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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1920)
llitrwy Oounty'n limber l ii asset for immediate, explolta Jon MIIIm HhcmM fee. .turning It out to nkl inVthfr; rodmmc tkn work otvVkm 'AHen.Iii twtl(ta(c thin virgin M. ,"- Harney oonnty'n rencoureen are attract! iik the attention of tho ((ire. Went. Irrigation, ntork. raising, mines, oil and Ran pro spect , and agriculture ll m waiting' derelopMeat. VOL. XXXIIIA BURNS. HARNfeY CO UNI Y, OREGON SEPTEMIER 4 120 NO. 4 EVERYBODY READY TO HELP COUNTY FAIR Work at Grounds on Monday With Lunch Furnished By Ladies at Noon. Tho rcsti'l of ft (HhcufihIoh of the f-ui ' fan .it tho noon luncheon of tlti i onunt rclal Club yonlordny In mo t p-uufying. Tho llnunco coui ralt'tc rtjertoil Hiitllolont fundu In light tc rrovldu for n good program and th Jinmltteo In charge of tho program mauo a tuntattvo roport nubjoct to rovlHlon should It bo necon rory. Tho proponed volunteer work at tho grounds on noxt Monday, being In tbu nature of a Lubor Pay celebra tion, was most onthuRlnHtlcally back cd. A coraialttoo of ladies with Mra W M Sutton and Mm. E.F. Schwartz At tho houtl, have takes hold of tho proposed noon lunch on tho grounda for all who take purl in tho work. It Is tho Intention to auk the ladles qt ilurnri to provide sandwiches and rifeer things suitable for a picnic lunch. Tho Furmrs Exchango la donating tho coffee and sugar for tho occasion and thu nowHpapor man has volunteered to find coffeo pota for tho ocaaslon. Everybody In ready to help. Tho grounds committee promises material to work with and those who havo tools, nuch au axes, hammers, Haws, grubbing hoeti, etc., arc requested to bring them and got to work. If there are any teams that can bo bad undor tho namo conditions good will and tho satisfaction of doing something for the advancement of the community an pay thoy can be used A It. Olson one of tho directors of tho Harney Valley.- Irrigation Dis trict, declared ho would plnco bit entire corpn of engineers at tho dis pell o f tho fair grounds committee on Labor Day If they couhl bo used io an advantage. TIiIh abowa tho right HPlrlt and wo'ro going to get Fotnewhoro when we follow up auch team work. Tho program committee' have ar- ranged tho following npoed oventa for each day of tho fair: FIK8T DA"V. Quarter mile dash for aaddln homes, purnu I 35. I'otuto raco, to bo run each of the throe daya of tho fair.... 100. Three elghti mile dash, purno CO. Hi lay raco to bo run each day during tho three dayn 100. l'ldun homo raco 15. SECOND DAY At r"on there la to bo a barbecue dinner, one 'beef Hteer for thin oc enwon ban already been donated by A It, Oliten of tho P. I. S. Co. Thin feature will be enlarged upon by tbo fair committee later when do- tall.i will bo worked out, HulPmllo daHh, purno I 50. Kecond potato race fer tho regular purno Quarter mile dash for naddlo horuoK .v.. ftoomd day relay raco for .reg ular purno I'o' , raco ; THIRD DAY r ''ghtB mllo daHh, purno 'i'h r i day potato raco ' d y ruhiy raco It ' mllo inula raco, purno .... 1 ' n . quaw raco 35. 1C. $ 5.0. 50 15. "U rules governing thoho ovnnla w he given out and printed whon tli'i roHtorn are issued, I H'iv. WIchernon of tho Pronbytor-' lau rhurch ban boon Interesting local ; band men in tho organization of a band and promlnon to havo mimic for ; the fair. i In connoctlon with tho fostlvltlcn of the oncaalon it must bo remomber- j ed that tho annual inntltuto for thn that tho annual inntltuto for tho teaohera of tho county will bo hold on the threo days of tbo fair and in tho absence of any deflnito program In recognition of tho oducatonal In stitutions It would bo well to con sider tho matter and noo if nomo thing cannot bo dono toward making Ui educational ftfTalrn of tho county a part of tho fair. Mm Canalo Bmyth was ovor from her homo at Diamond for a nhort visit during tho week, coming in ' Tliuruday afternoon and rottirnlngj homo yoatorday. I WELCOME PHARMACY CIIANGEH HANDH Dr. C. C. drimthi A. 0,'Welcom and H6nry W. Welcomo aro tho in corporatora of Mho Homo Drug Co., ii nuw firm' which ban taken ovor tho Wolcorao Pharmacy, conducted for ho many yearn by J. C. Woleoinu. c. O. Porronoiid, a roglntorcd phurmnclnt, in