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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1919)
r,wHy,e(?-oiMM6 ivm.. nutvc aecfs--voy Htae WMALD WfM Y MF AiJ I IUC urrr: Ht Wstcer AHotisr OF tNiNGS T WANT L?ltP KKiHT M.ON(i HOW FN A HtlRRY r -J" of Nice Live bccts L man n .. ;." ; '" . i BCCXUSC MoWCM1 -mi MOTHER DONY LIKE PCAD f WmL weTS - I HEARD ? HOME SWEET HOME by Jack Wilson K?"" r , Am r?lGHT--fHe'J VoOR I" I "TOMATOCS.CRACKCRS f tl . '.fa. rA i A. m Mm kUH I , 1 i. r3 km 25 re-?. aBBEm S WjafSES? v flffJL f edBB 4ra4faBBBBBBBBBBBaaJaUaBV .hbMH Vj vj-aaaaaBaUaaI .IaaaVaaaaSSpaflfc. J. Shelley Saurman, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OBc at I. H. Holland Residence Burns, Oregon DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Burns, Oregon Office at residence. Dr. GrifBlh's for mer home. Phone No. 14 J. XXI. CBARY Physician and Surgeon. Boms, - - - Oregon. Office en second floor Toaawama Bide;. Phone Main 86. DEN.MAN & DENMAfl, Physicians and Surgeons Ctlli amwered promptly night or day 'Phone llammai). Harriman. Oregon li. E. HIBBRRD DEITTIST (Mice lifHt door i-at-t photo ifnllerv llnrus. On yon. BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney at Law Land Office Practice Land Scrip for Sale Vale, Oregon M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law I. 0. O. F. Bldg.. Burns, Oregon Let us do that next job work. The Brunswick Phonograph at The' WELCOME PHARMACY Come in and sec thcin and hear their beautiful violin like tore They play any Disc Record made The price is within the reach of all On display and being demonstrated at the WELCOME PHARMACY The Plumber Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the lie Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT CHriRUES W. EukIS LAWYER Burns. - - Oregon I'rarti.i In the State Court nuil he lmet he V - Land Office. HERMAN VON SCHMALZ A ttorney at Law Clllloeu ami practice before I . S. I.atnl llllce a specialty Office: Key Mdg. next door to post offlo Burns, Oregon (Jhur. II. Leonard. Attobnky-at-law, Careful attention given to Colleo tioiiH and Real Kstate matters. Plre Insurance. Notary Public. Buhnb. Orkoon. F. C. Dii. labd A. O. Faulk mi formerly Ami. KiikIiiimt Formerly chief Ki lil. it Kerlamelloa Her- glneer of Bolee A rue. Weeterii Kr- Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION EN6INELIc Burns, Orcron ,. 1 1 LONIf RESTAURANT e OEORGE FOON Pi op. e ' Meals At All Hours. Short e a Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rales Give Me A Call See our stock of stationery first. I is a Robber! i I I Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us SUMMONS. IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATIC OF ORKOON. FOR HAH NEV COUNTY. W. W. Miller and J. II. Miller., part ners, aa Miller Brothers, plaintiffs, vs. Western Farm and Cattle Company, (a corporation), defendant. To Western Farm and Cattle Com pany, a corporation, the above named defendant: In tbo name of tho Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint riled against you In the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall mo to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court and take Judgment against you as de manded In said complaint, to-wit: For the sum of $481.19 and Inter est thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum from October 16th, 1917, until paid, and for tho costs and dis bursements of this action; also for an order of the court directing the sale of the following described real pro perty belonging to you to satisfy any Judgment which the plaintiffs may secure against you, which real pro perty has been duly attached In this action, to-wit: SK'4 of SBV4 section 23; 8W', or SWU section 24; NWI4, 8W of NEK. NMi of SWV4 and SB see tlnn 25 ; VK4 of NEV section 26. all In T. 19 S. R. 33 Vs. E. V. M. In Harney County, Oregon, containing 560 acres, together with all water und water rights appurtenant thereto. 