed words of love and tender chronic er gorge events, end prcao'.cs the sccrc'.on:; cuzes ietflpecCon ar.d concti* Utter the defense you then refused ness were in ear, mid if an arch- X pation, palian sharpens ths arpctlto, tores up to hear? If I mar, wear this knot I i/ng'l had bfaiided him then with B the en! ontirs eye ten, and makes Ido worth nf pansies on your I n-ast to night . flllsibisid sfte Would have scorned ■ living. for the sake of ‘Auld Lang Syn.-.’ the tale. and M ai 'K ice E vkhtox .” Hut Maurice would not 1 e cot, Comt ine, th« juice of the Blue 'c ■- of The precious little III is.lge was 1 tent until lie hull made her jisten Califoiuu, ,o laxative and nuiriu-.i-. THE CRY OF MILL with the medicinal 'jrmn cf pl- . pressed to her lips, with ii shy guil to all. And then site waf known to be most beneli.i .1 to th: OH, 7VTY BHCK1 ty I.H.k in the tinder eyes; m d with shame ami e>..'ifrifion human sv-tem, forming the ON I Y PI'.s- STOP IT NOW. FECT REMEDY to act gciajr yet thi'H the knot m* pansies has laid ing nil wed hers, If to he so promptly ua 11» SOON IT WIIL OE TOO LATE against the white throat, giving. . I ec',.^. and at having, re I hnve been troubled manv rear* wi.h with its rich tints, the neidfiil lit eusily, the stosiu» ng ainst whom disease i f the kidney« end have tried many d»dereat lemedfC'» and have -AND TJ — of co)or to her dress, ami Marian she luid every rc.tsu.i It» believe tl e sjiight aid from dluerent physicians Absolutely Pure with jilt relief About the 151I» v»f April Cleanse to System Effsc^aiiy, opened her doir, ami ran lightly ..................... . I was ^tiflrrin?- f -tn a very violent — »□ THAT — t.ltaek that almost pros.rated me iu down the corn,dor, after t’clla, f, cl sul . i a ni.iniK-r 1 .-1 1 was l>ent over. Ile tulli InT; I fieli.-. ibis : tb-it a PURE BLOOD, When I sat down it was aim >t impossible for me ing like the I lithesome girl wh • had i r . . t » » p or to put on my clothes w..en REFRESHING SLEEP, * . . i tew months : efore they >• separateli, kin I 1 rjv.ibmce sent Dr. Hculey, with the frolicked there with J|ie children he hail limile un en. niy. nnwi'ting- O.;LGO.«' HEALTH and STRENGTH KIDNl-Y T1LX. to mv hotel. 1 immcd.ately Commenced K^k-rAl’y f ’low. Everycne i u it live years ago. ly, of ime Who vas li r i o-om frivini. using the tea. It had an nnnotst id ihfShwaesI and all are <!d:ghted viih a yo'ir She did i.ot wait to question her Ibis girl, wlio was |s»..r . ut of gm <1 mi :-.cul .U m ehect, and to the aston : druggist fur SYKI’P Or FIGS. M jhu - ishment vi nil the guests at the hotel, L l .. cd only by th J self as to the reasotui- leness of h.'opil. was ver.- ani itmns. and si e in a kw ¿ays,! riu happy tv etale. V that 1 was a new nun. I will 5 S liuppiiii’ss; she only f.