The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 04, 1919, Image 5

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    Over There With Woodrow
II I 9 W - ' .LHBKwmp s y t 1 LAaaaVatiBBMsafllnai & W
li; til - nBHHI H wM. -
.hell 4vW 1 1 BB '""'fr?
..j. BHaarsst Jet s sJK ufl atfjH lawvjvV HflBfaE Jm jw as a BassN
H aP ' aava BPb y . t IBj frTaw i 4Sr Aa asa3 JbB flWHIBMMB.vjHBBW
iHpHHjfi2 gjNfl 9 afl anfnffflaVciSava saBAI bVwJC
TawEE? BE -.liEHaa. ' - v BafckdiBafjr4jBBVJ V- t
j. iHpHHBB arJ Law v lus .'y jqBjhk ' j4 ji
v i''' flMIMHp - "el Bar .nVeajaHHU j B&j4B9'
BH' : jBuJEn f 9 H & Zt
E a. tS a Bes, saaawavSjifl yv , v 7 n- B r a. MlawK
u",i La I rCTrtHftw' I rVill' rfdkF kS&M - "33
oWpfi 1 wf7SSlr l Pawl BrflSm
t "'v' aa i i m w vjh i-m.. j- - a wwaa . aa i . mHmmiimii VVK4aVnnssejhpahfSeywH
' ' , , . . - - - ""- i um
m pM
J Walcomlng Woodrow in Europe hai been one of the mom "Amerlcnnlied" etunU our Allies have ;
vr Indulged in It bu been In a two-flited wboop'er up war which ha thrilled nil who wltnewed the '
demonstrations In Trance and England Here are the llrtt picture of Wilton In Europe. Upper shows
President Wilson, with President Polncare. receiving the wild cheera of the people as their carouse
leaves the railroad station of Boulogne Woods The "close-up" shows tho two driving along the
Champ Klysecti. in Pnrlx The Insert of the Arc de Triumph Is the historic structure through which
President Wilson has Just driven, vindicating RIGHT reopening It after having been closed since
defiled by tho Prussians who passed under It In 1817
worthy, The Kreelands; II. 0. Wells, struments of critical destruction (JHJUHTIAN
Mr. Drilling Boes It Through; Arnold aiming from every direction at your
MMMtt, The Old Wives' Tale; W. J. knowledge warehouse, think somo.
Locke, Septimus; May Sinclair, Tlireu lint It Is only common to believe
Sisters; U. K. Chesterton, Manallve. that when a man prepare to snooze
Beventeen lesson. Two semester out hi day under tho wheel of the
hour Fee, 12. successful, or In the rut, he Is hi
Have' Yon Noticed These Tourse? own enemy, and what are all tho
one Foundation of American Clt- bsd wishers In the world compared
laenMiilp, to your own enmity?
This course represent the mint- o
mum with respect to knowledge, If we are to conserve on meat
habits and ideal which a good cltl during 1919, suppose we begin by
sen should have. For teachers of dispensing with pork barrel lesrlsla-
The following was taken from a
recent bulletin sunt out by the Uni
versity of Oregon which applies to
teachers particularly. Since the flu
1 reveuts their devoting their time to
their profession It is well to place
these opportunities before them to
keep them abreast of the times and
prevent their becoming a pest to the
veral communities where they are
wow In enforced Idleness. By taking
advantage of these things they may
improve their time and be In better
mi'- to take up the Hchool work
when the ban Is raised:
If you are teaching or are eipect
Itig to teach and have not done your
reading circle work for 1918-19,
would you like to meet the read
ing circle requirements for the pro
fessional certificate and have this
work count toward credit at the
University? Two correspondence
courses In methods of teaching that
have just been prepared by the Ex
tension division make this possible.
Each of these courses I based up
on two books on the current reading
Ircle list. By the completion of
cither course, you will meet all the
leading circle requirements for the
professional certificate issued by the
State Superintendent of Public In
struction and be entitled in addition
to one semester hour credit at the
The registration feefor each course
is $2.00.
Method of Teaching;.
An elementary course of eight le
ron. It differs from the ordinary
methods course In that the psychol
ogical approach Is made and that em
phasis Is put upon the application of
principle rather than the study of
principal for their own sake. The
problem for solution are those
which arise every day In actual school
room work, and, while the questions
are of "open book" type, opportunity
ih given for the student to draw upon
nls experience and observation.
