Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1890)
burns advertisements IN MEMOK1AM. on April 30, 1892, but leaves the TMF HFRALD I oik town and county . I i - mfu .» o «’<-<«" In Middleton. Idaho. February 12, IN». Mr» . THE HERALD. ( Th a*“*““»' date of the opening of the exposi Robt. Bixby, died, aged 2» yean. tion to be named hereafter. It is Owing to the unusual long delay ■ -' ... j .....; «1 p-o- bable that an amendment nam in the mail, we were not informed ' TBl'RBDAY. Al'RtLIO, ISSO. _ be better than it is at the present valley tocall ana. i ing 1893 as the time, will be adopt until recently, of the death of Mrs , ' time. An abundance of snow in tl e persent ituation. , Robt. Bixby, which occurred as ed by the House. Editors. I the lnountaing jg always a Bure pro I ( We have entered our first politi The Republican Senators seem above mentioned. cal campaign. The result will genitor of good crops. Deceased was the daughter of Mr cast the die for our success or fail to be ashamed of the action of the JXT. The hay crop in Harney valley Republican members of the com-1 and Mrs. Wm. Hogan, of Albany, poR COUNTY-SEAT OF II ARNEY' COUNTY has been short for several seasons I i ure for. probably, a number of years mittee on Elections in deciding to ! Oregon. to come. A complete victory for Leadine Merchant of Harney Count on account of drouth, but the. She united in early life with the --------- DEALER IN--------- the Democratic party without the scat the Republican contestants amount of snow that fell last winter from Montana. A conference of ■ Methodist Episcopal church, and loss of a man, will clearly demon insures a hay crop—“and why not Republicans was held on Tuesday! was married at the age of 28 to Mr. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, strate the fact to the Republican BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE a grain crop?” night to discuss the matter. It is Robt. Bixby, of Hardin, Or., and party that the Democracy of Har STOVES, TINWARE, CROCK ERY,^GLASSWARE Those of us who have been liv hardly probable, however, that they thus was she taken from those who PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEB1L\T w ing here six or seven years, know ney county is a unit—is a power will be sufficiently ashamed to do loved her when life seemed bright- POR COUNTY CLERK SULTANA a . na nA/.»...-, RAZORS, AND .......................... “I X L” CUTLERY, WINES that the Republican party cannot, that grain grows well and yields ‘ W.E. GRACE. CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES with all its cunning and craft, de justice when the time comes to vote , | est, leaving behind a devoted hus- heavily here; every season wc have i TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION. i on the committee's report. I band and an infant babe to mourn or deceive. pOR KHEP.ITF a heavy crop of hay, but ranchers coy, __ ______ loss, besides a fa- The Republican party of to day ! A Lili transfering the Revenue, ■ her _ irreparable r A. A. COWING. have never, until the last two years.; anj mother, several brothers is the monopoly party. It feasts, i i Marine Service from the Treasury lieen provided with seed, and really to the Navy department has been ■ 1 and sisters, and a host of friends, gJoR COUXTY JUDGE: ! fattens, and thrives from thecoffers the efforts of farmers, until last. passed by the House, and is likely i j who will long remember her as an WM. MILLER. year, in this valley, have been very of monopolies. The Republican to go through the Senate. I affectionate daughter and sister, a feeble, and last year there was a I party, in its greed, want all the ■JUR ASSESSOR: Representative Norton of Mis-1 loving and devoted wife, kind and E SOLI i offices from constable to President, r W. E. ALBERSON. general failure of crops, not only souri, has offered a resolution in the ! so as to enrich the speculator by op- gentle to all. in Harney valley, but everywhere House culling attention to the re How hard it is to reconcile our ; pressing the poor. It is the party poR TREASURER: in Eastern Oregon. The farmers ports that inspeators and special selves to the loss of a dear friend t — • ---- --- “ its patrons > TIIOS. H ROBERTS. * this spring are making preparations ■lth which to bribe yi u vuu.». PuBiiihce department or kindred whose presence is so B ▼ ---------------------- ¡sj trien have been deyot)S^ the ¡justice, the legislatures, and neeessaij. < : although there is a scarcity of seed 1 uir. n-r aiitiogec , cr ASS. PUTTY,id T. A. McKINNON. inve i stigating iL^^iims ot RepuL- The angels called, and it was still from the information we have, Land Department. n applies... appliean*flPpostmasterships lican — - pOH « HOOL SUPERINTENDENT: best that she should go. Another’ been abletoobtain from the farmers, i We of Harney county, above all instead of to the public duties for star has flown from earth, An- L. B. BAKER. the acreage of grain that will be I others, should give our support to W. E GRACE, P roprietor , BURNS, OR] which they are paid, and calling on other soul has passed over to the the great Democratic party — Why? sowed in the valley this season will pOK CORONER: Mr. Wanamaker for an explana farther side, and entered into life be greater than any heretofore at Because under the administration tion. It will not be adopted, but it eternal. F. P. MOORE. of Grover Cleveland, reforms which tempted. A Large Assortment of i Dear Savoir in Heaven to thee wc pray, ought to be, all the same. l raoor Everything taken into considera-j the people of this country felt the •■OR COMMISSIONERS: Send thou thy comforter to ub this Gaj ; Mr. Morton has returned from lu eadnetB„andsorrow we^thy prtseuce would need of were inaugurated and car tion, Burns, and the country around gain, WM. ALTNOW, bis political jaunt to Florida and is For thuu alone knowest our anguish and pain. ’ I E IS Burns, is on a boom, and when it: ried out, and have established hun T. B. JAMES. presiding over pz* ..-i, ~ — the --- Senate. --------- 'May the thoughts of our dear one thou ha6 lias just been Received. comes to voting on the county-seat. I dreds of hard toilers in q iet homes again Senators Call and George have I !;e nuguWe to’uur foot-Btejs in our journey lt »aid >.«< Under the administrations of all tr and Re< “we’ll get there all the same.” _ il 23d, 18V0, asked to be relieved from further i May her spirit ’ keep watch o ’ er us, and from We will have a bank here by the the Republican Presidents, men. ! . ... . • | danger ever warn. W e propose to issue in May the Î Clllty Oil the committee on minil- ; That our records may be worthy at the regur- o. 2899, for I largest, finest, best-looking, interest first of July; we will have a saw j who are now in quiet possession of gration, of which Senator Chandler! E^Ho'nk! their homes, dare not look into the May her soul find peace in' heaven, where the PHYSICIANS* PRESCRIPT!t»\s ing newspaper that has ever ap mill located in the immediate vi-1 t i.i.Y i <> mi m .¿conu» is chairman. They refuse to asso- ! weary are at n st, Oi Bflul lai And the uiige s bid her welcome to the home peared in the Harney country, hav cinity of town this spring; N. Brown inclosure of a certain class of spec- ¿MF“ Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best qusq?“n“uitJn ciute with Chatidler or to serve un-, of the bleat; i ulators When we appealed to the ing arranged with I). L and N. will finish his Hour mill this sum May lh\ hi Bout be her refuge till the storms is v der him on the committee. of life in o’er, Grace to carry out the enterprise mer; the business men of Burns j Land Department under Democrat- Then let her bid ub welcome within thv Some of the members of the three : sacred uoar. D. T. A. I on fully as grand a scale as designed have given to the county a building ! ic rule, for right and justice, we, in ICE OF H Americas’ Congress have discon- i by them last January for the year sufficiently substantial and commo 1 all cases, received an answer favor Arbor Day. U certed the Republicans by express 1890, and we earnestly hope the dious to answer all purposes for able to our interest. ing a belief that it would be impos It would—we think—be the The second Friday, in the after business men of Burns, who have not public buildings. The merchants j O. sible to build up a large trade be noon, in April of each year, is secured extra space in our columns of Burns are going to bring such an ; basest ingratitude for any element E. K. TAYLOR, ---------------------------------------------- P.orn tween Central and South America known as Arbor Day in our State. for a creditable display of the es amount of dry goods, groceries, in this county to work to defeat a land the United States as long as This large ami commodious Hotel has been generally f™ tablished business of the town, will hardware, tinware, drugs, etc., as party, which has bestowed so much I the latter persists in maintaining a By an act of our Legislature, this vated. The Proprietor will spare no pains to please his guest;i‘“ter u<i day was set apart for that purpose. do so at once. Every citizen in “will astonish the natives”—Oh public benefit upon the laboring rticc at Bi high protective tariff. It is an in We shoujil all take an interest in iS“Good tabic service, and tables furnished with all marketi*'“'1“1* ‘ the county should order at least 10 yes! Burns with her court house, class. The element that has been disputable fact