-lt that at lini berseli, witli hs rec mmend the lea U> »11 1 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. — PUBLISHED.— S am F bancisco , C* GC4.ÍC.3 ÛC4.CL1 CL.t^C: C î-.iSfcîl last the burden was to lie lifted from I , knowledge to a deal friend of his as 1 iM»ve Levy. torw.'H ?. r . K .. N - Vo Ri:, ?’ 4 •Sl^MOldûDÇSQÔ^r c. a . TrrrER, | her heart. She had sufTin d, mid own. In the mean lime, a richer, rropri:-t«»r Occidental Hotel bauia Rosa. Cal.___ her pride refued longer to sustai. ¡and therefore more aUructive sti: o. Os' BOOKironD, ILLINOIS. 1- ‘.i-i’a’;- ’ T'-v ut> Yu r» ; ? t acre. ..»luniB«, her against the pleading of his lov I -elarcd hiiim^if, ar I M utricc's vi ll’n'tl a<l\• rt -• • •-.:!•>. I n.-«-< :;«! :..!>■ »irpar. «a.,» lut lYTt«—t f r tnii'i mJ puri» , tmrhin< ing words. She would hear his <l> frielill was most cruelly jilted. The '.•if!, i.t •< ill« th- l.-r-Mii stfljNr» ». T1«n*aei*wn • « i •.- • - h «... r ’i:nl> I i l,g* i !...! • •-» or fense and then-7—. Could it • young man Imd sufi'en-d terii 1. fn ■ bnt Brcko to e i p y Did placo oí vile, « f K fttl(t?.Tl cjSiejï ”2 ici’ - ,xa r.i.’t csa !«••' timi ‘ l-ii !, .« w ho «wwA«e and t r U" THE SELF-THREADING Ii the ■ ’üdr'i. ai.d tîi» r.;«! propio, »»ài ite possible that she had wronged bin md Mauilce hail expressed hs »¡i ...i Rcltoo! ; ar. helpful % eermon «-atk a *« \ . ■ I a - d-p . Otsl.v < 1.25 a A rar. 'i\e G fyriecsi "BceS, during all these vears? atluht*. > te.'tft'F:-.- D Hata. F^lupJe copira lrew. .pillion i.f the matter in unmeai- ■BE!»88" ” i:a “ T!iEW2R£TF5E ”sji-::t3i When she entered the drawing iiri-d terms Ilis words had I e< • room, with Lady Willoughby, i cairi. d tn the >om.g lady, and li VWffSCQDKON ’Was empty. f.AIUhY had il. dared that she would l e r< - TV*\Ya«\i-I\;nowx«l Vc Th< r.lXMMATH *1 With a sigh of relief she t|.; ti vengd <m that proud. han. lit v lei. T il Hjdj 7*e TRvn?*«nt5 C tcnincb ller wav at oner to her favorib- This S- C-..I.., Ok* G tu. CvA 1 d mirice J V t. tl r« Ve c — at., i.r., —■ P»’ cess, where, almost hidden bv th* she h <1 11 sur. le t il e i Ma n PgVwfjyrihhVii-JlÌ a< '. C a • i • f IStB ku rich crimson folds of tit: pi ri, si < nW in know! dg <1 t*m l| .• S I I b «4 ;. a ‘ n fa< qu> t could remain in quiet, mill ii \ t< -In- had le .rd. all mine fmm tl i T io .I svm . •Wfe 9ve Ti\(s D»Ntov*vs a«! ?■> X 1 Cahn herself a little l-i-for,- dimer I. il IjOI:; she II d I .v d md I u.-t tsc r»- s^-t. rf i ra Little Mrs. II arc soon came rust ¡ d T|l' • > artfulìy Th' V -, »ere »en 4iinrtfiillyni 'it th« flfi.-’i i.irt of it« I.- it is a mod, d- uble *>Mt> e- ling in. looki-.g lo.i-ly mid f.iSvi-r • Tov7J ST? *. > * Ads I il wil.- mg v.