Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1890)
BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS Alian loti'tl Militurj l’uni». Silver State: Paradise valley is Democratic party that efforts will be made to have fair dealing in I The following appears in an ex said to be thoroughly soaked with On Feb. 28th the Secretary of the ¡every respect in th ■ Primaries, and change; but whether it is any more water. The ground is too wet to Interior sent to the Senate the fol that no dishonorable means will be true of the tribe mentioned than of plow, and farmers cannot get in lowing list of abandoned military -------- GO TO taken to control the action of the others we have our doubts: Indians their crops. The meadow land in Editor«« reservations: 4 IKH V the vicinity of Willow Point is get Convention favorable to any set of on the Siletz reservation in the south Arizona—Whipple Barracks. <20 delegatee. As a natural consequence ern end of Tillamook county are ting flooded and the prospect of an acres: Camp Crittenden, 3278 acres; P*OB < Ol X* ¥ i UAT OF H AILXEY COl’.’.TY in all conventions or primaries, vo doomed to slow but sure extinction. abundant hay crop is good. Leading Merchant of Harney Coui Camp Goodwin, 5760 acres: Camp •-* -------- DEALER IN-------- EUHNS. ters have a choice as to whom shall As a tribe they are very unhealthy, Grant, 2031 acres: Fort Verde. At a meeting of the Irish Nation 3000 acres. ’ be sent as delegates to the County many of them have died recently. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS V l LEllICTOIlY. California—Fort Bidwell, 123 ! Convention, desiring those that are They are decreasing so fast that it alists. gathered to celebrate Robert BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES. HARDWARE acres; Camp Cody, 1562 acres: STOVES. TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWAFF The E.’. t O hkgon H erald , which favorable to the candidates they wish is only a matter of a short time Emmet’s anniversary in Chicago Camp Independence, post reserve, PAINTS. OILS. GLASS. PUTTY, THE CELEBR*? has been our own paper, emphatic- nominated in the County Conven when the reservation will be opened on the evening of March 4. tiiThos. 120acres; same, hay reserve, 2530 SULTANA RAZORS, AND “I X L” CUTLERY, \Vl\i Brennan, Secretary of the land tion, for the different county officers. reserv e, 2560 to white settlers—Albany Demo acres: flame, wood, at nil imc-. we have pleas CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTlCbl league in Ireland, in his address acres: Fort Yuma. 5; ¿14 acres. We again ask the privilege of call crat. TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION. ure in selling t«> Messrs. W. C Byrd Nevada—Fort Carlin, 920 acres: J used the following language: “Sin ing the attention of the Democratic «I: Son of Burns, who, we believe. party to the importance of har Fort Halleck, 10.900 acres; Fort A Horse That llouMs a NliiMtacltr cerely is pea<- ■ with England want Cheapest House in Eastern Oregon for Cash McDermott, 10,374 acres. Which tlo- Boy» Euv). •».■11 keep it up to its high standard mony and union; let the love you ed. out it must be peace with hon New M< xico—Fort Butler, 76.8001 ■s one of the best nev. epapern in have for the party, its principles, A gray horse in the service of one or. To obtain it they must not acres; Fort Craig. 24,895 acres; i and success, be an incentive to urge of the local transfer companies sneer at fighters like Emmet, and , Fort McRae. 2560 acres. Eastern Oregon. oo o ’ Oregon—Fort Klamath, dOoO While th" publication of such a 'you to droji all personal malice boasts a hirsute adornment which such men as the Fenians who died acres. ! or prejudice, and to work with all attracts attention wherever he is on the gulluws at Manchester. paper in this country is a financial Washington—Fort Colville, 10i0 vour power, energy and influence, left standing, and a crowd frequent Then it woe the voice of the Irish FOR A SQUARE MEAL • ticcess, we fi:. I the incessant work to heal the breach, if there be any ly may be seen speculating on the people: ‘Let the old fight go on.’ acres; Fort Steilacoom, 289 acres. GO TO PARKER'S. a greater drain on time and energy in the party, and thereby, if it be | cause of the peculiar freak of na The sons of Ireland had the same The World’s Greatest Wheel. than we nrc able to stand at cur possible to do so, establish Ilarncv ture. It is n heavy growth of yel right in this day as the Americans low hair close to his mouth on the had in 1776 to fight, and die, ifi Standing in the main shop of the lime of life, and. th 'refore, retire to ' county Democratic. upper