though. ’dock, a. | making Arb >r Day a pleasant and “■ copies to send East to friends, as flour mill, her saw mill, her bank, damaged by Democratic rulings, Another Democrat—Mr. Comp i tract < m and still stands by the party and her merchandise, her Land Office, enjoyable one for the children, and nothing advertises the county so qr, 8ec. 2 ton, uf Maryland—has been put . al. K. J grown persons should be very effectually as these loom editions and her indomitable energy, will upholds its standard bearers, cer the eak - —................... ' ■■ hhln th out of the House to make room for tainly deserves more credit, more certainly be tile county-seat after 1 much interested in the matter when of the home newspaper. xtended yuf Man confidence, and more respect than a Republican. It was stated that we consider the scarcity of timber, the election in June. BURNS OSCULATING T ,!BRAR$ an element that having received the quite a number of Republicans ! especially here; we certainly feel it would vote with the Democrats in AND i is a very important subject for our 1 hl Oklahoma bill passed, 20th the “ fault 1* is of rei 'U wx - i C an benefits, immediately turn around .L FBOC anil slaps the party in the face by this case, but they did nothing of thoughts and ccnsideration. We ult., by a vote of 160 to 25. The rot»**» the kind. IN THE HERALD BUILDING. Lili fixes the boundaries of the new As St'cn from our point of view- trying to defeat its candidates in all realize the importance of tree Interest in Silcott was revived Torritorv r> " —the C «•>- " has been, and it is to-day, to en county or State elections. MRS. GRACE, ------ L ibrarian . i planting, and we do not know of S ettler . this week by the arguments by of <•penfr.e 'his I VBintFB in con* ecti hi with the Fr« <* Reading Room ’s to okec outlet, with u proviso that no I rich the rich through donations of any one in this valley who has F object uii G s for pure hue ing bo.,ks for a Public Li! rery f.r burns—The lol for the bulldiH»l Representative Crain’s suit before lands which the Indians occupy, public hinds, and to make the poor | made a success in that direction, TERMS: Membership Fee $12 a v?ar. Ren ling Fee 10c. Deposit of 25c, or RataU prirti under treaty of law, shall be in- 1 man poorer by lessening his chances HEKALD'S WASHINGTON LETTELI. the U. 8. Couit of Claims to recov | therefore it behooves us to talk and odital or Book, made wi’h the Librarian, i.i every ¡trance. >end for Catalogue f fP“"The I ibrarian ir agent f. r and wi’l take Sul b < riptiot * at the 1 cwtFt I!atCB f«rd er from the Government his salary eluded without their consent, ex-1 for securing himself t* desirable think on the sublect of raising tim- ¡•’it aL and ortler anv Boi k. puhliaheii in the luited S.aicF <r < Albo,! Ila Pictures, Works of Art, House building Designs, Etc. which Silcott carried off. This is eept for judicial purposes. The home from the public domain, Senator A'oarhceH in a rattling ; her, and, if possible, make a suc laws of the United States, and code Under caption of “Who’s Fault” speech on a resolution offered by a test case and upon it depends cess of it. As Arbor Day is a day of Nebraska extend over the ¡ T ub H erald ’ s now friendly Burns him as to theagricultual depression the action of the other members who ; set apart particularly for that pur Territory, without interference with cotemporary objects to our position of the country, gave the Republican lost their salaries. pose, let every one who can in the local Indian governments acting 1 in a lengthy and somewhat heavy idol—protection—a terrible drub- district meet at the school house Weaihcr Crop Bulletin No. 3, under their treaty rights. The notice of a political editorial of ours bing. lie said a protective tariff and exchange ideas in regard to bill provides for the appointment in reply to its oft repeated assertion was a curse and not a I leasing, Gf the Oregon State Weather Bu the matter, we feel assured all who F. E. B eacii . President, W m . M c F all , Treasurer.! of the usual territorial officers; the that it is Democrats that are in pos "The farmers,” he continued “of reau co operating with U. S. Signal may be present on the occasion E. H ughes , Vice-President, W. F. B rownton , Secretil election • of iwtvga.latlisv a legi-Litive i assembly IO.' I I I I I > I I ns ■ session of the lalll lands 14 0 H which IIIVU I the I1U V Gov- <UV' the United Stats do not receive on Service, (.'entrai Oilice, Portland, wil1 be benefited. soon as the Governor shall order; 1 eminent designed for the honest an average more tnan ten cents a j Oregon, for the week ending Satur voters must be bona tide residents I settler, etc. If it is true, as the I bushel for their corn, fifty