Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1890)
IIAHrER A BROTHERS PUBLIC AXIOM». STG< K HHANDS. THE HERALD. Ji'DAV. ITHBCAKv >S> l'*1 Edition I Tin: gam« of tacking -Devin • every Democratic candidate that appears, is getting too stale. T ub H erald is preparing to get out a booin edition for Burn« for county-scat, that cannot be sur passed by any paper in the county. His paper has a very limited cir-, eolation within the county, outside of tic small minority of the class he professes to represent, but has a large exchange list in the State, by means of which latter all the ills h e work brings upon the county, ar» detailed with such comments on lawlessness in Harney Valley, as Grant county’s newspaper heaps on our devoted heads; although th >y cannot but know that all ex cept less I ban one hundred of these people are law-abiding, honorable, and fair-dealing as in any commun ity of like number in the State. 1890 ^£ST™SEEDS ar« those put up by D. Ml. FERRY « CO. Haroer’s Magazine. Seedsmen in the world. 1 i. L IT S T R A T E D . Who are the Largest D. .M. Femur & Co's Beautifully Illustrated, I»es<. iptivt ILLUSTRATED. SUDMiWAk X re«-shnki «|. «:;• new- i-hnkr«|..-iir---lh.- Hhnki-»|. are of E • nln \ X Xl-lev-willl'« i-wwi-te-l „f„ l-n«e»l«-l In <-> ll.xu !!^S\ r.»« KA8TEBX ADVgfc Plant Tre, Adoni your lionas, Your Rant h«», v,,ur r J Placea, with trnttM J Suitsd Is the clin,-, J On-son. xnri -„J l ep postisl ,r',ni • k-iot.l lit* txT l'':’’’, w »••••*•••••••”••-7 **.------- R espunsi m,E’ T he H erald . II ii i - M-i ’-oine I-"’ •!>•> marie anv i.i.i. ulih XlJ.h.rii«.- Dau-let. lhe 'JilMt I A ny citizen in Harney county ” .'.‘ I í’".' llvhm i ’’ ï';7r Ereuell ll.-v- 'l» «. 1 '*Ä heap in Burns. tor the ex ' Huid* «- i»ubïh H'b»u ìli .. »crini V*1U ncir I .. :G! form. ■ :■■■■■■ “ h«'",,r D. M. FERRY A CO. Ithat sends in his name to ‘ D. L. ' .............. .«Itloa.l ••'I'll»« «'aliti I apers nOc for 100. „„rir. to -■-■ entllleri •The e-ri-.u!» a of Tar- DETROIT, MICH. r«U M hat TU| won: thel-u-l x.lvelltur.aofllle ■'»■»oUB 1-r the Grace, Burns. Oregon,” or '‘H ebai .D pay IU’ ’nunc) ■ squan; meal go iHrin. ' Tl-et-eo «III be irni-.-H'e.l I” Hellr) turn. - --’I Hh-r’rate-i I” It. t-rl amt H -" h. Jätest V h rivtltj Harney, Oregon,” can receive a Burl r House. XX I- Howell« will t -ntrilnlle a uove ette ju STENGER. three par» ---'I I -I- aril.. Hearn a hove elte hi —Charge’ reasonable for livery three-inonths trial trip of T he two f>ar a, entitlari ••Younia," hannaonieb Ilin» P' mhib : •u.rvice Lt the Red Front Livery H erald immediately, thereafter. trutvil. < i.mapu« kinK(or alljg^ Jg, h- llhutrateri j-aper« tonehlnaa «nhjetla and Feed "Lihle. H ors » biau.lea ui-il 1 iitivuii'l Moiu-y. fL tiir-en- Inter, «t. anil In I » »hort aton.a. |a.em». ami llmelv iirli- l-«. the Mx-IAZlNe will main rav«* b) lieariiiK in —Read Ton Sam's new adver Either Eight or nlll 1!« well know u • uuilnrri. E ast O regon H erald and The tisement in this number of T he utifle: Oll. Public Domain only 13 a year. Early in the field, and among the HARBER'S PERIODICALS: H ekai . d Per Year: Settlers, this is your chance, if you ! very best <>( the month ’ s magazines, —I. T. Sillman. C. A. S.veek and ^ HAltPEK'S XIAGAZIXE Kauw—tirant county, oregou. 4.00 W. W. Cardwell left town, to -lay. want to know all about public land iconic» “Peterson” for February. IIAKPKIO WEEKLY I.Illi BAZAR IIAHI'EH ...................... t’.-r a week’s bunt. I*. O.—Buris. tirant county. Oregon. questions.______________ ' Every lady should see its beautiful 2.00 ....................... YOl’N’i» PEOPLE IfAUl’EK ay para —Edward Steng r. occomp inied !’<>*!