-ry wo'id fu xope. s, Ur»» -. I«ea-yt • ■ «T» W, will al*<- «Low y..u bow y-m'! i < à to ■< t O a .lay at trosr. U>-m thè »tai’.» . I». Warn» Cloth yot-pa'A ing. as was her wo t; then Ton sot '1 >•- B- ■ . r w r • at OH«e W < il ail r»)<- -a liantes iter all. that po. r M;.ri.m de 4« ll.SO t»««t*oA^ W m »» ‘t —• k—n sa, i' : . : '.L TT A . b - , MU, Tvi. ii am >. N a IM Granger and half a dnieu others, iv. d tl.oligli IloW elle wuad nd Witt».- Vftf IVK îi\tix îbVvCo, CksL«.«D CaA and at last. Colonel Everton. Vi p - v-i w ;, !\t - . h T « Uow she ever coulil a elee». Marian's heart l eal fast as s! Tliey sai under thè slmile of th. saw him glance rapidly round th. •caciii fili tliey limrd m.-rry voici-4 it Hl room; the eager light in his cyi ■ -oimded in thè mljoining itmiiii , and 1 » giving place to a shadow of dis p .ou Granger calli: g Inudly l'or I 1 point mint, fer she had drawn tl . Miss Wiìloughl.v Tlu n. re._ri iful- 1 vurtains cbisely. not fi-i-ling pr. . tliey partili. to go t.ther pared for a meetii g in hr th. ni-ig friei.d.«. and li ■ tu i state of nervous exeileii) nt. tliur in thi |i rary. We will ««nJ th« entire IX nf Twenty Valuable She saw him seek I' io I. i ' s ei<I . I' iC HSIlìt of t'iir- CO Vl '-.ltll ' Bvx'k, enumerated »ta«l .leecrtbaJ 1-» w, to every »uh- *!n Lrr. ddlo. ron ncc* n c /tiS-~t •criber to thi« paper for tti. ensuinx rear, who rear, te ft! I only f.“-d . ri. Ika ■ c.s ft vc . wc.I- adJHiou 1-» t‘~e recular -ub»« and they were soon in d.- .p ll. -’ t .« U.U, A..d A *. ii-L- V- «faLul* - ut pii l'vl» millenni i <L I price The«« book«, each one of wlúrh contain« a rout I». r ex—a le.” piete flr»t-clA*« no»el or ottie; work by a well know« earnest conversation. Then Ur » ip r i ring tir di.- that f.dhnvi il SU k. , lb I. •?. •■Te?, md *• ‘ v?’: yrn ca d ren at 1 popolar a.itnnr, are pu >L«!i<M in ne»t paini . let ri hud I could i .a a -j t... ; i t: * • vs : < form, printed from to * I rnaAabi.» tj?» on g '- d rat'er, au I many of t »ent i.« ad»ctnely i.:n»irated They e m —«nd t* ta. • L L.2 .1.x Ldl Was iinnoiini-ril. and us soon .1- ii'ons iv< ?e ¡ihiiis-d. arai ma’’« e ¿ben. pri«e <o ue of the fiue«t wo ever wh teu by •■una oí e «a* Lai 1 hnv ¡ ’i. ’ the creatoci »ad tno«t popular writer*. l»o<h of Auserà F r- l. ••’it xi i» t'haï saw Colo-ii I Evi-rton ufT-r his re III fucinisi s ..f'he ymiiig pi <- «a and Europe baca one 1« completo iu iteeli li :* Lrz. ' » c?. iLc' : ■ ?*1 o.“ * ft >' M Mrs. Cundlf’t «• t alti I rrfnrer. By t.xd i •* '■.’-ar. n 1 t : . \ à : à t t ♦o Lady Wi lough' y. . m r 1 - to wlmt ;»s giiing n". Ai ■ tî.-»n Dora a * J< * ’ Very old an«t very inner. The •ho k".on- ; a. t i»s i: ruîr. c j rr.«l ia Lx bt r- J yourrer a« well a- olJer rwneraticn should read tb-ra. «al ridir, n j i i u; ve .. a u..: à c< r. d en te from her hiding plarv mid .1- >o it« Vivesti nr-« «»f -■• Bnclivlor. fetheau- b I tu.;.F- I V»* th r was a rc’.i cs «' m lo . ; if 1 F- f - «.