miaocliitod with tho now llrm und will havo nctlvo charge of tho store. Thin la ono of tho old OHtnbllnhud llUHlnOHH IHHtltUUoiJB of tiila city. J II It (I Welcome, who htm run the ntoro for yearn, ban olher Interests that tin ntand bin peritubal attention to nueh tin extent that ho could nut tako euro of thn linn? liiiulnoHu nu ii uhnui.i i,,. and for that reason ban wanted to dlapoBO of It for aomo tlmo. Mr. Perronoud was in a fow weokn ago looking over tho field with a vlow of taking the buslneiHi over and an u rcMult of that visit tho above Incor poration was forraod. Mr. Perresasid Is an agreeable young man (o .wet and comen to Uurns full of enthuXanm and energy to add new blood to the business en terprise of our twon. Ho in wel comed with an open hand. Now Ideas aro wanted aad the younger mon aro the ones who will bring huccoss and renewed energy to our city. With the pronpects before un for Irrigation., new Industries of other c'hifracters which will bo brought to tbo atten tion of the public in a nhort tlmo, wo should advanco npldly and brintf I more bunluesc to our city. Tbo Tlmos-Hrald Is glad to soe new people takiug an Interont In tbo business Institutions of Hums. WAYHIDK OU8KHVATIONH L. K. McJDauivlN, County Agent Farmers, Stockmen Organlro, Cooporalo. Pull together and for each other. Oct out of tho "Whatlyu Olmmo" china. A ntrong back Ih all right but uno tho brains God gave you. You can't strike your manhood won't lot you. Tho world munt bo fed by you NOW bh ALWAYB. Through ORGANIZATION, how ever, you can demand und RECEIVE a living profit from your labor and Investment. You pay 7f to $100 for a nhoddy or cotton mixed ALL WOOL BUlt. Whut profit did you mako on your wool? t ou pay (in to U'O for n barrel of Hour. What profit did you make from your wheal? You outer the dining room of a hotel und pay from 7a comh up for a ntrlngy piece of old owe cumouflageil an "nprlng lamb" and $1.00 to $2.00 for a nl'ghtly larger, but no I"" tough, ploco of Jemey stag manqucr itdliiK "I'rlmu Kantern' Iluby Iloof," What profit did you make from your mutton or cattle? You remember last winter after the speculators bad galsed control of tho potato iirket you cut them off your bill of fare and later paid as high an $16 per sack for a few to plant. Well, they itru being shipped nut of Idaho now for $2,10 per cwt. (sacks thrown in.) What protlt will vnu mako nnd where, Oh where, is that other $13.00? A fellow camo Into town tho oth er day and traded 10 prime cqw hldon tor a $23 pair of hoots, A tanned i iildo (Junt one) coHtn the local bar-j iohh maker sou plus, tho rrolgul Mlowlng $.10 to tan that ono bldo Vho gots tho other nlno7 A titrong ack will nolthor niiHwer thin quoh Ion or remedy tho condltlonn that naltofl It poHslblo. Ank yourself, not only who gotu ho nurpluH hides, but who pockotH lio dlfforonro all along tho Una be tween tho starvation prlcon paid you tho producer and those Charcot! 'ho conaumor nomo 400 per cent jiroflt In many Instanced, Thnt'n, right, fftllowB, ank yoursdvou that I auostlon over und over and while) doing no (ompnre your lot with that I if tho producer In ottior linen fruit proworn, for Instari You reud the danif3 and patrin zo tho fruit markotn, Havj you no- Icod any lemon, orango, itrjpu, applo, near, ponch, chorry.or any other growor for that raattor, In tho "Whatlyu Olmmo" class latoly? Vot on your llfo. Tho Modford Fruit HxchangQ (got that MX CIIANGE) sold 70 cam of Hartlott eura on tho Now York murkot lant (Continued on page live) TOURISTS REPORT OUR i ROADS BEST IN STATE East and West Auto Route From Boise via Burns to Cascades Praised. Ho many tlinon It in thn cane whore wo don't appreciate what wo havo, I. S. Ocer wan called upon at thu club luncheon yontordny nt noon and ho told Ihono nrcaoiit that wo had thai bout ror.ilH Iii flrrirnn. Tlmt wnn L'olnir 1 omo whon wo hear no much com - plaint, but ho told of mooting within 1C2C varltlon of American, Aun tourlntn who have traveled other i tralllan and Indian wheatn on tho routen acronn thin Htntu back and station to bo takon caro of and Mr iorth and they roport ponltlvely that tho bent road acromi Oregon ii ,by way of Durnn from Uolrfo and out by way of nond to tho went. Now what aro we going to do about It? Let every cuhs