<•»go Free to all S<il>*«*ribt*rs ill l lie | steel and wood engravings and its . must ] Vnitcd States. < ’aniida, or Mexico. W e call attention to ♦! e adver ’ colored fashion plate, which is really ».v Mr. H-iiiiphrcv. arrived in town. - GE. Î collect ‘ Hirw. Wednesday 'evening, from Herrn )• tising columns of T he H erald , as The volumes of the Magazine begin with M. J. O C onno », om the RILEY * HARDIN. ¡an artistic picture. “Rescued ly pT^«»'-; * the Number^ lor June an«l Deteiabi r of M «y.p i jiixtXk. •"11 •n, Dakota. the Lest means for sizing up the I Custer’s Men,” by Anna Latham Address ISAA<’ F each veitr. When no tune i< ^»ecifled, *ul«- ; J UIICN S0UAT.E.NY.1 . ripiion* will begin wi.b lhe Number cur a 7I.ANTA.G zi r Oehoco Review: Geo. W. Barnes town of Burns. tli" enterprise of its is a thrilling incident of the dash rent at time 4>( re< eipt of order« pound v««-nmr> «». Harper * Magazine. 1. r is nursing a well-developed ease of business men, and the value of in- ing general and his brave band told H.iueio branded » u three year- buck, in m at cloth binding, will in a very dramatic fashion. The the niumns. vestments. be-ciil bv mail. po*t-i ai<L on receipt of $ ■ Left Stifle: lloriioi. al serial by Howard Seely is full ot ¡ . rvoluim . » 1«>.'h Case*, tor bimling. Ao -Most of the cattle that w< r led action, and it is interesting to < ottt- cent* each-bv mail, po-t-paid. I)..tibie II 800 ACRI during the winter were turned out Index 0» Harper s Magazine. Alobalu'i THEY THAT BEING RE- |>are its descript'uns of Ami tic: n • tl, Analytical, ami Cla<'itie«l, lor Volumes on the range the first of the week. WHO AKE I BOA 4 11 ON SETTE EIIS frontier life with the accounts ol to 70, inclusive, from .'line. IS50 io June, -The high water on Crooked river r the »* one vol. 8 vo. < 'at.h. $4.00 Parisian society in Mrs. I.ucy II. al fraud Beniitlances should be made by Postoflic« the first of the week carried out the And their symyathizers in the Har Hooper's admirable novelet, “A Mmiev Order, or Draft, to avoid chance <H ney country — that cause newspa new bridge across the river at the Magnifieient Marriage.” Tiie.-lioi IUBM mouth of Newsone creek. X r- IIAICT.K .V ltltOTIIEl per» to brand them all over the stories, miscellaneous articles ami 1'HE OLDEST, _____ -The warm weather and rains State as a lawless class of people? poems are ail worthy of the highest IS Till, i.’ T;Lm»*ad ill«- first of the week raised all the Mn Lns................ ddie. yor.: ' V c -yabont We, citizens in the county, know praise. No household should I ■ most i:i-:i.(i#7— it! I only c l . ra. ika • ..ti r. Try wcil- treams. and Crooked river and without "Petersen ” for it tilwaxr .. d > a..d I'. I»»;«.-ufoliu'.v < lehoco got on a regular "I list” be the farmers here to be such as will offers a varied and attractive t..i :■ ¡,i. n r usi LeT k'.'.-IM lc.” rrd * ‘ v"?k ynn ea tl you ing higher than they have 1 ecu for rank with the best citizens in any of contents, and at a price whicl r \ ..d I I. < .ill ‘’ i. Ye?, )Wß ind Hur . a x > 1.3 -Vr». . - Ciotbtt*. Lut part of Oregon, yet the following brings it within everybody’s reach years. 8. e i.a . 1 <1 Alden A ir . L “Vi .... id . -A. McFall was in town Tin sdav. extract from the Grant County Terms, :i 2.(111 a year. Addre s. Pet ditiona j: « l -.107 . cri-foiw!».- IL says the Harney mail carrier News, bitter as it is, is the kindest ersoti's Maguzine, Philadelp extra v tion f ,.i f ” i) • t ' yt I admit taat tl. ■- . . a. t .¡3 Cl : C 1 -IJsLr hi ar.d was unable to go farther than his comment madron Harney troubles, $1.50 ifyou call on T iie II : i . ai n c:.t r:.'