The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 28, 1913, Image 3

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Larit ClrcuUlion Of Any
rqpapar In H.rn.y lounly
Local News.
toe tor sale at trie who
Mre office.
Paul has been in town
bw days.
Japanse cup and saucer at
call Drug Store. 2Uf
famous Walk-Over Shoe at
'a Satisfactory Store.
dance at Harney on July 3
; Harriman July 4. Music
lei Haines' orchestra.
lide style and inside ease.
)ver Shoes, Brown's Satis-
Store agency.
Garrett and family were
from their mountain home
the first of the week.
at the Burns Hotel when
Is city where there is a fine
id very best accommoda-
tf 31.
H. Denman and children
home from outside points
lav and have gone to their
at Harriman.
aes Brandon came over from1
Creek Thursday and was in by Mrs. C. A.
igham and children who
m visiting over there for
ftne orders tor miiK ana
to the Willowmere Cream-
kd your order will be filled
slivered promptly. 33.
Iring implements will be in
remember we dont keep
we sen tnem anu our car
at last long, if you ask your
you will hurry ana get
this car and be a Deering
ir. M. isrown & sons.
re you seen Williams .ogi-
Clothing Co's., ad in this
Report Of The Condition
First National Bank
At Barms, Oregon, June 4th, 1918.
Loans and Discounts $3 0. 32.31
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 48,3(3.74
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,9 .00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,604.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund . 1,2 0.00
CASH 124,445.14
$ 7G.044.11
Capital $2,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,831.90
Circulation 2 .000.00
DEPOSITS 447,212.21
$ 76,044.11
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
United States Depositary
You will find IT at the Burns
Department Store.
Woman cook wanted on a
ranch. Inquire at this offko.
Austin Goodman has a 6 horse
power gasoline engine and 2-inch
rotary pump for sale. 24-tf-
Walk-Over Shoes at Brown's
Satisfactory Store.
C. M. Faulkner left Monday
for Portland where he goes for
treatment for his eyes with
specialists. He expects to be
bsent some two weeks.
Agency for Walk-Over Shoes
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
Miss Ethel Haines has a violin
and comet for sale. 32.
' I'hotogranher Heck haa return
ed from his trip to Seattle where
he went to attend a convention
of the photographers. He reports
having had a very profitable trip
and well pleased with the result.
Get our prices on Studebaker
wagons and buggies. We will
positively make you prices that
will get the business and we
guarantee to sell you a Stude
baker wagon or buggie at rail
road price or less. N. Brown &
Picture Attractions Tonight
M. Horton left yesterday
fig for Portland and other
points to be absent for
kl weeks. He will be joined
Irtland by Mrs. Horton and
per they will visit the beach
so go to Medford and other
in Western Oregon.
for Walk-Over Shoes at
p'a Satisfactory Store.
Weaver is in from the-
Mountain section where
been for several months.
been assisting with sheep
going to taice a vacation
(after the big celebration
McConnell returned home
irtland and Salem Thurs-
iving been out on business
Bted with his irrigation pro-
Mrs. McConnell and the
n were with him for a few
Portland and have gom
shington points for a visit
ill be here to again take up
residence by the time school
this fall.
Kodak time is here.
Kodaks at The Welcome Phar
macy. '""Doc" Cossd is in the city
renewing acquaintances.
John Morrell is over from
Malheur county on a visit to re
latives and friends
Don't give up until you have
tried the Burns Department Store
Lunaburg & Co. 29tf
The wife and little child of J.
G. Quigley arrived here Tuesday
to remain with him permanently.
Will French is in this section
looking after his grocery trade.
Will is now representing a firm I
in Boise.
Dr. Tillson Hsrrison and wife !
took their departure Thursday
evening for the outside. Mrs.
Harrison and little daughter go
to the home of her mother in
Toronto to spend a couple of
! months visiting. The Doctor is
enroute to London, England
where he goes for a post-graduate
course in some of the big
medical institutions of the old
country and will be absent some
four months. He has abandoned
his offices in The Times-Herald
building, moving his office equip
ment to his residence until his
return. Mrs. Hsrrison will re
turn some time the latter part of
Use Nyals Stone Root Comp.
for the kidneys 10 tf
Walk-Over Shoes indoors and
out-Brown's Satisfactory Store.
