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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1918)
I GOO0BYW00Y. Lx I j 7TY J "1 . 1 ( ,vyi MOVING IWtiTl S""l I I OH TflAT'S BeCAOSe MOTHER, j jL " , i ' LIf fiti 5.'V V Kri Awwiv hapw about L . - Ui" 1 vTMe Bi3eeD 4? y v by sSsg H Was wikMt.i.v.K ' ''Mil' 'jTnii SIB ' 1W6H . ViSeHLMIn i gag? ral & 1 1 jdlfedt3 "SfellSABtJr 3aS STOCK MAVKI BY DRHTROYINtl Monollon Mountains makes it evident KOVINU PKKRATORY that a total' of at least 250 head of ANIMALS. 'cattlo as well as n In'Ror number of shep were kill ul by bears. Those Frowllng predatory animals are on the decrease In New Mexico, due to the intensive campaign waged by State and Federal forces of the Biolo gical Survey. United States Depart ment of Agriculture. One thousand and fifty-nine coyotes. 201 bobcats. 51 wolves, II mountain lions, and 7 bars. Inelttdtag IS grizzlies, have been exterminated at a total cost of $11.20 an animal, without deducting fur values. This is considered a very small outlay for protection, in view of the fact that the average gray wolf kills 1 1,000 worth of live stork :i year, while a mountain lion de stroys $5000 worth of stock, and the bobcat and coyote $50 worth each. On this basij the saving represented In this cooperative campaign Is near ly nine times the amount of the gross expenditure. Poisoning operations against pre datory animals for the coming winter, from December to March. 1919. are planned on a scale so extensive as to include the main winter ranges of the State. With more carefully systematized method; and a larger and more dependable personnel at the disposal of the Halted States Bureau of Biologhal Survey than has heretofore been available, quit k and permanent relief from coyotes and bobcats is promised for New .Mexico sto Tuneli, who are keenly In terested in the project and are will ing to cooperate in the work to the best of their ability. During the recent summer 1 ' hunters paid by the State and 15 In the employ of the Federal Govern 1 h:ive conducted an intensive trapping campaign. This force will be increased to 40 during the fall and winter trapping season, as at those seasons the animals ure more elslly captured, while the value of their fur gives an income to the .State which almost pays for the cost of killing. ' Illustrative, of the great value of predatory animals control, during ti'.o three years of the Government'.; :'gani7at'nn work In New Mexico the my. wolf population has been re duced from 3000 individuals to less than 40. The entire extermination of such prowlers will mean great .-eduction in the local loB.ies of live lock. I! ars also have been very de-! itraetive in the Peeoe Mountain region. During' the recent grazing M they killed approximately 1 2 r head of valuable cattle, Similar dam- f in the Black Kan;:e and In the . facts are worthv ol consideration, the Federal .specialists point out, In v.'.'w of the general and concorted efforts now undor way on tho part of sportsmen to enact legislation that will prevent trapping of bears or hunting them with the aid of dogs. Between April and August co operative work In oMerniln il ll prairie dogs was conducted over Ift.OOO acres of Infested laud; more than CO tons of poisoned grain beia used and H,40:i landowners as sistive, In the work. An average of over 10 per out of the prairie dogs on the treated areas have been kill ed; In many places extermination has been complete. Practically all the crop areas subject to damage by prairie dogs have been treated, amounting to 400,000 acros. The value of this work Is evidenced from the fact that on tho untreated land the total Ions of the crop, or at least a 50 per cent loss, often occurs as a result of pralrle-dog Infestation. It Is estimated that the crop-saving ef fected this year from prairie-dog control amounts to approximately $500,000. On the range lands of New Mexico 252.000 acres have been treated with poison, while the plans are corn plat to extend this control as rapid l us possible yver 1.500,000 Hire As .i rule, the average coal of in itial treatment on range areas ha'i be. n tees than BH rents an acre. HAVE POTTED MEAT READY i f sorted, foaed aad griatle re- n red. fat and meat chopped fine, may yield more than could be usod ailvautageouslv at a single meal. I i il it. with little water. In its own fat and pack solidly in Jelly tumblers or small Jars. There should be a (in-.irter lack of fat on top to harden and form a sen! from the air. With a f is cover on top, meat thus prepared will keep several weeks. Beaaonlng may be added as for nny potted meat. Meat thus prepared, both fat atid lean. Is ready to be used with from two to four times Its bulk o.' .potatoes or other vegetables for basnet, or for sandwiches, etc. o The book lover Is never lonely. Ha is not only sufficient unto hlm- but he is perfectly Independent of others for entertainment With Ills book h" run banish loi.eliuess and laugh at dull care, eaa .SaW f m 1 B Sj B V. NSl. tfh. Vi zZSLLfi :. W ! eat LaaV 'H9 '' Jm j& MET naVi " . AaBBafff Bt'YINO NKW KQIUPMKNT You're pretty sure to see it in this pa Is It easy to keep (dean and will It lessen labor and save your time? These are the two pertinent points j when buying new equipment. uecttuso an article is wuiniy iiuver- I tlsod does not guarantee that It will bo of practical use . to the house keeper. There are no-called labor saving devices on the market which add to the time mid labor because tiicv are complicated to operate and difficult to keep clean. The economy of any utensil or tool Is that the ' housekeeper Is able to finish a task more quickly and easily with It than without The Department of A r. tl- ul t it r ad vocates that tin IT v to conserve fuels Indl'Mtes the wh'dom of buying one of the cooking devices for raving fao ir Hurh is not already Included la the equipment. These Include the flrele cooker, the pressure cooker compartment steamer and the triple Miueepuns to fit over one gas plate or oil burner. IJ1 Perfect Confidence ? tiie relational Batik iiiul iiH For Burns. Sale 4t acre adjoining See J. J. Doaegan. o WARRANT ('AM, No oilier worls c;m rlosnrl 1 lint .should twist li'-twcHit il i;il IOIIM. If yiu haver 't eonfidoneei in t;i" soufidn j of a bank, you cert linly w. II not tri i ., ur ;;ioney to it. This P.n n !: iriv:tos carofui Inspection of its financial strength and ountl bofrfnetl in tlir-dp. We know th".v lire above cHticUfD, but the qoint is, we want you to know it. When you huvc lenrnrd, then we solicit your business on our DBtrftS. CRANE STATE BANK ORANE. ORK0ON "wajBiBJKi.)-! Collars those always Impor Unt acceasorlea. Theyre hlfh rlso vory low. Pour new modols from the big city shop prove this. At tho top, a guimpe of b.itlslo and filet lace has a high flaring collar. Next lower, an Intensified Hosier Brown fichu. Ihen Into the low ones. It's a bit daring, that charming not cape collar or numentod with white soutache braid ana Kronchy black velvet bow At the bottom Is a soft guliupo collar with yutlifulnes tu every liuu. ftoaejaejoaioojoejoejOjooeje'ej Notice is hereby given thai there are sufficient funds on hand to psv off all Oe&eral Fund warrants i -sued and registered prior to vi. t . i hit. t coaot '" ' r 10 1V1 l BARL KEBi I Count v ' KOTICE OK siii:iiii is s.m :: JJkJBHJM: a ,iiimuin. UNIVERSirSToi REGON ?&Jft? enltutM . iHti'Tti'iirr pa H in pedal . ; ; --t , .Irin i rWit t ini'-, Lu wn h tl Ins hold . l- . al t M,rt. fl . ' ! . , ' , tii. . . f. ,r . i.. I Uri-l Work Traitors Get their lust deserts in the great romance o ttie Aincncan army in France that will ap pear in serial form soon in this paper. Truth, lust ice and true love triumph in the cad. 5 Don't mlia the Intullmtnt ot mi up-to-ttie-uunuia aioiy. 