that coinen in tell us bet ter whon ho lianu't traveled any of them? (leer nayn to ndvertlnn the fact. That'n what wo advocate but it Is lato to ntnrt advortlnlng them for thin year's tourist crop, but we can at leant get It off our own client that wo have poor rondn. With the com-1 on jhrcahod but In euro to go plotlon of tho highway to Crane j uoavy." aeroM thin valley, Hums. In tho con-1 Other crops are yielding In propor tr of the Irritated nortlon of tho Hon according to Mr. Bhattuck and country. In going to bo placed on thai mnp with capital lettern. Wo aro ntartliig on a constructive period of rond building that should bo follow ed out by tho Incoming admlnlntra tlon of county affalrn and within thn next roupln of years wo will bo "hitched up" In a way that will bring practically all tho onst and wont tour ist travel through this way. TKACHHRH' INHTITUTK IIF.IIK DURt.NH FAIR .School Bupt. Clark gives out tho In- lAmiillnn lltnt llm ,jll,mn1 InaMltllii for teachorn ) this county will held In Uurns on Sept. 210, Oct. 1-2 the namo dates as thn county dates as thn county fair. Btato Bupt. Churchill will bo prennnt during tho Institute nnd among tho ..,.- n..t.l.l.. I.,.l.nln will I... Ilrnf . . i . , . ,. , lirumbaugh and Miss Ilodeo. both of . ......... .. ,i u. A. yj Aiiruu i uwurn in iikt u. ui O. and Mlns Iloven, thn primary In structor who hnn been nt former In- stltuten In thin county nnd Is so well nuoct by tho tenchorn. j o- Rov. W. A. Amon, AnHlst, Bupt. Homo MIkhIoiih of the Pronbyterlan church, spent a couple of da'H In thin city during tho week visiting with ituv. John 11. WIchorHon, tho local pastor. Rov. Amon wan hero looking after tho condition of tho local church und giving what asnlntauco ho could to glvo It a wldor flold of operation. Is HAT about As wo eractlce civic i flected In the OROWTH of our community a nuurtor of a century hence, Tho practice of civic prldo Is moro than tho more boasting of our community's present assets. It In mostly ln tho nctlvo support of tho public nnd UU.SI NK3S Institutions now herothat thoy may develop aud O HOW. Popular subscriptions to nny worthy cause- whother for charily or nomo big municipal Improve ment B all mighty lino novor to bo frownod upon. nut there Is a more stnblo method. That method Is In the slmplo llttlo everyday act of buying ALL our goods at homo patronizing our home merchants, A community thrives and growa as its buslnew In stitutions grow, No business man with vision enough to build up a successful buslnoua, Is so solflah but that he will throw his prosperity right back lato the life aud development of his community, It may be la the erection of a big buslneses struc tureIt may be In helping finance soma new busi ness enterprise which will afford labor for many more workmon It may be In the enlargement and development of his own bualnessofferlnK blggor trading selection abreast the rest of the world. If we send or take the monoy we earn here to some other center for trading, pleasure, or Investment wo cannot expect our community to grow we cannot ex pect our owp aralns power HERB to In crease, C, Lot's an start training our c. HOME-SPENT DOLLARS. Afl DOLLARS. ' jM ffnrriritFtirn""''' 'TiYT' CROP RECORDS BROKEN AT EXPERIMENT STATION Sup. Shattuck Pleased With Results this Season; O. A. C. Student Helping. Bupt. Ohll Bbattuck of thu Experi ment Btatlun wan in town Thu roil ay uvonlug and roporln thlngn moving rapidly out thoro In tho way of bar venting. F. V.,Rycrafo, a Junior at 1 tho O, A, C, In hero to 'aanlnt Mr. ! Ubaltuck In thu wheat nursery. Thoro Rycrafo In taking a lot of tho reapoim iblllty off Mr. Hhattuck'a handn in properly handllag this important work. "Crops are going to nmanh records at tho 8tatlon this season," said Mr, Shattuck In dUclng the work of this year. "The wheat and oats are going to yield far greater than ever expected. One tenth acre plot of barley has Junt been harvested and produced 112 big bundles; It has not ho f,,0,M vur ,nuch uraged. Ho and his asulntant, Mr. Richie, havo had a hard tlmo during tho growing season because of lack of bolp and liner punins; in iu or ia nuurn a for tho entlro summor thoy foel thoy nro entitled to soma reward and tho big yields compensate to some ex tent tholr haftl