Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1890)
ii ABLER BROTHERS PBULICATIOX# . FTOCK RBAND8. BURNS STILL AHEAD! ieoo ^£STSE£DS IH HNS EMLKi’HlsiXCi CITIZENS Wiwfflp.r..U.R.“tOTriV’ WSSHEB«»4» uri d» Ti Milrr «14 U I m < ttw. U m are those p-t up by Be wiU that «cents are*>«itf* -e ••»■.I : : I L L U s; TRAT E D . $ »5 toilvOfera» -l 0 Juriext;.» .t—. I > •h”-’-'.. fcr!®» W!.. be Lia:- • FREE to all a ppi .cam*. ;n a w la*t aeaaoe'a c.ta- totners. It is Letter than e’ r. Ev ery :<rwcn u . Garden. How»r or Field SEEDS uidaendfcrU. D. M. FERRY A CO DETROIT. MICH to Our Either Right or THE SELF-THREADING IIAKl’EH’S PERIODICALS: Per Year: Range—Grunt county, ureg. IIAllPERS MAGAZINE 4.00 HAi:i’Ei:> WEEKLY 4.0H HAItl’Eirs BAZAR _____________________ 2.00 HARPERS YOVNG PEOPLE ’ i’o-'.age Free tw all Suh-« riliers in the j Post United Stute•. Uanada, er Mexico. P. O.—Burr «. Grant county. Oregon. J i /A iasi •<> RII.EY & HARDI?.'. » i: In it are com bined the fin est mechanic al skill. the. most useful and practical! z ■ si Ct;;? I AJ.’.rm ISAAC FOSTER. a. ricr element». and Kcst Oregonian: !’■ Atlkton v all known ad pie believe that trip- pr gr< s.< 111 vantages that make u si nr the up-buildi: g ,;ll nil .out >; intr machine riment to any. . . JUÌO 1 ■> v. i." desirable l • i.elfishnetB i- u;; < r t. • 1. v sell or use. I aring <N> vn > ■': . . ■-•I ; EL9RSDCC MFC. CO. themsi lve.< up. 1: .-p Fact;:/ û’i Wholesale C±cs, ZdvUcra, HL <»f the brute cr \ : 0 , ov. r «!. • X’7/ IF';><.'*/* Are., Chicago, Bread Street, Neto Yorlc, the principles ami ki. .. :cn Ua3 control. What is true of Pendb ton ami Umatilla county iis t: u of nn<l Harney c . .nt;. . LOUISVJLLE, KY. The majority oi the .: Burns are with T ... lit:: :■ i . Tie Leas’.-g Agriculture! Journal ofthcSoj'h a^i V/e-t. Made by Farmers for Fc.rmers. Joicing over tui bi.iNLi , As a record cffucc. - ful rgric*’.?."r?. H ome every town, I!..r and F arm ha* no equal. I’-. y t^pic rt’. tinri to agriculture is openly discu.-c- tin it i coiumn-t ’ac county; in ti. opening up by the farmersth-’nixrivfi.. Nu ex- - .rosl suc • v,ry grain 1..:. :?,ui i in securing a fuii . • 1 of c.c.-y ■. ■ cess on the farm. 1c • distinctively the .ion of ev< ry new tu.-ii.' man. FARMERS' OWN PAPE7», A record of their daily life, j - nted : a farm ill the buil liag anywhi re in th.- and language which it pl ..4 to all. ITS LIST Or COGTR LUT0R3 tonntrvof evtry house, ft: . Contains thenamesof t? mo - t - -.efimi- ,-.s each add that much m r t. ers of the South and V/. . t '¡ .icy du n..< tre-tt of theoretical farmin r. but of the r.ctral c:n:«ii- :np irtance of th: central tr.i li 1 •: . I I 11 I • • ■ I >’!-■' point, tho town of * u.'us V.