.i:;’ng i 1 cub '-’ c > a b .: I C’.u d do as ¿arcar s Ä well:- ^-10 if 1 r. t:- T'lC bOiirce Of place on Crooked river on Mond.i", or with T he H erald only,r ■■ n. bi;»1 ’ rie tho i •” n ■ ocr of her since the summer of ’b", because it owing to high water. i • - >’ I k rrc •. - re in one ; our s rc : « co.i l 1. t « and tlo -With the exception of the acknowledges the lawlessness con BUY OF THIS ¡ ÄS' t ... , i’ -nlv ' '* r.n in Reading Tlia New York WeeUy. lv .. . c.. - hi t . w th :• . Oregonian of January 31st. no fined to “a clan,” and not to all close of < Cx>\. j « - t i i r r.i t. c new s or ..‘ti W keklt nas a we I cs a.liF’u'I The publishers of that fti i' t.:c ¿77 de'.”1 to t.70 c o • ’’ t’.-e’.cepii g; *apcr mail has arrived here since that have made their homes tn this puteae il.v Ì'I iif rate.'i tiev. Fpaper iti a.-.xl c.— i : dt io so b?a.iufxf illustrated, too. A:»:«-ri a. The fa intesti of i's e<ìi:«»ral <»>m- last Saturday. journal, the New York V. - -1: l.vei-y i. i: -a...:c £0C3 over to t!.o Aliens’ sto uifii « tirreni p« :i i( f in> curi « • i. r ii iv county: ADVK ci t r.’-'d Li-ri rao to { t yon to take Bpe a . <• li !•■ :« e .•( ili! impari rea ie r. -It is impossible »> present to es Li r. -re . I'antuy . r a°. : ' • th -tones aro ly, are this season making an oil ’ e i 1 wk t nt.<i tlie var e' ami ex» e lofit e < f is ii’crary “T he anarchists have been ac - ;>!. lb t- • * v ucl for 1 everymonth. . ¡c i t hi« li iti« hi «• Berla! a'id short s .•rief. CHERRIES... . timate the loss in stock in this complishing their hellish designs that cxc< ids in liberality any xv so rs n : ' • • ia fociv.1 or i cri al o in its pact s; and »1.Ü0 ■ i h<- s a p pii a r »v ri era, ti: i i r a • ’.errs by it It i< nally vonderful s.uu county. ■ i ■ > ; • p'.e of wides rango f ;•*•»* ¡in 1 larnev countv again. We have have seen. Tiie ordinary prix - of Mr L<. nits , v< ryincnih-r of ill fi-mily!” aa> .i.v a ¡ iiifpu f . The Weekly utipp emen k are «>f »vil h ‘ S-wrent h ¡. ¿h perha -lb <1 b ’ ’rsend fora «.so -Med Moore started with the mail been informed by 1‘ rank MelJean re'.i.kti e varie' , i itercH', n.. l vui'iv. No Pp- ■ >... }x,r, if it i '¡ iu thiii” Eke what you ¡.eft i high. uoo expv1 se ¡B si’iin 1 i.i brhig thè bi-tl:« s. «n<ler of for Summer lake last Monday, that they burned four stacks of the paper is !! 3.00 p- r annum am »aj it L«.ltwiliainii*e andinstrnc ’!;e whole«fua.” 12. «0 tir is ir ai'iii t. bear up.iti thè illv.H ration «>f I. . I ■ i!i .- -■« ntaiws Den'-orcst, 20.00 b( ilici ha geful phiifcB «>f Ihnne ami forvigli I i I b «•wing to deep snow, lie has been John D< vine’s ha v a fexv nights ago, lit is well worth it, out to intr-.duo th ViH • i > k I-'» ’b-G i th Mr - r. New York.ia <>r •. A A.exi an rumarne, ihe peri of the Weekly to homes where it is at oil iji r' • rid a ! ;• c:mc i < opy for tu cento, so prevented from making a trip across aggregating 200 tons. Rags satu T homas A. J a . nvier , will appetir in thè W eek - ICE To ’.-i”. i each nuniher contains present a stranger, we are author v. • i r rn ios<* Or nyth [ LY ili lb'JO the desert for three weeks. <r' «Tititi u” th” holder to sny rated with kerosene were found on ized to announce that subscripuo .■ a I ..- -i-.a: PINES. CEDARS... rn ke nuiv choo- . •< i.d in my size - which tirant and Ma’heur count ira. l ’ Eli YEAR: the ground showing conclusively Cb ::c cs c .c’.’«-ouy V.’< r ccut •: and 1 just iKhiitis. burns. co., Oregon. dB Kil l r —E ds . E ast O regon H erald : that the tire was set deliberately. for four months will le received v. •!!’ n .)-■•- i pa <r.x - : ■ r . .»lien's. The elice wi 4.0Í» HARPER WEEKLY....................... )-.: 'di' a p i e i i oi ly 0 tt yc‘r: and I Btatei The two subscriptions to T he II kr Mr. Devine hail lately purchased for one dollar, and you will pe pr ■- fii 4.