work. "Ono lilot (f Biinflowera wero har vontod during thu week that wont 27.0 toun to tho acre and thoro aro better yields Jf sunflowor on tho farm that havo not yet boonjiarvustod," continued Mr. Bhattuck. Whon asked about tho recout front mnt It tt t1 iW rm t linr tmil nil ;"' ti V " "'"" :.::V"V" ing io nomu exieiu aim uro uui unui dnmngud. l lluapnll will Ita a annlnr . " " " In his school during tho coming year, . .t. ... -m win ruiuuiu with Mr. Shattuck for a tlmo an ho does not need to enter school for a few weeks. KPKCIAL HOOKH IN CONNKCTION WITH I.IIIRARY CLUlt HTUDY Mrs. Clark, president of tho Li brary Club. Informs this otllco that nho Itaii received nomo Interesting hnoksfroin tho ntato Llbrnry on nub JcrtHhbt nro to bo ntudled by tho club during thu coming year and tho nnvoral groupn nro asked to call at her honfo and secure the books appll cablo to tholr respective subjoctn. town in 1945 this town and country iwemy five years from now? The aaswer is in your and my act of today, nrlde today, so will It be re u i. m TO OHOA.VIZK FARM BUREAU AT FIKLDH aw County Agent McDunlelij loft Thurtiday afternoon for another tour of tho nouthorn part of tho county. Ho wan nnrompanled by C. A. Ilyrd but novcral other earn of pooplo al no made up tbo party which wtll tako In tho fontlvlltlen of thu com munities. Mr. McDnnloln mot with tho Farm llurouu at Catlow on Thum day night and it in his Intention to organize a llureait at Fluids tonight on a former trip to thin locality It wan found tho farmers woro too busy with' tholr hay cropn to ntop. It wan then arranged for a later data. Jack Mc carty Is giving a big dance at Flolds tonight and during this nftcrnoon It In oxpoctod tho farmers will gather In and tho Uuroan organized that will norvo tho ontlro Trout Creek country from Andrewn to Denlo. It had boon the donlro of the mali nger of thin paper to again meet with tho good people of that sectioa but I'urcumstancos prevented. Lack of bolp in tho office and a rush of Job work kept him at homo. However, he i hopofl to visit them again at some date in tho near future and tho moan tlmo baa not forgotten the good hos pitality shown him on former visits nor tho noodod Improvements in roads and other mattora that thin paper can holp in bringing about. They shall havo uttonllon at the proper tlmo. Among tho others going on tbo trip wero J. B. Cook and wife, R. T. Hughot, Mra. Francis Clark, C. K. ' , Dlllman and others. HARD LINKH WIIKN HARD LUCK RULF.H It'n hard times for traveling theat rical or mimical troups when old Hard Luck gets In his lino licks nnd strnudn them UQ the financial rocks. That's what 1 j nllt0 known huppnnod to an nggrc- na tho Compton Mim ical Company, which wont br.oko nt Nllosburgh. Uut thu noquol Is really funny. Old Deacon Simpson, nno df'tho most sanctimonious chaps In this vi cinity, triad his bent to mako an Im pression on tho fair Corlnno Mnlroo, prima donna of the company, but got scant encouragement till tho latter went io llvo with Aunt Tiny Colvln. Kvorybody known that Aunt Tlny'a homo In mortgaged to Simpson. When Corlnno learned ho wan about to faro clown nho started In to "vamp" him, In a ladylike way. Rontilt: he got no tangled In tbo '.neshen of thu good j hearted nlreu that he wan happy to escrpo by relenting In tbo matter of j the mortgage. Bo all's well that unda , well. j Thin l.i thu story of "Hard Roll-' oil," a now Paramount picture which I In to bo scon at thn Liberty theatre , noxt Wednesday with lovely Dorothy Dalfon rm ntar. It In a Tliomun II. Iiico picture, directed by Victor L. Schortzingor. FRKK SCHOOL RENTAL RURIvAU On the account of tho ncarclty of houHon nnd tho necesntty of provid ing places bo that thu children In tho country can attend our good schools I would thank you fo advertlno lt( broadcast that wo will gladly offer our norvlcos froo to all property own-' am or othorn In tho routing of tholr j hnunoH and rooms during thu school Hoasqn. lly writing or phoning thin oillcu n memorandum will bo kept of all appllcatautn ufforlug places for rout aud also a record of nppllcuuta who demand Iioubch or roomn. Thin Borvlco will bo known an tho "Froo School Rontal Huroau." ' rNLAND EMPIRE REALTY CO. o GOOD REPORT FROM DRAINAGE ENGINEER Mr. Olnon, director