Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1901)
1597 State of Oregon, anil described asta I children in each home. T he pian BILI, re liSTABLISSI A HI ill SCHOOL. E E Moflr.t. H s« ¡ »PC 12 i- s d as follows: works so successfully the intention tp 22 s r 35. t .4 nw] sec 13 Representative Geer Asks State Appro 1899 TO BE GIVEN AT now is to extend it and make it 4 30 tp 22 s r 35....................... priation Ur That Purpose. j intel national, establishing an ex- John Altnow, nJ si j and se] M J Massiker, w] nw], t.J ■ATi'Koar. jisr.u-.i im of se I of sec 21 tp 21 » r 36, ■ change of children between ililfer- 4 30 s.v j -o' 17 tp 19 s r 34 .. The following bill bag been intro ne] of ne] of see 28 tp 21 < nt countries. J W N irton, n J < I sei 24 . :. ; . ! ! Efe 1 SI. b- ■»I Mtt4ir<*r duce in tlie bouse by Repres'-nta-1 » r 36 .............................. * 12 01 TA1NED CHARACTERS. ONE EACH FOR tive Geer: A. G. Boehm“, ne] of si'3 19 ; ne], n.J se] Slioule the bill introduced in i adies and gentlemen . 9 64 Win rea«, the propio of Harney | tp 22 sr 32}..................... It is quite obvious that if ’ 8 38 ■ r 36........... the 1* gidatui e by Repre-* illative county have for many yt-ars paid John T Baiiey, ne] of »"’] Go% 1896 liter to establish a high si bool at gation w'.rk on any large scale. Bums be passed, it w ill be a th* ir pr porti' h of tin.- funds ni-c'-s- sj »'■‘ii Ini* L 2 see 26 fP sarv for the maintenance of the i: 23 » r 31, lot 1 sec 2. tp tiie first b -gi-ming must la- m.dl blessing to this section. We have several tn bools receiving support 21 26 s r 31, ne] sec 1 1 tp and experimental, s.i).» the Ore 1 many young men and women in from the state but owing to its re s r 30, ej e j sec 1 i 'I* 21 genian. It is like!) to l e (I ne in Harney county as well as adjoin moteness at. I the Jack of railways s r 3 >........................ Ari/. >na and Montan.i Oper.i- ing counties, who would avail or oilier convenient or safe means I “ ña / íxgkl iti . xxc s r I 1) irkheiiin-r, l it (> in t ions w Im h hive ). e 1 p'anni d, themselves of the opportunity of of travel the hardship» and great > 04 block 21 Burns . . but v.i.i li have not v 1 ■ n pic- pr< cm ii’g a higher education than expense of ingr-ss and egress have 1895 .1 W I>ickeiiaon,(estate) un- sented to rongri - > for approval, priicticallv pr* ' hid* d the studenl.- pi Kurud in the pn ;:t div', ¡'i l 3-5 inter. - in i ntv i can be include the damming of the Oda school. Il is simply imp of that comity from availing th- m- ] ne], »e] ne], lot- 7, . -st In-s of the advantages of any ot liver tii’ir Sin Carlo-*, Atiz , and for many of them to go to the sec 1 7 tp 22 r 30, 1 art s’.v j 1! the t'ivei tin" of lln waler, of the ontiiitie for th«* purpose on ac count those schools which have been] ,| s< ¡ sec 10 tp 22 r 30 . ( 1 St. .Mary rivet in Mo from of the tip»i moiM expense and the maintained, in part, by- taxes from W E Grace, } inter' -t lot« 1 2 o-> Win Miller. .1 interest lot“ 7 2 block 11 Burns their natural lour to.vaid» th*- time it takes to go and come, b<* that county and th >se students are i 1 I ovv Shades, or at trried in a first class furni 8 block 6. 