Text: Freeman, Psychology of
the Common Branches, and Kendall
and M trick, How to Teach the Fund
amental Subjects.
Method of Teaching: Two.
Au advanced course, duslgnod es
pecially for high school teacuoru.
The var'ou factors determining
method will bo dealt with briefly In
the Introductory luxitoiib, and atten
tion thereafter given in tho class
period. Aims of education, tho na
ture of the education and adminis
trative factors, Hubjoct matter, and
methods are Inseparable; it Is Im
possible to consider the last without
reference to related subjects of the
exercises are based wholly upon the
texts. Emphasis Is placed upon gen
eral rather than upon special meth
ods. Thore are eight lessons.
Texts: Calvin, An Introduction
to High School Teaching, and Sned
don, Problems of Bocondary Educa
tion. 1 it Those Who ftcfciiter.
T"Xt books are provided by stu
dents. They may be purchased from
local dealers, from the publishers,
from the J. K. (Jill Co., Portland, or
from the Extension Division. Money
to cover the cost should always be
sent with the order.
Reference books may be borrowed
from the State Library, Salem, and
from the University of Oregon Li
brary. Fees for the courses should accom
pany the application. Make checks,
drafts or postal orders payable to
University of Oregon.
Forty semester hours, or one and
one-third years of University work,
may be accomplished In correspond
ence course.
Professional and Informational
These seven course have been or
ganised In cooperation with the Ore
gon State Normal. The completion of
the series will enable a teacher to
meet the requirement of approxi
mately one half year of Normal work,
or the credit may be applied toward
graduation from the University.
1. Teaching Principal. '
study of the fundamental factor
and processes In the psychology of
learning, with practical application
of the principle. The result aimed
at 1 a scientific attitude toward
teaching and the beginning of ration
alised skill in school procedure.
Sixteen lessons. Two semester
I'm still buying all the I
1 can get ' i of
Furihmr: I'Ujmy from 50c. to $1
won' for coyote a)ul cat hiden than
any othi r buyer in Eastern Oregon
Highent Cash Price for
Hides and Pelts
tf l don 't I'll give you the 50c. and
you may keep the hides.
L. L. Noonchester, Burns, Ore.
hours credit. Fee, 12. 00
Two Child Ntuily
A working knowledge) of the fun
damental principals of growth and
developmtat in their relation to
proldcm of education Is given. In
stincts, heredity, Individuality, etc.,
will bo studied as concretely as pus
slide, and facts dealt with that will
aid tho teacher In the culture aud
training of cblldron.
Sixteen lessons. Two Hemester
hours credit. Fee, $2.00.
Three Elementary Psychology.
A study of the essentials of psy
chology with emphasis upon habit.
' attention, imagination, memory, rea
number of simple experiments are
railed for. A course helpful to
. teachers preparing for the tat rx
amlnation. I Sixteen lessons. Two semester
hours credit. Fee, $2.00
Four Elementary Psychology
The purpose of this course is to
give the teacher a knowledge of the
underlying principles of psychology
so that the state texts books may be
, used more readily.
Sixteen lessons. Two semester
hours credit. Fee, $2.
Five The American Republic
A course fof teachers of civic and
history in the study of rights, duties.
and privileges of American citizen
ship, with emphasis upon the spirit
' of American democracy. Attention
will be given to political organiza
tion their place and utility with
recent political changes, both state
and federal.
Sixteen lessons. Two semetosr
hours credit. Fee, $2.
Hix American Political History.
A atudy of the political develop
ment of the American nation, with
attention also to economic force and
aocclal movement.
Thirty-two lessons. Four semester
hours credit. Fee, ft. .
Seven Contemporary English Nov
ellat. Eight novelist repeaentatlve of
the main tendency of the novel of to
day have been chosen. The life,
work and one typical book of each
will be studied as follew: Rudyad
Kipling, The Light That Failed;
Oeorge Moore, The Lake; John Gals-
clvtc and history.
Sixteen lesson. Two semester
hours credit. Fee, $2.
Two Pedagogy of War -
How to teach the facts and lessons
of the war effectively In the schools.
A holpful bibliography I Included,
and a package of free literature i 1
sent with the lessons.
Twenty-four lessons. Three sem
ester hours credit. Fee, $3.