of the Irriga tion District, reported Incldontally nt tho Commercial Club luncheon yes terday that tho Dralnago Engineer whom the district bad employed to investlgnto tho drainage problems of tho projoct decided wo had no Burfaco dralnago problems to contend with and thoroforo had nothing to foar bo fur an tho lllrd Rofugo in concerned. o - Thrao pa'tlonts had tholr tonnlla romovod by Dr. Smith In ono day at tho King hospital tho foro part of tho wook, Thoy woro W. T, Vandorvoor, Mian Ilda Hayoo and Uartra Hopkins. Yoatorday Dr, Smith romovod tho tonatla of Ilazoll Hlbbard, WATER, SEWER, LIGHT DATA IS SUBMITTED Citizens Express Themselves Favorable to Installation; Estimate Revenue. Cltlzonn of Hums noom favorable to thu Installation of water, sower aud municipal light plant, oven though tbo cent In qulto high. At least thono attending u meeting with tbo city council last night to dlncum thu proportion following tbo nub mission of estimates by Engineer I. C. Kelnay. Mr. Kelsay's engineers bad recent ly completed a preliminary survey for the purpose of making uu untlmato on the installation of water, sower nnd electric lights. The gentleman made tho estimates aad compiled data and' details which were submitted to tho city authorities yesterday. Tho. May-' or called a at ass Meeting of citlxoua daring the vealng at the Commercial Club rooaae whore the natter wan further discussed and Engineer Kel nay answered ascli questions an woro anked respecting tho plans. Tho estimates mado upon thn In ntnllaUon of all three projects wan placed by Mr. Kelnay at $272,000, but upon examining 11 wan rouna ho had not included portions of tho city toward the river nor tho x tromo southwest portions. Sugges tions wero also mado in regard to other small details which will bring tho cont of the Installation up to approximately 1300,000. ' Dy covering jhe entire town with tho water and newer mains and nerv ing everybody thoro can bo no objec tion In that respect nnd If the rcv nnuo from thu nntnrprlso will comu anywhoro near taking caro of oper ating expensos and Ihtoront thoro ran bo no objoctlon to Installing tho plants. If wo aro to grow; If this In to bo a homo town, a neb 00 1 town, wo munt provldo modern ennvnn luncon and Inducomonto to tbo family man to Invost nnd bo one of un. The estimate of tho cost of main tenance together with tbo pomlblo revenue will be nubmlttod within 11 .ihort tlmo nnd than tho cltltenn may connldor It Intelligently and tbo mat ter can bo brought to a voto follow ing tbo adoption of u now charter or amendlug tbo old ono.' o HARNEY COUNTY HIGH KCHOOL PRINCIPAL MARRIED D. M. .MoDnde and Mian Anmi Uor nadotto Flanagan woro married Tmw day morning, August 31, at Ontario, by Itev. Father Stark. Tho bride wuh attired In a blue travailing suit with but to match and carried a bouquet of cut roHon, Ropresontatlvo P. J. Gallagher and hln wife attended tho bridal couplo and aftorwurdn tender ed n wedding breakfast to thorn and a few friends. Tho bride comes from Lewlnton, Maine whpro nho ban resided all her llfo. She In u charming young ludv, nrid. han mado frlonda with thono whom nho ban mot. Mr. McDadn ban many frlondn in tbl3 community, whom ho haH roalded for novoral yearn. Ho taught in tho public nchooln of tbo county previous to tbo war, ulso 'teaching In Mulhour county. Ho voluntoored for porvlco and wan In tbo aviation department, Heolng nov cral monthB aotlvo duty In tho war Konon. Upon bolug muntorod out bo again took up tho profosalon of teaching In tho rural schools of thin county and later wan called to fill a vacancy an prlnclpnl of tho Hnrnoy County High School. Tho. young man iihowod mich marked ability that bo wan olectod for tho coming yoar. Tho many frlondn of 'Mr. McDado will ex tend a hoarty wolcomo to hln brldo nnd use tholr offorta to mako hor fool at home. Tho couplo havo takon ono of the D. Jamonon cottageH for tho winter whoro thoy will bo at homo after Soptombor 7. o Mrs. Lou. Stongor, a daughter of Mr. and Mra. A, W. Howsor, tho to epoctod old ptonoor pooplo llvinp, near Hnrnoy, In horo on n visit with hor parontn and othor rolatlvcs, Mm. Btongor roaldoa in tho stato of Wasb lUKton and makoa occaaloiml vIbUh. Sbo in romomborod by -many of tbo plonoor pooplo of this Boctlon. .