Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1896)
\V ANI AN1 ED—I desire to cor- cor the 4-year-old daughter of Post pond with Oregon parties r‘«l - . master Nelson, of Susanville, was who may be able to supply found Sunday, sitting on a pile of me wi h choice Indian re ica driftwood by the riverside, appar- as spearheads, arrow heat’s, stone ____ ______ ently unconc rned, after being r lost I pipe», e°l- Writ« roe. roe’.I telling tei',inn roe ,U° what > t . , . - j 'you have. Address: H. P H amilton , seven days. The child recognized . r'u v..., n;„„ Waconsin. w-nn-in Two Rivers, the man who found her, said' ‘‘Hello” and called him by name.' STOCK INSPECTOR. She said she had not been FOB HARNEY COUNTY. frightened; she knew that she was lost, but thought she would soon Geo.Tregaskis, Burns,Or. Are Cold Baths Dangerous! The popular (___ notion of the injur- ' aLt of a cold bith taken by ____ , ious t effectoi one who is overheated from exer cise must possess—as all such ideas hlVe-some basis in experience, _-y- Wood Yard! j B j OOCL JL Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. yet it ia 'alsified bv the experience of athletes from the days of the Greeks and Ramans even until now, who find ’n this procedure a re DEPUTIES, freshing an.l stimulating tonic af find papa. It is learned that the O. B Dingle, — Diamond, Oregon. ter the exertions they have recent »ittle one lived on berri s and flesh H. S. Morris, — Riley, Oregon. from the carcass of a calf killed by ly undergone. Anl. physiologically speaking, a coyotes, quenched her thirst at the C SWEEK, cald plunge or douche taken river, where she washed her face every morning. She 1 ad made a diately after the physical effort, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, when the skin is acting freely and nim -mile circuit in the most dan Orrgoa. Bara«, I there is a sense of beat throughout gerous part of the mountains. She the holy, is as rational as in the suffered none. Her preservation is experience of the athlete it is ben regarded as a miraele. Millsr, Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Stor«. LISTEN!! LOOK! R AND Wm. efical. The popular belief doubtless rests on the injurious effects which may b’ induced bv the bath on one I EVI? ITS Struck By Lightning. PHYSICIAN Office him with a cough. In speaking of how he cured it he says: “I used' ! several kindo of cough syrup but tie of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which relieved me almost instantly and in a short time brought about a complete cure.” When troubled with a cough or cold use this remedy I and you will not find it necessary) to try several kinds before you get relief. It has been in the market I for over twenty years and constant | ly grown in favor and popularity. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by druggists. An Affidavit. PLACE TO GET BARGA INS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. Located first block East of Church. W. H. C anaday , Manager. OREGON | C. H. VOEGTLY, Dr. W.L. Marsden, Durring the winter of 1893, F. M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va , BURNS contracted a severe cold which left | paid a visit to some caves four miles | found no relief until I bought a bot- distant from here In one of these caves they found the bodies and skel-tons of 20 men Some of the men had been recently murdered, while only the skeletons oi others remained There w’ere three Americans among those who wjre murdered. They were recog n'x-d by their clothing. Th” ghastly discovery has caused great concern, and the authorities are working hard to bring the per petrator« to justice. 18 THE probable to be decided upon during' the present month than at any per iod since her conviction. The cus tom of the home office is to review REAL ESTATI AGENT. sentences passed on female con-. NOTARY PUBLIC victs at the end of eeyen years from I the date of sentence. Mrs Mavbrick has now been sev I I tW~Practices before U 8. Land Office. en years in prison, and, although i the home secretary lately an- ‘ nouneed that he had reconsidered the ease, and held to the conviction, and SURGEON at Residence Store Cash. Johnson’s L ondon , July 16 —The release of' Mrs. Florence Maybrick is more, there is reason to hope that he will ; * assent to a revision of the sentence Trevine, Mex , .Im ...