cents for Patents Granted to Coast Inventors. day, March 'I9d, 1890. £W“List of Directors and Stockholders at the office of the AjJ for, at least, 60 days preceding the Items says, that the holders of the their wheat and from two to three WEATHER. During the past week reported for T he < lection. The council is to consist s fraudulently procured public lands cents a pound for their hogs. The J. D. Shaw, The temperature and rainfall | II kkald by C. A. Snow ami Co.. Patent 2-30tf of 13 members, which may be in-, in Harney county are Democrats, it time will come, at no far distant Lawyer < and Solicitors. Op|>ori:e U. 8. Pat BURNS. OREGOU Mid have been below the normal. There • reased to 39. The first session is equally true, that it was under daj*, when the farmer will look up has been little sunshine, generally ! ent Office, Washington, I). C. ■U C. II. James, Oakland, Cal., De cannot continue longer than 120 j Republican (National and State)a<l- on the proposition to tax him and partly cloudy or cloudy weather vice for tapping sheet metal vessels. days. The county-seats will beat j ministration that it was possible fur his wife and children for the pro ' with high humidity prevailed. A. A. Kent, San Jose, Cal., Lawn- IL PRC Guthrie, Oklahoma City. Norman,: them to be thus obtained. tection nnd benefit of other people The temperature has been above sprinkler. NEAR BCRN8, OREGON. Lisbon, or Kingfisher, Beaver, Still- Here is another undeniable fact: as he would look upon a law of Con F. I. Matthews, Oakland, Cal.,' the freezing point, but a few frosts JNO. AV. SAYER iiliter, and one mor** to la? fixed bv “The gr** nt Road tt.»-i.l Land I <n,,l steals «♦,,olu ” ’* (we ««•» gress to establish the army worm Grooving-Load. rent Pr.omir , arc reported. Light rains were ex IL Reno, Portland, Oreg., Oil-can the Secretary of the Interior, Pro- quote one of our neighbor's favorite and weevil on his wheat, or to in- perienced in all parts of the state. holder. I vision is, also, made for establish terms) began under the administra- feet his cattle with murrain and I Keep» eonsinntly on hand a large »to. k The weather conditions have been P. W. Ross, Los Angels, Cal., ing supreme and district courts. . tions of Lincoln and Grant, Repub- his hogs with cholera. Every pre unfavorable to the growth ofj vege Metal railway-tie. Flooring; I lican Presidents, and of Gibbs and tense of a home market for the farm 8. J. Saxon. Colfax, Wash., tation. Counting register. ■ Woods, Republican (lovernorsofOr- er is a fraud and every pretense of SOIL. ILÆolclin g73, M C. Stiles. San Francisco, Ore- T hk little circular sent out bylegon; progressed under the admin- taxing wheat, oats and potatoes for The soil remains too wet for crusher. the Harney Press (we thought of istration of Republican jiolicies by his benefit is a cheat and a sham. spring plowing and seeding, except M. B. Wible, Arcata, Cal.. Gate answering had it amounted to any- and Garfield; ; were »un It is a notorious and self evident . ; i Grant, . Hayes . Drawings and specifications of! in favored localities, generally on tiling) only deserves t > be men- retarded by the Democratic rule of. of truth that the tariff, as it now stands, A . kind, of » lumber thoronxhly «'»r.iicd for building purpcecs »«dit any of these patents will be sent for i upland. REDfCEll PRICE. tinned, and then let it take its place Grover Cleveland; and required the increases the farmer's expense ac the Government price. 25 cents, in i citoys. in the archives of past history. Our Republican administration of B B.-r.- i.- count from 35 to a 100 per cents stamps. Always give date of paper The winter wheat crop is gener and address C. A. Snow & Co. reasons for not answering it in full 1 jatnin jamin Harrison for consummation consummation' on every implement with which he IXTe'w Macliinery ally reported in good condition »re: the accusation of bribery could : of - ends sought. Under the fair and toils, XXX. I do not see how the though not favorably affected as to nut be sustained ; the lawyers we honorable dealings of the Cleveland hand of a farmer can hold a Repub -Prineville News: On 26th ult . N B. A Good rn<ul all the wav. growth by the weather. In some consulted maintain th it we have a administration the lands were be lican ticket at the next Presidential ; nt his home on McKay, Jimmy La- I arts of Eastern Oregon the winter perfect right to offer houses, land, ing so rapiilly restored to the pub- election. In the last 25 years the follett accidentally shot himself <>r other property na a donation to , lie domain, that the Republican improved farm lands of the United I' oz** the wheat out and it is now with n pistol, the wound proving fa I •nr county. It the town of