lip. nnd has reached the length necessary, for liberty from Eng Dickson Manufacturing Company, a less remun rative branch of the > of between two and three inches. land and -J m ,gii«h tyranny. They Wilkesbarre, Penn, is one of the printing business,trusting Tilt: H eu - -IBR a On Selection of Deieg’UtPff. The driver states the company ac had the right to the same weapons, biggest wheels in the world. It AND ai . d readers will cal! mid se: us reaches out of the wheel-pit almost quired tne animal when a colt and or any other weapons of more de E ds . E ast O regon H erald : See at the time nothing Deculiar was structive kind, [Wild cheering, re to the skylight, far above the trav when in Burns, and, will also, ex BOOK EXCHANGE IN THE HERALD BUILDING. tendió our successor» in T he H er ing that there is likely to be a great noticed about him. When the peated again and again ] If they eling crane, and dwarfs all other! MRS. GRACE, ------ L ihsasuk . I LEGAL deal of contention over the matter groom noticed the growth he began had but the prospect of success for machinery in the place. It is 54 ald office the same appreciation of Object of opening this bualn*-n In comic« lion with the Free Rending Room ii fa M of delegates at our coming Prima brushing it every morning when tile present, the sword was in scab feet in diameter and will weigh. I Fun'"» for purcliuuiiin book» for n CubUc Lll-rcry (or Slim»—The lot lor the bulliim services rendered them as they ever ries, would it not be well for every i currying the horse, nnd as it grew bard. and they were pledged not to when in working trim, 200 tons. TERMS Meniberehlt« Fee »1; a veer. Reedtns Foe lOe. Dep.tett of'¿5c. or IhM J X PROOF odlcul or Hook. ni«<u »lib the Librarian, in every Instance. Sen«! for i atidoguc. awarded us. D. L. G race . 1 man interested in the future wel- ran he parted it in the middie and uniheath it unless of dire necessity, It was built for the Calumet A He »jp-Th«' 1 ibrarinn if agent for anti will Hike .-ill » ilpliort al the l.n.,1 itel,- Laksvic«' ' fare of Burns, to stop and think trained it sideways until now it has and they were able to drive it to cla Mining Company at Lake Su lilieal. anil order anv Book, puldifhed in the lulled Btalea or < ai.ui a. A ».>. tker ¡sire Pictures. Work» of Ari. House Bulldtu« lieailUis. Etc. »«rttl« ' well before he casts his ballot for assumed proportions nnd shape the hilt. So long as Ireland was perior. The office of this main-, Hinke il U Having purchased the E ast O ii - any set of delegates upon that day? moth wheel will be to lift waste or which cause it to be the envy of; held as a subject province, Irish i '. gox II i : h ?. i . i > of its founders, in ac i Burns is to-day a hopeful candi many of the young men who have men would continue to work and tailings and Bing them into the knowledgment of established cus date herself for the highest honor seen it. Some incredulous people, plan together, and, ¡7 need be, again lake. It will elevate and discharge j a sufiieient quantity of sand every tom we appear before its many within the gift of tiie voters of Har who have had an idea that it was conspire and plot. cénit twenty-fo'.ir hours to cover an acre ney county, and she must rely on false adornment pasted on to attract loaders as its editors, publishers unie» O F. E. B each . President, I \V*i. M c F all , Tretum of ground a foot deep. It is armed the good will of her friends in out F. HuU A fight with revolvers oecured E. H ughes , Vice-President, | \V. F. B rownton , Set« and proprietors, respectfully asking side precincts, in order to make that comment, have pulled the horses mustache so frequently to satisfy Feb. 28, near the Blythe ranch, sev on its outer edge with 432 teeth. a continuance of their assistance in hope a certainty. Cun we, there E OF safe z^eliet'bleK their curiosity that the animal has enty miles west of Ritzville, in There are 448 steel scooping buck maintaining it us one of th«' strong fore. afford to stand before the peo become quite sensitive on the sub ets about its outer circumference. which six men participated. Four ¡.ist uf Directors and ."toekliolders at the office of thelH est factors in the building up of this ple of this county in the light of be ject, and if any one attempts to an of them were wounded, two fatally. The buckets are about 4 j feet long J. D. Shaw,»*B“^ ing all for self, asking not only for noy him, he defends himself by vast Inland Empire. The trouble was about the owner by 21 inches deep. The lifting ca 2-30tf their support for Burns’ candidates snapping at them vigorously.