Your Opportunity Is Now
At Hand To Secure
Your Choice Of
The Latest
Kobe Silk, Silk Panama, Silk Pop-
ttt i ii 0:11. tt:u nAnvMn.
n, wasnaDie an vuiu?, vjoaemai
el, Serge, Lennox Poplin, Stripea
essaline, Cambridge Zepher, Fan-
ma. Messaline, Silk Ratine, Ver-
na Voile, Striped Taffeta, Windsor
lesse, Vigeaux Serge, Laurette
lhantung, Rufflings and Trimmings
This Nifty New Line has just arrived and will
be ready for your inspection the first of the
week. Come early and take your choice
while the variety lasts. Nothing later
will be shown in Burns this season.
- General Merchandise -
fl a sonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Misses Lulu and Airnee Miller
are visiting out at the farm home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egli.
For Sale - Two broke general
purpose horses. Chas. Wilson.
Misses Emma Johnson and
Beatrice Hotchkiss came in Satur
day evening from Monmouth
where they had been attending
the normal.
Your spring and summer suit
- -
can be found at Williams Zogl
mann Clothing Co'., store.
Mrs. Tip Stoy returned to her
home near Harriman the first of
this week after a short visit with
her mother and sisters.
Brown's Satisfactory Store has
the agency for Walk-Over shoes.
Norman Lucky, the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lucky,
arrived here Tuesday evening
and will spend some time visit
ing relatives.
Dr. Griffith operated on Oscar
Tipton, today for a diseased
bone in his leg that has caused
him trouble for over a year. Dr.
Griffith will remove the diseased
We carry the Florsheim shoe
Williams Zoglmnnn nothing Co.
Henry Hamilton, who was
hurt a few weeks ago, having
his hip broken, is able to be out
on crutches His friends are
glad to see him getting along so
Send in for your Deering re
pairs do not wait until the last
moment We will get any thing
you want and have it here on
time. N. Brown & Sons?
Mrs. Ethel Graves and little
daughter have been in the city a
few days this week. Mrs. Graves
made proof on her land yester
day. John Graves accompanied
them in.
Relinquishment for sale near
Lawen, inquire at this office.
Reed Bros, are putting the
finishing touches on their Rexall
Drug- Store in the way of new
interior decorations, a new coat
of oaint and roof are the exterior
improvements When they in
stall their new glass counters it
will be one of the neatest stores
in Oregon.
Two-inch centrifugal pump for
sale. Chas. Wilson.
Messrs. Don and B. E. Pres
ton desire to extend their sincere
thanks to those who were so
kind during their recent bereave
ment. The many thoughtrul
acta and sympathy extended to
them, Btrangers in our midst,
plainly express the high regard
in which their late father was
held by his acquaintances here
and they fet-l deeply grateful.
They wish particularly to ex
press their appreciation of the
treatment of Mis. Etta Cummins
at the Burnt Sanatorium where
their parent s were sriven every
attention and thoughtful care.
T. Allen Jones' Willowmere
Creamery Butter can be had at
the I. Schwartz store and Ches
Carter's stage office. 33.
'Miss Sosephine Locher and
Mrs. Chas. Needham experienc
ed a runaway last Saturday while
coming in from her homestead.
The rig was overturnd on the
grade near the John Sevedge
place ana tne occupants more or
less bruised.
The Burns Hardware Co., has
fresh onion sets in any quantity.
24 tf.
Dr. J. W. Geary has returned
from his sojourn at Portland but
haa been somewhat tiried from
the trip in and therefore
has not been at his office this
week. He expects to be rested
up soon, however, when his
friends may find him at his
" Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream
at the Rexall Drug Store. 26tf.
The Times-Herald acknowledg
es receipt of a letter from John
Kessler Sr., from Philadelphia in
which he expresses the belief
that he will be sble to make his
choice of several railroads on his
next visit to Harney county.
This is based upon the news
columns of this great religious
weekly which he reads regularly.
Walk-Over Shoes at Brown's
Satisfactory Store.
The following townships have
been surveyed, and the official
plats of survey will be filed in
the Land Office at Burns August
4. 1913: Tp. 87 8., R. 32 E. Tp.
37 S. R. 32 E Tp. 37 S.. R
821 E. Tp. 88 S.. R.32E. Tp.
38 S., R 33 E. Tp. 41 S., R
30 E. The office will be prepared
to receive applications for the
entry of lands in the above
named townships on and after
the 4th day of August, 1918.
Williams Zoglmann Clothing
Co., make a specialty of cleaning,
pressing and repairing.
Rt Rev. Bishop O'Reilly of
Baker and Rev. Father Wend ar
rived here Thursday evening snd
left this morning for Drewsey
where the Bishop will dedicate
St. Mathews church tomorrow.
They expect to return here Mon
day afternoon and may hold
aervices before returning to
Baker. The Bishop administered
the sacrament of confirmation to
three persons at the Catholic
church yesterday morning.