(10 HARPER'S MAfiAZINE Liii't . ' I can’t be” h< '• tir v can publUu no sented, free of all expense, with - a Ma_ftzino for . lixtie money. * 4.00 TREES. SHRUBS.. li ‘^‘ II VRI’ER’S BAZAR. ai .n. which we sent over the Rocky this hay from Smith ** Ci 1 " Pny 1 *ve IIun<*re*‘ Dollar« f..r HAULER S YOI NG PE H’LE Young, and copy of any one of Street a: ,d Smit lih Jpnll nt 2.« Mi 4)0 U U th«? arrest h : i <1 conviction of any per- mountains the one to Decatur coun xvas feeding it so about eight hun Cut» ch 1’uniHge Free t«» u’l sill st riLvrr in the United s..n nt- ] i ts.¡its. killing or stealing any «4 tlic t metal Stutts. Canada, « r Mvx’co. Blot k of ¡he above brand or bclon 'in” there o. ty, Iowa, and th” other to Mason dredcalves. What punishment is Select Series of popular America: inaurai i The Vo linn s «»f the Weekly will begin with county, Illinois, are giving satisfac too severe for a fiend who will de- copyright novels. The Secret Service the first Number f»»r .lantiarx- of eiv h year. APPLES. PLANTS. When m» 1 it;e is mentioned, Bubs- rip'ioi s wi I tion. I have a favorable prospect liberatelx- deprive poordnmb beasts Scries of Detective Stories, or th- beuin wiili lhe Number «urrent at lime x.f re- ........................................... t eipt of order. for two more subscriptions soon of food for the sake of xvreaking Sea and Shore Series. These 1 o >ks ALMEDA A. STENGER. ’cntS,U Bound Volumes of Harper's Weeklv for three are neatly bound in elegant litho Will use my influence in support of | vengeance on a man who has in veaiB back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent BERRIES, QUINCI- by mail 1 ’ . some paid, or bv express, free of ex T iie H erald for all the time it curred his enmity ? This is not the graph pap- r covers, contain from THE SELF-THREADING pellee -pnividvd lhe freight does nut ext ecd $1 •X» we per volum«*) f«»r $7 (X) a volume. igc»«rw moves in the principles of equal first time Devine has suffered at the 300 to 500 pages, and r tail for 25 .Xrivert Cloth Cis' H for ea b. V«»inme. suitable for rights to all.and special privileges hands of such cowardly incendia cents each. A sat’^'.- copy of the binding will be sent by nuiil p.-s -paid, on re ■MantM PEACHES, FLOWER tiee. s < eipt of $L -i New York Weekly and a complete to none. Yours for Set cuss. . A Split in each -Libera RemirtaiHCB slu-nltl be made bv p. st (»flice ries, and the sooner Harney coun description of the books will lie sent ar. lUt^tl-tU Mxinev order «»r Draft. t«> avoid < bant <• «»f 1« ts. ty br.-nks up their vile elan the free to any address, upon applica Ad ( uif llAhl’ER A BkoTHEKS.Nvw Y.»rk I ’rom I>«•! Xoric. l itter it will I e for her good name tion to the publishers. Mr.ssrs n NECTARINES... E ds . II ebai . d : A s then! has been and prospi ritv. for men do not care Street Smith, 25 to 31 Rose St Bangt—Harney nnd Grant county Oregon I ’ , o. — Burnt«, Harne; county, or. In it nre com nothing heard of one Mr. Palmer to engage in business in a commu New York city. bined the fin for sonn- time, considerable uneasi nity xvlmse’members resort to the il EVERHREENS,. Mention T he H erald in which est nieehan io ness prevails in this neighborhood ¿orch to right every fancied’’ Harper’s Bazar ni skill. lhp< I you saw this offer. in regard to him. He came from For th * information of the news most useful KJAÄ I I. I. IT S T R A T E D . near Baker Citv here last August, A PARTI AL I. T OB T" ' r-i »XI nvFERjrD OFFERED and prac : i < a I papers of Grant. Baker. Lake. Lane. Penman ARBOR VIT.E l ie ti:p*<»n’> < I I Ho ne ead and purchased Mr. Bates’ ranch, reea ^ u . ’ ^ erf F elements, ami A H'-ar.’s I’.ii’t r.H*"=. by Ih r ha M. Ci v. ' •: ’-’s B\zvi: > n journal f-r h. lmmc. Wurth 9100.00. H.