—S. F. ship of some hay. Blvthe claimed pacity will be 3,090,000 gallons of As this newspaper plant is in a for offices, but, also, for the greater water and 2,000 tons of sand every he had purchased the hav, but Wil healthy, growing condition, and we i favor of d eming Burns the best Examiner. twenty-four houre. The cost of the son Bros, also asserted their claim. BREWERY. exp ct to conduct it on honorable place at which to locate the perma f,:»:et' Rose Gertrude. Both sides accompanied by friends wheel in place at the mines will not PAUL LOCHER - - - ----- PRi H’lllUOÜ« business principles: to make it nent county-seat? Our neighbors be less than .$100,000.—Ex. Among the passengers on the armed themselves, and started to B U R N S, OREG O N ’ can truely and honestly say ,to us, bright and newsy; to advocate the steamship, Austalia, which sailed the scene. i “ Do unto others, as you would have Foreign News. advancement of all that tends to Arriving there the battle com | a few days ago for Honolulu, was them do unto you.” menced and all the revolvers were make men, women, and children We simply usk Burns to help us Sister Rose Gertrude, bound for the Mr. Spurgeon is again ill with worthy dwellers in aland so fertile, place the man of our choice in nom leper settlement of Molokai. She emptied. L. G. Wilson was shot in gout. the abdomen and the wound is fa healthy and promising as the Har ination for the office we name, in is described ns being a small, slen Galicia is threatened with famine. tal. Virgil Wilson received a shot ney country, w feel no diffidence return for which we will stand by der, determined looking woman. 500,000 Borins have been sub SAYER A DORE Iler unalterabl • purpose of devot in the back, which will probably about the financial success of our Burns in her need. Now is there scribed by the Anglo American prove fatal. Two of Blythe ’ s em ing hr life to most repulsive of mis anything unreasonable, or unjust new uiMlertaking. ployees received slight wounds, af colony to enable the farmers to bay Keeps constantly on hand a largì slot k of in this? Certainly not, the otiier sit ns. that of nursing lepers, is what _________ i ter the revolvers were emptied, a seed. 'n regard to the political situa lifts attracted the wondering atten precincts do not ask us to send a Floorin gr 9 hand to hand contest took place. An alleged countess advertises tion, we will say: To bv a means of solid delegation to the County Con tion of the whole world. It is giv that she is willing to present Amer uniting, nnd keeping an unbroken i’ ■ntion pledged to support their en up by leading physicians, who lYloldin icans at court, and society in gener majority in the Democratic party choice, but merely to give their have conversed with her, that her, George Wilcox, who recently scientific researches on the subject , died in West Franklin. I’a., lived al, during the coming London season jEX-LXSJtXC m this and adjoining counties, will man a fair show, and not send a of skin diseas"?, especially of lep and died in the Democratic faith. ! in consideration of the sum of $5,000 delegation pledged against him. I» glory enough for us. And while All kinds of surface lumber thoroughly sefisoned for building purpettitw There are several candidates who rosy. is far beyond that of any His will, just filed in the Bradford paid in advance. 11EDUCEI) PRICE. th is advocating the principles of county court, is a somewhat remark specialist, whom they have ever There are fears again entertained are likely to come 1 efore the Colin Democracy, we wish it distinctly tv Convention for the same offiee, met and they expect in a few wears able document. He left a stated in London of another dynamite plot, understood we at no time harbor n j and it will become the duty of the to hear of some wonderful results sum to hie grandsons on condition deiectives are dogging the goings that they support the Democratic and comings of all Irish-Americans, thought suggestive of personal ani 33 members of that Convention t • from her work. ticket, Stat-1 and National. His and Parnell is reported to hnve ex N T>. A Good ’■'«id all the wav. The Oceanic Dock was early cov mosity toward any person because «elect tin' man that nt least 17 of ered with people anxious to see the granddaughters, in order to inherit pressed anxiety lest some dreadful them deem the best ami strongest <" bis political, or religious opinions, man for each offiee. Now. we know interpid young woman who was any of the old man’s wealth must explosion should again blight the Burns-Canyon Stage Line. but recognize the right of every every precinct has th right to in turning her back upon th«' world in either marry Democrats or remain hopes of all true friends of Ireland I. J e W itt , P roprietor . man tu think and to act fur himself struct its delegates, hut is it not bad which she could have been so hap single. Should any one fail tocom- The official program of the Inter Leaves Tturrf on Mondavi, Wednesdn-. nnd Fridu k, nt r TO in all matter» pertaining tn the pub policy for Burns to do so at this py, to spend her life in nursing ply with the provisions of the will, national Labor Conference has been £€?