Try Nyala Family medicine a
The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf
The Drewsey News comes to
us sgain this week, the first issue
since the plant was destroyed by
fire last winter. It is somewhat
larger than before, with two pag
es printed at home. George Baker
the young high school boy, is a
hustler and we hope he may
have no more bad luck. ,
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of grains at The Burns Dept.
Peter Peterson was in from his
homestead near Wagon tire during
this week making proof. He
was assisted by Chas. Comegys
and another neighbor and had
the satisfaction of being told by
the officers at the land office that
his proof was accepted without
question. Mr. Peterson says
they have quite a nice settle
ment in his community where
they havo organized a new school
district and will have their school
house ready for occupancy for
this fall. They came over in Mr.
Comegys' car and Mr. Peterson
say they have other conveni
ences in his neighborhood not
enjoyed by all new settled com
munities. For instance they
have a doctor and two trained
Some of the most interesting
pictures yet produced at Tona
wama are to be seen tonight and
tomorrow night. Mr. Bergeron
will also play both programs If
the rain permits his arriving in
town today. He has been en
gaged to lead the orchestra at
Tonawama during the next week
during the celebration period and
haa sent word he will be here to
night. The pictures tonight are
"An Adamless Eden," a most
promising comedy as it is ad
vertised thus: "One man and
five girls - the rest is too funny
to divulge." "The Two Battles"
a pretty remance dealing with
the Boar war. "Cupid's Stolen
Arrows" is another comedy with
"Inhabitants of Stagnant Water"
an educational subject on the
same reel.
Tomorrow night the particular
feature will be "The Prison Ship"
a story of the American war for
independence. It is advertised
as an exceptionally fine picture
full of thrilling scenes, "The
Wayfarer" is described as "A
rapidly moving kaleidoscope of
western adventure" sounds big
doesn't it? "The Cactus County
Lawyer" is another western story
that promises some thrills and
action in wmen Indians play a
part. "Pawball industry" ia
another film that should be at
tractive to ball fans as it shows
on the lithograph the umpire and
two players in an attitude that
would' indicate "rag chewing"
so it ought to appeal to the fans.
Usual prices for both nights.
C. 8. McCsmmII ni Associates Mike
ApBTicitiM is Suit Bsani-T Be a
Put tf Big Itrijytion Project.
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow.
at 8
Sunday School at 10 a.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Union Preaching service
p. m.
Rev. D. K. Laurie Partor,
Evangelist of the Grand Ronde
Presbytery will apeak at both
services. Come to these ser
vices. Good music, good speak
ing, and a fr'endly greeting
awaits you.
Baptist Church.
A Salem dispatch in a recent
issue of the Journal nays:
The first Application for a con
tract with the state for the drain
age of swamp lands under the
provisions .of the swamp lands
drainage act passed by the last
legislature, was received by the
state land board yesterday from
C. B. McConnell of Burns. The
application is for a contract to
drain Malheur lake which covers
46, 000 acres. The estimated cost
of the project is 9246,124.
Mr. McConnell says in his ap
plication that he and his associ
ates, under the name of the Har
ney Basin Reclamation Co., have
made proper legal filings on the
flood waters of Silvies River,
which empties into Malheur lake,
for irrigation purposes, and have
been engaged during the last
three years in making surveys,
gathering data, and that they
propose to construct a compre
hensive irrigation system as a
part of their reclamation Bcheme.
The company's plans are to
hold the flood waters of Silvies
river, the chief source of supply
of Malheur lake, in a big reser
voir, which will be a part of an
irrigation system for the reclama
tion of land in Harney Valley,
and to drain the lake into Harney
lake snd the South fork of the
Malheur river. The applicant
agrees to commence the work by
June, 1914, and to expend 10 per
cent of the estimated cost the
first year.
92.60 a Tear
Nobody but you, or somebody au
thorized by you, can have access to
your papers or other valuables, if
you have a safe deposit box at the
Ban, Oregon
Sunday School at 10 a m.
Church service at 11 a m.
Special- patriotic theme.
Union service at 8 p. m.
the Presbyterian Church.
Estimable Man
Gone to His Rest.
Walk-Over Shoes will take you
anywhere and back see them at
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
The death of 0. S. Preston
which occurred at the Burns
Sanatorium last Tuesday morn
ing, June 24, removed a highly
respected man from this commu
nity. He had resided in this
county but a short time but dur
ing that period he had made
many warm friendships that will
last Mr. Preston had been ill
for seyeral days at his farm home
nesr the lake. He was thought
to be suffering from typhoid
fever and this was reported 'n
our last issue, out just oeiore
his death his sickness was diag
nosed as pneumonia.