'I IiIm lUBBSOM Is served upon you liy publication thereof for six con secutive Weeks In The 'I'linos Herald printed and published In Borne, ilur 11. County, Oregon, by order of Hon. II. ('. i.e.;--, county JUlgc of saltf iinrufx County, which suiii order wm mode mill iiniiii 1 the e!tjr b( Burno, count 1 ate aforesaid, on tb 1 Mircb, iw 1 u. and tbe iiate of the flrsi p i'.Hi aiioii or Hi mmreoaa Im March stu. i!ia, the d:0 of the IliMt publication thereof hell. 14 A prll I'fltb, 'i'), this bein ftiso (he date On or bet ore which you uri- ieiiureil to appear In nii action ami onewer sail! coinpi.tlnt or be In tlefuull for w.nil thereof. J. 8. 0OOK, oi" Borne, Oregon, Attorney tor plaln tiffa. If rullron.l Wages keep up we shall soon have an aristocracy of wealth in which Pullman porters possessing , yachln and brakemen owning Pack- : anl cars will figure. JOHN (HEM BRUT INfl. Ai .!! i i rWui in. 1 :i . , . . . r. Fit i- Watch Rtrp 111 m; V vp cialty. t Your ," 1 jHaXRmEXM'Um A 1 .- . ""'. ' " ' . M-.IM. I.l -I.I 1 .1 To be progressive and to serve you right, we have installed aaaaaaAI)Iaaaa0" ! the Electrical Wizzafd in our Shop li cost us some money but 11 wuvejou r lo1 t' nioiic. B -imiim' i: ioui'sily, quickly ami surely BlBrTrBf -rotTaaVPOir Universal NOTICH KOR ITjBMOATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon. February 25, 1919 Notice is hereby given that Rasmus Laurtts Rasmussen, of Burns, Ore gon, who, on October 30, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 07797, for HK',i Section 20. Townrhlp 24 8., Range 32 K., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice fo Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Burns. Oregon, on the 3rd day of April, 1919. Claimant tinmen an witnesses: Joseph H. Hill, Rose Crowley. Ben Newman and O. W. I'lckloslmer, nil of Burns, Oregon. V. O. Coxad, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ITMIfirii uTcrnia r a Kir-, orneL, Burns, Oregon, March 17, 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Cecil A. tlllck. of Blltxen, Oregon, who. ou Decemebr 1, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 07868. for NVi. Section 11, Township 35 8., Range 39 K. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and It.-elver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 24th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Horatio A. Crlti hfleld. May Critch tMod, W U ltyr:un. Mrs. A. H. Errata all of Ulltzen, Oregon. V. O. Coxad. Register NOTKm for UNITED ITATE8 LAND OFFICE It .:rn . tir. On, M irh 1 1 . 1919. Notice Is hereby given ihai William v. No ho',, or The Dallea, " who, on June 1, 1 jo9, raada 1 Igntf lOiii r . Up. ir.:-n::. tor Nv-,. Seotlcn 17, Township Id . Range 31 1:.. wiiiaiiieiie Meridian, in tiled no-1 1 '"liiti'iului! to make final nroof hy purchase, under the act of Man h 4. l91f to estubllsh clnlm to tho land above described, hefore Register unrt Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on the ' JTih day of April. 1919. claimant names as witnesses Ed. Morgan. Edward Koenomann. j Charles Needham and A. I). Jones, all of Narrows. Oregon. V. O. OdsZAD. Register. o Seo our stock of stationery first. (?xfA Coav CuAjvuytt "XVOVO NU Vama 01 fAfyArvvvq . Irotmltt o CcixuotLA. !LuxXiXu cmd -OtAvvcc. DiMrlFiNnFRSSca jDcawtA' - Coeaou: Service I'M-1 ics i in- t rouble in , our rJeutric Starting and Lighting s. stem on your car. Don't lej n guesser tsar your oar nil to plooeg i rying to find Hi.