1 2 block 11 therei v denied tl i educational nil-1 J H Hickman, (estate) lots Hudson Bay into the tributaries of sides the h u tlsliips of a long and 40 63 Burns .. . . ture store, cal! anti examine my stock and get prices before vantages which it is the policy o 65 1 2 3 4 see 30 tp I 1 r 34 the Missouri. It is estimated that tedious j'lurney to the railroad. S B St- wart. < ] m ], mJ e* ] purci. i>in g e' ere. ’ 'ic.i::' I i ante Moulding, in vari th<- state to place within the reach , V> 1> Hufl'man, ne] ne] sec these two pi<ij*’As will * i , 3,- 12 50 s c 19 tp 20 s r 36 ........ of nil; tbi-reforc, 10 46 22 tp 29 s r 32 .s ■ ety, alw ays in stock and lilted to any picture. OOO.OO- . Ila < »11.1 V1' I • I a al Be it enacted by the Legi-talive Occasionally one runs across a Nolic - is hereby given that T will A liarsett. H’.vJ sec 21 tp 20 supplies water for irrigation along 20 ■> on Monday, th? 25th day of Feb “business man, ’ who if the news assembly of the 8t.ate of Oregon. 6 r 35............................. the upper loin . * . l ilt tin re * not 8. ti hi 1 th- r • is hereby Al'..i-rt. Joi iison, w J nw]. ■•-I re.arv, A !> 1901, at the hour of paper in.m asks him for an adver- III- II 1 . * a C siv J sec 17 tp 19 s r 31 4 . I i o'ci .< k A M of said day. at the lisumruf. or a local, s.i’, s a well aiu.-opriaied out of the general demands. Along tin- low r rivet 9 •ZA ‘A-“--.- front d mr of the Court Ilonse, in infoi med member of til ■ cittft, lie fund oi llie .State of Oregon the John S L ively. s.J s} sec l lie inhabitant- -lie n gi •' ■' ly • *' tp 20 s r 35. sj sw],s} sc] “ believe rum of ten thousand dollars (i l 1 i. Buris, Harney County. Oregon, doesn't duced < iicumsiatnes, owing to will tell you be loot)) *0 b.' used in establishing and sec 21 tp 20 s r 35 ......... 14 30 s-11 th' we d •■cri'iel real estate is never, in advertising the scan, it) of wa'* i. Il H pi <)■ maii.tainii.g a High schnol in F Lewis, e.J sw], sa J . w] at p iblie auction to the highest le ‘-busi-1 Burns, Hirin’)' county, Oregon, in posed Io stun- tin- surplus of tin- read." But let sec 11 tp 20 r 20, nw] nw ladder for cash, subject to redemp iivss in in’’ lie caught hugging the , the manner hereinafter provided. ] sec 2:’. tp 20 I 20 ......... winter and spring in a huge i cs- tion, to -.:ti-ry said Warrant, costs, bil l'd gti 1, or * basing .1 loose piece and a cruing costs. Section 2. tin' directors of E E M id'-tt, ’ J sw] sc:' 12 er volt’ which t an supply the of calico tip tlie street after dark, the public school of Burn**, Oreg >n. tp 22 .-* r 3‘*. e . nw] s. <• 13 D i‘ 1 this 25th day of January, Hay nntl Grain galion < in the dry season. Fine I urn outs 11 4 I mil ,,r •s,, u"gliiig w itli a jug of -‘tarn- shall be the director« * !' tiie High tp 22 r r 8"> ..................... Always Kept 4 A. D. 1901. About 250,000 acres ol ....... & Courteous ' ii iud w ab r,” a id if tlr: printing school tn be <-tablisl.ed and inain- E F. M. Kinnon(' -late) lot 5 G eo S hei . iey , Ctt Hands « would lie bi'iivlited by tin' or.igc. Treatmcn ! oilice is in tlie garret of 1 twerity- |tainnl ui.der tiie provisions of d.i- bl. - k 11 Burn- ............... 8 hi rifT **f Ilurney County, Oregon The St. piai y 1 A m , in Mont in.i, I story building he w di climb tlie act and it shall I.*’ their duty to I’ (' .-pi-..(n r, lots 7 8 bloek « Is fed fl..... the -now and gi.u ivi ■ 6 24 Burns ........ ................. M ULLEi ô BERDUGO, PROP3 I, tog and ask tlie editor not to pulr- establish itlili High niiuol and Where do you buy your tobacco? of tlie R*ck*) Molli't.llns. A S : i v.'i.s, e J se] sic i. ' lislt it in tlie paper Lakeview prescribe such course of study in direct from the tobacco flows into two storage basins I 40 We buy Ip3isr32t: ..................... th" higher grade» ns t.i-y mav factories and can sell you any know n ns the upper and lower St. Examiner. B St. wart. cj ne], n.J se] ' decn> prop, r ami suite d to tb • nc d- bran I of tobacco at less than any M.11 v I. ike*. A short distam i se ■ 19 tp 2 ) s r 36 ........ of tiie advau’id stilili nts of !'.*• county—N. merchant in Harney I IrT'5 B I- the llunev county Sto. k- from the low r lake die p'an is to Tetherow, m < ounty. They shall einpl". < >in- Brown it Sons. ' men ’ s As-i :.iti*>n going io do « 6 cut a ca l.d to die ti ilmtai ) of tlie ar 31.......... petent instructor» mid fix tlie i anything toward asking for legis Milk river, through wliidi tin amounts of their salaries, ntike A \\ Waters. < J i < ] H-c 28 CLAUD Mt -EE. Proprietor. t,, 2‘> s ■■ r - ■- sw] sc] sec waters of die St. Mary would lation in their behalf? II any rul's and regulations for the Con c*»ooee. »o»î»Bis»o*a<»e«>*o I thin" is to lie done on line an tp 20 s r 30. wj ne], io sebo il duct mid government of tin find then way into the Mi -ouii. ,. t z-s »•( y [■; \ I; I, Y to Chai«- nw] sw] ate 26 tp 20 s r -e (j-,, nia!, or «0111'111 Jt is believed that su. li a pi - 1 ed- inspc'. lion of die Montan * st * 1- and are einp .v.en d to do any ami © Q 80, I intere»! Ibta 3 8 me would re< lain» st c i al hundred laws would lie \ alludile. .Now is ail things necessary for 1 lie proper 9 n> i ' r i ti r nut growin : hu i- O CHOICE WINES. ’ IQUORS AND CIGARS block 5 Burns .. ........... 15 30 9 maintenance of said a m - * in tl.iv ai. l adj lining c< un- o tliousand acres of ¡11 nt land“, ! i tlie time Io act. E Grace, Ì interest lots 7 o I FINE BILLIARD AND I'OdL TALLES. the board of 9 ti, - ; I.......I as Manager anil C"i’- which are (ci tiie I ut cannot be o C* ■ : ' ’/I ALLE CLUB ROOMS dock 6, lot-* 1 2 block y, by rule, tix a proper ! din ctors 1n.1v « r. «i" nd* nt; work emi lie core at ft 'tarter* ol 'ten. settled now on i account of thv o 9 DO 4-' Borns .......... for ad- educational ipialifleation < mur liotue. self-aii- ft lack of « r'er. It I I'itl.e. of tin ■*■ © M dfldt, * ; . w ! sic 12 Tiie Saltini.iv Evenitig l’<»t mission to s iid High school but E «» 4 e--*4. .«t:mj ''l ci'Vi'ii’gc for plttllH should be 1 allied out sin O 22 s r 35, , 1 nw | sec 1 1 I .imi'iiinces for l ari)’ public.itimi a -hall in tu case make any 9 to li. A. Slii-rrnaii, cessfull by congri «, ail impetus 6 14 €9 .'s r 35 ..................... t;..'< r:il Manager, Corcoran Buil itwilve p.ut serial story of lor l uiti' i or rtquire the 11 ft would lie given to thi’ gr> .it gen Wat* ra' SV,- j ve | sec 33 I » \ ofany f. •a from any pupil O ( pp site Uniti 'l Stat- s and .ni', i nture by Mm g in o eral lindi rl.iking of turning 100.- tp : 2‘1 s r 3 », w 1 !.<■], nw j ndssioii tu o Tr .i-nry, Wa -i' g' m 1». C: ei Isoli. M i -tcr of Mi n is a ! 