-• A A. P. Ford i ; Jtff. Welborn C. C Edgar; ,".r ■ St. • • ’• - Bavou I : T. 1: ; ' - in : i regard to the locationcf the < •GV host of others j:; ike tnia jCuiiK.i at .. ; .. .. ib Moreover, it is eqa.iliy «.‘at, which ia a matter of gr .i< -t A HOME r.TAGAZ! Every subject of int-ro-ws to t’ c- I _r u loment to all the people of < fully treated Mary M *•-dt»: I iCb’- . ?! Brown. Mr» ! county, the people will t!e-u.;< > a - Alice Winston and a s-.uie of ot hers v;ul c^a’.ri'o- if not annoyed out of pati< nce i>; utc regulaxly. FAITH LAI! ’eff the s?l:lsh:n <>f demagogues, 1 v Is in char.--cf our Chi: ' Dcysrtmer* and she has the peculiar faculty of being both in tween now and next June, vote it teresting and Instructive. THE BYSTERY CF THE NATION Burns, where they can come Is a thri story app «rinir in K' "r. a ?* d F a « m . by John R. S’n ,: k, and is er;. ■ •a»y a<c s, and gi t their mail m. attention. Short «.tot'. -s by d-.. ;ingui-:ked v. ril-.-rs appear from time to time. ter, pay M.b.s-iiptimis toTllK II BILL A?,.’ S LETTEF.3 Ai.t>, do tl.eir trading atwell etoi !: Appear in each is-'.it-. nr.d th’ b'tmor'r.-» •'>*•:’-«-.o. pher was never mute interesting th .n at this «ton t, and attend to land ma'.Ar- lime. IX IT. LDITORIIL L!\ ACTkE.’.T oil 0:1 one ai d the same trip. H ome and F arm s; -r>/ ' ’■ / rn<’- f ' - l-s-dy in HOME AND FARM, behalf of •’ Fanners’ Right " It favors a re- vi-: »n of the tariff in behali of t’ • f .1 »r.-r : b: iter r<vi for the fanr.-r ; Free Mai! I- livery to the fanner ; Co-operatton among the farriers, and its umi »s la *’ Bust Truitr.” Ils nioll > is •• Fair Tratlo cad I’skraers’ ElghX” The publirii'-rs of that Berlin, hum • journal, the N< w York We li ly, are this season making an oiler that exceeili in liberality anv i.e have seen. The ordinary price of the paper is $3.00 per annum, ai il it is well worth it, I ut to introduce Cf? 3 . the We< klv to holm s win re it is at tralci f pre. ent a stranger, wo are author r.2'.7.i.c? ized to announce that sill scriptions CBATTS*(A for four months will be received ! r one dollar, ; i.d y< u v ill [ • | . senteil, fried' nil ixpei. . wi'.h a < opy ofany one i fStn-etaml Smith' - DAVS’* .-eleit Serbs of popular American CLLVEL'.'l •1 -pyright novels. Tin1 Secret Sei vi. Series of Let« ctive Stories, or the Sea and Shore S« r;. s. 'i'll -e I ooks nra neatly 1 ound i i ele ant litho graph paper covers, contain from . «KI to 500 pages, and r tail ft r 2' «elite each. A sample copy of tin New York Wn-kly anil a complete Gzuxrs .. • ' -cr j lion of the Looks will I e sent ir.iNFc; tree to any ..d lr -s, upon r.pplii a- i'ZAf.L Andrew* & Co.) lion to the publish« ---, M -srs. /■ • V. I-tr««t A St itli, 25 to •'1 la - • St., 1 kc Rovai Baki •iv York eitv. .Menti«>:i T he II ehald in which ; o.i saw t t « : r. eo To ever the c?to ci - — branded o Horizontal THE CELEBRATED ILLUSTRATED HUMOROUS PAPER SIFTIXŒS The rnlo riplion p.