- trouble. With AMBU irs oan tell you what It Is Inside p! thirty minutes no matter how complicated or of how loug standingi Garage Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns, Oregon, February 26, 1919 Notice Is hereby given that Charles 1). Weber, of Burns, Oregon, who, on April 28, 1913, made Desert-Land Entry No. 06726. for 8WKNWV4. NWV4SWV4. Sec. 17; HK'4NWy, , 8V4NKV4. NVsSEV4 and SEV48BV4. Section 18, Township 28 8., Range 28 B Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, by purchase under Sec. 3, Act of March 4, 1916. to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Burns, Ore gou, on the 14th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Carson J. Wolter, of Butte, Oregon, pear and answer the complaint filed Ole Soderberg and Alfred A. Tipton, against you In the above entitled of FToreronni 0ergeC' Bt,rU,,'C0Urt nd CaU"6 WUh,n 'iX WelW V O COZAD, Register. ! froru the date of tinl publication I of this summons, and If you fall so to appear and answer for want there NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of the pla,ntfrf wlu apply t0 th0 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE court for the relief demanded In tie Burns, Oregon. February 26. 1919 complaint on file in tbi. suit, fol- Notlce la hereby given that Harriet ,ow"' to-wit; H. Fries, of Burns, Oregon, who, on Judgment against you for the sum November 14, 1911, made Desert Land Entry No. 05703, for Lot 7, HE'iMWV. SVsSBVt. Sec. 6; NK' NW4, NVtNEK,. HENE'i, Sec tion 7. Township 27 8., Range 27 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tlce of iutentlou to make final proof ,, l JIUrullSKV llliuei aw. d. A i ui March 4. 191ft. to establish claim to the land above described, before Reg- later anil Burns. Oregon, on the 16th day of April. 1"919. Claimant names us witnesses i .i'..,,,i I VV'.,ller nf Itiittt. (Iri'DDII ' Ole Boderberi oad Alfred A. Tipton, of Hums, Oregon, Oeorge C, Hm-lln, of Egll, Oregon. V. (1. COZAD, Register. M.11CK KOR PI IBUA VTIOX t MTEI) STATES, LAND OFF ICE i. urns. Oregon, February -;. i'Ji9 0i11e is hereby given thai Henry Fries, Of Hums. Oregon, who, on November 14, 1911, made De Land Kntry No. 06706, for 8KV4KHU Sec. 20; 8WV.8WU. See II; NE'A NEVt. Sec. 29; WNW4. W HW4, Section 28, Township 27 8.. Kmiil'c If K . Willamette Meridian. has filed notice of intention to make final proof, by purchase under Sec. :L Act of March 4. 1915, to establish claim to the laud above described before Register and Receiver, at Hums. Oregon, on the 16th day of April. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Carson J. Wolter. of Butte. Oregon. Ole Soderberg and Alfred A. Tipton, of Burns, Oregon. Oeorge C. Bowlln, of Egll, Oregon. V. U. COZAD, Register. 'I1K 1 It rVBLICATION. UNITED STATE8 LAND OFFICE j secutlve weeks In The Times-Herald. Hums, Oregon. lVhruary M, 1 ft 1 9 : IrI"teI and published In Burns. Har- Noti.e i; hereby given that Anna nej fanty, Oregon, by order of Hea. Fries, of Burns, Oregon, who. on 1:. c. Laveao, County Judge of Hnrney 14, 1911. made Deeert- couatjf, Oregon, which said order Land Entry No. 0S704, for EH SWU k , , , . , ,. BWHSBH, Sec. s; NBHNWH,wlB ",a'k nn(l llilU"' "!" ("y of NEH, Section it, Townabtp -,'i s. Burns, county oad state aforesaid del .7 E. w Meridian, tha Lltb da) of February, i i 1 9. and baa tiled' noUce el InUntion to mai,. , ,., . . , , publication of final proof, by purchase under Sec, .,,,,. .,.,., h,,.. iota ...I,,, . 1 1, 1 ' ''' umn iruary 15, 1919, I, Ad of March 4. 1916, to eetahllsb claim to the land al ive deseiibed, h "' '" "'" l:l '' publicatioa there- Rog later ami Receiver, at Burns, of being March L'Dth, 1919, this be- Oregon, on ths leth rjaj " April, Ing also the date on or before you are ''",;' . Ireautred to appear in .-aid suit and V ii.llli.v.ii n.iir 111 nun' Carson J. Wolter, of llulle, Oregon, Ole Soderberg sad Alfred A. Tipton, Of Hums, Oregon, George C. Bowlln, of kkII, Oregon. V. O. COZAD, Register. AonOE i-xic rrm.ic.VTioN. UNITED STATES LAND OKFICB Bums, Oregon, March 13, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Sid ney A. Jones, of Nurrows, Oregon, who, on May I, 1912, made llouie Mcul Kntry, No. 0601H, for Stt N and NMi S'.