*•! on noeta with the Ontario, Prineville, and I akeviev stagli, tit P.v.rirt^^ those for whom human skill can do their amount shall be divided time? lic welfare. W. ('. Bvitn. tioi f for passengers. \ issued at Berlin. The subjects to C has . W Bvnn. We I o >e every candidate is will nothing, and helping those to whom among those who remain faithful. be discussed: the prohibition of la In the event of all failing to lister, ing to go before that convention jire- hope is unknown. bor of women and children under to the requests then their interest There were no distinctions among Fvencli Hotel. Till heavy fall of «now in this pured t abide by the colivietiims ground in the mines: the shorten that crowd who came to pay hom in the estate is forfeited, amUthe en P roprietor M rs . LOUIS RACINE. country, the past winter, warrants and decisions of its members—if ing of shifts in unhealthy mines: age to the self-sacrificing little Bis tire amount goes to the Democratic This hands >:n .'ly appoint 1 h >‘.¿1 is op:a to accnmimidutetl ri in making th' predietion that not. lie lias no business there at all the regulation of Sunday labor; the Tl er 'fore, let us hope that Burns ter. Those who came in their own national committee. There is not ri gulation of the labor of ehindren lie with the l est rooms, table, mid service the town affoi Harney valley, the coming season, carriages and the large number much danger that the boys will be will make for herself a handsome will select good and true men. that, Terms Reasonable. and females. who made the long walk to tie-dock anything than Democrats.—World record as a grain growing district, no matter how their personal feel A BAR Further news of Kara outrages, formed a long isle up to the gang a id one of wlii h its eitiz n- wi 1 ings and preferences mav lie. will Attached .where i» Kept all borts of Liquor« plank of th" steamer, through which John G Whittier, who is now say that the effort to obtain the f elpioid This country then will keep in v.ew th bests interests of she had to pass. eighty-two years old. is about the removal of the odious Governor. raptdlv. develop, and «¡«ec.iily !e- the party they represent as well as People were waiting to see her livcst man of his generatio:.. He Masnkofif, failed. Tiiis fiend in hu of tin' town of Burns. « me self ustar n an hour before she came aboard. is vigorous both in body and mind, man shape, ordered a lady dragged While we hope everv Democrat Every carriage that appeared 1 was and can do as much work as ever. from her b?d in her nightdress, and T he Sennti committe on Milita- in this precinct will not failtoconu \\ m . M oops. M anager . scrutinized with intense interest, His last poem, “The Captain's stripped. She was subjected to ;. Affairs, has rcjiorted favorably to the Primary on the 22d and the coarsest insult ? and then clothed and whenever a young woman got LARGEST STABLE AND BARN IN THE HARNEY Cd Well,” which he wrote for the New- i n the I i.l to appropriate money cast his vot ■ for such delegates he out of one of them a whisper of York I.edger. in his eighty-second in prison dress. The prison sur deem» most iik 'ly to carry out hi» 1 reimburse the States of Oregon. New—Fresh—Cle: n “There sb" is," ran through the year, is one of the strongest, most geon said that Madam Sigidad, w: s California, and Nevada for cx- view«, we also, hope they care too ill to he Bogged, and that h r long lilies. Plenty Feed, Water, an d Competent Service. fully consider that vote ere it is beautiful, and most finished pro nenses incured during the civil heart was weak. Shnmitine. Chief TH: f - able, v.i-.h it full Liven *• < < 1. r . < ad. n. ■‘ ov. n’oail Horsts. bcSf®l east, so that it may be made to ductions that ever came from his war. The amount« are as follow« Director of the prison, when in ( arefulh gr«, feu anri watered. -Recently a y iting man residing P'n Mr. Whittier, in sending formed of the surgeon's decision, IUROBM HFIWOKARLS TA«- Oregon. £ 7-. California, <4.