Mr. Preston snd his estimable
wife who is now ill Rt the Sana
torium, but improving rapidly,
took up their residence on a
homestead near Harney lake four
years ago and although advanced
in years Mr. Preston soon show
ed his neighbors that he was
made of the right material as he
has been one of the most pro
gressive farmers in that section,
having worked hard toward the
development of his place and was
a moving spirit in bettering con
ditions throughout that neigh
borhood. He was a very accom
modating neighbor with the right
spirit toward all, therefore his
friends are many and sincere.
Obadiah S. Preston was born
in Indiana snd was 68 years of
age. Most of hist life was spent
in Iowa where he was married
41 years ago and where he had a
large circle of relatives. The
family moved west a few years
ago. Five children with the
widow survive him. Mrs. E. C
Holloway of Salem, Oregon; Mrs.
A. W. Youtz of Emmettsburg,
Iowa; Don Preston of Ontario;
J. E. Preston of Minneapolis,
Minn., and B. E. Preston of
Spokane, Washington. Two sons
Don and B. E. were here for the
funeral, the former come over
Ontario where he is manager of
the Oregon Light and power Co.,
upon receipt of word of the
illness of his father, arriving be
fore his death. The younger son
arrived Wednesday evening. De
ceased has been a member of the
Methodist church since early life.
The funeral was held yesterday
afternoon from the Presbyterian
church, Rev. Dr. Babbidge con
ducting the service.
The many friends of the family
extend sincere sympathy to the
bereaved ones
Mr. McConnell arrived home
Thursday and when asked about
the above, said:
"The drainage proposition re
ferred to in the Salem news item
involves no new condition or
principal except as to the manner
and method of application and
droceedure in the reclamation
work. Anyone making an in
telligent investigation of the wa
ter supply and water conditions
of the Harney Valley, especially
from the engineering and agri
cultural points of view, will read
ily discover that the irrigation of
the semi-arid lands and the drain
age of the lower and marsh lands
are inseparable and must neces
sarily be worked out in conjunc
tion. There must be a control of
the water from the time it leaves
the mountains until it is all ulti
mately used or proDerlv disposed
"The storage of the flood wa
ters of the Silvies River in reser
voirs above Harney Valley will
materially chancre the conditions
down at the lakes. This in itself
will tend to dry up the higher
portions of land now flooded or
submerged. Such land, however.
would not be fit and readv for
agricultural purposes without the
construction of a drainage sys
tem. The drainage system must
be commenced and extended far
beyond the limits of the lake re
gion. The irrigation of the up
per portion of the valley will
naturally raise the water table in
the lower lands. This must In
con trolled by drainuge or a large
area will be left in its present
unfit condition. Again, after the
land ia so drained it must be
tupplied Hth irrigation water ut
thep roper season.
"The state legislature in the ses
sion two years ago passed u law
introduced by Thompson, then
Representative from )ke Coun
ty, providing for the drainage of
the State lands comprising
swamps, marshes and lake beds.
The bill was vetoed by Governor
West and passed during the last
session over the veto and without
amendment In our opinion, the
stand taken by the Governor
was proper and the bill should
have been amended to conform
with the suggestions contained
in his veto message. He recog
nized the bill as a meritorious
and necessary measure, but in
sisted upon some provisions
which would restrict the acreage
which could be held by one per
son or corporation ana the price
for which the! land should be of
fered for sale. In other words,
to prevent the land monopoly
which has resulted under the ad
ministration of the swamp lands
in the past. This point cannot
be cured by collateral contract as
the Supreme Court has recently
held that the State Desert Land
Board cannot contract, even for
the direct protection of the set
tler, without specific authority
for that express purpose.
"It is the province of and to the
advantage of a reclamation con
cern to aid in and secure the set
tlement of the land and, there
fore, there will be less risk of
land monopoly where this mat
ter is handled by the water com
pany than if undertaken by a
corporation for the purpose of
acquiring the land for private
"There are many preliminaries
to be arranged and, of course.
much threatened litigation, but
necssity will soon demand such a
drainage system for the double
purpose of developing the agri
cultural possibilities of a fine,
large area, and for permanently
improving and taking care of the
sanitary conditions."
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
- Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Get In Your Order for Binder Twine
Mowers, Rakes, Backs and
all kinds of Haying Tools
Prepared to till your Orders
All kinds of implements for
the farm, wagons, engines,
pumps, shelf hardware, etc.
We handle the right kind of
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't see.
Burns Hdw'e
All the news in The Times-Herald for $2.00