-j. Section 24, Township II S . Range If .;., Willamette Mer- Idian, baa filed notice ot IntenUon lo inulie final five year I'roof, to es- tabllah claim to the land aboe do cribed, before Register and Reoelver, at Burns, Oregon, on the 17th day of April. HIS, Claimant iiuiih . wit misses; (i. N. Hughot ii'ul I. N. Ilughi't Of Narrows, Oregon, M. K. Itentlro i.nil Nellie Reatfro of Bums, Ore gon. V. O. OOIAD, Register. . o Suffen-d for Eight Years. Rhetimutle pains, lame bad;, sore IBUSClOS and stiff Joints often uro often due lo overworked, weak or disordered kidneys. Daisy Bell. K. I I). 3, Box 234, Savunnah, (in . Writes: "1 suffered eight years with pain in the buck and could not do any of my work, but since taking Foley Kidney Ptllg, I ,cun do all of my work." Bold by Reed Bros. .SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Harney County. State Land Board, oomposed of James Wlthycombe, Oovernor, Ben W. Olcott, Secretary and Tbos. B. Kay. Treasurer of tbe State of Ore gon, plaintiff, va. Esper Oreathouse, A. O. Skotterud, Charles II. Mulkey and Georgia Mul key, his wife, defendants. To Esper Oreathouse, one of the above named defendants: In tbe name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap- of $1671.22 with interest from Jan uary 17, 1918, at the rate of six per cent per annum until paid, and the sum of $200.00 attorney fee and the costs and disbursements of this cult; tnat a certaln mortgage described la said complaint and given by you to plaintiff covering and upon the 8V4 1 of NWV4. the SW V4 of NE Vi and 1NEV4 of SWV4 section 23, T. 21, 8. R. 30, E. W. M, Harney County OreWi be declared to be a first Ilea upon said premlsea to secure tho pay- ; ment of all sums ulov nieutloned, ami that said mortgage be foreclosed and vnid lands sold In the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution; that the pro Cei i!s of said sale be applied to the lnyuic nt f said sums and all thereof; , thai if any deficiency remains after tie- application of such proceed plaintiff have judgment and execu tion against you for the amount , thereof; and that you as well as each and all of the above defendants, and " persons claiming by. through or under you, or any of you, from and after August 30th, 1910, tho date f d morlKagei foreTer barred , , J , .. . 77 an(1 foreclosed of any and all right title, interest, claim, lien or demand 1 in, to or upon said lands and each d e t tnereof except th "" . tatutory right of redemption; that plaintiff may have such other and further relief In the premises as shall seem equitable and Just. j This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six con- gnawer said complain! or be in de fault for want thereof. A. W. QOWAN and J. S. COOK, of Bums. Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE TOINTY OOOTM OF THH STATE Of OREGON, KOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In the matter of tho non-payment of bills of all sickness, Including Influenza pntlonts. Now at this lime, this matter com ing on for consideration for the County Court in said County and Stule, silling St a regular term and ii appearing to the Court that great Unease has been Incurred upon the said County of llaniey anil State of Oregon tot the paytnoat of hills for lokneas, Including influenza patients, und li appears bo the Court that each potlonl should pros uit themselves aa County charges before such hills are paid hy the County Court. IT IS THEREFORE coNSiDHUBD, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the said County Court for said County ii ml State will not pay any bills for sickness, hospital bUlfl, medical bills. nurse bills, or any other bills so con tracted for sickness as above men tioned, unless the said patient shall present him or herself as a County charge. Dated at Hums, Oregon, this 6th day of February, 1919. II. c. I.EVKNS, County Judge U. 1.. HASH, County Commissioner Jap McKinuon, Cointy Commission;