-M t-tt hay, cattle, etc . and got xvirc, and Crook, Jcriphine. and other ex Sy zV,l| it-h in the world. Perfect ’il < in^'ncncp. bv Mr . (le<>rpic Sh* li’mri, nil known tul .'lie* leading inforiiiHii.>n with rcpnrd to r timekeeper. Wnrrai ted heavy, • - b . i h iiun.vroUB illiiBtrafi ms. . shi-.n- he and A. N Smith tem-cd their changes in th:- habit of publishing Will She Win? by Emn.n < ìiirri <»n Ion»* . van’ag - tint GOLD hunting case«. r »1. <i pat;«- i sheet mpplvine > (::■■ i’i- (Ira ia ’ s Tr; •!**. bv Lucy Randall Ci-inf rr. JBoth la-lie« and gent s size«, anches tog-ther. Then Mr. Pal alleged ‘ facts” and similar “com Tb>-Seni'or > Pride, bv Mrs. Alex. M--v«igb mnke a sew s■!hie »-ike t.> ihe b< ine dresi iiakeriind FIRS, BALSAM... $ with M--rk8 nnd cases of value. O t.KxONin i ; - ft rsi-Hinl mo-lis . N\» expo, s • i» spared injr snackin'* mer took bis teams and left here ments,”, as tlx- hliove, regarding the Md er. ?»vl> locality can secure one ’ tking is ar is jx- ntliiu 1 ix m »», ef tiie together with our larg«- Ingenia r. '• i i <’< d indi famou ¡ ia\. i 1’* m * t - s’ ori er. i s <”e\er r!i.»r k ->ritf. parlor the 2d or 3d of September last, ami j^^S^Fand valuable line ofHonsehold T<‘.«a, lhe great dramatic *nccr »- in i thiuightiu: c6t;a\B ratisf« til tosos ^F5umples. Tbeea samples, as well er ’ r use. report claims that la- had about peopl -of Harney valley, we propose Li as the watch, are free. All the work yon 1 s ast i-ir-e s fam..•us : s a >u!g- . uf ui- I he««dora, vivio-icn Sarden'* prca' da- ma. need do ii to «how what we «end you to those who call—your i ARPER’S periodic als ♦ 12IHJ in money xvitli him. As he telling who are th" anarchists of this The Le« K*ini h of Lyons, by l’rof. Wm. friends and iH iRhhors and those al-out you—that always result« OQE MFC. CO. in valuable trade for us, which hold» foryears when once started, has not been heard from, probably county, «ml indicate their leader, Henry I‘«cK. Per Year and thus we are repaid. We pay all expr»-s«, freight, etc. After An Irish M..f' •'"ri-* <i: by John Sherman. know all. if you would like to go to work lor us. rou can Fa:to:y . .i Wis’.oiah CfS:., Belvllers, Ill. you : ’ LIl S BAZAR I (»0 some of your many readers will without using his name (as seeing \ Wall Street Haul, bv Nitk < ar'ei. earn front • 20 to •410 per week and upwards. Address, ...Illi'S MAGAZINE 4 GO , ORNAMENTAL CYPI Mtiuaon .V Co., Box M 13, Portland, Blaine. ?7 / ll'd.-tdi Irr*., Chicttfjo. l eieciivr’s < lew. l.v - Old liutth." kiioxv something of his whereabouts. ibis name in print is. inch time, a The ”!-liS UE'-KI.Y 4 00 i on n’xl terr-, bv T-ur I’»*«:, r. Hr.>ud Street, New York. .-■'ER’S YOI N . PEOPLE ................................. _0) A«’an », h “< Id S’eulh.” — R. C. Garrett is visiting parents scalp in his girdle of glory), but Brant r- m _«* Fr«*r to «Il bu » s fibers in the United live «>thrrs b\ fhrst'irc fam« us nu* her. a r , Cnna a, ur Mexie The I’«;s <itV'i<r De'wli«♦•. (.«*<>. VV. Goode. and friend on Silver <-r<-ek. BIRCH, SPRUCE. F an < >ri Unni rumante, by Sylvanus so unmistakably that he th t runs < !