•••<» at*ur. ? cf • i A ereat i n ron« «< ya. »r anth-'r. f -dunaailoa. bh* 1 : •- ne tao *i*t n •> ber of I/- t \ «Minr at llstzl hirM. an 1 Lo lv joined the merry g'o-ip No .A llww »• M:tk»« and *nve Mnneyon kr -nain-* lr.e*/, r ■ «i Ì L Fr r z « re tr. œ . c . our • the F:» ••«. b e at n - f n«eful fact«, re..’ir*. r.'.-D.-, x il» * co i l rrt . » r ¿ i c i <1 Cha 1 j sto.i i t g thrr o . t ■ h a?« an I * ’ :$»t oa« for larmer« an I cardoners. He gave a start us hi h- r 1 I t p.c « cl txa »' •*. • ’ -» < r- . d p c\ c;» *t r u No l»r F •-i ‘he IX« (It to the Moon. A Iv i-v . oral ch .u «r Ci ."r t «dp. * kcir r.i. i, Kore' Bv !•’’ « V ebxk . iipf*i(‘ntiHH (V,gi a n i for the fis epeak to M « 11 ,r , .-md t i- i N ' il« T 1« Ta’ltir ni I Mau a»f tbe»<- n »He«. A S ‘V- By Ex: »' «'. ». i*p. t e d y ••. - : ' I - « ' a < ; ime. ui m l lh<- I-st ih. g ->si, hastilr toward h. r. A glow ut \.» _■ i l> »•« r.'ou« liminin. A Ner.-L £y B-..1 c.'.’T.t n; ; *o uc» ,i.*.r ’ i .r.r.TTltn tuo. B a. A yy ? < * k'- L«<ry .. n .’.ake .?a; j c c ; x t e . J < : »’» c *.l V. No The I. adra Farm A Novel. tense happiMcsA flood- <1 hi» . c. u«e b S: r-»* . u'i m u jrt yen t«» t Le B.- M«a i . H' x ) •«'. rv.;'e lan.’.'y ?\-. r- n* : th toriee rre N ’ i"l Mot »«• Derrick’» D.iachtr-r. A Novel. \u<| Mr- I L,rv »I .‘Lire 1 that. II being, and hi« eves shone withe n eu six» I. TA' t. U ysu «îc: fu.*i every» onth. By U T C» The Hard»’» Ifl L A Noval By Sru rea f! tes i> ,‘o-nd >r t en al o lu it» ¡a c<« erd L In t txp • iuiic»». bin» h ilk o V VI- luster a« th-y fi\. d |iie«n»- l' - o Mr Al. n« ly it 1: H r ally » olùciì G \ « St? I h- ’’er I t.r RlrharJ Pardon. A Low h -ii.Ucnrr -.ce-ib r cf th ■ n.. y ! ” i hiitiiUn u i p tir th in (\/o Kneel H. B I F « - ■»: »x the knot of pansies r. »’iwsi tn th ir M : I.t' perita il: db ti "rwer ’ fera N X’«» lliavkbltd »IU!. A T'orcl. Ty E« tdx > Fp'r’iuenOv-'V; lvr ititi ntth'.rsKI i wF.'i «et» paa K kx « • a W ìlei gh vt-r ai • n I M rich, gorgi-os. viol t h d -n th .1 invia a-m c tndin«tri'r then Iole- f ¿« ’ No Th Gaat ó’a.«'« TI «I. A Novel By Dr J II R " "'«•» « I. B i ix'ih .t \." • t anirx* L’tTEorcU N ¿tl T.*v <i»ay r <!cor, A Novel. By M. T O A *| snowy l-reast. f >' •. - "Y • a-» ì |\ J tr t ' f\v Y- k Is C .1M'M 0’’- ».n • t X c4r» t » vpy f< r »• c< ttd. o 1*<. Thr •«•nwtv «T a Secret. A Novel. nt ;.>•■ n ih r-, ♦ ca h nutvbcr coutcire li -pp . * a mc. Marian’s eves nu t his for m-.i » 1 man» un Imme. alt . Bv *ABi C« Hat i t. -.t Or r" «r.'i:. - • ih 1, «r i.» »nv No - ' Prrev and Ihe Prophet. A Novel I ..t: rn I e tu v - t J tn ery «ixc vcMcb Bv < 'ii* Oi « • gle moment, and the I urni g I- v- th <1 s -, !.. g M uri. e .-.i u. ; n C- ù ,'X I - ; ovù* ardli'. 't No ft? Th-* H i»rv "fa *verl«ll u Ria». A N«voi By* ' aat or «•■ " R. - » y-, • . ‘ ’ * she ,nw in them sent 1 a th ill 'I ri .n hv nini I w e teli o'I:- .*<*. 