9 000,1100 ai 1 i s <il glazing country » i i st-e 26 t¡> *2 < s r 30 LOCHER ;• PAN KRATZ Propts. High »elio* et lui tale of tlie new n iv) . pirt Inta I 8 block 5 Huron 1 1 71 o ç 9 c « 5 Í -z o 9 C » « ■’ 3 * ® • Ç e 9 ® " C 0 • in lite United Stat, into pi.'lit.1 hie ht Ml V B-er 5 c 1 • ; a <_ ’ ■ . • ■ ■ r.t- a 5-1 cents a gallon, 5 Tlie i enlr.d lìgures in die I.irming land. It is signita mt of g.dbm keg !■ : . 3 . •: keg f - r 1. I dozen bottles .ue a lidi orplian, cntei the changing 11.itine ol pu'di. f.T $1.50. i’-. i r d'-ii . c: ■ <1 any .■ i:t tiie cite. i-d die iii’.vy a» an apprendi e, and • r* cti* n of a m.tieii*’ bini sentinicnt 0:1 this pioblem that the "til* mise, rioni» for »tu a vnung cnsign, fi i-sli from thè K in - i- fill St.'t. a tirili op p' meni n i : ' itimi aulii <ent tunee >i*i n.iv.d acadi im . Thv autlioi leatl-* not I- ’f in One hund <-d n of palei ni.ih'in in an) fmui, now [ bis two lierues (Inoligli a in i ■ of • tildi i t» ni ‘ prop«‘r!y tiirn sa) s . “In igalion on a large si ale athenlurcs bv land and *’.i. rootns for oceupanev, 1 ut invilivi s too man) dillivillies ovei Thi» romani v m.i) faii ly b. of die money li ri bv llpprt P. 0. SMITH, Propt., _ _ _ _ w.iti i light* and otlii 1 suin'.ir ob Burns, Oregon. II alice! die lic-t w*u k of the I > -l .-lililí I e li-iil f..r tile er* stai les Io l*i‘ undci taken sllii'es- ; w i ilei of ■( i sioi ii . in da- ii uni11. • ucli li liidini' fully bv private prisons. Its ac- 8. elion 5. TI .->' all of t .* money û !I 1 .mp'.ishltn nt w. ippeai n tole cu t. S. Sci li >r. hen-I y anproprialed «hall lie m-ed lest apptopi i.itvlv with the <io\ - ex-’hi-ivi A ili ilio pivmetit tifile <1 nnivnt. h acher a in lid High Rchool nd el' ilie currei t expense» incidcnt tu it» T In- new < li mii al tu i cugini ni.iinlt nani *-. I. A Duncan has been ree ci t 1 mnl I .ted li Serti >n i*. l’|M>n pro-i ntati is all that the citv aulhoi Itivs ex fleet*.1 end th it a daik of ti,*' cerlitica’e of the ebairman ofl pected il to be and i- ieri sali-, tep in and l arri utT tie die I ■ ird i I direet r» hen il» iiirn- • fai lol i . Those uhi. r . Il ■ ■ I oí eil tli-it n lligh »choot a-* hercio ! ■ i. i v* s'i rd h « i- ion that a »team en ;in - w ou'.d li .1 ■rl . it. 2“. M. Bride, 1'; l'roii-b-d luis bi en i stnldi-h*’1 it* gn cn lictler servici Itavi not gii n >. Smith, democrat of l’iirii--. IL.rm y countv. Oregon, ai (1 tii >t siiital le rchool roonis lite matter as mudi con- dei .Iti -n Fulton, 2. Williams. » -nlli. eiit for the neeomniodiition of I. •« . 11. I Ab-i nt as tlie i num ihnen w h • m id - tin .unt I -s tlial Olle huillín I and tiftv pufiltitsc. It should be icnit'in «* ii . li ’- b V le.11 providid and bete I ib. t the i hi mu d engine is pr i **r!i fnr -lied t'ae secretar) t Nutke to Crcdi:ors. much mot i* clit » tn < in i s.i.tgii's’) • l ite rlia’.l ilraw hi» warrant lipón iug interior tiri » than anv othei In the county court of th« Stat, of tlie •'tate tria«urer in favor i-f tbe tmd without any datmgv i Icurman of ilio board of direi tora G.-egon for Harney county. ('“iiiui*Tvial Hohl Buiidit g cvei to g. o ' tl .it mele in (In In th” matter of the Estate of *>f Bum» schii’íl fur thv tutu lien by Eiirits. Oregon. Tin. St ilile i- : building. Il i< ready t a mo- Yrthur Hlavekl.