- tally as o e fo- Burn- I est welfare. “Il Esn urs.” on Birch creek, who would marry “The Captain's Well" to the Ledg telegraphed the message, “Execute Nevada. $I<S>,!MI7 $4(X>.9(»7. It is. Burns, Meh 18. ’MO. if h could find a partner to share er, wrote to the publisher« of that t’l«' entence without the surgeon’s trio, stated that wiienwer the States his joys and sorrows. Iaughing4v paper that it would probably he the presence." and the Bogging was p-'r aid interest on loans to meet there formed. Three very timely and inqmrtant asked a young lady to beconte the last poem lie would ever write: but expenses. that amount after bring Eye witnesses say that Mme TON SAM ------- subject« are in the March Century qu«en of his heart and household, we hope that in this lie was mis Snhida'» sufferings, that result! d determined. shall also be paid AND J-XPANESE by specialists. The first is the sills The girl, taking it as a joke, con- taken The venerable poet did not in her death were simply awful. A l. ways in talking to stranger» jeet of Municipal Government. I’r rented, and th" young man who fix any price upon “The Captain’s Fine, Fanciful, and Varied. eneiik a go al won! for your town A Shaw descrii mg tin- workings was more in earnest than she im Well." I ut left the remuneration to BURNS, ' i’. r t t ?’« - .« ' u.l when in towr;. nn I ■ xaminc the pretty array of Fanryf Additional Items. pLl ReaaumLic Pri< for Caah One feor aonth of Geer n Hanlwurr it" you think it deserving. giving an ofthelocal government of Glasgow , agined. hied himself imiw iliately Messrs. Robert Bonner’? Sons, and —Eider E K. Taylor of ILiri.ev. will l.k'i idea of its busine»», the g< nti mat - one of th" world’s m< del cities in to Pendleton and procured n license th \v sent him a check for a thous came in on the stage, yesterday. hsd In tl A CHINESE LAUNDRY ! ■ w T.e buildi n g Iv courtesy of its business men,, l‘,:* respect, The subject of Irriga He returned and exhibited the docu and dollars Such unusual liberali —John W. Sayer?, we undcr- thegrnerous f. ungs of the iuhahi- l‘°” '* treated in the first of a series ment to his ps«udo fiancee, who then ty touched the old man deeply; es ► tand has I ought of Mrs. Haskell of three articles by Profr-sor Powell, U'ciimc alarm» d. and gave a decid pecially localise (ns he characteris touts toward strangers, nnd their th it portion of her ranch lying on v illingneas to extend the right tin Dir - tor of the I nitrd States ed denial The man insisted that tically wrote) it enabled him to give the west side of Silvies river, for his I hand of friendship in welcome to (««.logical Survey This paper is she would lie compelled to marrv more than he had hoped to be able n ■ r caw mill. entitled “ The Irrigable Lands of him now that he had procured a to bestow upon certain charitable nil newcomers This kind of a — Information wanted of Byron greeting niakia strung« ra feel more the Arid Region.” The third great license, and went out to interview enterprises that were near to his S llrown. who left home. Court-1 a justice of peace. The justice, at ease, and encourage« them to set subject is discussed in a paper bv right. St Clair. Ont.. Canada, in w suspecting from the would-!«- brid« - heart. His age now is 28 tle with us and 1 e'p us develop . h Prof« ««or Fisher on The Nature and groom s actions that something wa$ It is seldom that so modest, peace May. J- smo years; r ................. .. ..... height. 5 ft 114 in.; dark Method of Revelation" — the con country, build tipa.xdety, and bring wrong, notified the girl’s brother, ful and useful a life as John (». hair; brown eve«. He is supposed A Large Assortment of under eubje -tiou th* wild land of cluding one of Ins very timely series who put an immediate and dec- M hitticr’s is lived upon this earth, to be living in this locality, and sive veto on the proceedings The I The flame number of The Century FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, 6 uur valley. and millions of the aged poet's ad any one having seen or heard of has editorials on “Municipal Gov young mail now carries a fractured mirers and friends are gratified to him would confer a kindly favor by ’ Has juat been llcceived. heart in hi» bosom, while they« ting N ext Saturday, March 22, th«' ernment." “Our Sins Against lady has vowed that she will never know that there is gixxl promise conimuni ating with his parents Democratic Primaries will be held France," and “University Extern again sav "ves str'or in fun that his life may be yet spared for Photograph will I»- sent to anyone PHV-it N- I 1.1i liiNS ( A;.i.FULLY applying Please address — Ex * ’ We think we can safely s«surv the many years B rown , London P. O.. Ont Even-thing guaranteed nu c md of the very I*’ THE HERALD UXT. EJrown. T^URNS O1RCLJLAT1NG T TEE PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE CF BURNS CHINESE BAZA1 O hin ESE