-ico cf SIFilNi.S is 4 t .1 year. I h a lù-paee paper, pro- fneely iUc.-tral>‘I by lh-> 1 «diu^j nrtists a’<i < oi aturietsof tho t,ay. Ju t.j mail, r of or:ri'i*l > ' nr, >t i« ackuowiud.'ed to »U -i t tl;-j !.e.’.d-f tho iJItvtrah d pre . of lb' coioitry, a ■ 1 Jan w< Il ita-ned **Tu Witty V. uu-l r cf t 1 '• I.* It i, I t iih vY.'-ha. I ha, a Kan p ; : atiou. Th' m rt, of ElFTINGb are m w 11 Ln . < tbi t wo do not <1 <ut il ucci ary to r- f. r t ■ them f rtL i_jth t • -z ..r.U-rs and thc^a who reh.w th<.r » u ' jìi riptious v.-il Laro the privilege of this off r. ______ KEMEMBER that TEXAS J- IFTINGS w nff. rod at f.i ; price o- y to those who Mibscrib • with it. • i xt CO da-a. b » • h t J ; has ev.r beta made. W offer th-3 tiro papers for less than th • p J ; ej i i l.XAS SIITI MìN. No o:i i t our sul scribers c..ii p t SIITI M*S f-r Jess than 1 r year. Th > r j r > e of that paper is ? w, and v, .1 contiuuo to L -. > I a y ar, Lot tho pubi: 1 r ■. i r. fit irons of ad i ng to t . / li.-t « : ab bribers in this .• er lion. Lave made a ep«.•• a d extraordinary r «¡uctiun to f r r. l.m ted period. 'j.i ’ ainou ;t for boòi papers should Le >■'.i tiirtct, to u? lyT. O. Or ler, 1’ostaJ Note, or otL r vise, aud wu si-111 erd-.r publishers to mail SIFTINGS from New in Right ear. < 1. se up. PUuirGRR-S, when fresh.. A, - - x" HANFORD'S, when fresh....['TLX r rrapoun®! ’ t f auy IWf >1 he mi^Bp > •n from th al dtaeonti er or whelbt ...... Ible for t M. J. O’C xsoi, IME « KUBSei Ad.lrc- HARPER & BROTHERS, New ¡Smooth ( rep THE OLDEST, _______ 1:1 ““a "io Id «nd Hai td iiii'1 Alev h additions todìiuntep OTICE Ti jile reaper e desiru lu goods and uudenee « .wing t> ut< n thia au«; ’ -I CHARM (Alum rovrd.r -?■... .^ AMAZON (Alum Powder) * .. DAVIS’, and D AVIS’ 0. K.tJSSSH Ke* Torti, (Alum Powders. CTEÏ ELAND'S........... PIONEER (San Francisco)...Ç2 CZAR L DR. PRICE’S,............................... SNOW FLAKE (Qrotfs)........ LEWIS’. PEARL (Andrew, 4 Co.).......... every <i< d espatri rotare, »ttlopeti. HECKER’S.................................... 1» in th* _timekerper. Warranted heavy, SOLID «¿OLD hunting cases. Both ladies' and rent » sizes, with works snd cases ef jual value. O xe PEKsOSin :h locality can secure cue e, together with our large nd valuable hneof Household aplen. These eampies. •* well tch, ate free. All the work you send you 1 to those who call—your n I do is to show whs«- we »end friend* »>i I neighbor* and three about t yen—fhet ------- always results ^77:“ “ h-= ox “ started, in valuable trade foru*. which -- h ------- -lda forytars wh»n oneei and thus we re a-e a-* repaid. We piv all ” express, friight, etc. After you know all, a”, if yor you — would — like 1 to go to work for us. you