• obb. Hamed, rhe vohimeB < f the Bazar begin with the first Jr. —Hay is selling for $12 a ton. •■•»er for Junuary of ea< h year. When no l he King's Talisman, bv Svlvanr.s Cobb. Jr. may read. «■ is men ioned, suts rip imi will begin and very scarce. h be Number rnrient at the time of receipt The people of the Harney coun IF YvJ WUH A <0003 REVOLVER Remember this is only a pirtial ■ :T<er. —Geo. »nd Henry Page left for . itu'i volumes of Harper's Bazar for three ASII. LINDEN. Clif’iJB Prineville the 17th, in a four-lmrsc try are composed of Stock-dealers, offered. All of these books are 1 oxVw»' L SMiTH & WESSON’S . • r in neat < ball binding, will be sent bv mail rine»t »mall ______ sage ptti'i* or by express, free cf expel sc sleigh. large and small, holding lands for copyrighted, and cannot be pro r..'i;m c * -■ rT ! • ide«l the freight «¡«.eg u«»t exceed «me dol- m H . : yer v.dume) for 47 a volume. —The assesment of our school grazing, and hay-raising purposes: cured from any other publisher audi.t. ur c..«>:cc<if.. 1 !■ i h «t;f • s for eti li volume, suitable for l iml TULIP, WEEPING expelts. In c««.litres 8., ti a ill be sent by mail p. spa;d «oi ivceipt of district for a Nexv school house is industrious grain and liav-raising frj and 44-1 4«. St - .to vr A free copy of the Merry Alma double action, S;. y ll.u ea* h. complete; about ■'»■'SMI mi the roll. Targ. model»». .. Kemiifnnri s shoiiltl b«> made bv J\ st oftbe Farmers; swampan<l meadoxx- Land nac'is sent with each nitmnle e >py rieriefAaim Best quality v ror"l«t \ 'loiiev Order or Diafr, i«> avoid chant e of I. ss. —Sheep that have la-cn fed here c.. I ’ r ccletl plied fir. It contains some of tliei net-l, Adrcsa: HAl’.l’F.K w BUoT.lERi*. RED-BED, SHADE: workmans;: pandstock. 1 hax<- done «eil. N Hoover started Grabbers: Wage-workers, and the xvittiist sketches of the day, and for i'liHli. diirnh.lity ni><! ncrn»*nc pot be deceive.! I y « h« • mui' .oil « r> ¡„.„afu. s his baud to the hills tho l-th inst ; usual idle Floating Class, that ebb also the opi ning ch:;lifers of sever « ften sold i< r the gcuuiun article. T. <>’ a e unro ll ible and «km-.*r- i.-t. The S kitu A W ess , x K i - I. A. McCune and P. Thompson and flow in every community. al of the l oo! 8 tn mt fi ned above. v'LVEi.s .-.’•e •• :■>»! o.t upon tlie Lum N with firin'a r.amo, atltlt rmddatesof pamut«. and are gnni - •H'N’IPER «. Ri'.ODL »ill «lo likewise in a »lay or two. miteed perfect. In-dst up»»n having them. ioi«i it These latter are induced to re clearer cannot supply you, an order <»ad- R< m< mi er Ibis is scnt free to all y ! • -ur -us beiow will rec«*«» «* prompt attci'i n L- senp —Our Island Í» vt ry prolific for main ! ere lot g i not Ji to .1 tain on r«quest, to ti»e catalogue and pr! sup*»n a«»»di<-ai.- a. nexv burn bales: in a radius of a SMITH Wr-4!*ON. t T.tEET A S-.HTIT, titles to trai ts of land claimed un EACH TIIE riTTOFI 2*priutau»-'ld« "IQ u * AN lLLU-Ti:\TnD WEEKLY. ::iilc x>ne each to T. .1 Picker, N > to 31 Rose st., Hxxover II. Philips and J. A. Me- der purchase from the State as New York City. Earner's Young1 Peonie- swamp 1.«mis, and are admitted in Cune. OPP’S SETTLER'S GUIDE, 124 pp.) price only 25:. — We bad x ry ph .-sai.t trip el to ineml ership, sometimes, of the The F.’evcnth Volimi«*of Harper's Y»» «' n l’c»»- i- ■■ ■ »«bi h ire.'i b wAh the Number N».vem- tin-fantastic toe nt Guy Dixktn n's Settler's I'niuii, a: <1 . - often be ••. r rpns.mts an n tratti.e murum. It will «»ffvr «> is reit.ivii« at leert L nr aerin’B of lesidence. 31st. inst. LOUISVILLE. KY. tray its interests. tl.«* • i sml length, and «»ibe.s in tw.» «•rthree par r B. \lz: • th«* K«*d .Mus aug,” by William i ». — Your xah- ibl. j nper is tic A at xv-pnper run I v a Lm-d Agent The Leading Agricultural Journal of the South and West. Send for a Cat atop* n«« ard: •,Fhii and the i iibv," by ! «u. IJI- inly mail w<- have had for t’.- past "I’liiae l.-mm\." by ,h>hn E ufb »*! «’«ir-e.l; your selections in tin Made by Farmers for Farmers. in this xi it.n unity. ;< r the purpose a <1 *M>» b Wav" by A'art;»:t»r r.. '•¡n'.-.irp er; month; without it m xxxul l feci ’ «> *■!) »r* ficriii 6 l»v IljAlt'.ar Hjor.h b«»y«fa*n. delivery, if you want ' As a record of successful agriculture. H omb ->f drum n it g up iv.-ir.--s for his ; « - seri» • t Fairy Ta’va wiil at-rn. t the ’atte»«- I lit the Best, and tb'H almost isolate <1 ano F arm bus no equal. Evtrv topic relating i’D «'f bnc*s of the w«»i:»lvr-w«»il<l, viz- the to agriculture is openlv discussed in its columns nini ta « » t.»’>! bv Il«»wnrd Fvlv. an»1 ». n imir Cheapest. Lest spri:’ —Mr. A. N -mith 1 -hl his P1 by the farmer»themselves. No expense isspnred Wi will *enxl the entire ’ -a of Twenty VaìnaM» •;i'l< 11 us rav ¡ by him, niol a not her seri« a in a Books :»nuinera*e.i and -ewcr;l>eJ below, to every suh- in securing a full account of every notable suc ranch to 'ieo Page lie has. Iso c’ li Ft-riher to ibis paper for the ensuing year, who remit.* itkrv'-t vx in In Edwanl M. HickTa i! There than a cess on the farm. It is distinctively the t«o>*nty in stixittion to the regular subscriptton ■ i etb.>r *» »»rît» bj W. H«>.vel a. T'¡.-»inaB ! 1 th-- Pali r pla to J W X f price. These books, each one of wi-ich contains a com FARMERS’ OWN PAPER. »L«rv E Wilk.i s. N. m l’crr», Har Call at this Officr plete flr«t-cla.«* novel or other work by a well known N- - 'i Paje. age. A record of their daily life, presented in a form *.»it rl. Dati l her. lb j*okUh ar.-l popular author, ar«» pubh.-he in neat pamphlet -¡ •r and language which make it plain to all. form, printed from 400 l - uiabie type on go-.-i paper, 1 u'terwx r-i. >• j.h.c >wv;t, llitha.’-l Ma.«vin J« h: r on. « f. —Vii-kvr Á 11 » - r who haxx an 1 many of them hamhoineiy illustrated They com ITS LIST OF CONTR 3UTOR9 f-riae sotne of the fine-t work» ever written bv some of Cont ms the names of the mo-t progressive farm horses inGu» I !:i kenmin’s pi'turc. he rn»ate*t and mov pop :’,ar writer*, both <‘-f Ameri er* of the South and We* . They do not treat ca anxl Kumpe. Each one 1* « oiuplet? tn itself : A su' a- p i.m to Il AitrzR’ . Y oung i’r i l ■ are ba sing ,;mt- a mimlir. la i g tl < , ti » r; t < V nn s .1 of theoretical farming, but of the actual condi N . Ik' Mra. Cn»»«il«**w < munir» I.rrtnrea. By r •«-urv.« n ’wri'v iihrarv. There ig i f tul tion« which confront u* t - day F. F. Johnson; r>»rGl.AS JaaR • • Very n!-| and very f';nny. The kuxtwic.i i « a.* GEORGE X'xiik la-lore g> ttii.g t'.em fr. ii. tl.i ■at of "Sette rs," it » p enty «»f amusement.—L. sten younger .«swell a« oltler jren«ration sltouhl read them. Waldo F. Brown ; Henry Su vrart . John M. stahl; No 214 A«lventtire« nfn Rnehrlor. nv the au ah venire«. mountain.-. A r Ford ; Jeff“. Welborn . Hugh T. Brooks; John :< t.Vx ni ’vr or vice ns i r.-.ItM- I’. *t.j p x pa d. 12.00 a ret. thor of " Bt R x tpo ■ a A lv- .ires in New York.’’ i-lo. 1 fe* C . Steele'« Bavou . T B Ba!«*.win and a A great humoruu.* ‘>«»«»k by a popular author. \ «>L Xi. l eviitg A.'Vem! vr ». 1-s»». host of others make this journal in kspeusable. tn, Combints the juice of the Blue F( nly infla mien \ » 21 Hew to M;ike mid <nve 'loner ne '!•••< linen t op> gent . n n*< eipt of e it «‘amp Moreover, it is tqually the Farm. K va' t.T . -t of >i»efnl fact*, UAhiornii, so hxi.ive and nutrition . in j’y '.«!•«!,erg Five < t u s e ich. bin’.« anti *n rieationa for tarme« •< sn«t gard-ner*. tr<I «riitiors < ! I l* J nper. sc, A HOME MAGAZINE. B<*.*'.ittwru vs siio’i’d be made bv IN g with the medicinal virtues of pla; - N 247 F' «»im the Eurtli 4.» t he Mee». 4 Nove' Hr 1 s Vmxr :.mev order vr Draft, t- a\. i«i « hum e..f Fverv «nhject < f int-rc^t to the home-maker is • s’ < 1 it < r. "wi . 1 e att.K k t:t dvr known to l>e mod beneficial ’ ■> the No w. t The :.