'I ••»an V .ire's Temptation. A •o- • . ■ » p * o ; j t ’ , 0 t je r : emi I Kovel ” Mm II 9 y a ma l I e .n*t rei w t • x y-n » .U.»À or N ' A M 'ilrrn <■ n<lrrell.s. A Nevai. By through her whole fame. She but tin V II ver f rget li king \ a •tetania:.» a..ncf r li i c iav. cr ” th* author of n• - a . i »’ne ’ N> fib The | w I mm « i 1I.U1 . AN.veL Ey M T «land not look into - them again. ■ ifluiii ry they e dumi, and <„<•.- nf C« No ttl The F-» <1 Glove. ANcv«|. By Q- aju Bv .rara. It accrued to Colonel Everton that Marlan'l greatest treasures is th. knot of Palisi.» that I.lellght lie: the dinner that day wait Id nevi r i isi.~* papeu come to an end. When, finally, "heart's ease.” — WIT' I.adv Willoughby and her train ot THE SAK F KC; CD attendant beauties swept bv him through tlw oi»-n door, he caught LOUISVILLE. KY. Marian's hand as she would Imve Cwtmínj »irca.'.-s J: -»!•.* .«-»So-- «vi ’*'ut J® JÜNE3 \ ’ tier ;t| r»* Y» ar. hurried after them, and whis]H-red: TG.M tCALCS Mado t¡y Farmers for Farmers. “Mis‘t me in the ixmsi-rvaturv iu A* i r;.-eM of in-xc -fwî sjnî-ratïnïT. Ï?'"4X SG á BINSH.-.MTOS c.! :.v: .r.vcrce .VXD F \F'. ’ ’io r- :? I‘.'-erv t-.y.c renting Bra-. Sc. TmB .s five minutes ” > . •« 07* • d.- Ì .. :;s e " s Fc th f-r—.No ex » - 4 u «prred Leaving h'h companions, unob. : i ••• ’ .■*. t 4: . »■ 1 ?»* e<ablt sue- ctsa aa t'ue .»n* Il a* -Dnctirily the >cre-iL Maurice hastened t. ki« p FARMCnS* OWN PAPÆR, rr>... i. a' i hi,Yrvst with Marian, and found A re.vr * oí t *;.r ri < p?x«cnhèù in a <or» .iad *M «Uscii ¿uxke .1 :•■ sdì. lier waiting under.» feathery a.'siei*, iva UCT OF C3RT!Ì 8UTCF3 C '-U t .s the nr :the .r-’ v r-- ‘ -i-e ùm- whose pale gqldeti f-lossoms lay uu «r« cf : I ic >'vrth « U .. cv c - y ct treat of .hex, a . ¿ r-iej. I.t cl tFe a.”.nsl c-jadi* ber dark hair, !»kc fl.-.-ks of ‘ which cot. r<s:t - - 2 n v ? F. Jo" nasa : - ■ y r- -r- • w-, . - shine. J0F ".rekxvtt : r. ¡ ‘juta: Jcha F T r. r-Msran aadl Hr stood at Its* rrPh ?r* -*k* «• * juarhai iaui.'pcasrtW. his darling, and it was witfi a A HOMS » ’.! ACAZiNE. mighty «fivrt that he rvfr.iliiad « b'.ct »'. -r*e to the .v..fne-»n«ker ¿s xt, t M j : v \..-.Mts.! «CJrtebh--. M t - k from clasping her to his h- •art li< M- a , DavieMrs« Ca* Mt» Ale« v. A’ w » •*■<» of other* niU eimplv took her hmid in hi*. mal ntt rr¿ : . - pressing it watmlv, s*M. iu n tXe —«•• agitate«! v aa-t tart] "1 S.-C you iveaT Thv t «« ;>- I am then at ht*t<y to eh ar nnwll from the vile stand. H> that wen • S LETTTTS poured into V».tnreAra five years ago For five rears my fi-iviuls have I ven working for me, ssvYefly, to th» lend. while 1 was nee.‘*»»rily al-ent from Fng!.«-.d. a' I • st last. JPaeytte HXTursery THE HERALD. Of Payette Idaho ■ /?