can • — 40 to •«<> per week and upv.ards Addrese, earn from c Stiunun 1 «fc Co., Hex Bl«, Port 1st nd, Maine. “The Royal Baking Towilcr i - pure t Lu quality and highest in strength cf any baking powder of whicn I Lave knowledge. Wii. M c M ubtbis , Ph.D. The Rcyal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors nt the Vienna World’s Exposition, 1873; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 18*6; at tbo American Institute, New York, and at S At« Fairs throughout the country. No other article of human fo<>d has ever received . uch high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement from tmincat chemists, pbyjkLms, suuutiets and Boards of Health all over the world. N ote .—The above D iagram illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Schcdlcr. A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated, the r< suit being as indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Bchedler only proves what ever)’ observant consumer cf tho Royal Baking Powder knows by practical experience, that, while it cof ? s a few cents per pound more than ordinary kiwi ■. it i~ far more economical, bos’ 'cs affording the advant age of better work. A • ogle trial of the Loyal Bakinj Powder will convince any fair minded person cf these facts. : Cù \ It FEB •• iRPF.i: - ! A K FEE’S It A KI’!:!. - HAKPSK'S F.rsa’Fn k riitrz ir. the Unite«* S aid, < a;.h .u. <;r Mexico. The volumes of the B.izar l ezio with the first number for January oí tu i :... When tío isiimeis in- ti foiled, suis Tipti. n iil begin with i he Nuir.Ler t urrv.H 11; the time of reuvip: of « r ivr. 1 ionud volumes . f Harper’s Tazar h r three year in ntrr doth « indi 14, will bv sent l»y mail p. stage peil' «r !■' e.’.prcfta. free « f vájk - í se. pi ’.ih? i rei-h' «4 t*\i t eù ol;e Gol- lût j - r v. iu-'-.eì for t. a volume. i Lth « HF*, s f rea; h v.i’ume. instable for 1 ir.d In« v.ili be sent '•> mail p. spuid on receipt . f <1 ea< h. Rvmi-tsno g sheubi be made by P, st Office M. Lev Or :tr or Lrafi. »«> avoid cbm.! *• of 1, ts. A drtea: HARPER <v bib-1.4E1L'. M TS. FRUITS... ORNAMENTAL CY1 ASH. LINDEN, CF TULIP. WEEPINfl * While the diagram show* som® of the a1vun powders to be of a comparatively high degree of strength. 1t i- r " to he taken as Indicating that they have any value. All alum powders, uo matter how high their strength, arc to be a-’oidc J as daugervua U?-’ r* ’enta, a.'J (tr.T.?. RED-BUD, SHADE AX ILI.fsTKATED WEfKI-Y. CUIC^Ut ¡nés C.; Joice of tr.o - Cn’.’icr ;a, to Ixxrjve «ad r with the medicinal virv x < known to be mo * .m fyriem. forming T REMEDY to iptly on tbc tï .: j li ttst Hxl-s sf r-etir.» L::.::.-. Aí-.