Burns land agents of Eastern Oregon States have decreased in value at b'ing re sown. Grass is growing, tal five hours after. He had gone though like the wheat, it needs were incorporated, and the officor« sought to pluck the honor from the least 35 per cent. to the nootl-pilc after wood, when > \\ m . W oods , M anager . more sunshine. were to meet and by the authority brow < f Democracy to decorate a shot was heard, and the other The Republicans of the House FRVIT, ETC., LARGEST STABLE AND BARN IN THE HARNEY COUS in them vested, were to take such their own, crying out to hotue-scck- W.ivs and Means committee have member.’of the family going out. The past week has shown no m.i- action umier such circumstances, ers, “Come and settle on the Road finished their tariff bill, and a nice saw him lying on the ground, where there might ue some grounds for Company’s land; wo are getting mess it is. It is claimed that it t< rial a I vancenirnt in buds and he had fallen. His pistol was near , K, I?pe’1* an d Competent Service. a contest. But this offer is just these lands as fast as we can reach will make a reduction of $6 >,tKs\- II issoms. Indications |oint to an him. Medical aid was summoned, T1. Tb.» M.b,., .„a . f„-.i 1, mn.. , R !, r ,o. ,1 ,., n r|<, ardi.rM-a excellent yield of fruit, except t ait ully grin tacd, fed au-J watered simply made by Burns, or its citi the ear of the Land Department in per annum in the revenues of peaches, which were quite generally but the boy never regained con fBr-TAKM.rx.n. zens, to Harney county, and, Washington, with which we are in the Govcrmn -nt, and that one-half scious™ ss. This happened about if we are advised correctly, the citi constant communication; we will of it will come off of sugar. Re- injured by the cold winter. 5 o’clock in the afternoon, anti at zens of Burns have a jmt I«- c I right make out your filings for $15, sign publicans arc kicking like steers Burns-Canyon Stage Line, 10o'clock in the evening l.e died. The season is very I ackward, to make the donations referred to. the contract to pay us $20 as soon and saying that they will I. J ewitt . P roprietor . The » thing as to cause of acci-1 Bin « on Mon.!.;», wcenM.;,.,. Fr|,:al,. at f. a m And when we wi re in Harnev at as you get a title to your claim, not support the bill, and it is al this may I o accounted for by the dent is while stooping to pick up rj- . ».l*h the <»r«».to.l*rtle».|1e. »nd I».,;., Burna. MR« tending the Democratic county con ‘etc’’ Neeillcss to add their filings ready plain that the I ill cannot 1 e fact of the unusual heavy snow yet wood, the Distol fell from his pock ry tlOl’B fur pKBBCB|n*r». vention, we talked to intelligent were never received. The Demo psss<>d by the House unless it ir in the mountains; when the snow et and was in that way discharged -- ’* fall in the mountains has been As the ball entered t iiu forehead and taxpayers from all parts of the cratic party was succeed by the Re made a caucus measure, and ranged upward, this is most likely county, nil of whom laugliei at the publican party; the boom on Road then its fate will be doubtful, e'' n heavy in the winter, the spring is correct. The idea of Jimmy hav-j *'* ’ *■ usually Lit-', cloudy weather pre idea of tlie little circular sent out bv Land ceased Why’ Because, it ing committed suicide is not cred egations from various siclions arc TON SAM ----- P ro F»)^ vails and showers extend into the ited by any who are acquainted the Press having any effect on a is—unfortunately for the people— 1 coming on every train to proteit |at.. ..... ■ ’ priug and curly summer with him. as he was a cheerful a id aiugle voter in the county. CHINESE AND the jivlicy of the Repu' lican | artv. •ig.iit st some ), rtion of the 1 ill. E JAPANESE happy fellow, delighting in all, The season is now four weeks later The Press will have to get up t< • lay, to f. «ter monopolies at the The World’n Fair bill has been kinds of harmless sport, and espec Give th i than it was in 1889. something more substantial than expense of the lai oring cl.u’s of th* .'». *..»r. tn.I .Mi-nil,, the »rrsT nt F«n»» ' reported to the bouse. It provides! ially in hunting. Jimmy Lafollett Km*ra»blc rrW» for < Mb »..„th oi Goer » Htr lware Hör». tbs bribery racket to defeat Purus. country. IL 8. P auui . i for the dedication of the buildings | was 15 years old the 23d dav of last Observer, U. S Signal Service ’ Feb niary. In un? » «ih ing BURNS. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Cheapest House in Eastern Oregon for Cash. 4 F8ME CUTLERY. NOTIONS, Etc.^T IIE 2E3I <O "3? 50 TT BOOK EXCHANGE safe «S3 arelisLlole,! I Tizio Tlustic, New—Fresh—Clean. BURNS CHINESE BAZAR. / Fjre. Fanciful, and Varied. ■ A CHINESE LAUNDRY M