-v I’atm •»I propriatid. the coreir of F r»t and B Street», and keeps hay and grain on hand II - mt ill's iiitii e. without waiting I- lent I Ip, Runs a Job W agon, Takes passeu- N lice is h. ri-l-v given by the tin- Cirs t • any part of llie ( ■1 ■ry- get up steam and van leraigm I. 1 Ti.'inas I'll/gi-rHld Ar She ¡¿imrc-Ku-raid FLORAL HALL, FEB. 141901 Good Management, Good Music, WALL ¡TO, CURTAIN POLLS, ; CITY MEAT ’ ' ' 'IŒT s ‘bii'Chrss i*. udsaiftEys on h£h1 ■ ro’c-cr-a eri! f 'Tc’e cf Your patronnée solicited. Can be th be fitted ert ccirpkte in the line of wearing’ apparel at our E. E. T hompson . store. ■ uold Executor of the estate of Yrthur Bl.iio kli v I’atoi-, deceased, to the creditor» of, and all persona having claims against said dec.a-ed to pri-ii'iit th smite with the n» ■ ><- arv vouches. within six moot l> » after the first publication of thin II.dice to «aid Executor, at the of- I lice of ll.ivee A Saxton, in Rurna, I llaruey county, State of Oregon Bei ini bis i .uni '. a noicl' 11 il. d th the 2 1 d t v o! \ v L ' i ’ fit"': i« Fit .' •» mi I’ \tisoi i' la« .d fuilhtnng lite righi ilv vi- I leeutor «ipmcnt <4 chiidrvti. I h> pio lido Fu an ioti >i '.auge vi i i nmi couturi ilniliiu lini’ Un Thr tlrin nf I 8 G.-. r A t'o hvv- pone ilassi » vi Birilli, whocanmit tilg di «v "* l »fit« interrst in tl-«< ntloril Limili ou in”*. • HI B iin» M'.'.i og t'o tf »• l ..-int» nf tu acmi ibi ir ibitilu n to thv that «nn pany nvi«t I* n-ttlni at . All nutstav ivuuti i, and ri < xvh.i i„i ih, y t * • will I* niid l>v Geer A Co i rii c thè < f . « • and ad »econnts are p ivable to I 8 Gn r A l\> ti i homr, w‘ . ai c - | ' ni* Datcd INt.Ater la 1'JOO with thè libi tal n- .; -i» t anv part of tow n. \\ e nodi ii'.d the city d id' w ill at tin h tn xt meeting niait» III I.ingen.etili to li. sc the li.linl eng it . put nt 11 pvt '. * .mg e fot a toe it mpam Io operate it and the vid engine U'< d tn i onjum lion witli the ilii iva. al. (ile aif.iid’ Ri n,i »al '< i’h interi- l in thi ir*- .»» p nipts.. »wh-ratc triat ;.ir.t * f the li-, ag Mm Un.b r and I*) virtue i f a War- riut ¡«sued out of ami under the Seal of the County Court of th- State of On gon for the • County of 1. A I’ll- ¡Firm ' . to me dir. >-i< d I and ih liv WEAR rrrd. commanding m« to I vy on MINT the goods ami chattels of th* leiin- GLOVE qnent ta«payer, namr <i oil til* d> - In pi< it I \ Itnlls ■ f 8»i*l I \>*lt't \ for th*' I'-vr-* 1» *1 ts'i’i I' i._ |';*7 I- ’8 »nd I*'1'», thereto att.i. h* d. and if non- Is- found, then upon the real proporti a* » t f .rth and de scribed in the s lid d lin ri nt T.i X Roll*, or »» tn ui-h thrrvxf a* »h.ili «niisfv the annvuiit of tax* s charged thee« in. together with th«eo«t« and exp- ** - , I have di * Irv < d, liât Ing Ucon unable to th»d ani or chattel-* be, n gi • 4 I-« : r» tive délit, pieni laipyv •» hrrrin- after t amed, tit* scrilsd tr.-iets ai» i I trv» ’« of r* «I I» I pi U n ’ n . Countv a company M r,T' “'n 1 s R ihu r . S uy asi » T rea ». HAVE JI ' r P i . .» A- T nxER. A tti i ; m : ys E. O. T. G. CO i Nt ’OHl’l >R ATEI». LINE OF OVERSHIRTS IT RE Gl M KI LLEK GOODS WARRANTED A LOT OF FRi <11 (.Koi ERIE< ssì Abstracts I nnsbed and Tide Guaranteed L Bu, d 8 doti G . I¡ .rney V.. unty. Oregon. L 'll. Oi'ti.e in Bank Building. I7 inest ol Bk nded ( ofk cs rzzz rm mi i •' Í— Mu<t not and wih not f >rge hov > i . % •THE CAPITAL SALOON;- TRA II * DONEGAN. Proprietors. ' i! Il SYME< ¡’repino C IBA ftp ftftft <u Ixi