—-------- „. y 16.—For sever-] al months there has been a band of Pf'na‘ servitude for life. robbers operating in this vicinity and many mysterious disappear ances of travelers through this sec tion have been reported to the au thorities, but no trace of the miss- ing was obtained until yesterday, when a party of pleasure seekers OREGO ONTARIO who does not resort to it immediate ly, but allows time for the effects of fatigue to show themselves on the muscles and nerves, and for the surface of the body to get cool Taken then, the bath is more like ly to depress than to stimulate. There is less power of reaction and greater liability to internal inflam mation At such a time a warm rather than a cold bath is more suitable.—London Tit-Bits. Skeleto . in Cave. ATTORNEY-fiT-LAW 1 Mrs. Maybrick's Case. DEALER IN— OREGON TINWARE’ : GUNó» : AMMUNITION- I : : ::Dantistry::: : MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION. ets. repaired promptly and satisfactory. By DR. D. B. CBTE BURNS - - Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guns, OREGON. Everything Every kind of first-class Dentistry done oi. short notice and in a work manlike manner. Cheap for Cash. 4 4 John Sweitzer, Carpen ter ..... .and ... w Builder ? » I Undertaking....................... . Work a specialty Fine Work...............................Low Prices. BURNS OREGON. This is to certify that on May 11 I walked to Melick’s drug store on L evdvii . lk , Colo., Julv 15.—Dur ing a terrible thunder storm in the a pair of crutches and bought a I mountains west of the citv, today, bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm inflammatory rheumatism BONG GEE, Proprietor. five men were struck by lightning, for which had crippled me up. After and al! are now in the hospital here,1 BURNS, OREGON. three probably fatally injured. The using three bottles I am completely men composed a section crew on cured. I can cheerfully recommend the Colorado Midland railroad, and it—Charles II. Wetzel, Sunbury, W're working near Thomasville, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before 80 miles from Leadvi'lc. Heavy ! "E. McNElL, Receiver. rain drove them to shelter, which me on August 10, 1894.—Walter TO THE For sale at 50 two <>f them found under a large Shipman, J. P. rock near the track, the other three cents per liottle by druggists. i Gives the choice of two transcontinental getting under a giant pine. Soon ROUTES. there came a blinding flash, and Those who are troubled with the g-eat tree was riven to splinters, GREAT UNION rheumatism should try a few ap I NORTHERN RY. fhe three tinder it wore stricken as PACIFIC RY. plications of Chamberlain’s Pain ' VIA. VIA. *:th death, while the two under the DENVER, Balm, rubbing the pans vigorously | SPOKANE. r’K-k near by were shocked and MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS CITY. at each application. If that '/^'sT PAUL and OMAHA. stunned, hut so< n ri entered e«»n- not bring relief dampen a piece of Low rates to all Eastern cities. ••■iousiiess. and were able to sum flannel with Pain Balm and bind it mon assistance, They found three OCEAN STEAMERS on over the seat if pain and prompt kave portland ev ‘ f(jr bla.-kened trunks, from wh'ch all > relief will purely follow. For eale I n _ clothing had been torn, but there l»y druggists *ere siifns of life I For full details call on O. RAN 0 Agent, Baker City, or addr«M — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham I W. H. H urlburt , Other Oregon New«. i obi ber. desires a part of your pat-! » kn pass aot Portland, Oer. LAUNDRY. I» WHOLESALE DEALER IN -Fine Kentucky First door south of Post Office. Whiskies | B urns , O regon . 0.1. & I. (0.. ES AST. San Francisco. PtA. ixrwc,Ur. J lb 14.—Emma -onage, at the new barber shop. General Fire & Life Insurance Agent. Representing the following well known companies: Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York. National Life Association of Hartford, Conn., Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Assets. ♦»82,588,577.00. • « 7.000-,000.00. *• Preferred Accident Insurance Company of N. Y *4 Fireman’s Fund Fire Insurance Company af 8. F, tt •00,000.00. 456,811.00. 3,481,717.00. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society of Liverpool, Eng. » B urns , H arnby C ounty . 5,800,000.00. O rygon .