1 Brids of Battle w w vtv w v. vi w wvvvv 1 xjLClh That Will Add to your Sales is what you want and what you will get if- you advertise properly. Advertisements that leach your prospective customers i what you want as a most cVhect . method of putting your products in the most effective manner before them. Yovr local paper is ike medium that puts your very words beneath the eyes of those who arc look' ing for just the articles you may be marketing. Do not hesitate. A minute lost in advertis ing is days lost in the rising to prominence of your merchandise. We must show all people what we have to sell before they will buy. The most practical way of shewing them is to get them to the very spot. And the way. to get them there is to r "." r r -, t-. I . i I r1 'i ' IN 'I iii; CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB i; OP ORJDOOM COCNTT OF H U'KV. CORNBLIO MAitAiiA, Pialatlff. V. PRBD HOLLOWAY ichI ( ui:a HOIXOWAY, Pefeafiaots. NOTICI IH iikiikiiy orflH That, 97HBRBA8, on the luih day of April. . In the Clrcalt C url of the of Oregoa fof the Coaaty of Harney, a Judgement wild duly me. to and entred in favor ,f the kbOVe named I'lnintlff, Coraello Mir.iba, i ovenii.iied Defea4aata, Fred Holloway and 'lara floli for the cum of $f)96 IS. and Interest J thereon at H per rent per uniiuni frOBI il 10, l'JM, and for the costs ilitid iiisbur. iiieiits taxed at 5o.eo: h sa il J'li'gnient v.u.i ilu'. en- ll ied and docketed in the office ol Be I county Clerk of aald Haraa County, i on ihe loth l-i of April, IBlfl ,,e. WHBRBAI ll waa further Order 'I i-iil Adjudged by t ln 'Hurl In the utltlod cau e thai oertafn pro I ... i attai hi i In .i i B, tow.t : . By, 3WH, BH9SU of Bee. 29; rV4, :.' Sec, :;m; NB M BBNW4 of . .i ,,, '.. . - .'. r See. 14; N'K': Ol I ill 11! Twp. I, B. VY. M. rlarne) i ounl . Ore p o. 41 a the B "jV' '-. :. in iv p to Hi.utn i::u. B W M, Harney C nun .. Oregon, b told, u i ; ded l law, to ly waul Judgs ooet i and dlabur m I i iceruti "' . .il thai ' ; I mi. 8rd d ly of . wa i aad ' ' ui'i on. co i'i no; tl loll the aald pro by law i ,'! . EFORB, I i to 'i immand ot aald Writ i "d by author l i i roof. 1 ba re lovh d upon the Inl r it! of aald i ifendanl in ,i"ii to the above d nrtbad nroni ea; ai;d wHi on Monday the ISrd day f ! -uiinT, ! tit, at the hour ol 10.00 o'clock a. ni. of khIiI (iii .u the court fhouae door In ihe city . Buraa, , in Harney Btate ol ( irtgon, oner for aale to the htghe I bidder :i'i the r'ehl I Inter it of .' I i dant, , t' dor of hem. in hi d to ti, i. ,. ,i' . da I bed premti and ai and I ' lliereof, logdl !:" V-'ll ir III, i n. i rani i and appurtenanc ia ' In roum i i ur In an arlae appartn .i , i . and dlabui t io tin 1 . ii :. Hid I i ' i l i ur. v, a. a , , ' .i . .;::, I n 1 71 , ... . .. . l.M-,1 .HI ' . ... .' ,- M .. , l ...I- -. r It. O. Tl C I'll!'. I ' . " . ... il,r,.t,h. r . i, ij wmrl. I) .,., ',i... !. .1. ,,. It ..y.,rlu.iily lor warl. ; . .1 .. . I Writ, ti . ir r, I KnPi ifan. tui 1. !.,. .,i .. ..... I, I, JU Hi .'4 i THE UNIVERSAL CAR If parti III hi ! . TTH I t Men Who know Doit L you use "bogus" or counterfeit for rcnluivrnents at ii r.-nniia in your Ford car. jou cwi't expect Batie- laciory nor curable m-rvicu from .our cir. It's not fair to i i far to ir- ' poor i;.:..,ny ! ri . . i ok io i tie Kvnuii.i -id M a- I and i.a.i . i i ) aur i .:: car tar ed for by mcii who know fc'ord tnei h i -i m and bow best io keep vie car in wprKiuif order. Britgyoui i.;i!criu oursbop vh r yi u're t.'eoi' thesqasrs dtsl; .s'r'uf !'".nti niaiici,:! ; md aura of Fori Jow i:ii. Keep your Ford oar runnii g u atandard, BURNS GARAGE BURNS AND CRANE '.'. i UJl ,44-rfl4B , ' ii, .i I . : kieredlta B5IXIN6 SYSTEMS The Times-Hernia carries the standard sizes Billing Systems Binders and Fndexes Hilling ?hces 1 and ft on Duplicate Sheets for above Finest and largest assortment cf Bonds and Flats stock to be found In the country on hand Prompt attention given aBl orders for anything In tire printing flSne. Call on us for Seller heads, envelopes, hill heads, etc. TItae Times-Herald?. Burns . "c.rrrsr i . naeBa4dJejH Maaa -irr i'rr"- -