-n^f U • •«WM kit ual< ;.??i t* fr». TY» PUF 3 BLCCD L’I caUmut a. ni RôFR£SH! atvb« h t*:»i n u ej : i tla WetMre yws ta >'zeta; Ureruraf MKrem in ita tarftri »ì »**•• Romtal atwttam. re! C:» t- Trik A:.? îî : CEO. P. ROWELL A CO Ne*-paper Advwtù H&ALi ".tur;"» f ’ —. : Urti .. ì ou!y bv LIFORNÌA FIG SYRU? CO _ . ______ ?. yon neccu ¿ cryabóyt I only catd Ï /.ilea was a very wdl- m, c .d 4 \ wkuu j Mi *,.CJ.a fdLu'iV «ta. ••Tr?. cr-.d b. ‘wk fou sa 1 yen . r»: ] il i. a i • ; 'Jt t.s ii. 3sh as fire ; •' ûLnwduiis. Bat i: 1 b- • . . - it:::- } - • ». cc? ’ '•? .r?.riR?.. .1 t>A Trra* «-? t. ey . . •. Î that \ - ? i! ; i is t > * 0£ t .<1 . ? br .ht .. . 4 « ‘ '1 a Lt * £ ceo d do as * • m c • H 1 tad t sour c of i ? > llkr'-i. •*tacneLours r * at - . • - * so ;?J m. • • ccd tho • • Lv tayc.t . Zl c.. . r vù > . '. ’ I: c;rip.;rly t »«.• h *?3 c * z -r •». *-n . rr* s uf t r c t i t » t ? t. : '.■ * b .■ g; r ; fa ao Ku J.i '.’y ~ - tuoa . - -’•. » crex ■ ■ î. * Ai• «K.o »•J r? to f t yen tu take . '«.¡7 .• .* .* i tL tas tita ‘-■tf wate*! fur i* every mouth. » R’s-Ofa ta JK<t» s»d I - r » r. triti f lb ’ f t ..! t ! ” il dl f-r-en’fera y-i-.v V tat yon refa? < w S . f Û«'* IkR.onM, tfftftt. ? t - errif ‘<i h • c<”.xn« I« - i r to »nr •1 .n arv » re w! «cb • #’dlin«t X’.- . .»neu « The . G a y: r : rnd I h< - t t r-n t w u-ia f. r o dx? Bioucf.* Earrsr’s Toun^ Pcoule- Y lj;, ■ ■ • IX«».v io U;»Lr and Uoui»r on th' Fa-*». Ar.. ... , n«efui fact«, b •« • » ••«.'.• , 1 ti - x’ rr*”* **** « » «tad M*s»n. A t'.‘i .U”* IJ"’ ' Oî 1 ’***• nr »*•* n«ns- \ N • a l> »nr er«u, Vv Otnau. A Novel. Ej ra ■ F. S M V < '''*• • ®*••’■îc V a Dauibter. A N vel. r ?• «* «’ rl*' B «ronta V7i 1. A N rei. By 9rv . :ti,. L’V R .hnrl rardva. ' \ ■ ««• 111 s.kbbri flip. A Xctwl By Kars S V.B «RjartH. H» Guarnía«'« Hut. A Morti. The Gray Falcan. A Xi a By «. T. The «wrrovr of ss Serre!, lar. P** -"y *•»»«! the Proplsef. A Novel. A Morel TWe »«••rr s»f a Hîn<. .. r* XV.areta Temptatlwn. A Yrirra Ulnslerella. A XcreL The laXaad Heun« The E’rventh Volume «ri Ibi-ycr’s Y.iy g Peo- uhi h be.-irs ■ ita thè Sn nber f.»r Novem- •r \ 1 p (.senta h : i atre i.e proumin. Ir vili offer lo ita rwt teta ai leart f, v.r scria’« of thè vrval length. an«! othcie in tw.» «rt’nre< parta, vii- - The Red v«:s ang.” by WJlltam O. Moddard; “Phil and »he i bv J.n»-y U. I.ii- lir: “Fr : e |. > • J.Ì.: iiUFfteh < « r. eil; and •.'.i«> hcr’s ' hy V.ftrgarct E. > ai _ f ‘« two »h.»r s iah* bv Hjalmar HJonh Ksryt». r. T vu eeri - > f I air. Tti.r.- a LI attrai t thè atten ti n «>f «»ters <-f thè wo» «’vr-worbl, viz: thè quairr :a<.s t<-’ù v«y 1 . • a-1 I*. le. and so a^mir a ’ il ita’r ■ e i . ! i .. .-in I a"«-: !.< r serh-f in a b\ £.!• eri Eickue 1 iheie •ras’-;- V. |». l’.n. cita, Thuiuc» :arv E. WEklt f . > *ra Perry. H«r • Zt-kleh j.akum r: We * . rent ’ r ’ ■' T ->’tr Talon’ ’» B-..>ks enum-rate-l ar i -L.scr.bed «,to’ev«ry aub- »•.«•-«r t • t?. - *t. < remits hi* «ry in *ld.:i.?a »«« the regular inscription pn<-« Th.-— book«. e«'h oBftof *hi« h eonriina »mm- pietà Arst-efoM n d or other work Ly a *eil known an If «r»u.»r»th r. >?» pu Kh-l m neat pa t’Mel »•■rm, pr»a: ■ i from ir : re^-lab’- type ou co.«.I paper, am! many of t«u»m h» I- • iIlu»irAt-i. They mm- £ri<‘«. ae of th-fin ever » r .......ih «’ n-..« f he crest **t and ni«- t-wntere - th«’ liueri- ca and Europe. E ac . • .- - otapieie la it.«elf: b SU Mr«. < I n tnln l.retures. Bv P-i« ; . .« .« R- • •. • \ . . . I ar I very funny, th« younger n . r -•—•••? -b -;M retvi them v.> 21* Arivc»*inr-re «.f ;i lJa.-helc,»-. T’.-tbeau^ ib«»r • <• » i K « «n Nev Tark.n - nallft«. J.5 F I c» it ®ut ; ground REDSEAD-S....................UTSg.:- “It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking P .w U- is absolutely pure. Tho Royal Baking Powder id undoubtedly the purest and must r-liable baking powder offered to the public. H. A. M ott , Ph. D. naMan rf . 81 R< ■ -i . Ntw York t tv B loomington -ii “ I have tested a package oi Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased In the men market, and And it compose«! of pure and whole -om • ingn dients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, oui docs Lei, contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances. E. G. L ove , Ph.D. ja mry ; kt . ii ] >. Hr ; • returnin®lv vhen a BUW1 ---- ---------- GRANT'S (Aiuta Powder; :rrr?i;n ta asr ; 1s ▲ ym*l Save by bearing .‘u iain.> r.OYAL (Absolute:/ Pure). .gj As to Purity and Wholeaomcnoso of the Royal Baking Povrdcr. Ei»ey ta ezytsl la hit, em * ] COMPARATIVE WORTH cf EAKING POWDERS. £jcU airer'.M . Xre tîrrlu la za tri puttui V usine; plants; j eiuua packing,« >r al) j, »:■ <! 1 .:4V R '. I MoBey. 7^J ADV E ! 1 wk REPORTS CF GOVEKTMETTT CHEMISTS hix:'.-.rc:34 zlrmü^ k», xùsz. ül mu ’ ••nu to the I LI8HBD Milwatike« Contalas Alam). »y a I k A Inni wt: »cud you w hat y« pay th’ moneyf I.alvKt Varietal RIMA JUD'S, v U jb aotirssbSJ bb. Jr t? bn AN DK E1VS A-CO. “Rcçar isut ; Aj A JOI Jt.VAL JVX A it am • Year ¡«i Lake c u Grant c*uuty. Uivr* n- . cat in . I * Orejen, BILLET’S P rinters - I nk It eui i-11. «ht <11*^ Left ear: \hc Fesi Mil'.sr. li ih PI mm , wlib in-MMls York to you for one y« ar. Call, or write to this office, and, you will get a ¿ample copy of SIFTINGS. ' Roycl D tsi and R'.cfa r k : A r iRTlAl. l/.T *a THS t.- KK Der.nuin Ti;«•••:. > <»U| IL«.. « \ llcnri'ft Fiikriu I v Fir lit HyMI’s infI ik I ? Mr*, « t.-r Will bhc Wii. ’ b• L. .m t s.rr tiraiia’A'I I ucv )’ The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Number* *• r June unti December « f each vear. When no time is >pecitìed, sub- - ripticn* wi:i begin wi h the Number cur rent at tiiue of receipt of order. Ectimi volumes ot Harper* Magazine, for ' 3 three war - bark, in neat cloth binding, will I !»•• x«*nt bv mail, u«»s?-!»ui<l, on receipt of $3 • , r vc luiit *. Clvih C;:-e-. fi.r binding, 50 cunt» each-by mail, ; o-‘-paid. h-lex <• Ilarjtr’' Magazin«?, Ai?habed • al. Aiialyti« al. and Ifor Volumo 1 to 70, influ ire, frein .1 line, IviO to June, *!. e branded on on*-* V« I. s \ < '!«»:!». i L” ’ Rcuti-iam-e-- shoul.’. : e ma ’ by P«»>tt/Üiue ide- V. Un- Money Order, or Erast, to avoid chai e of i ? . ■ ibe fc TEXAS Your linni hi., yuu, . 4 cew—the ehakvaycare Ed »in > 11,1» '-'. pn«rnii-.l in lla.r«»» Marmiue I-r l-tY, with .uiniiniiia by Andrew I ani' 11 liti ia". Maraalne ha» alaw inane ai'e- 't.”ar-.n«.beu'a wlih Alphnca. Handel. iV Krva’sfttof livimt French itoveHit», h r the v.x- «hoite t.nblit au.Hi In »rrtal form. U u*r •,.r.. n. . « « :«’ ed The • oloU.k’M of Tnr- j ;! I tie; Ads enturez <»f the I Dii’ou» I ttr ” T;«e b • r v. ill be •mn»!!»’«-'! t«y Henry r, an t IHua’raied by k. aei aud M? rbai b. \\ 1» Ho«eila will ( oittribute a novelette in •I rve part», mu I I af< adlo !<• *!»» • novelette la tv.i.) >r a, euiitle<l“Yvuma,’ bandzvmely lilua trated. In Hb-Mrr.•< I paprra tnivbiui'H mbjeda of i urrvf intrrrat. anti in i’a abort aturiea. poenta. nn«i tiinrlv article», the M muzink will rnatu- lain iia v.( 11 kuowti s aiuiard. LOVELL WASHER CO., Erie, Pa ASK FOR iT; Adorn jour Honiu, illustrated . Ml«.., lb!» W-ubzr. Kt».i I r>.«. »••■» ft>- J ir. -r« r.-rne, $•-•. AUo th. lA'.-tra'.i- «•* ' WBI x EE u A,! ,r.J£w»r.- L-Iit • . *• **i «tr.ei.»t InTzstir si w. 8«4foer Ld..jmup<»tii.i.- . t SESO AWjfUAl, Plant Tr Harter’s Magazine. yt'.t-'.T doCh. i clean without ribbing, ve wt r . t-- e • j] AGENTS V/ANTEpa«^j-I Who are the Largest Scedamen m the w<rid. D. M rrxav&Co's Sir. will Vele fur their lie.I T.lrre.l.. It I. I , llo-lr nl.x. to Arcepl ih. l lue it * .‘lOO » hen Offerrd. The Eu-hicM Men f this town met on Monday, Jan. 27, 1S90, to ■nsider the ways and means for till firth« r advancing th - value of Earns as the j ■ ruianent County- Si -at ufHarney. ounty.and no sooner was the proposition made to pur- has' the handsome IHx**1) ft. build- ng now in course if erection by Messrs. Smith A- Young, than the want of <2100 was subscribed. The < i;.ze. < guaranty a warranty deed to said building and lots to the county of Harney, in event of the location of the p- rm,*:;' nt coun ty-seat at E ims. O.» / lUwoeM. W«.T»-.t»d «7. y«n. *' D. M.F£R3Y£C0. off*! t » I»- •aau- a Court H«u-e Free of < »- f tu Ha. <’ounty. EA.-TEKN ADV L »7 ■- T. JUNIPERS, RHOD EACH THE BES Send for a Ur.t .I*X your selection;» in i \ ' ;• ••. i:’ i want™ ; : 1 Cheapest. Lust than a 1 fil at this Off;Ml Pzcrt.E address the for. 'i ’ F- «tax- Premi•’. * .X> a rear. VvL XI. ■r.en î • -• imh ire*. I BOTHERS. New Y rk GEORGE