--------- Ikhtle — Old “ ’ “ Tan nf — the Italic- Adorva.-* fully treated. M. ry Marsden. LoisCateshy, Mrs. hummsystem, forming theONLY PFR- »»'»Iles. A N N ■ v*l. By Em:; >. ih <> hiac Brown Mr«. Davie*«, Mi « Cabell Mis.« Mosbv, N HARPER A BROTHERS, •o X I t of 'l.e v etds '.’In I t l>:»o«rrn«» IVomnn. A SoreL By I ECT REMEDY to act C“ntlX )'«’ Alice Winston and a -core of others will contrib Mrs tax s ute regularly. No 2 3. '• I'll«* promptly on the Farm Bride. A Novel. Nev York. a name the lias inte: T B uh 'XT. By M»x ; FAITH LATI'IER I)«*rrl< k*4 Danrkti r. A Novel. No 171 wimmi ------------------ ve r’< d into a ry i.< nx 1« in charge of our Children'« Department, and Bv M T r »: I*». «he ha« trie peculiar faculty of being txAh in \ » JU Th«* ‘ “ Itamn'a Wi’l. A Novel Bv stv a’!, of ihr nls»ve vxpn«s . rdvr uf -ASB T > — vaxv * <’ mr. in, Jr. teresting and instructive. o-t y. i' »t < ly. X ii g. N . 2r? T- T*. rt: *'r Bichará Pardon. A !?*.** !* rrn . Virk- THE MYSTERY OF THE R<TIOH N-'Tel Br I’. I.. F««us • uerjury, in fact, fir Cleanse a» System Effectually, N » >• y»*--*- — • lllackhiitl HIP. Alton! Bv E ' hkb T« a thrilling storv appearing in K'OMK avt » r «V an. I IL i ■ JO had R'-ei.K K kx — so THAT — F arm , by Jnha R. ^■«Irk. au«i is exciting wide name wou h! n ore ft No 14A T> Th Guatnian'« <àu:»ia«ian'a Pint. A Novel. By ' M’r■»’ PURE BLOOD. ■ f liorsvs atten«w»n short stories by distinguished writers Dr J II R-.r xenx. appsAr hoiu time to lime. N ill. The Gray Fslcon. AN. »v«|. By JL T to the. < XX ho ki i ». I: is REFRE3HINC SLEEP. C» ’ .non. »Idvlrr tr» « -tnrncG fnnii OIL ’ . «RP3 LETTERS — R C Crr I 1 ' 2>». The *«»rrww of a Secret. A Novel. it b vt r h< ' wizl'.i s to d-’iin HEALTH and STRENGTH Appear in each issue, ami this humorois philoso Rr I IRV « Il «v strrs, M i ; m s ilver creek Hi v-r T;. g ’ ..,r* w -n, thing *-rf y», f. r N Percy and the Prophet, pher was never moie interesting than at this A Novel p. W k xiw Cm.!.ix* ,..«». »the jr rrriti.n nf.»n- rf th. time. .iz»ie and Stella, I 1 «’UH 4p|itt» 1 f K IM ] i.tli ; t.v < 11 ‘.ic’.* t«> the Natural!? fol! ^w. Every one is u«ing it N.» SV The kt«n a NVed<U»»< Ria<. A l- • Iv ¡.» m - s an«! phjsitiavf in the l?i it M ?nd all are i’.cLi:hted with i*. Ask v ut IN ITH I PITORUI. D>:PA*TWKXT K >vel Bv tn- an: -■ ->• •• ibm T' -»n* ;itc ii.ip uv- *’»!.< 4'1 is < f Ids ft bn. <«. 1<- 1; tk« «’.ng^rt f-w >YkUP OF riG;*. Manu ick with la gripp * r” • J f r i «.» •ta r h nh H omb axp F irm speak.- l»Hly and fearlessly in Martyn «Tarr's Te«ipl:it!«n, A U r C a!”«*••*’ ’ r« t x fwilli « ,n. J * f. r “ H w . . Novel U ■ M Mr< 11 » . v VW. : n. rd "1 1X .1 c ’ toil. Hid in t pt i*.lured only by lhe behalf of *• Farmer«' Kights " it favor* a re- No 2XN J. ‘ - - A — M«*«lrr:t 4 «ndrrrlla. \ N ivel. By their rh Hr»*n. ] nririr;he pr< < • ts • f lev hi. « vr»«-m of the tan.T in behalf of th«* firmer better tl*e author <»f “ " r»«>«n n»«»*n»» ■ r. h rrlievt• the _ 1:1 <N tip. !< It i.n r it : < J « t< nt roads for the fanm r . Free Mail let« v to the N IU The lalund llom* A N *v< By M. T FIG SYRUP CO. fanner ; Cooperaii.m anions the linnet s an-i its Cit.u»»« •I’ per « rv nt d < mriVo f.uu ly n:c “4 J <11 H . .'.Il l’ v. f an 4*rg the CALIFORNIA • n«f wimi e.dtr. By j*i< ba.4 FaANcmcts C* »u. ami is to • Bust Tn’-t«. '’ Its motto is n The Glove. A Novel By r. ! 1 t hem«, her. J r AcursTA. llixxts. X < Vo,«, X / Fair Iri le and Fsrsx ra’ Rights.” I fort Moo will be mailed FREE to al! ■pyjp^anr« and to last season • <ais- tomers. It is better than ever. Ev ery person using Garden, Flower or Field SEEDS should send for it. 1 2 ASK FOR IT! ne i HOME ANO FARM WDKSWEUAWA KIDNEYS, LIVED AND BOWELS