£^’T SEEDS HARDY TREES SPECIALTY t Vg| !SEKß'ANgirA,t Nur e v. comprising ml Extent»« Iki< acres, Ì-» luca cd on* half mile troni Pay- Tie Road to Wealth et.e de| o., un-he U.S. I.. My. Thin ILLC! Nur-iry La. done moie to | ro- mo:e fiui. grunii.g in East « I. :*’ a '‘»««¡ri’,1 """■ r >1«. ,‘i ern Oregu i and Idaho than all Mor selli* combined. u- tile ires. ure MC- and >* m» m ? r.-r tut h vu: U .it* arc wh cffir^d f< r buie (liât ure Known u fi, uri h iu ‘•'.'■’i E" hrivv and die 11 • > MI, '• *• ' “«• H.*J »•'RI’ERS) mountain The ••il’Allu” jwar rt.un rv. will b< < IT red in limi.ed qUan i cm for ti e fir i lime .hi' icar. 'lhi j ear i-tai.a iveaf Idaho iacon i. tr.d the ihK.< j car grown and h ex rvH.dy h; rdy. Io i.o f. il o plan» a few trccM. bTocK BKA.XDM. .CRî-i'î'G CALL tc-carni • lher branded Right or •Uf.e <:K. Ran re—tirant c«.ui.ty, Urcg. n. F. O.—Rur » County. Oragva. ALMEDA A e*TTi.i . :u U.X «. HARPF.L’t WWIU 'n« e lb .Le iea.n.f i. interi a. rhe turan .. r 3 . i. « urti Bt juj ipt ni <> Cb titkrih'w i a tliv tar.*» Bi«t> r.-me t -hi<hmit :>■ ibf «B aiHti».B>| he peri M • f papest a..«, i u.«il. B. lhc*R cnin ka e tant., i XJ« B<‘il OlIBu... R i .s .v u ..i » t<> in i 11 il.«, p.t V’ , r ■. A -• en «t r <| r» OMIS A. JAMIU . STENGER ... i-ra- cc.l >u 1 eft ei ie; < ir. e split in ea< h ». U. ...I « vUU i. uni ■ . UT RILEY A- HARPIN'. Audrtt» ISAAC Ft»fTER. I O' B“* branded U si Ht* f » NU:i iti »•< L e j Kc »ih Le N ujlì «. i *r'.»r. ■ i V.. un r««ifa a< k i ; ea tU F íU.«|«ií,.f tuo, «kcd| i-er » ..iti r.c kf |T ». « «»- h . i.» t.r t»i »»•n ' X - a «.«Bea «•»H «a «1. kcisiii kti<»B « -r».ir « r inil.M sil 1 Al Itbtri uii eft ~if.e U e-H tic’ P : I. L t Ji Ab «Ï » hi: ». Ä uih 'eW:.*a<h Id. Hip Far . i r (be FJ .h h «r*kp<* i« eft ear. « as •>«i Ma I vur rounth«. * un B. «tra;.; tn., u.'efoo. £ £ A A ’ ” !’■ y » sv Tr e rei r- "la • f.-r ijwv thearr»» a: co .« ivuvi« p«r- • •• - pe a. • a ki. i: e vr a «r* î* t a- ' ■ f »he • ' k o. aovte . ra-.w uek.: _* u - *.he;c v. P rinters ' I nk -u-tsn^ Haruer's W Tbt K-erv.1» Va»»f , «. .b k «Tl«!*' ..e > .a- I O', ..Per «- »« V» e1.' or, .i, l*r «•»’’’ • ,1.. ■ r.. -rki. re • trit-, el , d «... he • ’•* JJ .u . ,h. " v • • '!?? r.^ae.h,.f»x L «1 • U * ► q air i -e ., ” ► * « :. l,i:» 1» e- »» oiCe-e *<*.- h 2*-*rj » 1 I i< Blu»t » • - Ne ». • 11,6. var L > rRA tT **1 - n- erwvr > J«ek • or. »:r. X JOI’SffAL fOS ASFLSTKLSL. !ROM K .an ».v Harcer’s I L LTS1 H or > e » ■9 r - L WEEKLY CALL '• •*•“» n n.u i -lu.« , ¡ VcUÏ Ufà . ' tu bv Uj j ' r ■* “'»• ( fil l.-|,y ■'"■• i i. lu,.; 1 ■'"•‘yiiM.',; •<> .0. Umil i,, , I ••>. <uie «S. , beni. uiH-e.uLi •»»«*> ur-mr, < i ». re-> lut STENGER. ASK FOR IT! HOME ANB FARM The V. ;U1W . - IIII.I, »'■ ‘Vh„,¿ 1 KIDNEYS, LIVER AND E97EL2 2OBnOISiGIVEìIAWA 1 i I «<• n « , j Addre.-s, l*aye..c X’l.r-trv, pure .< 1claim. T R - »•••«•rfl *pr- *.D«« <» p terni ta» C« « < nm ¡ HART î -B * 13 fKjtt t» -