Three Child Welfare.
A study of fundamental factors In
the physical nnd mental life of the
child with attention to broad phases
of child wolfare work.
Sixteen lessons. Two scraoKfer
hours credit. Fee, $2.
Four Contemporary Poetry.
Anaiialysls of the form and con
tent of a number of representative
examples of modern verse. The
course will Include a critical study of
the typical works of John Masoflold, 1
Rupert Brooke, Sara Teasdale. I iS""""
Arturo Oiovannlttl, C. E. 8. Wood,
Edgar Lee Masters, Robert Frost,
Amy Lowell, Robert W. Service, and
Alan lieeger. For writers, students
and teacher of literature, and poe
try lover In goneral
Forty-eight lessons. Six semester 1
hours credit. Fee. $6.
Five Theme Writing.
A course In advanced English com
position, baaed upon a study of tho
Hiie of some of tbo best typos of
contemporary magazine writers and
exsayists. Prerequisite, a know
ledge of the fundamentals In English
ai d in e rate facility In writing.
Twenty-four lessons. Three semes
ter hours credit. Fee, $3.00.
Hit Economic and .Social Cliangcn
In England and America.
A course dealing with such pro
blems as those of Industrial organiza
tion, workmen's compensation ver
sus employeri' liability, child wel
fare, national and municipal hous
ing, national Insurance, and women
In industry Especially for social
worker and teachers of civics.
tiixMhiu lessons. Two semester
hours credit. Fee. $2.00.
Which One Bo You Want'.'
Bird Study, Bookkeeping, Botany,
two courses, Citlkenship, two courses,
Debating, Drawing, three course,
Economics, seven courses, Education,
twelve course, English eight
course, Geology, two course, Ger
man, two courses. History, six cours
es, Literature, nine coursos. Mathe
matics, twelve courses. Physics, five
courses, Physiology, three courses,
Write for a complete catalog of
courses and an application blank for
registration to the Secretary of
Extension Teaching. University ot
Oregon, Eugene.
Some men don't aspire to become
great because they fancy that great
ness beget enemies. Better a plod
der in the over-crowdod, ever-inhabited
rut with a companion here and
there than a tall slim pedestal with
a plush cushion to sit on and In-
Servlces at 11:00 o'clock. Sub
ject of Lesson-Semon next Sunday:
"God the Preserver of Man."
Tho Testimonial Meeting, Wednes
day at T:M P. M.
The reading room In the church
Edlfioe, I open on Tuesday and Fri
day fross 2 to 4 P. M.
Sunday School meet on Sunday at
10 e'elock.
Pupils may be admitted to It
, 0 classes up to the age of 20 years.
If President Wilson i away much The public is cordially Invited t
longer It may be necessary to place the Ohuroh Sevloe and to the Read
Congress temporarily In an orphan K Keeav
asylum. o
Established thirty -I wo years Need ne introduction
Through square dealing have won the confi
dence of the people and are no longer in the
experimental class, but stand among the
solid merchants of Eantern Oregon, who de
serve the support of all home people
Hardware that Wears Hard
We have TOOLS necessary to repair
house or barn, farming implements and
the thousand odd fixings about home.
Keep things In STANDING UP shape.
When yie weaken, repair them.
plies and accessories are of the best
wearing and neatest appearing articles
of their kind.
I. S. GEER & CO.
That Fall Suit! I
Have it made now during
the slack season. We are
always busy but more
time now than we will
have a little later,
Call and See Our Samples and Styles
W Hliams-Zoglmann
Clothing Company
1 " ' i
Asiiii mi 1 e ' '. a
OREGON workers should
favort r.-uiKi product for
by so doing tiny pi. ice tonic of
( I nil own puy where it noes direct'
ly to support other Oregon work
ers on oilier Oregon .lyrollj.
By helping each other they
will be helping themselves the
finest kind of loyal co-ope ta
will find ufc awake with new ideas born of
valuable experience and with ambitious
hands ready to put into action some conven
iences that are not found just everywhere.
We believe in prospering by what we learn
and there is only one party beside ourselves
who can benefit by that method and that is
Accept our thanks for your patronage and
We wish you the happiest, most successful
New Year that ever jumped vp in the morning
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
NATE 1 RAN KLIN, Manager
- -a
1 1. s MS
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor